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SKU6892L Soh Kian Hui, 45. Malaysian Mata looking for you now


Malaysian police searching for driver of Singapore-registered car who swung golf club at 2 men , Singapore News

Malaysian police are searching for the driver of a Singapore-registered car after the video of what looks like a road rage incident was uploaded onto Facebook yesterday (Feb 10).
The 54-second video, taken from inside another car, shows a stationary red Mitsubishi Lancer and a black Toyota on the left lane of a highway in Johor.
The Lancer is surrounded by two men and the person inside begins to drive off, appearing to swerve towards one of the men who then slams his hand on the windscreen.
The driver of the red car then emerges with a golf club, swinging it angrily at the two men. The video shows him hitting the back window of the Toyota, which appears to be damaged.
The man who previously hit the windscreen then grabs the golf club and pushes the Mitsubishi driver away, while the other man holds the former back.
Other passengers emerge from the two cars and they appear to have an argument. This altercation took place on the first day of Chinese New Year (Feb 10).
Some netizens shared their disapproval in the comments, with one claiming that Singaporeans "come to Malaysia thinking they that they are big shots".
Another commented that the road rage may have been caused by the man hitting the Lancer's windscreen. They added that the alleged road rage had nothing to do with the nationality of the drivers.
The Muar District Police released a statement later that evening stating that the incident occurred on Feb 10 at approximately 1.58pm on the North-South Expressway in Pagoh, Johor.

Drivers endure hours-long jam at Causeway on first day of Chinese New Year

"A local driver on route to Kuala Lumpur saw a red Mitsubishi Lancer driven by the suspect using the emergency lane and blocked the said vehicle," they wrote.
"As a result of that action, a verbal argument occurred, and the suspect knocked the windows of the local man's car with a club and left the scene."
They added that they were investigating the case under Section 427 of the Malaysian penal code, pertaining to "whoever commits mischief and thereby causes loss or damage to the amount of 25 ringgit (S$7) or upwards", which is punishable by two years' imprisonment and/or a fine.
It is also being investigated under Section 233 of Malaysia’s Communications and Multimedia Act, pertaining to "offences of using network facilities to transmit communication deemed to be offensive or could cause annoyance to another person" and Section 53(1) of the Road Transport Act 1959, which stipulates driving in the emergency lane as an offence.
Muar District Police are also looking for the driver of the Mitsubishi Lancer to assist with the investigation.
They advised the public to avoid speculations "that can affect harmony and disturb public order" and added that that the police will take "strict action" according to the law and "not compromise with any criminal offenses".

[email protected]


This kind is jiuhusai drive Singapore car. Sinkies will only hide in car, take photo and video, cry victim call polis and expect someone to come to their rescue, not exit car and fight.

You see @ginfreely this pcb already know, can only kpkb here, I dare her take out her bra and cup the whistling old men?!?

Byebye Penis

Singaporean driver whacks Malaysian driver's car in Malaysia. So proud of him.

Really can't imagine Singaporean got such balls.
Maybe he was born in Malaysia?

Byebye Penis

Many Malaysian Chinese drivers do carry some form of weapon such as a baseball bat or baton in their car.

He was too brave to be a Singaporean.


You see @ginfreely this pcb already know, can only kpkb here, I dare her take out her bra and cup the whistling old men?!?
Once she take out her bra only, old men will grab her neh and suck her nipples. She will go into whore mode, moan like a slut and beg the old men to oar her hole.

Come online act Virgin, say people harass her.
Fucking cheebye.


MUAR - A Singaporean involved in a road rage incident on the North-South Expressway in Malaysia has been fined RM5,500 (S$1,545) by a Magistrate’s Court.

Soh Kian Hui, 45, pleaded guilty to causing more than RM2,500 worth of damage to a car during the altercation.

Soh, a taxi driver, made the plea after the charges were read to him in English in front of Magistrate Fatin Dalilah Khalid on Feb 14.



A Singaporean

MUAR - A Singaporean involved in a road rage incident on the North-South Expressway in Malaysia has been fined RM5,500 (S$1,545) by a Magistrate’s Court.

Soh Kian Hui, 45, pleaded guilty to causing more than RM2,500 worth of damage to a car during the altercation.

Soh, a taxi driver, made the plea after the charges were read to him in English in front of Magistrate Fatin Dalilah Khalid on Feb 14.
Like I have said earlier, he is a fucking low class coolie gene Sinkie. Stop putting the blame on foreigners.