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Wayangparty.com : Please Read and be Warned


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
This particular individual would not DARE to let anyone know who he or she is as this person had gathered too many enemies for all the attacks and falsehood that had been put out.

if anyone could recall the character "QXP" of the old sammyboy, he was relentless in his personal attacks on anyone who dont agree with him but once his identity been blown open due to his own arrogance and stupity, Bing aka QXP disappeared as he knows he could nolonger does any damage and his real life credibity had been damaged by himself, not to mention the possiblity of many defamation suits that could be coming his way.


Frankly speaking, if one can incur "enemies" because of critical flyers distributed, I think it reflects more on the target of those flyers rather than on the person distributing those flyers.

Were there defamatory words in those flyers? Did those flyers assassinate the character of Mr Low Thia Khiang, or of any other WP member? Did those flyers say WP members engaged in criminal activity?

No? So what is the enmity then? If someone came up to an SDP function and distributed flyers saying SDP was a stupid party, I don't think SDP members would regard that guy as an enemy.

As for QXP, you guys were the ones who exposed his identity and then paraded it like some big trophy. That to me is more distasteful than any of the comments he ever made, no matter how crude.

Is calling Sylvia Lim a beguiling wayang actress defamation? Is calling LTK odious defamation too?

If so, then I should be sued as well. And just a reminder, I have my full name and picture online.



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The term "Wayang Party" originated from James Gomez in GE 2006 when he told PAP Inderjit Singh something about "wayang" during his minority form saga. Anyway, I think for all sincerely interested in the opposition cause, regardless of of whether belonging to supporting the Workers' Party or not, this "Wayang Party" tag is unwarranted and has to go. Of course, I'm not in anyway imposing anything on the present members of the Wayang Party blog. Just a sincere suggestion.

In my opinion, if the Wayang Party tag is unjustified and unreasonable, then the person using that term will be discredited, rather than WP itself. So there is really nothing for you to worry about, right?



If their interview with Chua Sheng Yang was FAKED, don't you think they are taking a huge risk, in that the real Chua Sheng Yang can step forward any moment, set up a blog clarifying he granted no such interview, and discredit them totally?

Secondly, tell me where he PILFERED all those videos of Tan Kin Lian and Goh Meng Seng speaking at Speaker's Corner. TOC? Nah ... you can easily check that they are not the same videos.

Tell me also where all the other contents written by their own editorial team are PILFERED FROM.


This is the same guy that you had previously linked your site on 2 previous occasions and then de-linked. This is Thinknothing, to jog your memory.

Where did I say he pilfered the videos. His first video of GMS was obviously taken by a kids who he must have paid and therefore trembled thru out the process. This the same guy who takes the trouble of taking GMS van photos, Andrew Loh's Block photos , even went to the trouble of going to penang to take DAP office photos. This is the same guy who started the SDP affair rummour.

Thsi is the same guy that claimed that a number of TOC contributors have agreed to move to his site 2 months ago.

Maybe you like to be interviewd by one of his editors or journalists. Then you can share your experience here. No phone interview though. He normally gives out NTUC vouchers.

You really got to stop getting out of the wrong side of the bed. I did not say anything because I thought most of us knew and he stopped doing his usual nonsense and started on a new path - imaginary journalism. But putting some guys phoitos without verifying and doing the fake interviewed.

Maybe you know something that rest do not.



Talking cock is a site that does satire very well. People can tell what is real and what is not.

Wayangparty.com claims to be the "premier satirist news blog" on their banner. But it obvious that people think its real

Look at Ng Ejay, even he thought the interview was real.

This guy has got a history.


PAP progaganda in progresst.

You really should stop wasting taxpayers' money to ramble and tell lies at SBF. Your boss already lost 50USD billion of taxpayers' money. We know more has been lost and it does not take 54 man years to put together that it could be more than half of this year's GDP. Your finance and economic bullshit analysis is really bad. That is the problem of graduating with a bachelors scholarship and being out of school and rubber stamping for years. After 6 months, you are worse than an NUS undergraduate. Go spend your ill gotten taxpayers' money and worry less abotu Ejay, Yap, CSJ, you imaginary enemy. It would really be bad if your real personality is revealed. You will have to migrate for sure and lose chance of free millions.


You really should stop wasting taxpayers' money to ramble and tell lies at SBF. Your boss already lost 50USD billion of taxpayers' money. We know more has been lost and it does not take 54 man years to put together that it could be more than .
Sounds familar. Anymore interviews, let us know.

By the way, any photos of the editorial team. I like your caveat where you claim to the "premier satirist new blog" to avoid legal but fool people with interviews


As for QXP, you guys were the ones who exposed his identity and then paraded it like some big trophy. That to me is more distasteful than any of the comments he ever made, no matter how crude.

If I am not wrong, GMS was the one adding to confirm QXP's identity in the old sbf. I read that post before, you can look for it provided that it was not deleted/edited.



All these will result in fragmentation.

Most of it is based on the past. And it must have been a traumatic past. Because of the baggage, we try to justify every action even when we know that in normal human relationships, unacceptable behaviour had occured. Either that or we attack.

The end result is still fragmentation.

GMS had already suggested a better way in another thread. So Avantas, i am giving you the benefit of the doubt, since you have close ties with WayangParty why not you ask them what should be a better way.

Sometimes a "Sorry, let's move on" is useful. For some, they always say, "You should be thankful, let's move on", but let's not be like them.

"Sorry" is a good word.

It heals.



Frankly speaking, if one can incur "enemies" because of critical flyers distributed, I think it reflects more on the target of those flyers rather than on the person distributing those flyers.

Were there defamatory words in those flyers? Did those flyers assassinate the character of Mr Low Thia Khiang, or of any other WP member? Did those flyers say WP members engaged in criminal activity?

No? So what is the enmity then? If someone came up to an SDP function and distributed flyers saying SDP was a stupid party, I don't think SDP members would regard that guy as an enemy.

As for QXP, you guys were the ones who exposed his identity and then paraded it like some big trophy. That to me is more distasteful than any of the comments he ever made, no matter how crude.

Is calling Sylvia Lim a beguiling wayang actress defamation? Is calling LTK odious defamation too?

If so, then I should be sued as well. And just a reminder, I have my full name and picture online.


Quit calling me jacys. I m not that person and it seems u guys have a fixation over who this jacy or johnston whatever his name is character whch i do not understand.

but from your writing I can tell how fustrated you are with the inability of wayangparty.com reaching its objective.

I do noy know who exposed QXP or parade him around, but it does apear QXP aka Bing had had contacts with you guys ( a particular meeting at centrepoint?) and ur association with wayangparty.com does shows a rather evil motive which again, I do not understand.

But do not assume I m dumb and not observant. You cant get the guy, do not just push the blame around to cover your failure.


So Avantas, i am giving you the benefit of the doubt, since you have close ties with WayangParty why not you ask them what should be a better way.

Sometimes a "Sorry, let's move on" is useful. For some, they always say, "You should be thankful, let's move on", but let's not be like them.

"Sorry" is a good word.

It heals.

You don't seem to realise. Its just one person. He does not have any political conviction or ideology. He tend to play one party against another and one person against another. Mosts of the vets here don't engage him because we are aware of his background.

The Nick "Avantas" belongs to a reasonable chap who was inclined towards WP in the old SBF. As he posts article in his site with a link to wayangparty.com, he does the same in the some of the successor sites of the old SBF under his previous Nick "LimtuaKang".

Actually I thought he was mending his ways until he put the photo of the chua chap without verification and did the fake interview and you guys were responding.


Thanks Scroobal for your points.

If you want to bring cohesion so that the Opposition can be focused on a clear platform, you will tend to overlook a lot of things. A focused Opposition may well get them a GRC or two.

Chill :smile:


Sure, put your real face and name now first and i will ask them to reveal theirs.

Dare not reveal your ISD identity ?


Mr Scoobal,

Please email Mr Tan Kin Lian at [email protected] to get the email of the real Chua Sheng Yang from him using your real name if you have the balls to do so.

Now, if you would email your concerns about wayangparty.com to them at [email protected], i am sure they will glady publish it.

The question is, do you DARE ?

Even if you were to repeat your post everyday in all forums in Singapore, you are not going to dent wayangparty's popularity a single bit.


Mr Scoobal,

Please email Mr Tan Kin Lian at [email protected] to get the email of the real Chua Sheng Yang from him using your real name if you have the balls to do so.

Now, if you would email your concerns about wayangparty.com to them at [email protected], i am sure they will glady publish it.

The question is, do you DARE ?

Even if you were to repeat your post everyday in all forums in Singapore, you are not going to dent wayangparty's popularity a single bit.

So now you are no longer with wayangparty.com. Scared of lawsuit. Don't tell me you threw yourself out during a board meeting attended by you alone.

What happenned to those people who you said will leave TOC to join you. Could you give us an update or progress report.

Also noticed that you have featured Ejay article on your site.

I have copied the editorial team details from your website. Could you throw some light on who does what, who funds thems, any chance of a North American or European correspondent. Is this black ops of a figment of a creative mind. Do these people exist. We all know who are the real people behind talkingcock and TOC. What about your site.

You claim to be the "premier satirist new blog" in your manner so are the articles tongue in cheek or real. Is Ejay's article real or tongue in cheek.

We are all confused. If this one man show. How do you sustain yourself. Is your office in Upper Changi Road.

"Fang Zhi Yuan, Chief Editor

A founding member of this blog, Zhi Yuan is one of the fiercest critic of PAP and its loyal “opposition” WP in cyberspace. A fervent liberal and democrat, he advocates for a complete reform of the present political system. He has no intention of joining a political party at the moment, preferring to contribute in whatever small ways he can as an armchair critic. An engineer by training, he now works as a researcher in a MNC.

Lim Siow Kuan, Deputy Chief Editor and Malaysian Correspondent

Born in Muar, Johor, Siow Kuan’s political activism was ignited during the reformasi movement in 1998 where he was an active volunteer with the Democratic Action Party (DAP). After obtaining his B.A. (political science) from Monash University, Australia, he came to Singapore where he worked as a risk analyst in a consultancy film. Through his frequent writings here, Siow Kuan hopes to keep Malaysians living in Singapore updated on the political situation across the causeway.

Senior writers

Eugene Yeo

Mohamad Fairuz

Cheng Siew Peng

Lim Yii Tong (Guest Columnist for now)

Gregory Chan Yin Fong (Guest Columnist for now"


Mr Scroobal, time to shut up and walk the talk:

Scroobal has openly cast doubts about wayangparty's quiz of the week and the authencity of their interview with Chua Sheng Yang.

I have discussed with the wayangparty guys and they have decided to issue Mr Scroobal a challenge:

1. Take part in wayangparty's quiz of the week this Sunday. Email the answer to [email protected], put down his real name and address as well as indicate he is the scroobal from SBF, wayangparty will offer to pay him S$60 worth of NTUC Vouchers if he can get the answer correct.

2. Email Mr Tan Kin Lian at [email protected] to check with him if he had received Chua Sheng Yang's email. If Mr Tan is willing to pass him the email, he can contact Chua Sheng Yang to verify for himself if he is the real deal.

Will Scroobal please reply ???

If he is unwilling to accept the above 2 challenges which are so easy to fulfil, this means that Scroobal is merely a PAP agent sent here to wreck havoc on blogosphere.

Mr Scroobal, enough of empty talk.

The wayangparty is more than willing to prove you WRONG. The question is, do you have the BALLS to reply ??


Hi Ram,

Actually they wanted to change the name, but wayangparty has become so well-known that if they drop it, it will affect their readership.

But I can assure you they are smart people and they will not want make WP their enemy. As you can see for yourself, the more their readership increase, the more they move into the center, there is hardly any anti-WP posts nowadays.