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[Sg video] - Salakau 369 : Man confronts Jurong durian sellers, slaps one, challenges another to a fight. SPF arrests all 3 of them.


Overpriced durian plus given potatoes durian. If anyone stay sane, they created group of chopped carrots sinkies.


Knn, only act like a shitty gangster. If really got balls, then go to Gaza and join the fighting there.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
They will chop off her long dark nipple to make the effort worthwhile.


Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
When I was chatting with my neighbourhood durian stall guy he implied all stalls have been "approved" by a 土地公. And some of these 土地公 owns the distribution channel up to JB plantations.

These 2 guys were probably not "approved" by the area boss to set up shop so they knew to shut up and let the 369 guy slap.

But the woman... being a woman ... had to scream like a crazy bitch