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The Workers' Party


Alfrescian (Inf)
The Workers' Party

"Singapore is overcrowded and the density of population causes discomfort and tension. In private estates, one recurring complaint is the shortage of car parking space.

One trend compounding matters is the government’s approval of multi-unit condominium developments within mature landed housing estates, to replace single household property. Such approvals are granted with minimal car park requirements of just one lot per unit.

This trend has affected many residents including those around Hillside / Rosyth and Kovan. Often the access roads are two-way and narrow, with limited parking available. The quality of life in some areas has deteriorated due to parking shortages and road congestion." - MP Sylvia Lim

COS 2014 Debate: MND – Approval of new developments in estates (MP Sylvia Lim)

By MP for Aljunied GRC, Sylvia Lim [Delivered in Committee of Supply on 10 March 2014] Singapore is overcrowded and the density of...



Alfrescian (Inf)
The Workers' Party

"Madam, I have received regular feedback from residents of private estates in my division that they are dissatisfied with the cleaning of the roads in their estates by NEA cleaning contractors.

They say that oftentimes leaves and other debris on the roads are not properly removed, especially at the side of the kerb of cul-de-sacs and narrower roads where parking is allowed either on one side or both sides of the road.

I hasten to add that the residents by and large do not blame the workers, but believe that the inability to be effective is due to the constraints of the physical infrastructure and cleaning methods used." - MP Sylvia Lim

COS 2014 Debate: MEWR – Cleaning of Private Estates (MP Sylvia Lim)

By MP for Aljunied GRC, Sylvia Lim [Delivered in Committee of Supply on 10 March 2014] Madam, I have received regular feedback from



Alfrescian (Inf)
The Workers' Party

"Patrons at hawker centres sometimes face tables uncleared for long periods. Some table-top cleaning contractors are not able to clear tables efficiently, leaving patrons frustrated and presenting public health issues.

For hawker centres in HDB estates, NEA leaves it to the Hawkers Associations to appoint and manage these table-cleaning contractors. As indicated in this House previously, this is not ideal as the Hawkers Association may not be able to manage the contractors. They also do not have economies of scale, especially if they do not enjoy the support of all hawkers, who may not join the contract arrangements made by the Associations. On the other hand, NEA manages table-top cleaning at 25 MEWR-owned hawker centres and has wide economies of scale and enforcement powers.

The Ministry had previously indicated in Parliament that it would look into table-top cleaning in hawker centres at HDB estates. As the problem persists today, how will NEA improve the situation?" - MP Sylvia Lim

COS 2014 Debate: MEWR – Table-Top Cleaning at Hawker Centres (MP Sylvia Lim)

By MP for Aljunied GRC, Sylvia Lim [Delivered in Committee of Supply on 10 March 2014] Patrons at hawker centres sometimes face tables uncleared for...



Alfrescian (Inf)
The Workers' Party

"Hawker food is central to Singaporean culture. We must also not forget that hawker food is the means to affordable daily meals for many Singaporeans, and helps to keep our costs of living low. I therefore welcome the restarting of the Hawker Centre Building programme in 2011 after 26 years of not building any new centres.

Instead of the tried and tested approach of directly managing hawker centres, the Ministry is seeking to appoint social enterprises to run centres on a not-for-profit basis. However, the not-for-profit approach does not mean that social enterprises will not seek high revenues so as to channel surpluses to its social projects." - MP Low Thia Khiang

COS 2014 Debate: MEWR – Management of Hawker/Cooked Food Centres (MP Low Thia Khiang)

By MP for Aljunied GRC, Low Thia Khiang [Delivered in Committee of Supply on 10...



Alfrescian (Inf)

[h=5]Pritam Singh[/h]
Good job RSAF! In solidarity with our Malaysian friends and all those affected by this distressing news.

A Beijing-bound Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew lost contact with Subang Air Traffic Control after departing Kuala Lumpur this morning.

The aircraft was scheduled to land at Beijing International Airport.

An RSAF C130 was launched earlier today for a search and locate mission for the missing aircraft.



Alfrescian (Inf)

[h=5]Daniel PS Goh[/h]
Was there yesterday with party colleagues, stationed between Kovan MRT and Heartland Mall. Was very happy, because:

- teenagers, young adults, parents, senior citizens, of all ethnicities, came up to get a copy
- many bought extra copies to give friends
- some were reading as they walked
- residents came up to chit-chat with us or give us valuable feedback
- more people smiled and said "no thanks" than those who ignored us
- some walked by us, then realised who we were and made a u-turn just to get a copy
- this guy was rushing for the train holding a bag of curry puffs and grabbed the copy from my colleague's outstretched hand as he ran down the ramp below where my colleague was standing and lelong-ing the Hammer; he didn't pay for it, but it was okay, as he returned us in kind in the form of laughter -- hope he enjoyed the read with the puffs!

- met new friends in the party and bantered with 'old' ones
- the dedication of party colleagues is inspiring; the expectant Li Lian stood with us throughout, and Richard, who brought us cold drinks, realising Li Lian would need a lukewarm drink, went back to get one for her!

The team was out at Aljunied GRC this morning (Kovan market ) with the latest issue of 'Hammer'. Thank you for the support!



Alfrescian (Inf)
"I acknowledge that the government has implemented some cycling paths and plans to have more. Having experienced San Francisco, I hope the government can set even more ambitious targets to make cycling safer and more comfortable here so many more can use it as a preferred mode of transport. We can start with new towns by having more dedicated bicycle lanes on roads and to have a more aggressive national campaign to cultivate respect for the roads between cyclists and motorists."

Delivered this speech today. 5 other MPs also made similar calls for safer biking and better biking infrastructure in Singapore. More bike towns was announced by MOT today.

MOT - Bicycle Safe Singapore

I delivered the following speech during the MOT Committee of Supply debate on 11 March 2014: Madam, two months ago, I did a day-long cycling trip through



Alfrescian (Inf)
"Sir, the haze is at our doorstep again. Singapore has been affected by recurring haze episodes resulting from land and forest fires in Indonesia since 1991, with last year being the worst ever. These had an adverse impact on our tourism, economy and the health of our people.

I had previously in this House, called for legislation to empower our authorities to punish those found guilty of transboundary haze pollution in Singapore through their deliberate actions, even when committed outside of our shores. I am glad to see that the ministry is contemplating a bill to this effect that can impose criminal and civil liabilities on guilty entities. While some may argue that it is hard to impose our rights outside of Singapore, we should bear in mind that many of the large plantations have operations in Singapore or are public-listed here. We want to do business with companies that are responsible.

Many Singaporeans desire to know if the products they buy have been produced through illegal land clearance. While the fines may not seem large, the proposed legislation will now empower our government to have the means to take legal actions in our own courts against offenders. Such actions will signal to our consumers whose products they should and should not support. It will also signal to the region of our determination to solve this perennial problem and can hopefully spur other countries to enforce actions on offenders as well." - NCMP Yee Jenn Jong, JJ (余振忠)

COS 2014 Debate: MEWR – Transboundary Haze Pollution (NCMP Yee Jenn Jong)

By Non-Constituency MP, Yee Jenn Jong [Delivered in Committee of Supply on 10 March 2014] Sir, the haze is at our doorstep again. Singapore has been affecte



Alfrescian (Inf)
"首先,我建议委员会成立一个统一译名网站。委员会可协调政府各部门的翻译, 官方政策的重要词汇,以及有关内容所应用的术语应该有统一的翻译, 同时分类收集这些词语并发布在网站上。

目前,早报网有一个统一译名网站, 委员会也可以探讨延伸这个统一译名网站的应用。不过,网站的资料也必须及时更新,例如在人名的第一页就看到了Abdullah Tarmugi,翻译是 “阿都拉(国会议长)”。阿都拉没担任国会议长已经好几年了。

其次,认证与规范提供翻译服务的行业。有不少政府部门和私人机构都没有翻译的团队,需要翻译时都外包给提供翻译服务的公司。可是,目前市面上翻译的服务良 莠不齐,翻译的水平也差别很大。如果翻译作回来了有关机构没有审查的能力,有可能花了钱还贻笑大方。因此,我建议委员会考虑设立翻译服务行业的认证架构, 规定提供翻译服务业者所必须拥有的基本资格和经验。" - MP Low Thia Khiang

COS 2014 Debate: MCI – Translation (MP Low Thia Khiang)

By MP for Aljunied GRC, Low Thia Khiang [Delivered in Committee of Supply on 10 March 2014] 议长女士, 政府部门在华文翻译上闹笑话



Alfrescian (Inf)
"Mdm, in many democratic countries with advanced social and economic development, they have what has been famously termed, the “thirty-year rule”, whereby yearly Cabinet Papers are released for public information and research, thirty years after they are created. In fact, the United Kingdom is now moving towards a twenty-year rule. In Israel, the thirty-year rule is subject to state security and foreign policy sensitivities. Mdm Chair, I am sure we are in a better position than Israel in these respects.

The principles behind the thirty-year rule, not only concern transparency and accountability to maintain public trust in the government, but also in encouraging historical investigation and writing, to foster a strong sense of national identity.

Singapore will be 50 years old next year. It is timely that the Government adopts the thirty-year rule, legislates a Declassification Act and releases the first tranche of Cabinet Papers for public access." - MP Low Thia Khiang

COS 2014 Debate: MCI – National Archives of Singapore (MP Low Thia Khiang)

By MP for Aljunied GRC, Low Thia Khiang [Delivered in Committee of Supply on 10 March 2014] The National Archives of Singapore is the



Alfrescian (Inf)
"Community Improvement Projects Committee or CIPC funding is an important source of taxpayer funding to Town Councils to assist in the construction and upgrade of community facilities.

The Citizens’ Consultative Committee (CCC) is the entity within the CIPC framework which nominates projects to the Ministry. While the CIPC committee at MND has to ensure that taxpayers monies are prudently spent in view of the finite amount of funds available and the different needs of each town, I would like to ask if there is a distinction made in the percentage of funds disbursed for upgrading existing facilities of Town Councils on the one hand and new projects of the other, for CIPC nominations by the CCC.

Would the Ministry consider the formation of an appeals forum under the CIPC framework where differences of opinion, if any, about an opposition Town Council’s nominations, which manages and maintains community facilities, and the CCC’s nominations can be ironed out?" - MP Pritam Singh

COS 2014 Debate: MND – CIPC funding in Opposition wards (MP Pritam Singh)

By MP for Aljunied GRC, Pritam Singh [Delivered in Committee of Supply on 10 March 2014] Community Improvement Projects Committee...



Alfrescian (Inf)
"From parliamentary questions asked by members, the Government has replied that about 60% of HDB home owners with outstanding loans are paying for HDB flats through their CPF. Extrapolating from the percentages, about 16,000 are uninsurable and 11,000 lapsed on Home Protection Scheme (HPS) premiums.

For the remaining 40% of homeowners with outstanding loans who pay for their HDB flats by cash, 56% of these homeowners – about 200,000 – are not covered by HPS, although an unknown number may have some mortgage insurance or some other catastrophic event cover.

As this number appears to be high, would the Ministry consider more initiatives to educate Singaporeans on the importance of mortgage insurance cover, and to look into ways how HDB homeowners who pay their mortgages by cash can be better protected." - MP Pritam Singh

COS 2014 Debate: MND – Home Protection Scheme Awareness (MP Pritam Singh)

By MP for Aljunied GRC, Pritam Singh [Delivered in Committee of Supply on 10 March 2014] From parliamentary questions asked by...



Alfrescian (Inf)
"Madam, HDB rental flats are an important housing option for many Singaporeans who have difficulty purchasing their own flat for a variety of reasons. While I do acknowledge the policy decision to increase the number of rental flats available over the last few years, I would like to enquire from the Ministry if there is any plan on raising the income ceiling to qualify, in view of the raising of similar floors across some other government assistance schemes, so those in genuine need are not turned away." - MP Pritam Singh

COS 2014 Debate: MND – HDB Rental flats (MP Pritam Singh)

By MP for Aljunied GRC, Pritam Singh [Delivered in Committee of Supply on 10 March 2014] Madam, HDB rental flats are an important...



Alfrescian (Inf)
"In January, when the Public Transport Council (PTC) approved hikes in bus and MRT fares, many commuters asked why fares were being raised when they had yet to see satisfactory improvement in service reliability.

The PTC chairman acknowledged that service reliability needs to improve, but said that this issue should be kept separate from fare raises, which are to cover rising costs for operators.

This is quite baffling for most commuters, myself included. In most service industries, customers will demand good service before they even agree to pay. But for public transport in Singapore, we seem to be expected to pay more just to get satisfactory service.

Can the Ministry consider revising the fare review formula to incorporate service reliability as one of its components? This will create is a direct link between service quality and fare adjustments, and will better align the incentives for transport operators with the interests of commuters." - NCMP Gerald Giam

COS 2014 Debate: MOT – Fare increases and quality of service (NCMP Gerald Giam)

By Non-Constituency MP, Gerald Giam [Delivered in Committee of Supply on 11 March 2014] In January, when the Public Transport Council



Alfrescian (Inf)
"Madam, two months ago, I did a day-long cycling trip through San Francisco (SF), on a working weekday, from the bustling financial and shopping areas to the Golden Gate Bridge and back. It was a refreshing experience. Even in the busy downtown, there were clear bicycle lanes marked out for cyclists. Where there were no dedicated bicycle lanes, the slow lane is marked as a shared lane between motorists and cyclists. Motorists that were on the shared lane followed behind us. In some suburbs without any marked lanes, motorists waited patiently for us to cross the road junctions. They kept a safe distance when overtaking us.

Bicycles were allowed onto trains and subways. There were shared bicycle kiosks in many parts of the city where one could book out a bike and return it at another kiosk. It is no wonder that many in SF commute to work by cycling.

There are other examples of bicycle friendly cities. In Copenhagan, cycling is already the most popular mode of transport and the city has set even ambitious cycling KPIs, such as for bicycling to capture 50% of all modes of transport to school or work. The city has dedicated lanes and special short cut paths for cyclists. It takes a whole-of-city approach to encourage cycling by reducing travel time on popular routes and made roads safer and more comfortable for cyclists.

I acknowledge that the government has implemented some cycling paths and plans to have more. Having experienced San Francisco, I hope the government can set even more ambitious targets to make cycling safer and more comfortable here so many more can use it as a preferred mode of transport. We can start with new towns by having more dedicated bicycle lanes on roads and to have a more aggressive national campaign to cultivate respect for the roads between cyclists and motorists." - NCMP Yee Jenn Jong, JJ (余振忠)

COS 2014 Debate: MOT – Bicycle Safe Singapore (NCMP Yee Jenn Jong)

By Non-Constituency MP, Yee Jenn Jong [Delivered in Committee of Supply on 11 March 2014] Madam, two months ago, I did a day-long cycling trip through San F



Alfrescian (Inf)
"I am concerned that our racial and religious bonds as a society get strained when commuters have to deal with congestion around places of worship. I get particularly concerned when loose remarks are made about the problem concerning one faith every Friday and other faiths, which have their day of worship or celebration on the weekends, and yet other uncalled for remarks about clan or cultural association dinners." - MP Pritam Singh

COS 2014 Debate: MOT – Illegal parking at places of worship (MP Pritam Singh)

By MP for Aljunied GRC, Pritam Singh [Delivered in Committee of Supply on 11 March 2014]



Alfrescian (Inf)
"Madam, I would like to ask the Ministry for an update of the feasibility study into the Rapid Transit System connecting the upcoming Thomson line with Johor Bahru, and to ascertain Malaysia’s contribution to this study – reported by the Singapore mainstream media as one of the most expensive LTA commissioned study, with Singapore quoted to be footing 2/3 of the cost. I would like to enquire how the co-funding was determined and when are the findings of this study likely to be released?" - MP Pritam Singh

COS 2014 Debate: MOT – MRT line to Johor (MP Pritam Singh)

By MP for Aljunied GRC, Pritam Singh [Delivered in Committee of Supply on 11 March 2014] Madam, I would like to ask the Ministry for an...



Alfrescian (Inf)
"Suara Musyawarah adalah sebuah platform yang bertujuan untuk memberi masyarakat Melayu/Islam Singapura saluran yang terbuka, membina dan rasional dalam menyuarakan keprihatinan dalam menjalani suasana kehidupan yang berbilang masyarakat dan agama di Singapura. Pertama sekali, izinkan saya mengambil peluang ini untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada kesemua yang terlibat dalam menghasilkan laporan ini terutama ahli-ahli jawatankuasa Suara Musyawarah serta peserta-peserta yang ikhlas dan jujur dalam meluahkan pandangan dan isi hati mereka." - MP Muhamad Faisal Abdul Manap

COS 2014 Debate: MCCY – Suara Musyawarah (MP Muhamad Faisal Abdul Manap)

By MP for Aljunied GRC, Muhamad Faisal Abdul Manap [Delivered in Committee of Supply on 11 March 2014] Suara Musyawarah adalah sebuah



Alfrescian (Inf)
"On the website of the S-league, it is said and I quote, “the S-League is widely regarded as the best league in South East Asia.” I would like to ask the Minister what are his ministry’s plans, (i) in rejuvenating the league and generate more interest in the league and (ii) in raising the standards of play and enhance the experiences of local fans on match days.

[..] I would like to propose to the ministry to consider reshuffling and renaming the participating teams in accordance to the town they are geographically located, using the electoral boundaries map as the basis for this delineation. I am of the view that this would foster a greater sense of belonging among the residents living in the community as the football club would then be seen as an integral part of the local ecosystem and a source of pride for the residents." - MP Muhamad Faisal Abdul Manap

COS 2014 Debate: MCCY – S-League (MP Muhamad Faisal Abdul Manap)

By MP for Aljunied GRC, Muhamad Faisal Abdul Manap [Delivered in Committee of Supply on 11 March 2014] The Singapore League or S-league



Alfrescian (Inf)
"Given the cost savings, improved outcomes and improved patient satisfaction that telehealth has the potential to bring, the Ministry should look into ways to increase its adoption in Singapore.

These include providing the infrastructure and support to healthcare providers and patients in acquiring telehealth technologies, reforming reimbursement models for telehealth, and revising any legislation that unduly inhibits telehealth adoption." - NCMP Gerald Giam

COS 2014 Debate: MOH: Increasing adoption of telehealth (NCMP Gerald Giam)

By Non-Constituency MP Gerald Giam [Delivered in Committee of Supply on 12 March 2014] Madam, Telehealth is a mode of healthcare...
