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Today's Scripture Reading


yah! also when Jesus was alive he was tempted by devils for 40 days and 40 nights in a big hill (soory no mountain in Arab).


I want to share something with you that the Holy Spirit has made clear to me. I am to sit still and go into deep prayer with the Lord that, we as children of God must come to realization that we must all prepare our hearts for Lord Jesus.

It is quite surprising that when I spoke to people, many don’t seem to know much about the Gulf of Mexico oil spill even though some scientists and environmentalists claimed that this oil spill is going to be ‘the mother of all calamities.’ Yet, there isn’t any much news in our mass media. In the U.S. many reporters are harassed by law enforcement officers when they tried to interview workers who are doing the rescuing operations. It is simply mind boggling that we don’t hear any news about this disaster which is going to be of apocalyptic scale and magnitude! In fact, there are comments that the real disaster has not even begun. What is taking place in the Gulf of Mexico is just preparing for the worst disaster that the world has never faced before! So, is there a conspiracy among the governments around the world to blackout the news and not telling us what they know? Why are we not told of the event? It is really, really very bad! (If you are interested to know more about this – go to google/Youtube and search for keywords like: BP oil spill; Gulf of Mexico oil leak and you will get many video clips on this topic.)

There is nothing we can do and just like many Americans, all we can now do is to turn to God for help. We must also at the same time prepare ourselves and to let our hearts be right with our living God. While the world stands and watches helplessly, we, as children of God, should not be ignorant of such things because they are prophecised in the Bible thousand years ago (read Revelation 8:8-9; 16:3-4)

And what does BP really mean? Bible Prophecy - a coincidence!

I have just come across the following message that was written by a concern Christian and I am led by the Holy Spirit to share with you:

It’s very sad to see what is happening. It would appear that BP is a company which has a track record of cutting corners in order to maximise short term profit, and this seems to be what has happened in this case. As a result, the Gulf of Mexico has been all but destroyed by vast plumes of crude oil, methane gas, hydrogen sulphide and other toxic chemicals bubbling to the surface.

This is likely to have a massive effect on the situation in the United States.
It is not just that many fish are dying, that the ecosystem is being destroyed by all of this. It is not just that tourism in the area will die, or the fishing industry there will shut down perhaps for decades. It is not only that beautiful dolphins and other majestic sea creatures are dying on the beaches. This event portends the beginning of terrifying judgments on America and may extend in its consequences to the nations of the world.

Fish and animals are now dying. People will be next. There are reports out there that people are getting sick just breathing the air near the coast, because of the toxic chemicals there. If it is true that vast amounts of toxic methane gas are getting ready to explode to the surface, as some report, then the damage that is coming will be almost impossible to calculate. But even if this does not happen, it is very possible that the level of toxicity in the atmosphere will become so great that vast portions of the gulf coast, and later the east coast of America, may become uninhabitable. If this happens, then people will be FORCED to evacuate. But where do you resettle 20 million homeless people?

Special camps have been prepared over the years by the American authorities like FEMA, to hold vast numbers of people. It may be that under a forced evacuation scenario, people will be forcefully relocated into these camps. I am not sure that the authorities will allow people to just leave these camps as they please. No doubt there will be many who will desperately leave the coast area without any resources - many will turn to crime and lawlessness in order to survive. They will go into other States where the State Governments are already broke and can hardly afford to pay their own overstretched police forces.

For decades America has been sowing LAWLESSNESS into the airwaves. For decades Hollywood has been glorifying everything the Bible condemns. The visible church of God in America has by-and-large become a club of unconsecrated pleasure seekers whose core passion is to make money and gain influence. It by and large lacks the saltiness to stop the rot in America. As a result, what has been sown in abundance will also be reaped - violence, terror, murder of innocents, theft, robbery, the destruction of the family, deception and hardness of heart. The consensus will be that the people of America cannot be trusted with freedom - and liberty will be taken away by the authorities in the name of National Security.

America has become the seat of Babylon and its destruction is promised in the Last Days. You can love America all you like, but ultimately you will not be able to hold back the destruction that is coming. You can lay down your life trying to help others there, you can flee, or you can simply perish with the masses. I don't see any other choices.


I want to share something with you

Hi Psalm23,

My own understanding is that it is nothing to do with America as a country but the human beings who direct that country.

I doubt the title of 'Babylon' is the exclusive right of America. It can also be applied to Singapore.

My belief is that Christians need to pray, not for mercy for the guilty, but for justice for the innocent and oppressed. Today, it is like the days of Noah, when some pastors worship money and fame, christians blame each other, non-christians blaspheme. Like the days of Noah, there are remnants of righteousness. Unlike the days of Noah, God will not send another flood to cleanse the world of human beings. But God should send forth justice.

For why should we protect the guilty? Most say that we should because we are not perfect and being the recipients of God's love and mercy, why should we ask for Judgment on others? But we are not asking for Judgment. We are asking for justice and a purer world.

I remembered some church leaders praying for God's mercy on Afghanistan and the Talibans who killed the korean christians. I do not join in their prayer. I asked them, what about the korean christians who were murdered by the Talibans? They said they should know the score. The callousness shown by these christians to their fellow christians is astounding and make me very unwilling to have anything to do with their missions. It is perfectly alright to pray for God's mercy on those Talibans who wanted to listen. But we must also pray for God's justice to the victims. 'Vengeance is Mine', says the Lord, 'I will repay'. Then I prayed, 'Lord, repay!'.

Your example of Jonah. Nineveh was saved because the king repented and the people followed suit. Righteous leaders are important. Because the people follow their leaders.

To conclude, whilst we are here on earth, we have rights and we must exercise them.

Coming back to America, BP. Babylon includes Singapore.

My opinions. I claim no divine right.
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Hi IR123,

Fully agree with what you have written! We reap what we sow - it may be slow but it will happen eventually! Because God is full of justice, He will bring judgment when judgment is due.

As one popular American has said before - If God does not judge America, He has to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. At this rate of lawlessness that every nation is heading, I am inclined to add that: If God does not bring judgment to the world, He has to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.

But God knows the timing better than any else does. He will bring judgment but at the same time He is allowing His faithful people to repent first. In fact, repentance is the key to Jesus teaching and unless we all repent, we all will not see His wonderful light.

Coming back to the BP oil spill, it was amazing that the news yesterday broadcasted by CNN was not on the disaster itself but on the financial aspects of BP. Because the stock price of BP is now half of what it was before the oil spill, many rich companies in the Middle-East, especially oil companies, are planning to invest in BP hoping, of course, to make big profit in later years. They are more interested in reaping the benefits out of this disaster which is going to be of apocalytic proportion. The Gulf of Mexico is now at the preparation stage for the most serious environmental disaster which will come within the next 12 months (as pointed by many scientists and environmentalists), sadly, their interest is not to offer help to stop the leak or saving the environment but how to make financial gain.

It's mind boggling why there is absolutely no news in our local TV on this event when the disaster is worst than the Haiti earthquake (from the environmental standpoint), yet in the Haiti earthquake, we saw so much news in the papers and TV over many days.

(Note: I hope you can contribute more regularly to this blog.)
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.......... If God does not judge America, He has to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.............

Sinners are those who used God's name in vain and often put his/her words in God's mouth. We are not born a sinner until we used God's name in vain, used God to outrageously and greed to aks for money.


All my dear Brothers and Sisters-in-Christ,

I have been very burdened by the Holy Spirit and I have been inspired by Him to keep conveying to you the message on the BP oil leak in Mexico. We, as children of God, are all precious people to Him. So, let's get serious and get real with Him. It's not a joke anymore. There are people making fun of the Word of God, the Bible; mocking our Lord Jesus; blaspheming His Holy Name, etc. Let us not be encouraged by these people because we have been told time and again that even believers are going to fall away from faith during the end-time.

As I have mentioned several times in my postings, my messages are directed mainly to the truly born-again Christians (although non-Christians are also welcome to read.) I am not surprised that my messages are being attacked. In fact, it gives me so much greater encouragement because all God's truth messages are scandalous to people, especially non-believers. They just cannot accept Jesus as the God and the Saviour. Let us spend more time understanding God's revelation and current world events that we are facing and we are seeing all over the world are pointing to the fulfillment of the His prophecies. As we all know, the Bible, the Word of God, is only for His children and unless we are God's children, we cannot understand what He said to us in His revealed truth.

I strongly encourage you all go to the Scriptures and discover for yourself what God is speaking to you. Precious people! It's not a joke anymore if you look at what's happening in the Gulf of Mexico. The last resort that BP needs to do is to us nuclear explosion to stop the oil spill. It's too technical for us to us how this work but scientists and environmentalists have warned that even if BP can succeed in capping the leak using nuclear device, the sea in the north-eastern hemisphere will be so contaminated with the nuclear fallout that no fishing can be done over the next 100 years! Be mindful - sea water moves and moves very fast from one ocean to another. The contaminated water will affect our sea, just a matter of time. As in Revelation 8:8-9, it is written that the sea will become blood and 1/3 of the fish would die! If you go to the Youtube, you will be so shock to see that reddish-brown coloured oil now cover coast to coast in the Gulf of Mexico. It's not black as what many of us thought. It's reddish-brown and look exactly like blood!

But be not afraid, precious people. God will deliver His people. We need to repent and stay faithful to our Lord Jesus. Certain, you will want to ask one question: What can we do? Really, there is nothing we can do but to pray for God's mercy and to help us staying faithful to Him. We can reach out to people and tell people about Jesus because our only hope is in Him and in Him alone. We are all born sinners and only the blood of Jesus can redeem us.

For those who are interested to know more about the oil leak, please go to Youtube and search for Oil Leak, Dr Scott Johnson. There are two series of sermon given by Dr Scott Johnson on this topic. Please don't just trust my posting. Everything we read and hear, we must check the source and of course our main source is the Bible.

God bless.


Hi Psalm23,

Ok, I will read up on the oil spill. Did not thought it was that serious, well not as serious as the Orchard Road flooding and the commandos getting shot.

As for the hecklers, don't worry about them - they have nothing better to do.

Keep to your once a week posting.

I do hope that you will set up your own blog. At least all the effort you put into the blog belongs to you. Here it belongs to the forum owner.

Once in a week, you might like to copy and paste one of your postings to this thread and attach a link to your signature. In this way, you benefit those christians who enjoy your postings and you have something to show for it. No one can deface your blog. But anyone can post in your thread.

Do consider.

I do not mind contributing to your blog if you have one.

Keep up the good work here.


Hi IR123,

Thanks for all your encouragement.

By the grace of God, although I wasn't expecting any big readership to my posting, but it simply happens. I started this last year July and the latest count is that there are over 15,000 views. I really don't know how this number is tracked but I think there are quite a number of people reading the messages, perhaps couple of hundred (my guess only). I can only come to the conclusion that many there people out there are seeking God's truth and hungry for His Word. This is giving me great encouragement to keep sharing His message. My key objective of this blog is to relate the current local and world events to the Scriptures. This is really lacking in most sermons that I heard especially from local churches. Furthermore, as what you have said too, many preachers are preaching more on material and financial gains rather than sharing the finished work of our Lord. Their main concern is how to improve the material quality of the life of people which is nothing wrong but we must make sure that seeking God's Kingdom must be our top priority over everything.

Another encouragement is that since my messages of God's work were intensely attacked and defaced, the viewership just simply increase. Before this attack, the average views were between 30 - 50 but now there are 80- 100. Sometimes even more. I want to give all glory to God for this and to ask of Him to sustain me in my service to Him especially through my messages here.

I am exploring to create my own blog and in fact has called couple of the companies dealing in setting up private internet domain. I am not good in all these things so perhaps need to take a while to set up my own blog. Any advice how I could do this?

Once I have my own blog - I will certainly welcome your contribution. In the meantime, do contribute to this blog whenever you are led by His Spirit.

God bless.


Hi Psalm23,

Do pm me with your email address and I will guide you through the blogging process.


I was chatting with someone and he told me that nowadays a number of new churches are using the New Creation Church model - which is to register a company limited by guarantee for the local church and then pass the money over to a company for profit, with a deed of trust back to the local church.

You might like to do a comparison of this model versus that of any other charties registered under the Charities Act.

It is the new flavour of the decade - akin to social entrepreunership - serving God, using the charity's money as a constant feed for business ventures and minimising contact with the Commissioner of Charities. Because the company feeds on tithes, these business ventures have a constant inflow of cash.


You are fulfilling a need for some here, those who really need your posts as well as those whose lives and faith really suck. Maybe both need your posts.


In my opinion, there is a crisis of faith amongst christians today. Brother turn against brother and there is no trust. Once I thought that pastors do not lie. Today I know that at least two pastors had lied through their teeth (I have no proof of this). Some christians lived lives of infidelity. Divorce and unfaithfulness feature in the lives of many christians. These appear to be on the increase.

Can there be a solution?

Can there be a return to purity?

In the end, I know I have no answers to this. I know however I can never trust pastors again. As Leonardo Da Vinci said, "While I thought I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die." It is okay not to trust some pastors but there must be a replacement. I am going back to the God of the Bible and seek to know Him more and live a life that pleases Him. In that sense, I am preparing for the day when I will meet Him face to face and accept whatever Judgment He gives me. Most of my tithes I give in His Name to charity - the poor, the hungry and the oppressed. And now with the BP oil spill, to Greenpeace.

I am not saying everyone should follow my way. I am simply saying, this is my way.
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......... I wasn't expecting any big readership to my posting,..........

Hey hello!, the numbers are accumulative from day one, nothing unexpecting. People just click once for curosity and if found uninteresting they leave. The rest of the culumative clicks increaed in small numbers and perhaps from the same like Christian people.

.... I can only come to the conclusion that many there people out there are seeking God's truth and hungry for His Word .....

Dream on! you are lucky to get me entertain you the rest are just reading your silly article (cut and paste) and your assumationof the world affair.

....My key objective of this blog is to relate the current local and world events to the Scriptures .....

Looks like you are a professional in all fields and everything has to be related to the Scriptures! Hey hello! things don't happens and at the wills of God. The trouble with Christains are too focus on God and think it all have to do with God problem. Depending how you interpret the Bible, when God tell Abraham to leave Haran, what did God promise and Abrahma died ever to see the holy land God promises? It is either Abraham sin against God for telling his people God told him to leave Haran and promised a land for us (those who follow him). In the end Abrahma gets NUTS!

So what has this story got to do with BP oil spill? You go make you own assessment.

......... as what you have said too, many preachers are preaching more on material and financial gains rather than sharing the finished work of our Lord..........

.......Their main concern is how to improve the material quality of the life of people which is nothing wrong but we must make sure that seeking God's Kingdom must be our top priority over everything .........

Hello!, improve quality of life is man's priority in life. Where you think this internet come from? It took 40 years to give you the internet? That is why you need someone like me 'f... you ' a bit so you don't write nonsense articles. Going back to pre-wars years are you (<1942)> Where you still send by post lettter and took months to reach the receiver!

.....is that since my messages of God's work were intensely attacked and defaced, the viewership just simply increase......

Yeah! don't think it is Gods' works, perhaps more people are reading to see how you react and respond to critisim, not merely attacking you and your so call God's words (Man are not born a sinner, they only sin when use God's name in vain and for profit).

...Before this attack, the average views were between 30 - 50 but now there are 80- 100.........

Great, perhaps it was my work, the Satan, if you wish to call me who has increased the viewers ... hehehe BTW. Satan is not that devil in your Bible, it is simply your adversary.

...I am exploring to create my own blog and in fact has called couple of the companies dealing in setting up private internet domain. I am not good in all these things so perhaps need to take a while to set up my own blog. Any advice how I could do this? ...

Go ahead and wish you luck. Currently you are hiding behind a nick name in a forum. Try open a blog and you will have a registered name and will be responsible for what you write and you will find more people like me, and perhaps people will sue or charge with blasphemy by some church groups.

Politics and religious don't mix, so is natural diaster and religion don't mix. You try to protray or play God, like the POMies, and used God name in vain on the BP case. Hello, leave it to US Prsident to deal with. Don't write nonsense thing you don't know of BP cases and saying using low grade quality products had caused the problem. It is business to find cheaper products and when problem arises it just business as usual.

POMies are good at playing God, so you also behave like POMies, do you?

The Bible is not a Holy Scriptures. If it was, it has to be dscovered! Like the Morons who discovered the 2nd part of the Bible .... hehehe

Bible were written over 1,500 years (not discovered 1,500 years ago). Texts and stories in the bible has been added, modified, removed, cut and paste over these 1,500 years and as such nobody knows if the story was correct.

The stories of Yehweh and Abraham in the Bible were from the Jewish ancestors. If Yehweh was the Jewish creator, then Yehweh was their first forefather or first ancestor of the Jew race and the Jews have been praying to their ancestor till today! They make Yehweh, their creator or ancestor, their God.

So why don't you make you make your ancestor your God too! So do you know why I has been telling to you pray to your ancestor will do just fine! you got my point now!

You want an adoption do you? you want to bleive in Yehweh, the Jewish ancestor, their God!


Hi IR123,

Absolutely right! The Word of God is clearer than ever before given what we are experiencing now. In Psalm 118:8 (apparently this is the center verse of the Bible, if one uses KJV to count), it says: It is better to trust in th LORD than to put confidence in man. In Romans 3:23, the Bible tells us: For ALL have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.

In this corrupt world, many people just naively believe that things will get better but this is exactly the opposite of what God tells us: As we approach the end time, many will become lovers of self, lovers of money, unholy, inconsiderate, proud, etc (2 Timothy 3:2-4). We see divorces on the rise not just in the west, but here too. We need to continue to pray to God for His strengthening, especially when it comes to our marriage life and our family.

God Bless
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Hi IR123,

Absolutely right! The Word of God is clearer than ever before given what we are experiencing now. In Psalm 118:8 (apparently this is the center verse of the Bible, if one uses KJV to count), it says: It is better to trust in th LORD than to put confidence in man. In Romans 3:23, the Bible tells us: For ALL have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.

In this corrupt world, many people just naively believe that things will get better but this is exactly the opposite of what God tells us: As we approach the end time, many will become lovers of self, lovers of money, unholy, inconsiderate, proud, etc (2 Timothy 3:2-4). We see divorces on the rise not just in the west, but here too. We need to continue to pray to God for His strengthening, especially when it comes to our marriage life and our family.

God Bless


........... Absolutely right! The Word of God is clearer than ever before given what we are experiencing now. In Psalm 118:8 (apparently this is the center verse of the Bible, if one uses KJV to count), it says: It is better to trust in th LORD than to put confidence in man..........

Word of God? You putting your words into God's mouth?

Do you know who was the first editor of the English KJV. Francis Bacon. if you adds up 1188 and divide by 9 and reduce to the lowest the end sum is 9. These words are place right in the centre of the Bible, and he was tryin to tell you trust in the Lord than beleive in the man who wrote this Bible.

..... In this corrupt world, many people just naively believe that things will get better but this is exactly the opposite of what God tells us:....

Hello! things have gotten better and standard of life have impeoved and it is not what you think is the opposite. Here again you are putting your words in God's mouth, playing God is it? Hey don't play God? You have sinned if you keep using God name in vain.

....As we approach the end time, many will become lovers of self, lovers of money, unholy, inconsiderate, proud, etc (2 Timothy 3:2-4). We see divorces on the rise not just in the west, but here too. We need to continue to pray to God for His strengthening, especially when it comes to our marriage life and our family....

What end time? only Christians think there are end times coming. Hello!


....As I have mentioned several times in my postings, my messages are directed mainly to the truly born-again Christians (although non-Christians are also welcome to read.) I am not surprised that my messages are being attacked. In fact, it gives me so much greater encouragement because all God's truth messages are scandalous to people, especially non-believers....

You are not attacked but put down and rebutted. Your writing is not God's messages sent from God t you. Here again I have to tell you don't play God and write things and say it is Gods' message.

............ to do is to us nuclear explosion to stop the oil spill. It's too technical for us to us how this work but scientists and environmentalists have warned that even if BP can succeed in capping the leak using nuclear device, the sea in the north-eastern hemisphere will be so contaminated with the nuclear fallout that no fishing can be done over the next 100 years! Be mindful - sea water moves and moves very fast from one ocean to another. The contaminated water will affect our sea, just a matter of time. As in Revelation 8:8-9, it is written that the sea will become blood and 1/3 of the fish would die! If you go to the Youtube, you will be so shock to see that reddish-brown coloured oil now cover coast to coast in the Gulf of Mexico. It's not black as what many of us thought. It's reddish-brown and look exactly like blood! ...........

Just becose it is red in colour then you think it Bible is right! dickhead like you must be rebutted! Yeah! relevant is coming and all Christians will be saved and non Christain will die on this earth, as if!

.... We are all born sinners and only the blood of Jesus can redeem us.........

We are not bron sinners. You will sin if you try to play God and used God name in vain, scared people and make profit in the name of God.

.....For those who are interested to know more about the oil leak, please go to Youtube and search for Oil Leak, Dr Scott Johnson. There are two series of sermon given by Dr Scott Johnson on this topic. Please don't just trust my posting. Everything we read and hear, we must check the source and of course our main source is the Bible.......

Yah! oil leak will cause the end of time and is coming, shooting some cheap shots are you. Please be reminded that there are OB markers to refrain from relating incidence happening in this world to God. Don't put God in the pictures when there are trouble like the current BP oil spill. If you are true to your God, publish your name, address and contact numbers here and you will find lawyer letters to sue you from athetis or warning letters from government departments to tell you to stop your nonsenses under religion. To the Muslim, it is Allah that punish the Americans for the BP oil spill?


Human history and world events are part of the God's soverign plan. Whether it was in the past, at the present or in the future, every of our activity in private life or those around us are fully controlled by God. All of us, big and small, are part of His plan for the Age to come and that is the impending Return of our Lord Jesus to set up the Everlasting Kingdom for His faithful children.

If you want to know the world events (past, present and future) and how they can be related to the Bible, you might want to go to this site. More importantly, this site will provide you the timescale of where we are in our God's calendar.

http://www.thepropheticyears.com/reasons/reason why we are in the last days.htm

Please note that I am not endorsing all that are written in this site but I think there are some great information and they are scriptural (my opinion only). I have said many times - we need to listen only to God. Please check, check and check what you read and what you hear, including all my postings because man's thinking, ideas, etc are not infallible. The best or rather the only source of our information and the truth about God and His plan for this corrupt world is contained in the Bible, the Word of God and the Word of God can only be revealed to us if we confess our sins before Him and truly repent of all our sins. Remember, we are born sinners - there is no exception to this! When we truly and sincerely confess our sins and repent of our sins before our God, He will guide us through His Word. He is the only best Bible Teacher and Instructor, but the pre-requisite is we must confess and repent of our sins! Precious people, our God is a great God. He demands nothing from us. He only wants us to live in holiness, to share of His love to others. Nothing is more important than just doing these two things! So, get real and if you are led by the Holy Spirit, please tell your friends and your relatives about Jesus and His love!

God Bless


....Human history and world events are part of the God's soverign plan. Whether it was in the past, at the present or in the future, every of our activity in private life or those around us are fully controlled by God....

No one so far says he came from God's palace and there is God? again, you are making assumption and use God name in vain.

...... All of us, big and small, are part of His plan for the Age to come and that is the impending Return of our Lord Jesus to set up the Everlasting Kingdom for His faithful children........

Relevation in the last Chapter was preferred to the war in 66AD - 73 AD. Nothing to do with your evelasting wait for Rabbi Jesus to come.

....If you want to know the world events (past, present and future) and how they can be related to the Bible, you might want to go to this site. More importantly, this site will provide you the timescale of where we are in our God's calendar.....

Yeah! everything in history can be related to God. Even if you cannot pang sai in the morning also God's problem.

....Please note that I am not endorsing all that are written in this site but I think there are some great information and they are scriptural (my opinion only)......

Likely you say that, if not ken f.... again.

I have said many times - we need to listen only to God. Please check, check and check what you read and what you hear, including all my postings because man's thinking, ideas, etc are not infallible ....

Tha include your messages your assumed holy spirit messages ....

.....the Word of God can only be revealed to us if we confess our sins before Him and truly repent of all our sins........

Again trying to recruit memberships??

...Remember, we are born sinners ......

We are not born sinners. We only sin when we try to use God name in vain, to make money, to intimidate people to fear God.

....When we truly and sincerely confess our sins and repent of our sins before our God, He will guide us through His Word.......

You should repent only when you sin against God to imtimidate people to fear God.


The Bible was written over 1,500 years and not discovered 1,500 years ago. It must be over these 1,500 year the R C churches were unsured about its original stories because they altered and mannipulate until they confused themselves. Then in the early 20th century the Presbyterians (supposedly a group of old people) decided to stop the book from altered and called it Word of God, Holy Scriptures.

But they will try to cover the mistakes or misleading stories a little step at a time with new versions like NKJV and so on. Then again someone insisted the KJV will be the original Bible and that stopped everything and then unhappy with it the Christians spilt up into 240 denominations and in USA 3,000 more. So each have their own versions and say now, to cover up the mistakes.

Wah lau! how confusing this religion can become and still people beleived it is a holy book.


But they will try to cover the mistakes or misleading stories a little step at a time with new versions like NKJV and so on. Then again someone insisted the KJV will be the original Bible and that stopped everything and then unhappy with it the Christians spilt up into 240 denominations and in USA 3,000 more. So each have their own versions and say now, to cover up the mistakes.

Wah lau! how confusing this religion can become and still people beleived it is a holy book.

Wait till u read the preface of the RSV bible. Go read what they said about the KJV bible. :rolleyes::biggrin:


i m planning to write one soon ...since its making lots of money.....still thinking what kind of extraordinary myths and super power should i add in it.....hmm......