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Resorts World Genting , RWG, Casino Gaming Fall-In Here , 2022 .


Screenshot_20240607-232935_Samsung Internet.jpg
what happens to rwgenting website? No longer can show casino info , rolling package, reward, earn and redeem ,free gp meal....all no more?


Screenshot_20240709-012507_Samsung Internet.jpg

Genting website no longer can access any info of casino , what is going on? 2 old casino also shut down without any sign of reopen, and keep have rumours casino genting will eventually close shop.


Hear say RwG going through
tough patches.
First , the Casino Chips Theft.
Second , the recent Fire.
and now the Safety of its Customers ;
RWG 's partners using old transport vehicles and
unlicensed drivers . RWG sleeping. Hearsay , some
drivers did not pass drug tests.
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Heard that genting old casino close is genting forecast very likely state pahang will fall to PAS in coming malaysia election , so plan B casino shift to first world which is located in state selangor unlikely to fall in PAS hand, if Federal power fall in PAS hand , then genting will go for plan C ,casino sayonara.