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This is the real hard truth of LKY


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
When you are leading a flock of sheep, you don't call that leadership. At most you can call that shepherding.

You'd be surprised that even a flock of sheep need a shepherd that commands their respect. That's why many dogs don't make the grade.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
But LKY's father is a very nice guy and well loved by many of his customers. He gives good price for watches. How come LKY become like that?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Again you're confusing cause and effect. The crowd had a choice and they chose him over the others because he inspired them the most. That's what leadership is all about.

If you can't grasp this concept, it shows that your IQ is definitely below 120 and you're running the risk of being eliminated.

sam, if no one want to follow u and u are alone. r u a leader? who are u leading? this is not about cause and effect or egg first or chick first question.

dont drift too far from the topic. leader need the people to be successful, without the people leader can eat shit. leader need the people more than vice versa. no matter who become the leader, with the help of the people. WE will be successful. thank you.


Asset enhancement definitely yes but my pay package stagnant for the past 10 years. Lucky thing is that the 5-room HDB flat I bought 10 years ago for $350K is now worth $700K!
Asset enhancement? Is that not another term for inflation?


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
sam, if no one want to follow u and u are alone. r u a leader?

If nobody wants to follow you, you can't be called a leader by any measure. It's not a label you can simply pin to your chest and you become one. The title is bestowed upon you by those who admire you and want you to show them the way.

Leaders are unique individuals who can influence large numbers with charisma and persuasive powers which the ordinary mortal does not possess. You can't quantify this unique quality but you'll know it when you see it.

When Steve Jobs was on stage, he could make an ordinary product appear extraordinary and cool He could create a buzz. Tim Cooke and his team who have inherited the road show but the hype falls flat. It's just not the same anymore.

They're all available on youtube. Judge for yourself.


.......................From the
time Lee (Kuan Yew) was a schoolboy, his aggressiveness has been the subject of

My Ah Kong used to describe Old Harry as a gangster. He is not a likeable person.

But whatever he was, he has been Peesai's only REAL politician, he will not hesitate to eliminate his opposition. Unlike all the rest who are just managers, clerks, yes-men, and cock-suckers; trying hard to be popular to gain support and favours. Old Harry was (and probably still is) a true Machiavellian. You don't want him as an enemy. I won't want to be working in his office and he comes in that day in a lousy mood.



You'd be surprised that even a flock of sheep need a shepherd that commands their respect. That's why many dogs don't make the grade.

I concur, that's why the tax payers' fed fat dogs in white coat can never command any respects from the sheeps! OOPS! I meant citizens!


Alfrescian (Inf)

Well said.

Contrary to beliefs, the pig is the most intelligent in the Animal Kingdom - hence their leadership in the Farm.

According to the rumours it was the Gecko that was the brains behind his success. So Spore was actual being led by a female pig, or more accurately a sow:o


Alfrescian (Inf)
If nobody wants to follow you, you can't be called a leader by any measure. It's not a label you can simply pin to your chest and you become one. The title is bestowed upon you by those who admire you and want you to show them the way.

Leaders are unique individuals who can influence large numbers with charisma and persuasive powers which the ordinary mortal does not possess. You can't quantify this unique quality but you'll know it when you see it.

When Steve Jobs was on stage, he could make an ordinary product appear extraordinary and cool He could create a buzz. Tim Cooke and his team who have inherited the road show but the hype falls flat. It's just not the same anymore.

They're all available on youtube. Judge for yourself.

Moolightaffairs, what you said has substance. It shows that you are wise and has a farsightedness. I fully support your statement.

Leongsame, You are most pitiably and absolutely wrong to say things like charisma, blah, blah, blah as attributes related to leaders and their acceptance.

When the crooked Nehru died his daughter, Indira took over. When she was murdered her son Rajiv took over. Now her Italian daughter in law is wanting her son, Rahul or daughter Priyanka to take over, thereby giving Manmohan Singh a headache. The whole world knows that Manmohan is the right leader of India and not some blokes from dynasties.

Asians are by nature power crazy and wants to create dynasties be it in politics or in the "Name of GOD" assemblies.

In North Korea, when the Great leader died his son the Dear leader took over. Then came the latest on the throne.

When the Bihar State Chief Minister Laloo Prasad was jailed for stealing US350 million dollar meant for cattle feed, his wife Rabbri Devi, an uneducated housewife and a milkmaid to be exact, took over the mantle of power in Bihar, while her crooked husband was having a great stay in India's prison.

From the loins of Tun Razak came Najib Razak, from that of Hussein Onn came Hishamuddin aka as KERISmuddin. After the assasination of Benigno came his widow Aquino, an inesperienced housewife too. Now it is her son with a nephew awaiting to ascend the Phillipine Throne in no time. Marcos's children also became "good" politicians and leaders. So did Megawati who hailed from the loins of Bung Sukarno. I dont want to waste my time talking about Suharto, Mahathir, the Bandaranaikes of Ceylon, MGR and Jayalalitha from Chennai or the dead Saddam and Gadaffi. I am sure every reader knows all about this.

What are you saying that leaders must have followings or charisma or all the other attributes.....
Asian politics is such that once a father ascended the throne, the sons and daughters follow suit. Don;t look far for the evidence is right below your noses.

The same applies with those heading the rich churches. When the Reverend Sung Myung Moon EXPIRED, who took over the Moonies Throne?

Singaporeans are by and large a very intelligent people. Just because they do not contribute to such websites or newspapers, does not mean that they are "fools and knaves". On the contrary they are much more wiser then those in power and for that matter those writing on SBF. These people know what the hell is happening and can about a change.

Idi Amin Dada had a huge following. So too did Emperor Bokassa of Central African Republic. Mugabe is still in power of a nation where the people have to pay billions of hopeless Zimbabweans dollars for a loaf of bread. He is still in power. Rhodesia under Ian Smith was much better then Zimbabwe under Mugabe.

Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan has family involvment in Astana. They control the nation and top businesses. The same with all the other nations ending with "stan" near them.

If you talk about leadership and charisma and that connected with it, you are absolutely wrong and need to delve deeper before making those comments.

Just to share with you my point of view. Have a great day.

blur sotong

Alfrescian (Inf)

Moolightaffairs, what you said has substance. It shows that you are wise and has a farsightedness. I fully support your statement.

Leongsame, You are most pitiably and absolutely wrong to say things like charisma, blah, blah, blah as attributes related to leaders and their acceptance.


Just to share with you my point of view. Have a great day.

Bro Kohliantye, wonderfully written piece. Well said. :smile: :wink:


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
In North Korea, when the Great leader died his son the Dear leader took over. Then came the latest on the throne.

Appointed heirs aren't Leaders. That's why their ascension has to be carefully engineered. You don't have to look to the rest of the world for examples. Just look at LHL. Any sinkie who thinks he's a leader must be seriously lacking.

You're confusing the whole issue by bringing nepotism, cronyism and political gerrymandering into the mix.

Even in the commercial world, appointed heirs don't make the cut because they can't lead.

All the examples you have brought up simply prove my point so I really don't know what you're arguing with me about. We're on the same side in this debate.

Very often, even a fair election doesn't throw up a leader. Just look at the number of extremely weak Presidents the US has gone through.

blur sotong

Alfrescian (Inf)
It is more than inflation. It is the constant revision of land valuation that has caused asset "enhancement" to go very high.

Fook Gor, many will not understand this. It is indeed sad to find forumers who were thankful for the asset "enhancement" without realising who will be the eventual winners and the repercussions of it. I give up. :o :( :mad:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Bro Kohliantye, wonderfully written piece. Well said. :smile: :wink:

Thank you Blur Sotong. Just sharing some points for the benefit of all the good readers.

Hope this would help you all. I have been around for more then half a century and has followed political events cloesly, although I have been called names like "Fucking born Yesterday" and "Twit".

Have a great Deepavali holiday ahead.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Hope this would help you all. I have been around for more then half a century and has followed political events cloesly, although I have been called names like "Fucking born Yesterday" and "Twit".

Thanks for reminding me. You really are a bigger twit than I first thought. You write a full page in support of my views and you're dumb enough to think you're actually rebutting them.