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phucked up prc


Alfrescian (Inf)
ccp defense minister nowhere to be seen for over 2 weeks. u.s. ambassador jokes that disappearances of xia xuay xi’s underlings is becumming to look like an agatha christie’s murder mystery.

Byebye Penis

Such lawlessness and disregard for human lives under CCP China. This is what you get when mafia CCP crooks run the show on the top.
I am sorry to inform that the kinderland abuse in Singapore is just tip of an iceberg. KK and IMH has many many many suspicious cases cases of children abuse every year but there is no means for parents to get evidence and sue. In the end, Parents can only change child-care. Some children reported force feeding and abuses only at P1-3 after leaving the childcare kindergarten and referred to IMH's child guidance clinic.

Oh, and SOS knows at least one of such evil childcare is owned by PRC with singapore name.
PRC and CECA owns several childcares in Singapore.

MOE don't really do much about these, will let police handle. Then police said no proof, no case.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Any person, company or country which continues to do business with China will be in a world of shit. Cut your losses, get out while you still are able to. :cool:



Alfrescian (Inf)
Tiongs have very low self-esteem, believe anything under the sun is 'racist' or an insult to China. :roflmao:


Byebye Penis

I am sorry to inform that the kinderland abuse in Singapore is just tip of an iceberg. KK and IMH has many many many suspicious cases cases of children abuse every year but there is no means for parents to get evidence and sue. In the end, Parents can only change child-care. Some children reported force feeding and abuses only at P1-3 after leaving the childcare kindergarten and referred to IMH's child guidance clinic.

Oh, and SOS knows at least one of such evil childcare is owned by PRC with singapore name.
PRC and CECA owns several childcares in Singapore.

MOE don't really do much about these, will let police handle. Then police said no proof, no case.
she is lying

Kinderland alleged abuse cases 'not reflective' of wider preschool sector