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Serious Singapore spend so much USD to prop up SGD?


4% is the interim. It may go as high as 6-8%. And if MAS does not defend the SGD what will happen?

So likelihood SG interest rate may shoot to 7%, which I think will be the highest it will go.

Or nuclear war will come first. USA will not allow anyone to push them off the throne.

question is what will others do to ensure yanks can't use nuclear option?

we know chinks can't fight, they are all copycats, true of all slanties, no exceptions whatsoever incl japs gooks stinkies hongkies taiwanese viets etc

russkies are corrupted as hell, never recovered from soviet collapse so much so that even yankee cowboys look more desirable attractive country to work with invest in or settle in for lots of turd world sh*thole residents.

moreover putler said openly he's scared of NATO which is just yanks, others got no military if u can take down yanks, the rest of nato poses no threats.

putler or tiongs or iran got no ability to strangle choke put on chokehold on yanks, put them to permanent sleep. then how?


They're deliberately crashing the world economy then use it as a pretext to usher in their one world digital currency... tied to your social credit score.

The blueprints and patents are already out there. :cool:
who'll control this currency?


Saudi and gulf states should start a new middle east currency pegged to its oil and gas wealth. That will be something else.

suudi/gcc pegged their currency to usd and sell oil/gas ONLY in usd.

they are unpopular dictators imposed by poms and then yanks.

arabs want these despots removed in all arab countries hence the arab spring, but without a great military power backing them to ward of yankee terror and sabotage, all gains were reversed as in egypt thx to yanks jews and their regional puppets vassals like suudis uae etc.

no way can suudi or gcc despots go against yankee diktat. wake me up when they ACTUALLY stop accepting USD for their hydrocarbon, stop pegging their currency to USD, stop depositing their people's money in western banks securities investments real estate football clubs or other nonsense and useless overpriced weapons without any icbm anti satellite missiles and thermonuclear warhead.


question is what will others do to ensure yanks can't use nuclear option?

we know chinks can't fight, they are all copycats, true of all slanties, no exceptions whatsoever incl japs gooks stinkies hongkies taiwanese viets etc

russkies are corrupted as hell, never recovered from soviet collapse so much so that even yankee cowboys look more desirable attractive country to work with invest in or settle in for lots of turd world sh*thole residents.

moreover putler said openly he's scared of NATO which is just yanks, others got no military if u can take down yanks, the rest of nato poses no threats.

putler or tiongs or iran got no ability to strangle choke put on chokehold on yanks, put them to permanent sleep. then how?
Putin knows the godless west is only afraid of one thing - death. He will use that to his advantage. The threat to use nukes first will be enough to tame the west.
That is why Putin must display his willpower by nuking Ukraine with tact nukes.


Saudis have already formalised oil trades in RMB though they have not actually done it in reality. China and EU just did a major currency swap that bypassed USD. The end of USD has already begun.


Putin knows the godless west is only afraid of one thing - death. He will use that to his advantage. The threat to use nukes first will be enough to tame the west.
That is why Putin must display his willpower by nuking Ukraine with tact nukes.

And the West also knows this, so nothing changes.

If Putin only threatens and the West knows that's how far he will go, they won't be deterred.

Putin must demonstrate that Russkies are capable of entirely obliterating the West without spending 1% of his arsenal while locating and destroying all yankee/pommie/froggie nukes simultaneously. Ditto for other "secret" weapons in western arsenal.

But sadly (or otherwise) as Putler said, russkies are dead scared of NATO and unable to fight all of NATO. Putler has got no ability to put a chokehold on yankees and choke them to death. Too weak, btw, Iran is even weaker than russkies, so apart from BS propaganda, they couldn't do anything to trump pompeo or bolton or such after their "revered general" qassem solemani was openly murdered by yankes cowboys.


Saudis have already formalised oil trades in RMB though they have not actually done it in reality. China and EU just did a major currency swap that bypassed USD. The end of USD has already begun.
Actually u see saudi Aramco balance sheet got rmb inside


Saudis have already formalised oil trades in RMB though they have not actually done it in reality. China and EU just did a major currency swap that bypassed USD. The end of USD has already begun.

I thought Winnie the Pooh is traveling to saudi to talk about this rmb oil sales?


Alfrescian (Inf)
huat ah!


Alfrescian (Inf)
cny not only crosses the 7.2 line but surges pass it. lol! the swap backfires as ccp banks buy gobs of usd to resell later at spot markets. they’re greedy instead of patriotic afterall. huat ah!


one thing is certain.

slanty inventiveness = precisely zero.

and unlike old fart harry lee who was marked for his pragmatic attitude, unlike old fart who recognized that stinkies are coolies peasants prostituts and rickshaw pullers,

winnie the pooh can't recognize the limitations of slanty mongoloid genes.

same was true of japs, look at the miserable state they are in today.

it's the genes, i tell Yu.


Alfrescian (Inf)
can’t believe ccp banks don’t have an iota of understanding of swaps. when nationalised or central banks buy tons of a foreign currency in a swap in order to dump it at a higher price at spot markets to lower its value (and hopefully cause a global panic and selloff) it’s delusional and temporal as other buyers will seize the opportunity to buy it at the (temporary) lower value. the volume and weight of other buyers far outnumber what the ccp banks can muster. this cause a racheting up effect. ccp banks buy gobs of usd, cause it to go up, sell it on spots to reap gains and cause it to go down, which in turn cause it to get snapped up by not only other buyers but also own formulaic triggered algorithms of dollar swaps. the constant swaps and spot sells cause the usd to rachet higher in value and more cny to buy it which evaporates any gains previously earned. better for clueless ccp goons and morons in their banks to hire hongkie bankers to play this game as elite hongkie sexperts are better at it with decades of sexperience and shrewdness.
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1. The ROOT of currency fluctuations now are caused by RUS aggression in UKR. RUS did NOT just simply decided to militarily roll in UKR overnite. It was LONG planned, as far back as 5yrs ago. RUS planners took into account most aspect of the war - socially & economics, not just militarily, & rehearsed for years with trial balloons sent over the yrs before making its move into UKR.

In terms of economics, wars are highly expensive & can run into trillion$. Thus its need to bring down the US dollar so that it can pay for troops & equipment - material & parts from local & foreign sellers by rising its roubles. PrezPutin alone is believed to have a net worth of US$40billion & most are believed to be in US currency. All he needs to do is just throw US$1billion into the currency market - sell US dollars to buy RUS roubles, & traders will follow suit to sell US dollars & buy RUS roubles which will see the rouble rise, as happened.

This is just one aspect of the economic war that RUS had waged not just on US but also on all Humanity in terms of oil & resources. However, its liner thinking planners had made a mistake in presuming Humankind will just roll over & be enslaved.

2. RUS is not the only nation with resources. Others too have resources & Humanity turned instead to ALTERNATIVES. US already long knew RUS plans, & made preparations. The FED rate hike was not meant to curb exuberant spending. It was meant to curtail RUS efforts to bring down the US dollar. As US dollar is the currency reserve of the World, based upon its democracy, Rule of Law & military might, many would throw their savings into safe & strong US than other currencies, even PRC citizens with cash under their pillows. The FED rate hike was to ensure such happens, with more returns on savings to attract savers. With the rush to turn savings into US dollars, it propped up the US dollar naturally.

3. Singapore too has US currencies in its national currency reserves. It is monitored regularly by finance professionals, to buy & sell when the rates are favorable, akin to money changers, & had long profited by such measures. Today, they may had spent huge amounts to sell the US dollar to buy the S$dollar in order to prop up our own national currency, it had merely used such profits to do so. It had lost nothing, as there is still S$billions EXCHANGED for US dollars, & may even had profited.

4. Japan, Malaysia & other nations had watch their own $ dollar devalued against the US dollar. It may had been INTENTIONAL, as they are EXPORTING nations. By keeping their dollar low, their export would flow & revenue earned, more so in post covid era. As they are agrarian societies, they would be self sufficient to keep their citizens fed without or with minimal IMPORTS, mostly only needed by the rich such as mercz, BMWs, etc.

Singapore has little exports & furthermore protected by fair trade agreements, with its strong S$ dollars, most citizens & biz entities will not suffer much, with much to gain instead. Thus, there is no need to over fear.

As US is an exporting nation, it will worry if their US dollar rise too much, making their exports expensive & creating loss of jobs in US. The FED is watching closely, & any further rate hike will be only to help end the war in UKR. Rate hikes are only just one tool, there are MANY other tools to use. The RUS planners should be sacked. If they had lived during ancient times, they would be beheaded for their failures, to fool PrezPutin into thinking it can win the war in UKR & RUS be a World leader.
while i applaud your efforts, your facts are wrong at many points. but good effort though. :thumbsup: