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Thug-Sin Sentenced 2 Years imprisonment


18:55 Hr news from Thailand: :wink::smile:


Thaksin found guilty and sentenced to two years in jail

By The Nation

The Supreme Court on Tuesday sentenced ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra to two years in jail for abusing power to facilitate a deal for his wife; Khunying Pojamarn, to buy a Bangkok land plot worth t772 million from the state.

However the Supreme Court on Holders of Political Office found Pojamarn not guilty and revoked an arrest warrant on her of this trial.

Thaksin was found guilty of violating articles 4, 100 and 122 of the National Counter Corruption Commission law which bar holders of public office and their spouses from entering into a contract with the state.
[Read comprehensive background]

The Supreme Court ruled against Thaksin after reading the verdict for about two hours.

The Supreme Court ruled 5:4 to say that former prime minister Thaksin knew about his wife's purchasing of land from the Financial Institutions Development Fund.

With that knowledge, the court ruled Thaksin also carried out actions that constituted conflict of interest on part of Thaksin as a state official.

Before reaching the verdict, the Supreme Court said the Assets Examination Committee had the power to probe the Ratchadpisek land case against Thaksin and his wife.

The court dismissed claimed by Thaksin's defence lawyers that the AEC had no authority to probe case the because the AEC was not investigators and because the Financial Institutions Development Fund had not filed complaint regarding to the land purchase.

In addition, the court ruled that the AEC was empowered by the court orders to conduct graft probe against the former prime minister so it did not have to wait for the FIDF to file complaint first.

The Supreme Court also ruled that the Financial Institutions Development Fund is a state agency so there is ground for trial in the Ratchadapisek land case against former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra and his wife.

The court ruled down an agreement of Thaksin's defence team that the FIDF is not under state administration and that the Ratchadaphisek land purchase did not fall under Article 100 (3) of the National Counter Corruption Act, which covers state agencies.

Since the court ruled that the FIDF is state agency, the land purchase fell under the anti-graft act.


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no use at all.
i believe Thaksin will either stay at UK or US,where he can get political alysum.
and there is nothing that the government of Thailand can do to him.


no use at all.
i believe Thaksin will either stay at UK or US,where he can get political alysum.
and there is nothing that the government of Thailand can do to him.

THIS is the aspect that we the Singaporeans have to find a way to address adequately. :wink::cool:

We are going to have many famiLEE LEEgime scums running away from this red dot one day, and we need to bring them back to make them PAY BACK! :biggrin::wink:

My scheme is to offer global bounty measured in terms of the scums' world's highest salaries, e.g. in X number of years of salary of that absconded scum for DEAD and in Y numbers of years of salaries of that absconded scum for ALIVE. Offered to any person or organization or group who can bring the scums back to face Grand Tribunal of Liquidation.:cool::biggrin:

Publish online by tribunal should be a table of all individual X & Y values against a complete name list (MYSQL database) of absconded scums, and their tracking information aka status. Make this website much more exciting than 4D / Toto / Lotto results.

There should also be a very attractive scheme to split and share state assets ripped off by these scums, when assets are seized and returned to Singapore from abroad.

I believe via these schemes, absconded scums will eventually found themselves landed back here in red dot, either in coffins or cages.:biggrin::p

We must take reference with Thais see what the do about Thug-Sin, and weather effective.

I read here that WP went to visit DAP. I think SG opposition should also visit PAD in Thailand, there are much more EFFECTIVE things we can learn from PAD as well - for very very practical reasons. :cool::rolleyes: