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Teachers Wear Super Minis in School. OK?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Posted on 30 Oct 2010
Students must be properly attired, but what about teachers?


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So sad

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Sure or not?

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<IFRAME style="BORDER-BOTTOM-STYLE: none; BORDER-RIGHT-STYLE: none; WIDTH: 450px; BORDER-TOP-STYLE: none; HEIGHT: 35px; BORDER-LEFT-STYLE: none; OVERFLOW: hidden" src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/stomp/sgseen/what_bugs_me/484898/students_must_be_properly_attired_but_what_about_teachers.html&layout=standard&show_faces=false&width=450&action=like&font=verdana&colorscheme=light&height=35" frameBorder=0 allowTransparency scrolling=no></IFRAME>Polytechnic students must be properly attired, but how about teachers? STOMPer wakakaka snapped this photo of a secondary school teacher and wonders why she was not reprimanded for her dressing.

Said the STOMPer (Oct 30):

"This is how a school teacher dresses up to teach in a secondary school.

"Not during school holidays but during normal lesson time.

"If poly students are not allowed to wear short skirts or dresses, how come this teacher does not get reprimanded for wearing such a short skirt to school??

"Or is this actually encouraged in schools?

"And she was in slippers too!!"

Contributed via STOMP iPhone app.

Keywords: dressing , teacher , inappropriate attire


bring back memories when i was in sec 3...got one young chiobu relief teacher for a month....her skirt quite short....i was seated directly opposite her...so when she sit down and cross her leg....walau...color tv every day...:p...then when during assignment time..we will take turn purposely ask her questions...so when she is at one of our desks, the others will use mirror to beo her knickers from behind...hehe...we all take turn and then compare notes...knn got one time one of my classmate say he caught sight of her pubic hair sticking out of her knicker.:eek:....those days were damn fun!!! :p:p:p


Alfrescian (Inf)
bring back memories when i was in sec 3...got one young chiobu relief teacher for a month....her skirt quite short....i was seated directly opposite her...so when she sit down and cross her leg....walau...color tv every day...:p...then when during assignment time..we will take turn purposely ask her questions...so when she is at one of our desks, the others will use mirror to beo her knickers from behind...hehe...we all take turn and then compare notes...knn got one time one of my classmate say he caught sight of her pubic hair sticking out of her knicker.:eek:....those days were damn fun!!! :p:p:p

Ha ha ha. Bring back the old memory. During my school same thing happen. All busy tie shoe/pick rubber drop on floor. :biggrin:


What a dumb stomper, if it is a male student, must be gay and not interested in seeing female teachers in mini skirts.


needless to say the one that post this got to be a lady. i don't see what wrong with this


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Teachers Wear Super Minis in School. OK?

That is not super mini.

Want to see super mini, see the photo posted by Microsoft.

It is super mini when you can see the curve of the buttocks.

That mini skirt worn by the teacher is ok because:

- she is a teacher, teacher can do certain things that students cannot, just like parents can do certain things that the kids cannot do

- if she is single, she needs to attract men

- she is trying to get men to do her so she can have a baby to boost the population



Women wear shorter shirts when they are in heat. This student should be more observant and know when the teacher is ready to mate.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
err...actually I won't jump to conclusion yet....must first see the face of the wearer of that skirt...if CMI...wah lan..come naked i oso will puke...

hee...i rem last time, during exam, got one teacher show me half ball when she bend down over her desk..i was sitting right in front...wah lan..some more that time secondary school...hormones ranging...that subject perform badly...KNN..


FYI, you know why you are attracted to boobs? In fact I am quite sure it is not the boobs but the cleavage that turned you on then.

the reason is simple, the cleavage resemble and mimic the butt and men are turned on seeing woman's butt. Its a sign of fetility. So that means that if a woman's butt is not flashy at all, she better go for a boob job to use the secondary butt to lure men.


Alfrescian (Inf)
FYI, you know why you are attracted to boobs? In fact I am quite sure it is not the boobs but the cleavage that turned you on then.

the reason is simple, the cleavage resemble and mimic the butt and men are turned on seeing woman's butt. Its a sign of fetility. So that means that if a woman's butt is not flashy at all, she better go for a boob job to use the secondary butt to lure men.

Wah piang oi ....:eek:

Are you a pervert ??:confused: