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the whole world is fucked by the India indians IT


Jah, again you talk cock,

Urines from commie system, very top down, so if you mean business, they will usually do their job, like a dog :biggrin:
Shit skins from a chaotic democracy where people argue over the most trivial things neglecting everything else. so to get the best out of them, must negotiate and convince them, which is a pain in the arse.

But bottomline, for IT, you pay peanuts you get crap. so dont be stingy
Brother AF,to be fair,it is the fucking communists that made all their chinese citizens like tat,the blame is only on fucking evil Chaiman Mao,who is now in hell,no karma for him,as he stays as a fucking animal


Alfrescian (Inf)
Brother AF,to be fair,it is the fucking communists that made all their chinese citizens like tat,the blame is only on fucking evil Chaiman Mao,who is now in hell,no karma for him,as he stays as a fucking animal

Were it not for the communists the chinese would be even better.


I disagree, you go to any world capital (ny, london, even bloody brussels) you will see the white skin all learning urine language cos tiongland is on the ascendancy.

tiongland is not a uniform cuntry, any moron who believes that has not been there.
It is a complex cuntry which has its problems, just like any large cuntry but it has a lot of potential and is gg from strength to strength

now lets take another big cuntry, india, the shits have literally shitted on their cuntry, bloody disorganised, you try to do some project there, can die cock standing over the red tape and the argumentative workforce.

So what happened?
tiongland is a commie capitalist cuntry, oxymoron i know but it works cos center is focused on what they want for the cuntry.
while for the shitland, fuckers just want to become minister and fight.

so nanjing massacre where sushi play football with urine heads, maos rule where urine screwed urines and the current stable system have galvanised the tiong to urinate in unison and not shit all over each other.

tiongland is a more stable cuntry which is going places unlike the shitland which is pretty screwed up.

so dont diss the mao, the chap might have screwed up his cuntryman, but he bequeath them a system which so far works for business.

Urine in the 1940s and even 50s was quite disjointed, but commie urines set the cuntry right. now all urinate in unison and we can make money, so I love mao, no matter how screwed up a urine he was :biggrin:


agree. China was on the rise after the Jap surrender and quickly went down cause by Mao.


bto tan you gila ah? why you want to stress out jah, the chap wait he gabra and go woof woof :biggrin:

slowly la, at least he tell one story albeit a confused on, so give him a biscuit and loosen the leash a little :biggrin:

can you try tell another story, thanks.


The British Empire should have colonised China properly in the 1850s. It fought two Opium Wars successfully and defeated the Qing Dynasty, exacting a number of Unequal Treaties. Now I do not now why the Raj did not go on to enforce colonialism as it did with India. China would have benefited from a dose of democracy, modern institutions like rule of law, western technology, and of course the English language. If all that had happened, the Commies and Mao would never have a sliver of hope to impose Communism and would have gone on to leapfrog into modern capitalism without socialism face. If that all had happened, China would today be a great nation with a billion people speaking English and we would never have to suffer low IT inane Indian BS everywhere. Hell, the early immigrants from Guangdong who flowed to Singapore would all be blessed with English skills and our PMEs would be ensconced firmly in IT instead.

I disagree, you go to any world capital (ny, london, even bloody brussels) you will see the white skin all learning urine language cos tiongland is on the ascendancy.

tiongland is not a uniform cuntry, any moron who believes that has not been there.
It is a complex cuntry which has its problems, just like any large cuntry but it has a lot of potential and is gg from strength to strength

now lets take another big cuntry, india, the shits have literally shitted on their cuntry, bloody disorganised, you try to do some project there, can die cock standing over the red tape and the argumentative workforce.

So what happened?
tiongland is a commie capitalist cuntry, oxymoron i know but it works cos center is focused on what they want for the cuntry.
while for the shitland, fuckers just want to become minister and fight.

so nanjing massacre where sushi play football with urine heads, maos rule where urine screwed urines and the current stable system have galvanised the tiong to urinate in unison and not shit all over each other.

tiongland is a more stable cuntry which is going places unlike the shitland which is pretty screwed up.

so dont diss the mao, the chap might have screwed up his cuntryman, but he bequeath them a system which so far works for business.

Urine in the 1940s and even 50s was quite disjointed, but commie urines set the cuntry right. now all urinate in unison and we can make money, so I love mao, no matter how screwed up a urine he was :biggrin:
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bro, not quite agree with you.

China will not fall into West hands. Singapore fell because of the daft m&ds that want to get rid of the Chinese also.

5,000 years of infighting between the warlords, Qin, Min, Tang, Qing dynasty made Chinese strong and will not gave up China or being colonised by the Pommy. If the Pommy did, hypo speaking, they will never rest for even a day.

When the Chinese rise, look at today, the West fears.

The British Empire should have colonised China properly in the 1850s. It fought two Opium Wars successfully and defeated the Qing Dynasty, exacting a number of Unequal Treaties.


Bro, China needs more opium after Qing. It is not impossible for the Raj to rule China when the people have been subdued with opium. The Brits already controlled the coastal cities.

It is always interesting to wonder what if...

It is moot now.

bro, not quite agree with you.

China will not fall into West hands. Singapore fell because of the daft m&ds that want to get rid of the Chinese also.

5,000 years of infighting between the warlords, Qin, Min, Tang, Qing dynasty made Chinese strong and will not gave up China or being colonised by the Pommy. If the Pommy did, hypo speaking, they will never rest for even a day.

When the Chinese rise, look at today, the West fears.


Brother AF,to be fair,it is the fucking communists that made all their chinese citizens like tat,the blame is only on fucking evil Chaiman Mao,who is now in hell,no karma for him,as he stays as a fucking animal
Mao fav son was killed in Korean War, and his other son is a real retard. His wife died broken, after being charged for crimes during cultural revolution. Now the Chinese is keeping his devil corpse in tiananmen, waiting for the day when the mob will thoroughly humiliate it.

That's his karma in this world. Hades will have a good time with the most murderous man on earth. Let him suffer the same pain that every single one of his 25mil victims go through.


bro, opimum was first introduced to China for medicinal purpose but later the West found out it can even drug and ruin the Chinese.

The West can never occupied China though China was financially broke at that time and hence trade off giving HK to the Pommies.

remember the 八国连捆 8 western countries combined to attack China, you can see how the West combined to bring down Iraq Saddamn Hussien. But yet they cannot take over China as there was the ever stong presence of the Chinese warlord, the ruler.

Even today the West can never and ever take control of the Chinese. The Chinese is too good for them to handle.

Look at Australia today, the West Pommy came, stayed and never give up the land they occupied till today. The aboriginals tribal people and were not warlords and with no one strong ruler to rule this Great Java and fight against the white devils. Whereas the Chinese already established their legal, education, military, culture trading which cannot be easily dismantled by the West.

Great Java fell into the hands of the West just like that and today the West reduce the aboriginal to a mere 200,000 population and reside them to one place in the NT.

Look at the aboringinal today for wayang tourist attraction only.

Bro, China needs more opium after Qing. It is not impossible for the Raj to rule China when the people have been subdued with opium. The Brits already controlled the coastal cities.

It is always interesting to wonder what if...

It is moot now.
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I said that if the Brits set their minds and will into it, they could have conquered and occupied China, not that they can never. They just didnt do it. Foreign forces already set foot in China. Japan occupied China.

In fact, Japan was never overrun by foreigners. China in contrast was weaker.


I just lost a deal due to two conniving smelly bastard of a urine tiongs. very upset by it, but life goes on. I dont get why the mofos like to speak in their ching chong when other nationalities are present and act blur when you and every urine there knows these fuckers know engrish. why make life harder and piss people off. ok rant over.

Kingrant, the Raj is a misnomer for the colonialist brits, the raj is only for the brits in india, we cannot suka suka apply to the whole brit empire.

the china then and the china now is completely different, the urines now work harder, smarter and more cunning mofos.

then the urines were seduced by opium and the pleasure of life. now they are seduced by materialism and commodification. they are ultra capitalist smelly urines. which is weird given its a commie shithole. but life is full of surprises and no one said it was easy :biggrin:

urines only respect money, and before any self-righteous urine cry mother cry father, yes the tiong urines have not forgotten their confucius crap, but it has been subsumed under the glow of capitalism. the genesis of this is jiang zemin. the ethics of life is just mentioned but it has no weightage on their smelly toilet lives

so how is that related to the shit skins you say?

simple. understand the psychology of the urines, then housetrain them, flash the cash, use the lure of capitalism, and be strict, you hold the leash tight, they will not cross urine streams, you relak a bit, they will run rough shod over you. pathetic souls.

for the shit skins, if you still want to use them, and before any self righteous shit want to hantam me for belittling shit skins, yes sometimes they are pretty brilliant, but most times they are pretty screwed up. be cautious, know the game inside out and make sure you can out argue them, which is as difficult as finding a tattooed blonde shit skin who doesnt smell of curry



both are linked together, one produced fake IT workers (intangible) and the other produced fake quality products (tangible). want to screw one must screw the other also.

Bythe way, how come this thread became a thread about China?
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