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[Singapore] - Family of 12 squeezed into HDB 2 room flat with 1 toilet struggle with Covid Home Recovery protocol


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

While the million dollar Ministers have GCBs with many toilets and spare rooms for home recovery, spare a thought for the lower income in our society with only one bathroom per home.

GelatinousGambol :

The government really messed up and I was so ashamed to be Singaporean that I burst out in tears when I heard Majullah Singapura on Spotify just now and tore off my clothes and yelled at my dog when I saw my passport on my cabinet.
Everybody is competent. The government is insanely incompetent. Our civil service is incredibly incompetent. Your mum is slightly incompetent. Our 2.5rd world health care system is crazily incompetent. And I am fucking angry. Why can't we just have nice things like other countries who are competent?



I only hear excuses and more excuses ... you have a choice not to cram into a room ... but working hard and plan.

Instead you chose this path and blame everyone but yourself.

Else you can always accept the fact that you are of lesser being and need help ... however, you chose to push everything to destiny.

Race and IQ
IQ Map-2.png


Family of 12 living in a 2 room flat? Is that due to irresponsibility breeding? Is it a rental? Guess the race n religion n nationality of this family


Tell u what... Why not moved the entire family to a 3 storey private landed property? Blady moron, only know how to kpkb...
Shall tax payers also fork out $ to go for your abortion if u decide to stop having more kids?
Breeding like pigs!
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Tell u what... Why not moved the entire family to a 3 storey private landed property? Blady moron, only know how to kpkb...
Shall tax payers also fork out $ to go for your abortion if u decide to stop having more kids?
I support feee abortions for all as its cheaper than welfare to bring up trailer park trash


Alfrescian (Inf)
These totalitarian regimes' bureaucrats like to implement a 'one size fits all' 一刀切 policies without thinking several steps ahead. :biggrin: