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when i wake up every morning, first thing is to check mobile phone for messages, notifications and emails. how to stop myself from touching my phone?


i don't recall having this habit when my mother bought me my first phone after psle results... why am i so reliant on this phone thingie now...


then in secondary school days, first thing I wake up is to play with my LJ fantasising about actresses and girls from the convent school. not touch phone leh. why now never touch my LJ anymore???


i want to ask seniors here above 70, last time when u were in 30s, when there isn't popularity of mobile phones, what is the first thing u do when u wake up? how is life like 40 years ago without apple samsung etc?


there are some girls that once u piakpiak her, she will niam to u for life. that's why use safety helmet is no use one. once she has the niamniam mindset, it's dangerous
If no helmet,be warned that one day she call u to inform u that she is pregnant.
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A Singaporean

there are some girls that once u piakpiak her, she will niam to u for life. that's why use safety helmet is no use one. once she has the niamniam mindset, it's dangerous
Why don't u just admit that you prefer men. Just another CAQ.
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