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Resorts World Genting , RWG, Casino Gaming Fall-In Here , 2022 .


Screenshot_20240607-232935_Samsung Internet.jpg
what happens to rwgenting website? No longer can show casino info , rolling package, reward, earn and redeem ,free gp meal....all no more?


Screenshot_20240709-012507_Samsung Internet.jpg

Genting website no longer can access any info of casino , what is going on? 2 old casino also shut down without any sign of reopen, and keep have rumours casino genting will eventually close shop.


Hear say RwG going through
tough patches.
First , the Casino Chips Theft.
Second , the recent Fire.
and now the Safety of its Customers ;
RWG 's partners using old transport vehicles and
unlicensed drivers . RWG sleeping. Hearsay , some
drivers did not pass drug tests.
Last edited:


Heard that genting old casino close is genting forecast very likely state pahang will fall to PAS in coming malaysia election , so plan B casino shift to first world which is located in state selangor unlikely to fall in PAS hand, if Federal power fall in PAS hand , then genting will go for plan C ,casino sayonara.


**The Grand Drama of Genting Casino**

In the bustling nightlife of Genting Casino, Paul stood under the flashing neon lights, feeling excited. Just a few hours ago, he was an ordinary office worker with only a few thousand dollars in his hand. Now, thanks to clever strategies and luck, he had won millions in huge prizes. Inside the casino, laughter, flashing lights, everything seemed so enchanting and tempting.

Paul operated at the gambling tables with confidence, winning continuously in various games, rapidly accumulating wealth with his streak of luck. He felt immensely satisfied with his performance at the casino, a sense of indescribable excitement welling up inside him. The gazes of the gamblers seemed to envy him.

However, Paul's success didn't last long. Over time, he began to grow greedy and complacent. His initial caution was gradually replaced by recklessness and impulsiveness. He started raising his bets from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, even millions. Each bet brought a thrill and tension that excited him, but also made him ignore the potential risks.

At first, Paul's luck remained good. He continued to win more money, feeling as if he were favored by destiny. However, just when he thought he could control everything, the shadow of bad luck began to creep in. The casino lights became more glaring, and the noise seemed sharper. With each bet, Paul's heartbeat quickened, and the numbers on the table grew higher.

The first small loss didn't seem to affect him much, and he continued to squander lavishly. However, as the losses piled up, he became anxious and restless. Originally chasing millions in profits, he now had to try to recover the millions he had lost. He kept increasing his bets, hoping luck would favor him again, but the result was a deeper trap.

Each attempt by Paul felt like digging a deeper hole for himself, with fewer and fewer chips on the table. His original one million, two million, three million gradually vanished in endless bets. Eventually, he lost even the initial millions, watching his wealth turn into the casino's spoils. He began to feel deep regret and panic, but it was too late.

The noise of Genting Casino remained, lights flashing, but Paul's mood had shifted from initial excitement to despair. Reflecting on his decisions and choices, he realized how he had fallen into the abyss of greed step by step. His millions had dissipated like clouds of smoke.

As he left the casino, Paul's steps were heavy. He understood that this experience was not just a loss of wealth, but a profound lesson for himself. He had once shone brightly in Genting Casino, but the final outcome reminded him that no matter how much luck favors you, rationality and self-control are the keys to success.









