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Sad news just in:: SDP has just withdrawing from the by-election


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
If sdp contest you will say it is a spoiler

If sdp withdraw you say they chicken out

Damned if u do and damned if you don't.

This kind of mentality coming from you is simply shallow and puerile.

It is in the ST Breaking News section now.

Frankly, I am NOT surprised. I was at ground level in PE and it was clear that residents did not want SDP to contest.

To save itself a humiliating result, SDP has, predictably, chickened out.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The arrogance - IMHO - lies in the way WP chose not to reply to SDP's e-mails. If they had responded and kindly rejected the offer, it would have been viewed differently.

I thought Chee said he received a reply from Sylvia that gave no indication that WP wanted to work with them?
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But not meaning what you say is less regarded by most people I know, unless the people you know have a different value system.

This is exactly the issue at hand. To say as late as yesterday evening that they will contest and then go on with the wayang of collecting the political donation certificate this morning, to only announce at 4pm today that it is not contesting sends the message to everyone that anything more that comes out of SDP should be taken with a grain of salt.

The RP leader is almost as bad in terms of lack of credibility. In his razortv interview he claims that "those activities" (i.e., distributing fliers etc) his party has been "carrying on for the past 5 years". RP was only established in June 2008, and its current leader took over in 2009. I understand that he was a Hedgefund manager. He cannot count?



Interesting. You were fucking SDP and CSJ left, right and centre. Recheck all your posts.

Yes. I was fucking them for being so stupid to want to contest.

If you're interested in all my other posts, go and read this:


A true SDP supporter tells it like it is and pushes the SDP to do the right thing. Although it is more accurate for me to say that I'm a general pro-opposition supporter.
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at least chee bye kia has got his weeks of free publicity from media. now he can crawl back to his hole where no one will care.


I don't have a hotline to the SDP CEC. 2 possibilities: 1. they wanted to contest while hoping to achieve a consensus with the other parties, but pulled out when that consensus could not be achieved; 2. it could be a ploy to convince supporters how SDP's call for unity will be rebuffed.

Either way, it was a move for unity, and puts the ball firmly in WP's court.

U read too much into this.

SDP is just following the basic an animal instinct of going after what they perceive as easy meat. If you look into their past behavior it always like that. Went Sembawang because of NKF saga, HBT GRC because of YOG.


Alfrescian (Inf)
This is exactly the issue at hand. To say as late as yesterday evening that they will contest and then go on with the wayang of collecting the political donation certificate this morning, to only announce at 4pm today that it is not contesting sends the message to everyone that anything more that comes out of SDP should be taken with a grain of salt.

Did you ever consider it was a last-minute decision - to go ahead and contest and risk losing big, or to pull out and avoid being seen as a spoiler?

Personally, I think it was a difficult decision made at the eleventh hour.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Yellowarse seem to be thinking

1. I think WP is arrogant
2. I am an SDP supporter
3. Therefore all SDP supporters must think WP is arrogant

Doesn't work that way, my friend.


Honestly, it might have been better to create a MCF than to flipflop and wishwash.

I know SDP has been criticized for coming in like RP and SDA but so has WP for not giving way. Every party has their critics. Contesting any election in any constituency is the right of everyone including Zeng Guoyuan.

But not meaning what you say is less regarded by most people I know, unless the people you know have a different value system.

No, it would have been better to get out.

Remember: they were flip flopping. They never unequivocally said that they were going to contest. There was this episode where Paul Thambyah and Vincent Wijeysingha were scouting around in PE at the last minute to sound out people and ask around about their brand name. That is a very clear signal that their minds were not made up until the last minute. Other signals were very clear: Chee's very confused statements, the 3 forms collected, last minute panic emails to WP that got published. Over and over, they said, "we don't know who the candidate is". Over and over, the message is clear: we don't know what the fuck we're going to do.

I'm not going to regard them that badly now they have made the right choice. As it is, things will turn out right for them. Kenneth Jeyaretnam will get slaughtered, and SDP will not have to fight WP for land because they can always carve out RP territory.


A much loved characther from the series Northern Exposure.

Bro Scro used it to describe a powerful behind the scenes player. If you are active and of significance, you would have encountered his people at one time or another.

Who's Maurice?