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Pinoy FTrash Turns Orchard Rd into Spot for Lavish Picnic. Poodles Cannot Be found!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Orchard Rd turns into spot for lavish picnic for foreign workers -- complete with Chivas
Posted on 03 February 2014 | 39,086 views | 64 comments
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Stomper Beeque was surprised to see this group of foreigners having a picnic in the heart of Orchard Road.

According to the Stomper, they even had a bottle of alcohol on hand to celebrate.

The Stomper wrote:

"A group of foreigners (most probably Filipinos) were gathered at the empty space near the entrance of Paragon.

"They were indiscreetly having a lavish picnic literally in the middle of Orchard Road. I couldn't even believe my eyes as there were many food laid out and there was even a box of Chivas Regal.

"In addiction, the Filipinos were standing around eating and chatting, as if they were socializing at a party.

"I'm not sure what Orchard Road has become but I wish they would just restrain themselves from having a picnic there.

"I honestly don't want Singapore's image to be tainted."


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Pinoy FTrash Turns Orchard Rd into Spot for Lavish Picnic. Poodles Cannot Be foun

My kids love going to Korea. Their reason really surprised me - they do not meet any Indian or Pinoy when they go shopping.


Re: Pinoy FTrash Turns Orchard Rd into Spot for Lavish Picnic. Poodles Cannot Be foun

All these bugger think it's their grandfather's playground is it. On the other hand, Taiwan are infested with Vietnamese, they did the same near Taichung Railway Station.
Last edited:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Pinoy FTrash Turns Orchard Rd into Spot for Lavish Picnic. Poodles Cannot Be foun




Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: Pinoy FTrash Turns Orchard Rd into Spot for Lavish Picnic. Poodles Cannot Be foun

who did the stomper vote for?? hehe :biggrin:


Re: Pinoy FTrash Turns Orchard Rd into Spot for Lavish Picnic. Poodles Cannot Be foun

Showing maximum restraint.

Orchard Rd turns into spot for lavish picnic for foreign workers -- complete with Chivas
Posted on 03 February 2014 | 39,086 views | 64 comments
<IFRAME title="fb:like Facebook Social Plugin" style="HEIGHT: 20px; WIDTH: 79px; VISIBILITY: visible; border-image: none" height=1000 src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?action=like&app_id=&channel=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic.ak.facebook.com%2Fconnect%2Fxd_arbiter.php%3Fversion%3D40%23cb%3Df2a312a8615e1e2%26domain%3Dsingaporeseen.stomp.com.sg%26origin%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fsingaporeseen.stomp.com.sg%252Ff520070d3419bb%26relation%3Dparent.parent&font=arial&href=http%3A%2F%2Fsingaporeseen.stomp.com.sg%2Fsingaporeseen%2Fwhat-bugs-me%2Forchard-rd-turns-into-spot-for-lavish-picnic-for-foreign-workers-complete-with-chivas&layout=button_count&locale=en_GB&ref=.Uveih5QLUJ4.like&sdk=joey&send=false&show_faces=false&width=90" frameBorder=0 width=90 allowTransparency name=f3b3e389f8150a4 scrolling=no></IFRAME>
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Stomper Beeque was surprised to see this group of foreigners having a picnic in the heart of Orchard Road.

According to the Stomper, they even had a bottle of alcohol on hand to celebrate.

The Stomper wrote:

"A group of foreigners (most probably Filipinos) were gathered at the empty space near the entrance of Paragon.

"They were indiscreetly having a lavish picnic literally in the middle of Orchard Road. I couldn't even believe my eyes as there were many food laid out and there was even a box of Chivas Regal.

"In addiction, the Filipinos were standing around eating and chatting, as if they were socializing at a party.

"I'm not sure what Orchard Road has become but I wish they would just restrain themselves from having a picnic there.

"I honestly don't want Singapore's image to be tainted."


Re: Pinoy FTrash Turns Orchard Rd into Spot for Lavish Picnic. Poodles Cannot Be foun

All the detractors should take a page out of their book and learn how to have some fun. Is sunday for gods sake....dont these fuckin complainers know how to take it easy.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Pinoy FTrash Turns Orchard Rd into Spot for Lavish Picnic. Poodles Cannot Be foun

To be fair, them Pinoys were already having regular weekend picnics since long ago, on that plot of land where ION is sitting on now.

You're importing so many of them into a small island, surely you can't expect all of them to squeeze inside Lucky Plaza. :wink:

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Pinoy FTrash Turns Orchard Rd into Spot for Lavish Picnic. Poodles Cannot Be foun

Orchard Road is fucking full of foreigners anyway....what's there to complain?
I'll rather they crowd orchard road then around my housing compound.
Machiam the bikini gawking Banglas in sentosa....it's a pap problem affecting their pet FTs created by themselves.