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SDP's doctor candidate


Yeah SKponggol is nothing but a pAP dog,,,they trounce WP to make PAP look good,,,I really hope assholes and traitors like them will get their just desserts soon,,with the filth he sprouts,,,he must be damn free to write shit

Now that makes a lot of sense... SKPonggol is a PAPDog and i believe all sane SDP members think likewise.


Alfrescian (Inf)
SDP has lots of capable and highly intellectual people... i personally read 2 of Chee's books.
What is left for SDP to do is to educate some of their moronic supporters who go around whacking WP thinking that it benefits SDP (but in fact benefitting only PAP... in fact most of SDP's actions thus far benefit only PAP). Teach these morons the concept of co-existence.

totally agree, SDP got this confrontational style of democratic stance like the angmo. i won't say it's wrong, but it is ahead of our time. local still not able to accept this is type of political stance YET.

WP is something like a rock cover up with cotton. they may look soft and yet gaining ground. they are resilience and persistent. u thought they are soft and try to kick them, u will hurt your toes. if any of your know Chinese history well, this is the type of the oppositions you have in the Imperial court system. the court officials with opposite political view will even give up their life to make themselves heard, but they will still work within the imperial court system and stay loyal to the country. this is how the WP is positioning themselves in the parliament. they are focus and will not engage in any tussle with other oppositions. all these exceptional qualities are what make the Singaporeans like about WP and i will think that this traditional Chinese style of engagements are all decision of the Chinese educated LTK. i know some of you will not agree to what i observe especially professional political observer GMS. :P

SDP now showing good progress with a lot of well educated, bright and young talents joining them. "Democratic party" the name itself is a good branding. what puzzling me is the kind of confrontational stance SDP prefer are very much like the Barisan Sosialis which merged into WP. SDP like to take the protest to the streets like the Communist used to do or you may call it revolution. i actually worry that if SDP really take over the parliament, there maybe a similar culture revolution in Sg! i will still vote for SDP if they stand against PAP, but not WP. i also believe in rights to protest as a citizen, but is local culture able to accept now? some of my real life friends are actually calling SDP the wayang party than the WP, due to all the act put up by them. hope if any of the SDP reading this can adjust the approach and positioning of SDP.

I know it's tradition that a Democratic party is at loggerheads with Socialist or Communist party. but this is Singapore, not USA. please put this loggerheads mentality behind as this is the old order of the world in the 80's during the cold war era. Democracy is allow alternatives to coexist, pls walk the talk SDP and it supporters. in Europe, they have Communist, Democratic and even Religious or Fascism political parities in the parliament. well, that is what i call a Democracy with different voices.
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I often think that having a long list of academic qualifications does not translate to ability. In fact, those people who are successful in their career where IQ, EQ and adaptation to the real environment all have to come into play, have little time to pick up further qualifications. In fact, a PHD is an expert in only a very narrow area of study. Unless he is a researcher or lecturer in that particular area of study, his scholarship is practically useless. While there is snobbery in wealth retention, there is also snobbery in academic achievement and there are people who achieve similar snobbery in the national awards they collect.

hello! sometime is dun have a choice. like in natural science, you don't have a phd then u can only at most carry out instructions from your boss blindly. you can forget about climbing up.

by the way, i am pretty sure you never smell phd course before, except for a very minor few courses. MOST phd program (except a minority of cannot make it course from fuckup universities) are research program. so what the heck are you talking about saying unless they are researcher. You have to be a researcher to earn a phd.

p/s: to those coursework phd holder - go fuck spider
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Nope. I have never criticised SDP the party, policies, candidates whatsoever. I believe in "alternative", yes, even among opposition.
My post is factual, it simply refers to the kind of shit that came out of people like SKPonggol and the likes. There is a bunch of you jokers who seemed more focus on attacking WP than anything else... so much so that i suspected whether whacking other opposition parties is the main reason for your existence. Nevertheless i see that most of the SDP politicians are pretty decent... only a small factions of moronic supporters which if you want to do your party a favour... should do some self-reflection.

At the end of it all, the success of a party is determined purely on whether it can win seats in parliament. For more than 20 years SDP has not come close to winning any seats but its members and ardent supporters spend much time online deriding another party that has. For the most part the NSP does not behave the same way. So, that is why I say, if there has to be a multi-cornered fight in PE, let there be one among PAP, SDP and WP, since the differences are very apparent among all three.
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A PhD holder does research to earn his PhD but that does not make him a researcher in the true sense of the work. Fresh PhDs do not even are not recognised as Research Fellows until after a few years - they are known as Post Docs for a couple of years before they are recognised as part of the research team.

By the way, there is no such thing as PhD by coursework. They are usually doctoral degrees with other names e.g. DBA, MD, JD (yes, these are doctors even though they do not call themselves such), DO, DD etc.

by the way, i am pretty sure you never smell phd course before, except for a very minor few courses. MOST phd program (except a minority of cannot make it course from fuckup universities) are research program. so what the heck are you talking about saying unless they are researcher. You have to be a researcher to earn a phd.