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Study: Over 40% of 200,000,000 Muslim Arab youths want to migrate to the West (unclean land) instead of Saudi


Alfrescian (Inf)
The quba mosque or whatever mosque you see were built only recently. There is no mosque built during the time of mohamad as far as historians or archaeologist are concerned.
The entire history of the arabs during the time of mohamad seems to have been erased. Nothing is left except the peace agreement mohamad had with the people of medina.

U dont understand english is it? Go check wikipedia lah. Not just Masjid Quba, even the Masjidil Haram had gone thru reconstruction and repair caused by weather condition. They were built 1400yrs ago. Even ur pigeon after 30 years also need upgrading exercise. Plse lah deh. Use some common sense


The northern African state only need to improve their economic conditions.
Previously, Tunisia, egypt and Morocco depends on tourism as their main source of income.
But terrorism halted this sector.
Apart from Egypt's recent discovery of a lng field which may hel0 them in industrialisation, Morocco and Tunisia basically have no minerals or oil and gas to depend on, nor a huge population to create a viable market,

Arab Spring - started in Tunisia - was basically halted by CIA and Yankees for Zionist/Israeli cause.

If the Arab Spring resulted in democratization, we would probably have seen Muslim Brotherhood in power in most Arab countries.

These dictators in power in Saudi Arabia, UAE, other GCC countries, Jordan, Morocco and later on Sisi in Egypt were installed by the Zionist/West. No distinction between Zionist "Israel" and West in this regard coz their foreign and war policies are the same in regards to the middle east and the wider Muslim world.

If Khamenei were not a retarded TURKIC Azeri bastard, a race of inferior mongrels that have always dragged the wider Muslim world down and for the first time under the inferior Turkish mongrels' rule did the wider Muslim world fall behind the Kafir West in academic, sci/tech, politics and economy, lasting centuries now, then Khamenei the moron would have ordered nuclear attacks on Yankee territory to decimate the kufr-in-chief all at once.

Zionists can be wiped out with a few 'clicks'.

Same treatment awaits other Western countries - stooges and partners in crimes of the kafir West.

Other nonwestern stooges and partners - like Stinkypura - also Japs gooks dan lain-lain can get the same treatment. No excuses permitted.

But the fact is Khamenei is a coward

He did ZILCH

after Trump killed Soleimani publicly

He cried like a little girl and took no action.

Instead of roaring like a brave man and nuking the US capital and ten biggest cities in retaliation. As a starter.

For every act of retaliation from Yankees, 10000000000000 X (10000000000000 times) retaliation would await.

Edit: Plenty of choices here


That should have been the simple, effective, easy to understand deterrent.

The moron failed

Azeri like Khamenei failed and cried and moaned like a little girl.

And we see now how despite outnumbering Armenia by 3 to 1, despite being richer than Armenia thanks to oil income, despite aligning with Zionists in effect the West, Azerbaijan still can't defeat Armenia after 3 weeks of war.

Azeri Turks, like all other Turks, are a bunch of genuine donkies.

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Alfrescian (Inf)
The quba mosque or whatever mosque you see were built only recently. There is no mosque built during the time of mohamad as far as historians or archaeologist are concerned.
The entire history of the arabs during the time of mohamad seems to have been erased. Nothing is left except the peace agreement mohamad had with the people of medina.

Can u show proof. Evidence...to substantiate ur claim tat no mosque 1400yrs ago? Islam and religion not mentioned in the Quran?


Alfrescian (Inf)
How Many Muslim Countries Has the U.S. Bombed Or Occupied Since 1980?
The people who denounce the violence of Islam live in countries whose governments unleash more violence than anyone else by far.

Barack Obama, in his post-election press conference yesterday, announced that he would seek an Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) from the new Congress, one that would authorize Obama’s bombing campaign in Iraq and Syria—the one he began three months ago. If one were being generous, one could say that seeking congressional authorization for a war that commenced months ago is at least better than fighting a war even after Congress explicitly rejected its authorization, as Obama lawlessly did in the now-collapsed country of Libya.

When Obama began bombing targets inside Syria in September, I noted that it was the seventh predominantly Muslim country that had been bombed by the U.S. during his presidency (that did not count Obama’s bombing of the Muslim minority in the Philippines). I also previously noted that this new bombing campaign meant that Obama had become the fourth consecutive U.S. President to order bombs dropped on Iraq. Standing alone, those are both amazingly revealing facts. American violence is so ongoing and continuous that we barely notice it any more. Just this week, a U.S. drone launched a missile that killed 10 people in Yemen, and the dead were promptly labeled “suspected militants” (which actually just means they are “military-age males”); those killings received almost no discussion.

To get a full scope of American violence in the world, it is worth asking a broader question: how many countries in the Islamic world has the U.S. bombed or occupied since 1980? That answer was provided in a recent Washington Post op-ed by the military historian and former U.S. Army Col. Andrew Bacevich:

As America’s efforts to “degrade and ultimately destroy” Islamic State militants extent into Syria, Iraq War III has seamlessly morphed into Greater Middle East Battlefield XIV. That is, Syria has become at least the 14th country in the Islamic world that U.S. forces have invaded or occupied or bombed, and in which American soldiers have killed or been killed. And that’s just since 1980.
Let’s tick them off: Iran (1980, 1987-1988), Libya (1981, 1986, 1989, 2011), Lebanon (1983), Kuwait (1991), Iraq (1991-2011, 2014-), Somalia (1992-1993, 2007-), Bosnia (1995), Saudi Arabia (1991, 1996), Afghanistan (1998, 2001-), Sudan (1998), Kosovo (1999), Yemen (2000, 2002-), Pakistan (2004-) and now Syria. Whew.

Bacevich’s count excludes the bombing and occupation of still other predominantly Muslim countries by key U.S. allies such as Israel and Saudi Arabia, carried out with crucial American support. It excludes coups against democratically elected governments, torture, and imprisonment of people with no charges. It also, of course, excludes all the other bombing and invading and occupying that the U.S. has carried out during this time period in other parts of the world, including in Central America and the Caribbean, as well as various proxy wars in Africa.

There is an awful lot to be said about the factions in the west which devote huge amounts of their time and attention to preaching against the supreme primitiveness and violence of Muslims. There are no gay bars in Gaza, the obsessively anti-Islam polemicists proclaim—as though that (rather than levels of violence and aggression unleashed against the world) is the most important metric for judging a society. Reflecting their single-minded obsession with demonizing Muslims (at exactly the same time, coincidentally, their governments wage a never-ending war on Muslim countries and their societies marginalize Muslims), they notably neglect to note thriving gay communities in places like Beirut and Istanbul, or the lack of them in Christian Uganda. Employing the defining tactic of bigotry, they love to highlight the worst behavior of individual Muslims as a means of attributing it to the group as a whole, while ignoring (often expressly) the worst behavior of individual Jews and/or their own groups (they similarly cite the most extreme precepts of Islam while ignoring similarly extreme ones from Judaism). That’s because, as Rula Jebreal told Bill Maher last week, if these oh-so-brave rationality warriors said about Jews what they say about Muslims, they’d be fired.

But of all the various points to make about this group, this is always the most astounding: those same people, who love to denounce the violence of Islam as some sort of ultimate threat, live in countries whose governments unleash far more violence, bombing, invasions, and occupations than anyone else by far. That is just a fact.

Those who sit around in the U.S. or the U.K. endlessly inveighing against the evil of Islam, depicting it as the root of violence and evil (the “mother lode of bad ideas“), while spending very little time on their own societies’ addictions to violence and aggression, or their own religious and nationalistic drives, have reached the peak of self-blinding tribalism. They really are akin to having a neighbor down the street who constantly murders, steals and pillages, and then spends his spare time flamboyantly denouncing people who live thousands of miles away for their bad acts. Such a person would be regarded as pathologically self-deluded, a term that also describes those political and intellectual factions which replicate that behavior.

The sheer casualness with which Obama yesterday called for a new AUMF is reflective of how central, how commonplace, violence and militarism are in the U.S.’s imperial management of the world. That some citizens of that same country devote themselves primarily if not exclusively to denouncing the violence and savagery of others is a testament to how powerful and self-blinding tribalism is as a human drive.


The west are remnants of the roman empire. It never died

Roman Empire has long been shattered into pieces and dead and buried.

Its reach never extended to three or more continents. I don't count Europe as a continent in this case, coz the continent is actually Eurasia.

A Singaporean

kafir westerners and their cocksuckers - like YOU - are hypocrites, too.

talk rot about arabs and muslims yet die die want to go to arab countries.

GET THE FUCK OUT of Muslim territories in Palestine.

GET THE FUCK OUT of Muslim territories in Singapura - part of Malaya/Malay Peninsula.

GET THE FUCK OUT of Muslim territories in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Turkey, Lebanon etc.

'nuff said.
Fucking retards cannot accept the truth. No one want them in their countries. Sinkieland belongs to cina. m&d can go ahead with plan B. Accept the fact that even PAP does not give a fuck what m&d thinks. Bangsa Melayu tidak ada kuasa lagi. Just fuck off to Mudland and join UMNO.


a bunch of terrorists driven to hatred and despair by what has happened to their countries and homes killed a bunch of white pigs,the whole world in uproar,these guys are monsters they cry!!!!!!

but amdk invade middle east and vietnam,the entire continent in shambles,entire countries like syria obliterated by amdk war machine.......millions upon millions dead in each amdk war alone,vietnam war,iraq war,afgan war,syria war.......but no one gives a second thought about it.....

this is why i wish one day for a non white power to rise up,a brown power,like iran,China and a communist power to rise up and combine forces,and smash the amdk cities to smithereens,have them have a taste of their own medicine of what they have laid on the commies,the asians and the middle easterns for the last hundred years........

you can do it today.

produce some of these big bad babies.



drop 'em on ang moh skulls

problem solved.

issue is even so called "Islamic Republic" led by TURKIC donkey Khamenei is dead scared of losing their lives, of losing their hold on power that they enjoy and through which they have oppressed Iranian masses, the Sunnis in Iran and neighbouring countries, killed countless innocent defenceless people.

The tens of billions of dollars, euros or pounds that they have amassed in wealth will be all gone if they fight a war. They'd rather take a few hits, get some of their people killed but still enjoy the luxuries of life (while pretending to be Islamic Revolutionary) rather than have a showdown with the kafir-in-chief Yankees and eliminate kufr from the planet all at one go.


Fucking excuse from a retard m&d. The whole world know that it is Muslims who go around killing and raping innocent people. Non Muslims have been keeping quiet and it is time they stand up. Enough is enough. Give Muslims a taste of their own medicine.

a retarded kafir stinkyporean.

the whole world does not even know where the fuck is stinkypore. so small, so tiny, so insignificant, so backward. no notable achievements in history. may even get obliterated. filled to the brim with CECA tiong jhk chinks and turd worlders.

living in teeny tiny shoebox apartments and have no cars, no scenery, no sights.


if my race.....the yellow face rule the world,it would be a sad day for all of us......amdk may be wicked......but we will suffocate under the yellow men.....

well said.

i agree. ang moh are bad. slanties are worse.

only that slanty inferior copycats haven't yet surpassed ang mohs in geopolitical power. maybe never will coz copycats be copycats.

to be number 1 you need 2 lead, which means no more copycats.

dats why all slanties struggle after reaching a certain peak.

coz can't copy any longer. imitation doesn't quite cut it at that stage.


How Many Muslim Countries Has the U.S. Bombed Or Occupied Since 1980?
The people who denounce the violence of Islam live in countries whose governments unleash more violence than anyone else by far.

Barack Obama, in his post-election press conference yesterday, announced that he would seek an Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) from the new Congress, one that would authorize Obama’s bombing campaign in Iraq and Syria—the one he began three months ago. If one were being generous, one could say that seeking congressional authorization for a war that commenced months ago is at least better than fighting a war even after Congress explicitly rejected its authorization, as Obama lawlessly did in the now-collapsed country of Libya.

When Obama began bombing targets inside Syria in September, I noted that it was the seventh predominantly Muslim country that had been bombed by the U.S. during his presidency (that did not count Obama’s bombing of the Muslim minority in the Philippines). I also previously noted that this new bombing campaign meant that Obama had become the fourth consecutive U.S. President to order bombs dropped on Iraq. Standing alone, those are both amazingly revealing facts. American violence is so ongoing and continuous that we barely notice it any more. Just this week, a U.S. drone launched a missile that killed 10 people in Yemen, and the dead were promptly labeled “suspected militants” (which actually just means they are “military-age males”); those killings received almost no discussion.

To get a full scope of American violence in the world, it is worth asking a broader question: how many countries in the Islamic world has the U.S. bombed or occupied since 1980? That answer was provided in a recent Washington Post op-ed by the military historian and former U.S. Army Col. Andrew Bacevich:

Bacevich’s count excludes the bombing and occupation of still other predominantly Muslim countries by key U.S. allies such as Israel and Saudi Arabia, carried out with crucial American support. It excludes coups against democratically elected governments, torture, and imprisonment of people with no charges. It also, of course, excludes all the other bombing and invading and occupying that the U.S. has carried out during this time period in other parts of the world, including in Central America and the Caribbean, as well as various proxy wars in Africa.

There is an awful lot to be said about the factions in the west which devote huge amounts of their time and attention to preaching against the supreme primitiveness and violence of Muslims. There are no gay bars in Gaza, the obsessively anti-Islam polemicists proclaim—as though that (rather than levels of violence and aggression unleashed against the world) is the most important metric for judging a society. Reflecting their single-minded obsession with demonizing Muslims (at exactly the same time, coincidentally, their governments wage a never-ending war on Muslim countries and their societies marginalize Muslims), they notably neglect to note thriving gay communities in places like Beirut and Istanbul, or the lack of them in Christian Uganda. Employing the defining tactic of bigotry, they love to highlight the worst behavior of individual Muslims as a means of attributing it to the group as a whole, while ignoring (often expressly) the worst behavior of individual Jews and/or their own groups (they similarly cite the most extreme precepts of Islam while ignoring similarly extreme ones from Judaism). That’s because, as Rula Jebreal told Bill Maher last week, if these oh-so-brave rationality warriors said about Jews what they say about Muslims, they’d be fired.

But of all the various points to make about this group, this is always the most astounding: those same people, who love to denounce the violence of Islam as some sort of ultimate threat, live in countries whose governments unleash far more violence, bombing, invasions, and occupations than anyone else by far. That is just a fact.

Those who sit around in the U.S. or the U.K. endlessly inveighing against the evil of Islam, depicting it as the root of violence and evil (the “mother lode of bad ideas“), while spending very little time on their own societies’ addictions to violence and aggression, or their own religious and nationalistic drives, have reached the peak of self-blinding tribalism. They really are akin to having a neighbor down the street who constantly murders, steals and pillages, and then spends his spare time flamboyantly denouncing people who live thousands of miles away for their bad acts. Such a person would be regarded as pathologically self-deluded, a term that also describes those political and intellectual factions which replicate that behavior.

The sheer casualness with which Obama yesterday called for a new AUMF is reflective of how central, how commonplace, violence and militarism are in the U.S.’s imperial management of the world. That some citizens of that same country devote themselves primarily if not exclusively to denouncing the violence and savagery of others is a testament to how powerful and self-blinding tribalism is as a human drive.

WTF do faggots have to do with anything.

Kill all western fags for all I care.

As I have said, until and unless someone nukes the sh*t outta Yankees and all their minions, there would be no semblance of peace.

After cold war ended, all the yankee weapons manufacturers need war - of course they need to be fought elsewhere. So that the impact never reaches yankee territory.

That's why I have been saying, the simple, effective, easy to understand and easy to implement solution is nuclear.

Erase Yankees from the map.

Problem solved.

Issue is Khamenei the TURKIC Azeri chief of supposed "Islamic Republic" is a moron, corrupt to the bone, coward.

The others are worse.

They care about enriching themselves and their personal possessions than about the state of the wider Muslim world.

Reminds me of Saddam, who thought by abiding by United Nations commands, he would be spared.

What happened afterwards is common knowledge.

Morons - the whole lot of them. Every single one of them. From Pakistan all the way to Turkey, Azerbaijan, Iran - its Turkic Azeri supreme leader included. Arab leaderships are pretty much all dictators installed by the West/Russia/kuffar. So you can say Arabs are still colonized unlike most of the 3rd world.


Alfrescian (Inf)
a retarded kafir stinkyporean.

the whole world does not even know where the fuck is stinkypore. so small, so tiny, so insignificant, so backward. no notable achievements in history. may even get obliterated. filled to the brim with CECA tiong jhk chinks and turd worlders.

living in teeny tiny shoebox apartments and have no cars, no scenery, no sights.

Tat CECA lover is a retard. He tink sinkieland is a big country like Malaysia, chicom or USA. Bwhahaha...



syed putra

Can u show proof. Evidence...to substantiate ur claim tat no mosque 1400yrs ago? Islam and religion not mentioned in the Quran?
There is no proof as nothing is left. Whatever you hear about mohamad was written 150 years or so after his death.


Alfrescian (Inf)
There is no proof as nothing is left. Whatever you hear about mohamad was written 150 years or so after his death.

The Quran is different. Its unique. The contents is in the Prophet's s.a.w. and the companions hearts. We have the hafiz since 1400 yrs ago. Just listen to any Muslims fm any 4 corners of the world. All will recite the same verse, surah...in the original language, the Arabic. Tats the living miracle u cant find in other scriptures like Torah or Bible. Tats the proof! :thumbsup: AllaHu Akbar!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
i must be mistaken,is there a muslim occupied territory the size of USA,canada and australia combined more than 21 million sq km....that i do not know of?

each of these countries is so massive and huge and resource rich,they can easily support 350 million people each and comfortably more for expansion.

moslems have empires that spanned much of south asia, mesopotamia, middle east, much of africa. Most of their territories came about by imperialist conquest. The size of those territories should rival the size of USA, Canada and Australia either by land mass or by population put to the sword and subjugated.

In recent years, moslem arab settlers in Sudan have been slaughtering and raping indigenous Africans in Sudan by the hundreds of thousands, razing their villages to the ground. Not a single moslem mosque anywhere in the world or OIC country made the slightest protest.

Your point seems to be that it's only wrong to colonize the Americas and Australia but okay to kill, slaughter and commit genocide all over the old known world?
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Initially islam was a liberating force freeing those subjugated under roman rule to join the muslim ranks, including jews and Christians deemed heretics by Rome. As a example you can use Spartacus as a reference.

Just like how the Japanese view themselves as liberators of East Asia during WW2 and how many asiatics flocked to join them?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
kafir westerners and their cocksuckers - like YOU - are hypocrites, too.

talk rot about arabs and muslims yet die die want to go to arab countries.

GET THE FUCK OUT of Muslim territories in Palestine.

GET THE FUCK OUT of Muslim territories in Singapura - part of Malaya/Malay Peninsula.

GET THE FUCK OUT of Muslim territories in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Turkey, Lebanon etc.

'nuff said.

Get the fuck out of Israel and the Middle East. Those are not moslem lands. Those are Christian lands stolen by moslems.

Go fuck another pig.

syed putra

Just like how the Japanese view themselves as liberators of East Asia during WW2 and how many asiatics flocked to join them?
Under British rule, Malays were trained to be civil servants and behave and speak like a brit. Including drinking whisky and beer and going to dance hall.
Similarly, Japanese sent Malays for training in Japan during WWII. Schools were taught jaoanese language and those old folks in the kampung could speak Japanese.