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Serious Scientists Stunned by First Proofs of Contaminated DNA getting absorbed into Human Cells




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I was mystified for some time. I couldn't get what you're trying to say.
I thought you're probably not too articulate to explain your position until I read this

Then I say, nuff read.
Yes, sheeple usually don’t understand truth. We are the stupid people that don’t understand science and holding back the nation lol. 4 years of covid and you are expecting me to repeat everything all over again for sheeple to understand from A-Z. That only means you never do your due diligence enough and selectively read the information and got misinformed. That is why when others brought up other important topics, they don’t know how to comprehend lol

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The globetards who believed the earth is round and the virus is real and it is always mutating are the sheep that went on to jab lol. The sad reality

They got what they deserved
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Aiya its all good whatever will be will be. U still die !

Essence is did u learn anything... without sufferings there's no growth.

Change is the only constant the difference is how many times u must kena b4 u realized lol..........


Exhibiting defense mechanism, making a wrong choice, ruin one’s life and others, and letting the evildoers goes scot-free over and over again.

That is why sheeple is a sheeple and they got what they deserved. No sympathy is needed

That also says a lot about one’s standard and principles in life. To them, the outcome is the same lol
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