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the whole world is fucked by the India indians IT


Alfrescian (Inf)
bro, opimum was first introduced to China for medicinal purpose but later the West found out it can even drug and ruin the Chinese.

The West can never occupied China though China was financially broke at that time and hence trade off giving HK to the Pommies.

remember the 八国连捆 8 western countries combined to attack China, you can see how the West combined to bring down Iraq Saddamn Hussien. But yet they cannot take over China as there was the ever stong presence of the Chinese warlord, the ruler.

Even today the West can never and ever take control of the Chinese. The Chinese is too good for them to handle.

Look at Australia today, the West Pommy came, stayed and never give up the land they occupied till today. The aboriginals tribal people and were not warlords and with no one strong ruler to rule this Great Java and fight against the white devils. Whereas the Chinese already established their legal, education, military, culture trading which cannot be easily dismantled by the West.

Great Java fell into the hands of the West just like that and today the West reduce the aboriginal to a mere 200,000 population and reside them to one place in the NT.

Look at the aboringinal today for wayang tourist attraction only.

Good for pointing this out.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I said that if the Brits set their minds and will into it, they could have conquered and occupied China, not that they can never. They just didnt do it. Foreign forces already set foot in China. Japan occupied China.

In fact, Japan was never overrun by foreigners. China in contrast was weaker.

Well if you could give convincing arguments as to why the brits could conquer china if they wanted to then perhaps it would be belivable.

Comeon japan is an island also did u know it was the americans that forced japan to modernize. The japs modernized by learning from the west faster than the other countries cos they were not tied down by bureacy unlike china. You need to put these things into context rather than making such sweeping statements. It's like saying singapore is a much cleaner place compared to NYC forgetting that sg is smaller than nyc.

Bythe way, how come this thread became a thread about China?

Cos that andyfucker was pissed off the thread was about bashing kelings so had to come in to talk about china but it's clear the chinese are still better than the shit skins they would never have fucked it up like this.


Well if you could give convincing arguments as to why the brits could conquer china if they wanted to then perhaps it would be belivable.

Comeon japan is an island also did u know it was the americans that forced japan to modernize. The japs modernized by learning from the west faster than the other countries cos they were not tied down by bureacy unlike china. You need to put these things into context rather than making such sweeping statements. It's like saying singapore is a much cleaner place compared to NYC forgetting that sg is smaller than nyc.

Cos that andyfucker was pissed off the thread was about bashing kelings so had to come in to talk about china but it's clear the chinese are still better than the shit skins they would never have fucked it up like this.

You need two Atomic bombs to subdue Japan. Across the sea of Japan, however, the Brits needed only two Opium Wars to subdue China.
Isnt that proof enough?
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Alfrescian (Inf)
With the list of companies that got screwed by the IT outsourcing,,dont they have themselves to blame? I mean they wanted it to be cheap and get more profits so they outsource many major functions to India,,and now its going to Pinoyland,,,so if these companies screwup they caused it. They be cheap and have to pay the price...


bro, no point, Jah goes woof woof when it/he gets excited, cant see reason.
lets leave it at that :biggrin:

You need two Atomic bombs to subdue Japan. Across the sea of Japan, however, the Brits needed only two Opium Wars to subdue China.
Isnt that proof enough?


Alfrescian (Inf)
You need two Atomic bombs to subdue Japan. Across the sea of Japan, however, the Brits needed only two Opium Wars to subdue China.
Isnt that proof enough?

Well china was still living in the past. They didn't have an industrial revolution to help them modernize of course they would lose in a war.

Pls take note that using opium makes the masses addicted to them. Making ppl addicted to a narcotic it's very easy to subdue them especially since they were technologically inferior.

Also the atomic bomb was dropped to hasten the end of the war and to test out the effects of the atomic bomb on humans. They certainly didn't need to use the bombs at all cos japan was already on the verge of surrendering.

This is common knowledge and i hope you didn't use it in this manner to try and get an edge.


Not what I heard and read from other than the official story. The Americans already broke the code on Japanese wires, and knew they intended to surrender. Harry Truman ignored it and used Pearl harbour attack as an excuse to drop the two bombs. A la Saddam and 9-11, I tend to buy conspiracy theories.

The point is China cld be overrun but not a Japan. Japan became industrialised only after the war due US reparation help. They were at abt the same metal age as China at the time.

India was colonised but China was not. There could be other geopolitical interests involved as to why British Empire chose to let off China.

Also the atomic bomb was dropped to hasten the end of the war and to test out the effects of the atomic bomb on humans. They certainly didn't need to use the bombs at all cos japan was already on the verge of surrendering.

This is common knowledge and i hope you didn't use it in this manner to try and get an edge.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Not what I heard and read from other than the official story. The Americans already broke the code on Japanese wires, and knew they intended to surrender. Harry Truman ignored it and used Pearl harbour attack as an excuse to drop the two bombs. A la Saddam and 9-11, I tend to buy conspiracy theories.

The point is China cld be overrun but not a Japan. Japan became industrialised only after the war due US reparation help. They were at abt the same metal age as China at the time.

India was colonised but China was not. There could be other geopolitical interests involved as to why British Empire chose to let off China.

China is so much bigger than japan and who says japan had not modernized by then? eh pls la japan was already pretty industrialized if not how could they defeat russia and put up such a fight? Japan was technologically superior to all the asian countries so no shame for china there.

The pt is you tried to say it took 2 atomic bombs to subdue japan but i proved you wrong and you admitted you were wrong but still want to continue on the same path so it didn't take 2 atomic bombs to subdue japan after all they just wanted to nuke japan anyhow.

The british empire chose to let china off? You don't even have the evidence to prove that and you admitted it so the point is the brits couldn't conquer china.


japan was defeated by the A bombs but they were not overrun. Japan surrendered but never yielded an inch of the main island. China was.Raped again and again. Got the picture? So what was yr point again? you proved what? I admitted no wrong and you proved me no wrong.

I started off by saying China wld have done well had it been colonised. Britain ruled the world, and was broken by the world war 2. Before that, China is takenable. Many foreign so-called offices were already in China, and Britain had all the Treaty ports. Tell me what is not doable.

Japan on the contrary, fought a fierce war at Iwo Jima and the US lost more lives than the islanders. It showed how determined the Japs were in not giving an inch on their mainland. The Americans knew they cld never fight on the ground with the Japs again to defeat them and Iwo jima showed that. this meant that the Pacific War could have been lost since the Americans lost their fleet.

China is so much bigger than japan and who says japan had not modernized by then? eh pls la japan was already pretty industrialized if not how could they defeat russia and put up such a fight? Japan was technologically superior to all the asian countries so no shame for china there.

The pt is you tried to say it took 2 atomic bombs to subdue japan but i proved you wrong and you admitted you were wrong but still want to continue on the same path so it didn't take 2 atomic bombs to subdue japan after all they just wanted to nuke japan anyhow.

The british empire chose to let china off? You don't even have the evidence to prove that and you admitted it so the point is the brits couldn't conquer china.
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八国连捆 8 Western countries combined to attack china in the 2nd opium war. Brits alone was unable to take the Chinese.

The Chinese were determined to get rid of the white devils, remember the boxer revolution story too.

You need two Atomic bombs to subdue Japan. Across the sea of Japan, however, the Brits needed only two Opium Wars to subdue China.
Isnt that proof enough?


this is similar to Singapore companies moving to Batam island for cheap Indonesian workers. Got burnt and learnt a big lesson cheaper better faster also mean fixed, fake and fabricate (3F)

With the list of companies that got screwed by the IT outsourcing,,dont they have themselves to blame? I mean they wanted it to be cheap and get more profits so they outsource many major functions to India,,and now its going to Pinoyland,,,so if these companies screwup they caused it. They be cheap and have to pay the price...


Mao fav son was killed in Korean War, and his other son is a real retard. His wife died broken, after being charged for crimes during cultural revolution. Now the Chinese is keeping his devil corpse in tiananmen, waiting for the day when the mob will thoroughly humiliate it.

That's his karma in this world. Hades will have a good time with the most murderous man on earth. Let him suffer the same pain that every single one of his 25mil victims go through.
More than 25 million,Brother WM


bro dreamer1,
its quite right that tiongland is a complex cuntry, the urines are not the overwhelming majority everyone thinks they are.

I foresee a yugoslavia type of break up soon as long as the CCP promotes capitalism and avarice.

but its good for biz as long as the crazy urines hanker after goods and services and cant speak english properly.

I hope tiongland doesnt break up, the stability is fueling a lot of econ growth in this region and it is still a fascinating cuntry even though the urines require another nanjing massacre to cull them and control the pests. :biggrin:

happy sunday everyone and drink strong kopi o. its the only way to drink kopi :biggrin:


USA is breaking up too. Already there are talks between States and the US Congress to break up US.

Yes,brother JR,this I agree,but unfortunately,China is going to break into 10 nations,so no hope,we may belong to different country of origin.


Alfrescian (Inf)
japan was defeated by the A bombs but they were not overrun. Japan surrendered but never yielded an inch of the main island. China was.Raped again and again. Got the picture? So what was yr point again? you proved what? I admitted no wrong and you proved me no wrong.

I started off by saying China wld have done well had it been colonised. Britain ruled the world, and was broken by the world war 2. Before that, China is takenable. Many foreign so-called offices were already in China, and Britain had all the Treaty ports. Tell me what is not doable.

Japan on the contrary, fought a fierce war at Iwo Jima and the US lost more lives than the islanders. It showed how determined the Japs were in not giving an inch on their mainland. The Americans knew they cld never fight on the ground with the Japs again to defeat them and Iwo jima showed that. this meant that the Pacific War could have been lost since the Americans lost their fleet.

So? Japan is just an island and they were the attackers if the a bombs were never dropped they would have yielded their lands. In case you don't know it's much easier to defend a smaller place compared to a larger place. You're just trying to nit pick on small silly things. Like you claim japan needed 2 a bombs to defeat it when that isn't the case. When i showed that to you you decided to nit pick on something else equally as insignificant.

What did i prove? I proved that you were trying to mislead people and i proved you wrong on it. japan didn't need 2 A bombs to defeat it. The americans just wanted to bomb them to test out the nuclear bomb and also probably to stop prolonging the war but the fact of the matter is you didn't need to bombs to defeat japan which you had incorrectly or dishonestly said so earlier.

Ok you claim china is takeable but still the fact is china wasn't colonized. Therefore suffice to say china wasn't colonized and you yourself don't even have the evidence to prove that the brits could take china and the western powers needed to combine strength to fight china despite their superior technology. Fact of the matter is china wasn't colonized and your sickening biasness shows here.

ROFL didn't you mention the japs wanted to surrender already? So what if they fought fiercely? The allies would have defeated them eventually. See how your biasness shows through here. Claims the americans couldn't defeat the japs despite the americans superior numbers, firepower everything but then claims the brits could have colonized china when they didn't. How would you know maybe the chinese were very brave and fought damn fiercely that's why the brits couldn't colonize china. In any case the A bomb statement you made shows your biasness.



Kingrant can has his own opinon and he is hypo speaking only, and so you can too. Stop ranting and whinging bro. You sounded like Ah Neh good at arguing non-stop and shoot off unnecessarily.

yeh! 无聊 无事经做是吗。

So? Japan is just an island and they were the attackers if the a bombs were never dropped they would have yielded their lands. In case you don't know it's much easier to defend a smaller place compared to a larger place. You're just trying to nit pick on small silly things. Like you claim japan needed 2 a bombs to defeat it when that isn't the case. When i showed that to you you decided to nit pick on something else equally as insignificant.

What did i prove? I proved that you were trying to mislead people and i proved you wrong on it. japan didn't need 2 A bombs to defeat it. The americans just wanted to bomb them to test out the nuclear bomb and also probably to stop prolonging the war but the fact of the matter is you didn't need to bombs to defeat japan which you had incorrectly or dishonestly said so earlier.

Ok you claim china is takeable but still the fact is china wasn't colonized. Therefore suffice to say china wasn't colonized and you yourself don't even have the evidence to prove that the brits could take china and the western powers needed to combine strength to fight china despite their superior technology. Fact of the matter is china wasn't colonized and your sickening biasness shows here.

ROFL didn't you mention the japs wanted to surrender already? So what if they fought fiercely? The allies would have defeated them eventually. See how your biasness shows through here. Claims the americans couldn't defeat the japs despite the americans superior numbers, firepower everything but then claims the brits could have colonized china when they didn't. How would you know maybe the chinese were very brave and fought damn fiercely that's why the brits couldn't colonize china. In any case the A bomb statement you made shows your biasness.
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Alfrescian (Inf)

Kingrant can has his own opinon and he is hypo speaking only, and so you can too. Stop ranting and whinging bro. You sounded like Ah Neh good at arguing non-stop and shoot off unnecessarily.

yeh! 无聊 无事经做是吗。

I'm not. He is hypo speaking and trying to push those forward as facts and i am showing him how wrong he is. period.

Btw why are you telling me to stop ranting but he is allowed to rant. You sound more like an ah neh to me.


this is similar to Singapore companies moving to Batam island for cheap Indonesian workers. Got burnt and learnt a big lesson cheaper better faster also mean fixed, fake and fabricate (3F)

Zorro Lim will not be happy and won't be able to do the breakdance.