• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.



Re: I Shall Take You On, Coward KNNBNBCB!!!!



Well, I think everyone in this forum can see n read that you're the one who shrink your ballz to your anus and start mentioning places asking me to meet you.... Ain't the above quote is written by you or do you wanna PRETEND n say it's written by your street whore mother???

Do you still need me to quote you on your Taiwan challenge which you posted n then "SIAM".... Dun shaft a banana into your own mouth although i know you mother love to lick n suck for her customers.

You try to ACT as if you've went down to Changi Airport T2 on 11/06/2014 but again your posting time betrayed your COWARDICE...

I know exactly the game you wanna play... Trying to post early at 20:38 on the 11/06/2014 that you've went down to the Airport T2 without knowing that the plane was delayed for 30 mins which is a simple shame to cover your CHICKEN GUTS!!! After being exposed by me, you tried something new by claiming you waited till 9 plus which is another bullshit which you can't even answer question that i thrown to you!!!

Come out with more or your CHICKEN stories n I shall expose it one by one...

:biggrin: Since a LITTLE PIMP like you love to shame not only yourself but your mother as well, my PLEASURE!!! :biggrin:


Re: Subhas Anandan now struggles with ill-health, lost 20kg



Well, I think everyone in this forum can see n read that you're the one who shrink your ballz to your anus and start mentioning places asking me to meet you.... Ain't the above quote is written by you or do you wanna PRETEND n say it's written by your street whore mother???

Do you still need me to quote you on your Taiwan challenge which you posted n then "SIAM".... Dun shaft a banana into your own mouth although i know you mother love to lick n suck for her customers.

You try to ACT as if you've went down to Changi Airport T2 on 11/06/2014 but again your posting time betrayed your COWARDICE...

I know exactly the game you wanna play... Trying to post early at 20:38 on the 11/06/2014 that you've went down to the Airport T2 without knowing that the plane was delayed for 30 mins which is a simple shame to cover your CHICKEN GUTS!!! After being exposed by me, you tried something new by claiming you waited till 9 plus which is another bullshit which you can't even answer question that i thrown to you!!!

Come out with more or your CHICKEN stories n I shall expose it one by one...

:biggrin: Since a LITTLE PIMP like you love to shame not only yourself but your mother as well, my PLEASURE!!! :biggrin:


Re: Subhas Anandan now struggles with ill-health, lost 20kg

Hor Kan 14,000 times ?

:p So did you managed to get rich without withdrawing your CPF in full since your mother is offering free sex on the street 14,000 times.... You mean 14,000 a day or a week or a month for your pathetic mum??? :p


Re: Roy was never arrested by ISD..

This is the part which i want you to admit.. see that.. a true blue PAP IB low life shit who earn a living in the expense of the society.

Do I need you to make me to admit???? What a fool you are....

All the while I've been saying what LHL doing is correct.... This fool Roy is accusing n pin-pointing at LHL for misusing CPF funds with LHL name on it....

If LHL is not going to do anything, then more fools like you will follow!!!

You claimed to be so righteous but why ain't you doing the same actions as Roy but instead hiding behind a PC to be a panty hose HERO???


Re: Roy was never arrested by ISD..

what makes you think that i am angry, i am having the most fun right now seeing citizens getting in together to screw your PAP ass.. that is priceless.. By say the citizens are angry, that does not mean i am angry. IN fact, i am happy that the citizens are getting back the PAP now.. quick..go an sayang your master, he will be hurt badly soon.

Simple, if you do not have the anger n jealousy in you, you wouldn't just be self-satisfying yourself in this forum....

:biggrin: It's just like a COWARD like you are being despised by even street whore n u dun have the ability to even call for a whore service, all you can do is crawl back home for a masturbation to satisfied yourself..... :biggrin:

Hope that PAP can really have it's downfall n not just with all this kind of self-satisfaction internet talk only.... LOL


Re: Roy was never arrested by ISD..

So anyone who is better than you are in fact ACTING.. so that is how you justified and defend and protect your low self-esteem..

those who has more money than you are ACTING, those who are more intelligent and educated than you are ACTING, and Roy who has numerous support is ACTING too.

your parents who are fucking and give birth to you are ACTING too. so where the fuck are you from?

:biggrin: How I wished what you say is true that you're better than me.... Honestly.... How i wished if this forum can come up with a oppo supporter that have GUTS to bring me down n not those PANTY HOSE HEROS like you!!! :biggrin: :biggrin:

Maybe one thing that is TRUE n GENUINE about you is the fact that you mother can't even help you to identify your biological father!!!!

Ya, Roy indeed have numerous support of 6000 pax.... Ha Ha Ha Ha.... The only pity is that he didn't have the support of his employer!!! Poor Thing just like u!!!


Re: What if there sre 50 Roy alike

That's why LHL is killing one to sent a warning across to everyone which is the right move.... Talk with responsibilities!!!!

Wanna play a defamation game, one has to answer for it, simple!!!


Re: I Shall Take You On, Coward KNNBNBCB!!!!

Wuhan Whore son aka HK14k

Fucking son of Wuhan whore. Your mother stand in the streets of Wuhan to sell her cheebye for 5 rmb and this is how you repay her? Balless lanjiaoless faggot.

I challenge you to come Indonesia but you no balls and sidestep and ask me meet you in singapore. Fine challenge accepted but you lanjiaoless faggot dare not meet me at airport. Few hours later come this forum to ask me which belt you came out from. Give you the answer and then you ask another question. Cheebye to you. Might as well ask the cisco minah wear what colour panties. :rolleyes:

Limpei every year don't know whack how many of faggot small time gangster wannabe. Want to take me on, you? Wahahahahahah. Guess what, after being pwned by me the wuhan whore son throw me another challenge. Cheebye ok. Your wuhan whore sissy gangster style is to throw challenge after challenge and then siam like a lanjiaoless rat. :kma:

Now be a good boy and start crawling back to your Wuhan mummy whore skirt. Its getting crowded underneath it. My Bengal dogs have OCCUPIED the space.
Wuhan whore son , You cheebye no balls to face me I forgive u. Next time don't act gangster again OK. Now go crawl back to your mummy Cheebye OK :oIo:

You and your gang trying to deface the main kopitiam side but got use? You and your pathetic bunch will be drown by the other forummers. Show me what you can do over there ok. Trying to jam the threads there with your nonsense, dream on. Your sole existence in this forum is for me to mock and humiliate your cowardly and stupidity. Do appear more often instead of just during the School holidays. I am not done with you yet. You can only be dismissed after I said so ok. :biggrin:


Re: Subhas Anandan now struggles with ill-health, lost 20kg

Wuhan Whore son aka HK14k

Fucking son of Wuhan whore. Your mother stand in the streets of Wuhan to sell her cheebye for 5 rmb and this is how you repay her? Balless lanjiaoless faggot.

I challenge you to come Indonesia but you no balls and sidestep and ask me meet you in singapore. Fine challenge accepted but you lanjiaoless faggot dare not meet me at airport. Few hours later come this forum to ask me which belt you came out from. Give you the answer and then you ask another question. Cheebye to you. Might as well ask the cisco minah wear what colour panties. :rolleyes:

Limpei every year don't know whack how many of faggot small time gangster wannabe. Want to take me on, you? Wahahahahahah. Guess what, after being pwned by me the wuhan whore son throw me another challenge. Cheebye ok. Your wuhan whore sissy gangster style is to throw challenge after challenge and then siam like a lanjiaoless rat. :kma:

Now be a good boy and start crawling back to your Wuhan mummy whore skirt. Its getting crowded underneath it. My Bengal dogs have OCCUPIED the space.
Wuhan whore son , You cheebye no balls to face me I forgive u. Next time don't act gangster again OK. Now go crawl back to your mummy Cheebye OK :oIo:

You and your gang trying to deface the main kopitiam side but got use? You and your pathetic bunch will be drown by the other forummers. Show me what you can do over there ok. Trying to jam the threads there with your nonsense, dream on. Your sole existence in this forum is for me to mock and humiliate your cowardly and stupidity. Do appear more often instead of just during the School holidays. I am not done with you yet. You can only be dismissed after I said so ok. :biggrin:


Re: Who Is Lionheart

Lionheart aka Kopiuncle aka ilovesingapore aka theblackhole aka tigerbright is a sycophant and pathological liar who is out to disrupt this forum.

Best to describe this moron is 狗改不了吃屎 (A dog cannot change its eating pooh habit)

So, this is dedicated to him.


Lionheart is pinky hello Kitty david gan lookalike chow homo gay hk14k fuck buddy.


Re: What if there sre 50 Roy alike

govern with integrity so that people don't call you are bully and tyrant or dictator.

PAP has the least concern for what names that people call them especially losers like u.... You can brand them as bullies, dictator or whatsoever but the fact that they are the ruling party doesn't change....

But of course ppl like u would like to come out words for your own self-satisfaction like 2016 GE will be the downfall of PAP which is in your dreams only...


Re: Roy was never arrested by ISD..

Roy is a true first world citizen, a third world sinkie loser like you just do not understand how a first world behaves.

political affiliation of civil service organisation for the personal benefit of the govt is a third world low life sinkie behaviour... ok.. if you dun understand what it means, then go to your PAP master and suck more of their dicks.

True 1st world citizen???? Maybe you shouldn't just give this title to Roy but to yourself....

3rd world low life sinkies???? You're not even enough to be qualify for a 3rd world low life.... You're worst than m&d "烂泥".... All I can see is the kind of jealousy that you've against this society and coz you're a nobody in your "Dream 1st World" , all you can do is to use your keyboard to help you to satisfy your own DREAMS!!!

Crawl to your opposition parties leaders n do a better mouth job to allow them to have more guts in parliament.... Maybe you mother can impart more skills to you as she's so use to doing blow jobs for her customers!!!


Re: Subhas Anandan now struggles with ill-health, lost 20kg



Well, I think everyone in this forum can see n read that you're the one who shrink your ballz to your anus and start mentioning places asking me to meet you.... Ain't the above quote is written by you or do you wanna PRETEND n say it's written by your street whore mother???

Do you still need me to quote you on your Taiwan challenge which you posted n then "SIAM".... Dun shaft a banana into your own mouth although i know you mother love to lick n suck for her customers.

You try to ACT as if you've went down to Changi Airport T2 on 11/06/2014 but again your posting time betrayed your COWARDICE...

I know exactly the game you wanna play... Trying to post early at 20:38 on the 11/06/2014 that you've went down to the Airport T2 without knowing that the plane was delayed for 30 mins which is a simple shame to cover your CHICKEN GUTS!!! After being exposed by me, you tried something new by claiming you waited till 9 plus which is another bullshit which you can't even answer question that i thrown to you!!!

Come out with more or your CHICKEN stories n I shall expose it one by one...

:biggrin: Since a LITTLE PIMP like you love to shame not only yourself but your mother as well, my PLEASURE!!! :biggrin:


Re: I Shall Take You On, Coward KNNBNBCB!!!!



Well, I think everyone in this forum can see n read that you're the one who shrink your ballz to your anus and start mentioning places asking me to meet you.... Ain't the above quote is written by you or do you wanna PRETEND n say it's written by your street whore mother???

Do you still need me to quote you on your Taiwan challenge which you posted n then "SIAM".... Dun shaft a banana into your own mouth although i know you mother love to lick n suck for her customers.

You try to ACT as if you've went down to Changi Airport T2 on 11/06/2014 but again your posting time betrayed your COWARDICE...

I know exactly the game you wanna play... Trying to post early at 20:38 on the 11/06/2014 that you've went down to the Airport T2 without knowing that the plane was delayed for 30 mins which is a simple shame to cover your CHICKEN GUTS!!! After being exposed by me, you tried something new by claiming you waited till 9 plus which is another bullshit which you can't even answer question that i thrown to you!!!

Come out with more or your CHICKEN stories n I shall expose it one by one...

:biggrin: Since a LITTLE PIMP like you love to shame not only yourself but your mother as well, my PLEASURE!!! :biggrin:


Re: I Shall Take You On, Coward KNNBNBCB!!!!

Wuhan Whore son aka HK14k

Fucking son of Wuhan whore. Your mother stand in the streets of Wuhan to sell her cheebye for 5 rmb and this is how you repay her? Balless lanjiaoless faggot.

I challenge you to come Indonesia but you no balls and sidestep and ask me meet you in singapore. Fine challenge accepted but you lanjiaoless faggot dare not meet me at airport. Few hours later come this forum to ask me which belt you came out from. Give you the answer and then you ask another question. Cheebye to you. Might as well ask the cisco minah wear what colour panties. :rolleyes:

Limpei every year don't know whack how many of faggot small time gangster wannabe. Want to take me on, you? Wahahahahahah. Guess what, after being pwned by me the wuhan whore son throw me another challenge. Cheebye ok. Your wuhan whore sissy gangster style is to throw challenge after challenge and then siam like a lanjiaoless rat. :kma:

Now be a good boy and start crawling back to your Wuhan mummy whore skirt. Its getting crowded underneath it. My Bengal dogs have OCCUPIED the space.
Wuhan whore son , You cheebye no balls to face me I forgive u. Next time don't act gangster again OK. Now go crawl back to your mummy Cheebye OK :oIo:

You and your gang trying to deface the main kopitiam side but got use? You and your pathetic bunch will be drown by the other forummers. Show me what you can do over there ok. Trying to jam the threads there with your nonsense, dream on. Your sole existence in this forum is for me to mock and humiliate your cowardly and stupidity. Do appear more often instead of just during the School holidays. I am not done with you yet. You can only be dismissed after I said so ok. :biggrin:


Re: Subhas Anandan now struggles with ill-health, lost 20kg

Wuhan Whore son aka HK14k

Fucking son of Wuhan whore. Your mother stand in the streets of Wuhan to sell her cheebye for 5 rmb and this is how you repay her? Balless lanjiaoless faggot.

I challenge you to come Indonesia but you no balls and sidestep and ask me meet you in singapore. Fine challenge accepted but you lanjiaoless faggot dare not meet me at airport. Few hours later come this forum to ask me which belt you came out from. Give you the answer and then you ask another question. Cheebye to you. Might as well ask the cisco minah wear what colour panties. :rolleyes:

Limpei every year don't know whack how many of faggot small time gangster wannabe. Want to take me on, you? Wahahahahahah. Guess what, after being pwned by me the wuhan whore son throw me another challenge. Cheebye ok. Your wuhan whore sissy gangster style is to throw challenge after challenge and then siam like a lanjiaoless rat. :kma:

Now be a good boy and start crawling back to your Wuhan mummy whore skirt. Its getting crowded underneath it. My Bengal dogs have OCCUPIED the space.
Wuhan whore son , You cheebye no balls to face me I forgive u. Next time don't act gangster again OK. Now go crawl back to your mummy Cheebye OK :oIo:

You and your gang trying to deface the main kopitiam side but got use? You and your pathetic bunch will be drown by the other forummers. Show me what you can do over there ok. Trying to jam the threads there with your nonsense, dream on. Your sole existence in this forum is for me to mock and humiliate your cowardly and stupidity. Do appear more often instead of just during the School holidays. I am not done with you yet. You can only be dismissed after I said so ok. :biggrin:


Re: World Cup 2014 Thread...

can someone guide me?

why england is not auto out since they lost 2 games?
i read news that they still got a little chance?
why it is not auto out after losing 2 games?

If Italy beat Costa Rica tonight and beat Uruguay on its final game, Italy will have 9 pts, Uruguay will have 3.

If England beats Costa Rica on its final game, then England, Uruguay and CR all have 3 points. It will then go down to goal difference.

If CR managed at least a draw tonight then England is confirmed out.


Re: I Shall Take You On, Coward KNNBNBCB!!!!


:biggrin: Compare a World Cup that comes only 4 years once, you think you're more Important or the WORLD CUP???? Not forgetting that you're just a USELESS, BALLESS PIMP!!! :biggrin: WANNA ACT HERO ALSO USED YOUR CHICKEN BRAINS...

Well, I think everyone in this forum can see n read that you're the one who shrink your ballz to your anus and start mentioning places asking me to meet you.... Ain't the above quote is written by you or do you wanna PRETEND n say it's written by your street whore mother???

Do you still need me to quote you on your Taiwan challenge which you posted n then "SIAM".... Dun shaft a banana into your own mouth although i know you mother love to lick n suck for her customers.

You try to ACT as if you've went down to Changi Airport T2 on 11/06/2014 but again your posting time betrayed your COWARDICE...

I know exactly the game you wanna play... Trying to post early at 20:38 on the 11/06/2014 that you've went down to the Airport T2 without knowing that the plane was delayed for 30 mins which is a simple shame to cover your CHICKEN GUTS!!! After being exposed by me, you tried something new by claiming you waited till 9 plus which is another bullshit which you can't even answer question that i thrown to you!!!

Come out with more or your CHICKEN stories n I shall expose it one by one...

:kma: Since a LITTLE PIMP like you love to shame not only yourself but your mother as well, my PLEASURE!!! :kma:

:biggrin: A COWARD PIMP like you has not done with me yet???? Come on.... I'm WAITING FOR YOU BUT ALAS YOU'RE ALWAYS HIDING UNDER YOUR MOTHER PANTY HOSE.... :biggrin: :biggrin:


Re: Subhas Anandan now struggles with ill-health, lost 20kg

:biggrin: Compare a World Cup that comes only 4 years once, you think you're more Important or the WORLD CUP???? Not forgetting that you're just a USELESS, BALLESS PIMP!!! :biggrin: WANNA ACT HERO ALSO USED YOUR CHICKEN BRAINS...

Well, I think everyone in this forum can see n read that you're the one who shrink your ballz to your anus and start mentioning places asking me to meet you.... Ain't the above quote is written by you or do you wanna PRETEND n say it's written by your street whore mother???

Do you still need me to quote you on your Taiwan challenge which you posted n then "SIAM".... Dun shaft a banana into your own mouth although i know you mother love to lick n suck for her customers.

You try to ACT as if you've went down to Changi Airport T2 on 11/06/2014 but again your posting time betrayed your COWARDICE...

I know exactly the game you wanna play... Trying to post early at 20:38 on the 11/06/2014 that you've went down to the Airport T2 without knowing that the plane was delayed for 30 mins which is a simple shame to cover your CHICKEN GUTS!!! After being exposed by me, you tried something new by claiming you waited till 9 plus which is another bullshit which you can't even answer question that i thrown to you!!!

Come out with more or your CHICKEN stories n I shall expose it one by one...

:kma: Since a LITTLE PIMP like you love to shame not only yourself but your mother as well, my PLEASURE!!! :kma:

:biggrin: A COWARD PIMP like you has not done with me yet???? Come on.... I'm WAITING FOR YOU BUT ALAS YOU'RE ALWAYS HIDING UNDER YOUR MOTHER PANTY HOSE.... :biggrin: :biggrin: