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when i wake up every morning, first thing is to check mobile phone for messages, notifications and emails. how to stop myself from touching my phone?


cannot. later must marry her. i don't want
You fuck her but don't want to marry her? Are you aware of the consequences?

You have transformed a 良家婦女 into a slut. You are a slut factory churning out sluts.

How is your tau tao going to marry a good husband in the future? 事業有成 men like scrooball (clone) and 好好先生 like @eatshitndie will not want her as wife.

Her only salvation is to become a virgin again, 把黑的說成白的,還要煉成一口流利的咒語 to prevent people from 撥亂反正。


You fuck her but don't want to marry her? Are you aware of the consequences?

You have transformed a 良家婦女 into a slut. You are a slut factory churning out sluts.

How is your tau tao going to marry a good husband in the future? 事業有成 men like scrooball (clone) and 好好先生 like @eatshitndie will not want her as wife.

Her only salvation is to become a virgin again, 把黑的說成白的,還要煉成一口流利的咒語 to prevent people from 撥亂反正。
later siaolang will come in hoot u:roflmao:


多年前有一個勤奮愛家的鄰居女孩,十年寒窗考進南洋理工大學,成為當年會計系之花,後來因為遇人不淑 … …
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… … 那登徒浪子就像你,把人家衣服扒光,全身蹂躪一遍後才說: “洞在哪裡?”



i don't recall having this habit when my mother bought me my first phone after psle results... why am i so reliant on this phone thingie now...

The first time smaller handphones started selling in Sinkieland was around 1996. If you are in P6 about that time, then you're born in the 80s or even 90s. You must be a really young chap.
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For me, when i wake up every morning, first thing is my dick will be very big big.

So for my case, how to stop my LJ from becoming a monster?
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