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Ris Low has bipolar disorder, or manic depressive disorder


Alfrescian (Inf)

MISS Ris Low, the reigning Miss Singapore World, walked through a packed Raffles City Shopping Centre late on Saturday morning and no one so much as batted an eyelid at her.
Despite being one of the most talked-about - castigated, really - beauty queens Singapore has ever produced, she was a nobody in a sea of shoppers.

But that must surely come as a huge relief to the 19-year-old for since Friday, her phone had been ringing off the hook after news broke that she had recently been convicted of credit card fraud and could be stripped of her title.

An even more startling revelation appeared in yesterday's The Straits Times - that she has bipolar disorder, or manic depressive disorder.

All this on top of the barrage of stinging criticisms in recent weeks about her embarrassing English diction during an Internet TV interview, in which she pronounced bikini as 'bigini' and introduced the nonsensical word 'Boomz'.

If the teenager was feeling stressed, upset or nervous, she hid it very well. 'I had no idea who gave out the information because all this is private and confidential,' she claimed, shortly after sitting down at a cafe.

'I'm a bit disappointed in why they got such things and sad because I know it will ruin my chance in the final,' said the Management Development Institute of Singapore hospitality diploma student.

She has had a few days to steel herself for the fallout: around last Wednesday, the Miss Singapore World organiser had alerted her that the press had got wind of the credit card conviction and was planning a story.

'I was hoping that it wouldn't come out. Things were fine until now. It caught me off guard,' she readily admitted. 'I just know I have to accept it, even though I'm a bit worried about my future. But I thought, okay, brace myself and actually face up to it.'

Sitting at the edge of a cushy armchair with her back ramrod straight throughout the one-hour interview, she does not let her eyes wander for even a second, nor does she allow herself a sip of the iced mocha drink in front of her.

numero uno


MISS Ris Low, the reigning Miss Singapore World, walked through a packed Raffles City Shopping Centre late on Saturday morning and no one so much as batted an eyelid at her.
Despite being one of the most talked-about - castigated, really - beauty queens Singapore has ever produced, she was a nobody in a sea of shoppers.

But that must surely come as a huge relief to the 19-year-old for since Friday, her phone had been ringing off the hook after news broke that she had recently been convicted of credit card fraud and could be stripped of her title.

An even more startling revelation appeared in yesterday's The Straits Times - that she has bipolar disorder, or manic depressive disorder.

All this on top of the barrage of stinging criticisms in recent weeks about her embarrassing English diction during an Internet TV interview, in which she pronounced bikini as 'bigini' and introduced the nonsensical word 'Boomz'.

If the teenager was feeling stressed, upset or nervous, she hid it very well. 'I had no idea who gave out the information because all this is private and confidential,' she claimed, shortly after sitting down at a cafe.

'I'm a bit disappointed in why they got such things and sad because I know it will ruin my chance in the final,' said the Management Development Institute of Singapore hospitality diploma student.

She has had a few days to steel herself for the fallout: around last Wednesday, the Miss Singapore World organiser had alerted her that the press had got wind of the credit card conviction and was planning a story.

'I was hoping that it wouldn't come out. Things were fine until now. It caught me off guard,' she readily admitted. 'I just know I have to accept it, even though I'm a bit worried about my future. But I thought, okay, brace myself and actually face up to it.'

Sitting at the edge of a cushy armchair with her back ramrod straight throughout the one-hour interview, she does not let her eyes wander for even a second, nor does she allow herself a sip of the iced mocha drink in front of her.

spare the crap and bullsh!t. now she trying to shift the blame on some psychitric disorder like kleptomaniac. Is she saying the judge bungled in his judgement and she should not be convicted on grounds of mental instability or psychiatric condition. this is a serious statement and the AG chambers should look into it as she is implying there was a miscarriage of justice. she is also saying taht she is on probation it is not a crminal record???? Then why is she convicted , found guilty and put on probation. My God, all this is a slander on the courts integrity and reputation this lady looks like very scheming and only interested in her "face". For heaven sake, I don't understand why people are defending her. please be objective . To ALL her defenders, if she looks like a witch or any person on the street(which she is in my opinion) and is now not entering a beauty contest, would you all still be speaking up for her??? In the first place this has nothing to do with singlish. If you see her inetrview, her linguistic ability is that of a 5 year old kid. Her grammar, diction, etc are all wrong. BTW what is "boombz"????? It's not singlish as far as I can remember. It's not even vaguely familiar to any language in this world. It's a primitive gutteral expression of the lowest order because she just cannot find the word or adjective to describe her mood. If you switch off the video screen and just listen to the audio, she sounds like a primary school kid talking. Now with her lack of remorse and criminal conviction, and her subsequent inetrviews where she refused to resign, she struck me as arrogant , slimy, shameless and really !diotic. now she seems to try to exonerate her crime by saying she has a bipolar disorder???? please spare me the crap . My opinion of her is getting lower day by day and the more she opens her mouth. What a joke. sending a convicted credit card fraud to a world event!!!!! and truly crap people defending her just because she looks "pretty". speaks so much of the society we lived in. come on guys, WAKE UP.
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Ah Guan

'I was hoping that it wouldn't come out. Things were fine until now. It caught me off guard,' she readily admitted. 'I just know I have to accept it, even though I'm a bit worried about my future. But I thought, okay, brace myself and actually face up to it.'

How can anyone believe she said this?

How much editing was done by 154th to make her sound comprehensible?


Well, hopefully next year or in the near future we can have a PRC import turned citizen to represent us. She will be able to speak both English and Chinese well and with her strong moral compass be a good representative

Ah Guan

Well, hopefully next year or in the near future we can have a PRC import turned citizen to represent us. She will be able to speak both English and Chinese well and with her strong moral compass be a good representative

I really doubt they would allow prostitutes represent sinkapore in a beauty pageant


aiyah you all here talk like as if you are all saints....

like you dun have skeletons in your closets...


numero uno..whatever u wrote on your comment, i see none of them are said by her. U said she slanders the intergrity of the court..blah, blah, blah....where was it reported she implied or said that...u said it yourself.
Yes she is has bipolar illness< it is a fact>, the sentencing judge must have considered that. Are u saying he/she blindly accepted the mitigation by RL's lawyer without checking the fact?
Is your mouth working too fast for your brain to catch up? RL said this as per sunday's report
Bipolar is a mental illness serious enough for a person to e a misfit in a society. Please go read up before u condemn RL to nothing.


A PRC import beauty queen will be very appealing... considering they have better skin complexion :biggrin:


Can even serve NS



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
aiyah you all here talk like as if you are all saints....

like you dun have skeletons in your closets...

look at the mirror when you said that ...are trying to act "god" and forgive her ? :biggrin::wink: hypocrisy ? just like your fuckin religion ..:biggrin::wink:

numero uno

numero uno..whatever u wrote on your comment, i see none of them are said by her. U said she slanders the intergrity of the court..blah, blah, blah....where was it reported she implied or said that...u said it yourself.
Yes she is has bipolar illness< it is a fact>, the sentencing judge must have considered that. Are u saying he/she blindly accepted the mitigation by RL's lawyer without checking the fact?
Is your mouth working too fast for your brain to catch up? RL said this as per sunday's report
Bipolar is a mental illness serious enough for a person to e a misfit in a society. Please go read up before u condemn RL to nothing.

you seem just like her. unfortunately for you, my brain is definitely working faster that my mouth. please read all the inetrviews in the papers.:biggrin::biggrin:please talk to medical doctors. having bipolar idsorders does not give one the licence to steal or committ fraud. Bipolar disorders also does NOT mean one is incapable of rational thoughts. most pateints who have bipolars are usually very quiet one moment and exuberant the next and they hardly committ any crime. It is easy to put your blame on some medical condition and even blame your parents etc for one's fault. In mitigation, even molesters can say they do so because of high drive, depression(which is very difficult to prove) or poor intellect/subnormal IQ or was traumatised/ abused when young, etc, etc. Recently there has even been alot of shoplifting, molesting, etc etc by people who get caught, who then hire a lawyer who would then get any psychaitrist to dig out some minor cond and the put the blame on it or the devil . even alot of these conditions like ADHD are not that pathological and you even have some psychiatrist disputing whether they exists or whetehr these condition is just the extreme end of a normal spectrum of human behaviour.
you should go to court to listen and hear some of the most ridiculous mitigating factors given by their lawyers. if her condition is so serious , then she should be confined to IMH and treated there, not just left alone for it to recur.
How do I know about all these crap spouted by lawyers all the time?? It's because I am a medico and I go to court often as an expert witness, sometimes to rebut these lawyers.:wink::wink::wink::wink: there is no sense of rightt or wrong nowadays . commit a crime and it's somebody's fault or some medical condition that force him or her to do it. you never hear them saying it is because of plain greed, or lust for expensive things. her behaviour defintely does not satisfy the strict criteria for DSM diagnosis of kleptomaniac or bipolar. please read up on it. soon every teenager who steal would learn to say teh same thing( I hear it so often in nowadays that sometimes I really feel like vomitting)
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An even more startling revelation appeared in yesterday's The Straits Times - that she has bipolar disorder, or manic depressive disorder.


Making fun of her poor english is fine.

But hey, breaking confidentiality about an illness.... its pretty fcuking below-the-belt. Give her a break.

But of course, what sort of quality control can you expect from the Shit Times.

Will Shit Times report that Lee Hsiao Yang has bipolar too? Where got time.





Numero Uno ...again you like to draw your own conclusion. How can I be like her? You dont even know me. All the conjecture are made by you and no one else.
Whatever rubbish you write here,make any sense or not, is not for me to judge. But if i have to judge if your brain is indeed working faster than your mouth, I am sorry to say it is definitely NOT.

numero uno

Numero Uno ...again you like to draw your own conclusion. How can I be like her? You dont even know me. All the conjecture are made by you and no one else.
Whatever rubbish you write here,make any sense or not, is not for me to judge. But if i have to judge if your brain is indeed working faster than your mouth, I am sorry to say it is definitely NOT.
speak for yourself. you seemed schizophrenic, saying one moment not judging yet another sentence saying I write rubbish, and my brain slower than my mouth????. at least 90% of all the postings here concur with me. at least I get to go court and have respected people like judges listen to my expert opinion and rebut those lawyers, Frankly I don't give a damn to your views as you are definitely not a judge. you can judge from your sitting stool for all I care. Thousands of others also do. at least my views count alot in the judges chamber(where it really matters) and in the high courts. I have nothing to prove, least of all to arrogant people like you. you can ask a qualified medical specialist friend and he would tell you what I write is probably true (I intentionally used some medical jargon and short forms in my original posting that only medical experts know what it means as I always knew that there would be sceptical people like you that likes to make fun of authority. I find this happening in the courts often during cross examination by lay people and lawyers). If you think what I write is rubbish, so be it. at least the justices, and judicial commissioners do not think so. FON :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
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you never hear them saying it is because of plain greed, or lust for expensive things. her behaviour defintely does not satisfy the strict criteria for DSM diagnosis of kleptomaniac or bipolar. please read up on it. soon every teenager who steal would learn to say teh same thing( I hear it so often in nowadays that sometimes I really feel like vomitting)

Which version of DSM you use?BDSM?




she is just an ah lian who speaks mandarin and probably more hokkien...prob hung out with local small bengs thus attaining the bo chap attitude and helped herself to ppl's card...bad decision she made was to join miss singapore world...bad decision by the judges too...sg judges really have very lousy taste...look at all the miss this miss that...i am sure many of us swear we have frens dat looks and speaks much better...why dun they just sent fiona xie...


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
she is just an ah lian who speaks mandarin and probably more hokkien...

I doubt she can speak Mandarin. If she does, it's probably a Sinkie variety that would make her the laughing stock of China. :rolleyes: