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rich SG went Johore and got killed almost whole family on X'mas


Yes. Teekee is him right. One more is psychopath Sinkie and clones.

Oh how can I forget sicko virus and liar halsey02? Many more examples who act holy to assume, accuse, judge, persecute and harrass others. But these two appeared right on cue.


I am puzzle....Barnbabas FB says church worker, newspaper reports says he is the boss of a CAR GROOMING company ( what's that?) & his wife Kristen Khai Leng says Prisons..., newspaper reports says HOUSING AGENT? you mean she is a Prison Officer working as a secret AGENT or moonlighting as a HOUSING AGENT...anyway...they both living up to the Joneses...holidays, car...etc...must be leading a BLESSED life....is that what we are seeing ? on 'this side of the coin'?....what's the dark side, we never know....Providence knows!

They have dark side or not nobody knows indeed. But people who even made use of dead people to harrass others definitely have dark side of their character. Not to mention dark side of visiting prostitutes.
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I am puzzle....Barnbabas FB says church worker, newspaper reports says he is the boss of a CAR GROOMING company ( what's that?) & his wife Kristen Khai Leng says Prisons..., newspaper reports says HOUSING AGENT? you mean she is a Prison Officer working as a secret AGENT or moonlighting as a HOUSING AGENT...anyway...they both living up to the Joneses...holidays, car...etc...must be leading a BLESSED life....is that what we are seeing ? on 'this side of the coin'?....what's the dark side, we never know....Providence knows!

They need to downplay that church worker and junior civil servants can earn so much, later open a can of worms, whole church leaders investigated like KH, you go Mycarfourms, nobody heard of this Barnabas as a car grooming owner, big clue there.


You faggot. The bugger tot his ntuc linkpoint can b used to redeem sins n found put tje hard way. ky gel n hilter probably joined him at the same deck in hell sucking each other dick. Buddha dont die one. Because he learnt tian chan bian n continue to reincarnated.

Sicko virus don't even know Buddha reach nirvana and don't reincarnate. This bugger will find out the hard way upon his death what his reincarnation will be for his holy act of accusing, judging, persecuting and harrassing others. Most likely reincarnate as a cockroach.


Of course I do! I had spoken with enough Buddhists and converted some of them to the true god.

I think the Buddhist god is more cruel in setting impossible standards to attain nirvana. How many people do you know have attained it? Got cert or golden glow? Again, I talked to enough buddhists who reject the free concept of salvation because they really think salvation needs to have impossible standards and not be offered to any riff-raff on a silver platter. So easy to go to heaven, and many people who want to earn their way in end up shooting themselves in the foot. You don't need to donate money or do a ton of good deeds to go into Christian heaven. All those morons who got fooled by Con Hee really asked for it.

Facebook founder put 99% of his wealth into a trust fund owned and managed by himself and wife. So, he's still as rich as before.

Lots of Buddhists are interested to try to outgive and outdo me in charity because they need to do so in order to get a better deal in their recycling afterlife.

Buddhists outsiders I know are more likely than self-righteous christians to condemn others because they don't believe that sins can be atoned by forgiveness but only be neutralized by good deeds. But how much good deeds, nobody knows since there is no fixed standards.

Then those you have spoken to are different from those that I have spoken to. Anyway if one is transactional as you said, then the other is conditional love. Whether cruel or not is up to own judgement.

Since you are in competition with lots of Buddhists to out-give and outdo charity, then just follow Facebook founder's way of setting a trust fund to donate 99% of your wealth to charity. No do means you are the loser.

numero uno

We do not know if the driver has been reckless or not. I do not share the view that he is driving recklessly because he has his whole family with him in the car. This is unlike the crash some years ago of a drunk Ferrari driver beating the red-light at Bugis-Victoria T-junction and crashing into a taxi that claimed his life, the taxi driver's and the passenger's.

Until the investigation is completed and the findings published, all we say at this point in time is that it is an unfortunate accident.

all the photos of his indiscriminate parking, taking selfies while driving and mudland police statements with photos of the accident site point to a selfish , idiotic driver who caused the death of other innocent road users. 4WD land rovers are not meant for speeding and in narrrow malaysian roads with lots of gravel, if you so much as goes off the tar road by a few cm, and hit the gravel side path, the car wheels would lose traction on one side , skid suddenly as 4WD and spin out of control and ABS are totally useless. I have seen this happens many times.
The whole point of this thread is to shame such people NOT be hypocritical assholes and spout condescending "of so pitiful and he goes to heaven " shits. such statements do NOT help one single bit, is condescending to say the least and patronising and full of crap.
Because as someone states clearly this is becoming more common and this year alone there are at least 4 of such incidents overseas of such sinkie idiots causing death of innocent people. in the recent similar NZ case a motorcyclist died when a sinkie driver cross a double line and killed him like in this case. unfortunately that sinkie driver survived whereas the motorcyclist died. he was charged with dangerous driving. Locally we have another recent infamous idiotic sinkie who sped and crashed into a car parked along CTE chevron and killed 4 innocent people( 3 Koreans and a malay) . That idiotic driver also survived unscathed and at most would just get a few months in prison whereas other people families lives are ruined forever.
You see such idiotic drivers everyday in sinkieland, people changing lanes without signalling, stopping suddenly, road hogging, driving dangeroulsy occupying 2 lanes, speeding etc. I am amazed how these idiots can pass thehir driving tests and honestly speaking, sinkieland have the worst drivers in the world(ask your foreign friends) esp taxi drivers. To comppound it, some idiotic ministar have done away with TP so you hardly see TP nowadays to police the roads except to escort these MIW (rather selfish isn't it).
In USA such incidents are classified as homicide punishable by at least 30 years in prison and you can sue the assshole estate for wrongly death.
I bet my last dollar next year you would see more of such needless deaths. these idiots can go and kill themselves for all I care BUT getting other innocent road users killed and destroying other peoples families is another serious matter.
So far in this forum and alot of other forums all you hear are similar very selfish idiotic Xtians talking childishly about how loving this idiot is and how he goes to heavens(full of shits) . Nobody gives a damn about the other innocent but dead lady driver and her family who have to live with the consequence of this man idiotic driving.
For those who think I am too harsh, beware that the next time it could be you or your loved ones who perished at some idiotic driver hands and then I am sure you would then all agree with me what I just said. No point talking cock.
Like I said, karma (not christ) definitely works and in mysterious ways.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
They have dark side or not nobody knows indeed. But people who even made use of dead people to harrass others definitely have dark side of their character. Not to mention dark side of visiting prostitutes.

I do not know what is your problem anyway?. I am just comparing what the MSM says...(1) Boss of a car grooming company, (2) Real estate Agent, & compare to what they state in their Facebook Page....(a) Church Worker, (b) Prisons Officer...of course, a church worker, can own businesses outside, that is not a problem...or a civil servants being housing agents...we all have our dark sides...am I harassing people?? jeez!...you have a problem.

I visit prostitutes? I don't know any...but have know enough people, to tell you tales of their exploits, that can fill volumes...
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Alfrescian (Inf)
They need to downplay that church worker and junior civil servants can earn so much, later open a can of worms, whole church leaders investigated like KH, you go Mycarfourms, nobody heard of this Barnabas as a car grooming owner, big clue there.

We do not expect church workers or even pastors, to be like in the past, "poor as a church mouse" nor civil servants who have lucrative sidelines, what I do know...that, many of these people in the past, are very humble people....you will never know, how much they make...

But, we are so, 'show offish' these days....which may lead to finger pointing...worse of all, one is not alive to refute the finger pointing...to digress a bit...I have known pastors with 'dark sides' & was removed from the church they lead...


I do not know what is your problem anyway?. I am just comparing what the MSM says...(1) Boss of a car grooming company, (2) Real estate Agent, & compare to what they state in their Facebook Page....(a) Church Worker, (b) Prisons Officer...of course, a church worker, can own businesses outside, that is not a problem...or a civil servants being housing agents...we all have our dark sides...am I harassing people?? jeez!...you have a problem.

I visit prostitutes? I don't know any...but have know enough people, to tell you tales of their exploits, that can fill volumes...

Oh so I accuse others means I have problem? But nobody - including you - said that of others who accused me. Anybody said these accusers have problems? All said and behave like I am the problem.

Yes I have read somewhere before you talking about your familiarity with prostitutes. Not sure such familiarity can be from other people? Anyway who cares as long as people look in the mirror before harrassing others.


Alfrescian (Inf)
all the photos of his indiscriminate parking, taking selfies while driving and mudland police statements with photos of the accident site point to a selfish , idiotic driver who caused the death of other innocent road users. 4WD land rovers are not meant for speeding and in narrrow malaysian roads with lots of gravel, if you so much as goes off the tar road by a few cm, and hit the gravel side path, the car wheels would lose traction on one side , skid suddenly as 4WD and spin out of control and ABS are totally useless. I have seen this happens many times.
The whole point of this thread is to shame such people NOT be hypocritical assholes and spout condescending "of so pitiful and he goes to heaven " shits. such statements do NOT help one single bit, is condescending to say the least and patronising and full of crap.
Because as someone states clearly this is becoming more common and this year alone there are at least 4 of such incidents overseas of such sinkie idiots causing death of innocent people. in the recent similar NZ case a motorcyclist died when a sinkie driver cross a double line and killed him like in this case. unfortunately that sinkie driver survived whereas the motorcyclist died. he was charged with dangerous driving. Locally we have another recent infamous idiotic sinkie who sped and crashed into a car parked along CTE chevron and killed 4 innocent people( 3 Koreans and a malay) . That idiotic driver also survived unscathed and at most would just get a few months in prison whereas other people families lives are ruined forever.
You see such idiotic drivers everyday in sinkieland, people changing lanes without signalling, stopping suddenly, road hogging, driving dangeroulsy occupying 2 lanes, speeding etc. I am amazed how these idiots can pass thehir driving tests and honestly speaking, sinkieland have the worst drivers in the world(ask your foreign friends) esp taxi drivers. To comppound it, some idiotic ministar have done away with TP so you hardly see TP nowadays to police the roads except to escort these MIW (rather selfish isn't it).
In USA such incidents are classified as homicide punishable by at least 30 years in prison and you can sue the assshole estate for wrongly death.
I bet my last dollar next year you would see more of such needless deaths. these idiots can go and kill themselves for all I care BUT getting other innocent road users killed and destroying other peoples families is another serious matter.
So far in this forum and alot of other forums all you hear are similar very selfish idiotic Xtians talking childishly about how loving this idiot is and how he goes to heavens(full of shits) . Nobody gives a damn about the other innocent but dead lady driver and her family who have to live with the consequence of this man idiotic driving.
For those who think I am too harsh, beware that the next time it could be you or your loved ones who perished at some idiotic driver hands and then I am sure you would then all agree with me what I just said. No point talking cock.
Like I said, karma (not christ) definitely works and in mysterious ways.

So many words... not one of them is concrete evidence to the accident.

No point talking cock.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
So Christian murderers and rapists will go heaven or not?

The place where Jesus was crucified were also two criminals being hung on the cross , one on his right and one on his left.

I don't know what heinous crime they had committed , but it must be so terrible they had to be given the worst penalty - death by crucifixion.

One of them went to heaven. The other didn't.

The one who went to heaven acknowledged Jesus as the Messiah and he a sinner.


" We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.”

Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”

Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

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We do not expect church workers or even pastors, to be like in the past, "poor as a church mouse" nor civil servants who have lucrative sidelines, what I do know...that, many of these people in the past, are very humble people....you will never know, how much they make...

But, we are so, 'show offish' these days....which may lead to finger pointing...worse of all, one is not alive to refute the finger pointing...to digress a bit...I have known pastors with 'dark sides' & was removed from the church they lead...

Owning a car is already a luxury in Singapore, let alone a $200 plus k land rover, this guy is far far away from poor as a church mouse and bordering on excessive debauchery.


They need to downplay that church worker and junior civil servants can earn so much, later open a can of worms, whole church leaders investigated like KH, you go Mycarfourms, nobody heard of this Barnabas as a car grooming owner, big clue there.

Yes, VERY VERY fishy. Straits Times reported their occupations very clearly as "car grooming business owner" and "property agent". Way off! New Creation Church is really powerful!


The place where Jesus was crucified were also two criminals being hung on the cross , one on his right and one on his left.

I don't know what heinous crime they had committed , but it must be so terrible they had to be given the worst penalty - death by crucifixion.

One of them went to heaven. The other didn't.

The one who went to heaven acknowledged Jesus as the Messiah and he a sinner.


" We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.”

Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”

Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”


Too long winded. Yes they do. A good example is child murderer Adrian Lim. He converted to christianity before he was hanged and went to heaven.


So many words... not one of them is concrete evidence to the accident.

No point talking cock.

Witnesses say his car hit a signboard and careened over the other lane and collided head on with another car, that is as concrete evidence it gets that he was driving recklessly.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Witnesses say his car hit a signboard and careened over the other lane and collided head on with another car, that is as concrete evidence it gets that he was driving recklessly.

when he hit the signboard, he was most likely dreaming of having chili crab at the no signboard restaurant in geylang.


Sicko virus don't even know Buddha reach nirvana and don't reincarnate. This bugger will find out the hard way upon his death what his reincarnation will be for his holy act of accusing, judging, persecuting and harrassing others. Most likely reincarnate as a cockroach.
Lang jeow. You read that from a fairy tale book called karma sutra si boh. Lim peh heard it directly from buddha himself when we played majong together last week ok. Nirvana is a soap house right smack in middle of soi nana.so dont believe these fairy tales. My version is the truth. Btw elvis is still alive.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Lang jeow. You read that from a fairy tale book called karma sutra si boh. Lim peh heard it directly from buddha himself when we played majong together last week ok. Nirvana is a soap house right smack in middle of soi nana.so dont believe these fairy tales. My version is the truth. Btw elvis is still alive.

I confirm that. I just saw Elvis left the building. Bruce Lee was right behind him


Alfrescian (Inf)
Witnesses say his car hit a signboard and careened over the other lane and collided head on with another car, that is as concrete evidence it gets that he was driving recklessly.

The car could have hit something before it skidded towards the signboard.
Or something could have happened inside the car and his attention was caught off guard.
These are possibilities. Let wait for the investigation report to confirm the cause of the accident.