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Petition to Mr. Tan Kin Lian


Hi Meng Seng,

Have you consulted with Mr Tan yet ?

Though your intentions are good, it may not be an appropriate time to do so given that the minibond fiasco is still not resolved satisfactorily.

Already there are Singaporeans questioning his motives for standing up for the investors, don't give them additional bullets to shoot him now.

Personally, I feel we should not "waste" Kin Lian to be the President as its role is limited. He is better off leading a GRC to become the opposition leader.

Also, you should not openly declare it on this blog given the number of ISD agents here like scroobal.


(1) Tactically it is a good move because it will raise visibility to very high levels.

Such a declaration will enable the degree of support to be determined.

(2) There will always be people who criticise, support or neutral. But such a declaration will make those who are neutral to consider him seriously for their votes.

My belief has always been that it is this class of neutral voters who will be pivotal in the opposition's success. Because this is the only class amongst the three which does not close their eyes and minds when it come to voting.

(3) Therefore such a stance is beneficial to him and his co-party members.


So you think prataman is better?

Also I had read scoobal's posting and I have a question to ask scoobal - so you think prataman is better?
No one from PAP nor its associates are better in my mind.

Tan Kin Kian worked 30 years for NTUC which is run by the PAP and you find him acceptable. No wonder the PAP can rule non stop for 49 years when we got blur sotong like you who don't even know the NTUC relationship with PAP.

Every NTUC Secretary General must be a PAP MP and after Devan Nair , they must be a Minister before taking on as head of NTUC. You think union members vote the Sec Gen?

I write such a long story and you still have no clue.

In case you are not aware, your present president started life in the NTUC before being transferred out.


Hi Meng Seng,

Also, you should not openly declare it on this blog given the number of ISD agents here like scroobal.

I let you operate the fake figment of your imagination website until you did the fake interview. So how, any chance of showing pictures of your editorial team. Got to give it to you, people were actually listening to your bullshit.

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
Dear Avantas,

As far as I am concerned, I am not interested to be associated with people who put up a blog or website that aims to embarrass, humiliate or attack the alternative parties in a very vicious way. Criticism is welcome but not vicious attacks filled with lies and fantasies of any kind.

Although many of us may agree that Wayang Party club is pretty well done bog, but due to its origin as a Workers' Party whackers who hide behind anonymity with dubious intentions and unscrupulous tactics, I will not want to be associated with you and your Wayang Party gang publicly.

But having said that, I still maintain that we should not be divisive in the sense that we will attack each other in future. You and your gang should continue your good work in providing alternative perspectives on policies and current issues at hand and should totally avoid side tracking into unwarranted vicious attacks on alternative platforms or political parties.

Even though I may choose and forgive you guys for whatever things you have done to me, with all those malicious lies and vicious attacks on me, I still could not associate with you basically because it will have many undesirable consequences politically due to the nature of your setup.

Put it this way, in order to maintain cordial relationships with alternative parties like Workers' Party, how could I be associating publicly with a group of faceless people who use the website Wayang Party to attack them? This is very unfortunate indeed because what you might have done in times of foolishness in the past will prevent you from making alliance with anybody who is serious enough to step into the political arena.

Changing your platform name from Wayang Party Club to some other name may help a bit but ultimately, its your past deeds that determine your future.

As a person that involves greatly in social-political activism, I am more wary of getting associated with people who don't dare to show their faces. I understand that you guys will never see the light forever due to your past deeds: it is inconceivable for you guys to walk out of your cloak of anonymity basically because you have made yourselves too many enemies. Not only due to your attacks on the ruling party but rather, you have basically made enemies with many other people in the social-political activism sphere. This is something that you cannot erase from your past. It is truly unfortunate that such things happen.

Credibility of any alternative platform must be earned by cool reasonable and rational argument against the establishment. Credibility is built upon a long period of consistency. If scolding PAP relentless could render you strong credibility of any sort as "THE OPPOSITION PLATFORM", then a mad man could achieve that with less effort.

Conversely, credibility is very easily lost simply by a few acts of mischieve of any sorts, worst by spreading lies and defaming people that you don't like with unsubstantiated claims. I think Scroobal has touched on this very well and you should see his criticisms from a very different light, to learn on what credibility is all about.

I say this just to hope that you guys could one day walk out of the darkness that you have created for yourselves. Start another blog with another name; don't need to tell us which one in advanced. Start right from scratch and do the right thing right from the start. All the best to you guys.

Goh Meng Seng

Hi Meng Seng,

Have you consulted with Mr Tan yet ?

Though your intentions are good, it may not be an appropriate time to do so given that the minibond fiasco is still not resolved satisfactorily.

Already there are Singaporeans questioning his motives for standing up for the investors, don't give them additional bullets to shoot him now.

Personally, I feel we should not "waste" Kin Lian to be the President as its role is limited. He is better off leading a GRC to become the opposition leader.

Also, you should not openly declare it on this blog given the number of ISD agents here like scroobal.


No one from PAP nor its associates are better in my mind.

Tan Kin Kian worked 30 years for NTUC which is run by the PAP and you find him acceptable. No wonder the PAP can rule non stop for 49 years when we got blur sotong like you who don't even know the NTUC relationship with PAP.

Every NTUC Secretary General must be a PAP MP and after Devan Nair , they must be a Minister before taking on as head of NTUC. You think union members vote the Sec Gen?

I write such a long story and you still have no clue.

In case you are not aware, your present president started life in the NTUC before being transferred out.

Listen, TKL is just a CEO of NTUC Income Insurance, not NTUC Corp.

Ong Teng Cheong Institute of Labour Studies is also a NTUC related organisation.

CASE is a related NTUC organisation.

Anyway, let me show you a chart to show you where NTUC Income in the heirachy of NTUC Corp.

The NTUC is a national federation of trade unions of workers in the industrial, service and public sectors. As of 2008, it has 62 trade unions and 7 associations affiliated to it.

The NTUC Family includes 9 co-operatives, and 6 affiliated organizations - the Singapore Labour Foundation, NTUC Club, NTUC Link, the Ong Teng Cheong Institute of Labour Studies, NTUC LearningHub, and the Consumers' Association of Singapore, and the Employment and Employability Institute (e2i).

There are three tiers of union leadership, all elected by secret ballot. Workers in a company elect their branch leaders. The next layer is the executive committee of a union. Officials from the executive committee are drawn from the branches. At the national level, there is the Central Committee of the NTUC. The 21-member Central Committee is elected every four years.

The NTUC has an Administration and Research Unit (ARU) to carry out day-to-day work. Within the ARU, the Secretary-General functions as the Director-General.


If the above info still eludes you, maybe let's put two bullet points out below to get you clue-in and not continue with your misplaced assumption that everyone from NTUC has the blessings from the circle to join politics or will be hand-picked. To assume that is rather naive of you.

1. TKL is no longer in NTUC Income. He is a consultant on his own now.
For those who know, TKL left NTUC Income under very constraint situation which I shall not dwell upon here. So, rest assured of his frame of reference when and if he enters politics.

2. TKL rose from the ranks in NTUC as an agent to CEO. He spent all his life there and yet he still had to leave due to reasons I shall not dwell upon here. Tan Suee Chieh, who replaced TKL, was the MD and CEO of Prudential Assurance from 1981 till 2001 and joined NTUC Income in 2006. Are you telling me that Tan Suee Chieh is also prepared for politics or will be hand-picked to join the ranks of Prata or similar positions?

Such broad-brush stroke of yours to come to your own conclusion of suspected affiliations, allegiance and cronism, I think, is rather absurd.

I respect that you do have some insider info due to your past circle of influence but frankly, I feel your hatred and vindictiveness of anyone or anything obliquely related or linked with the Lee regime is fair game for you....but let you know this, this same anger or disdain has made you conclude that TKL is not the right candidate for an alternative voice because you suspect he is of "entirely your own definition" of tainted blood. Well, you need to justify your stance more rigorously than this if you are going to convince others to agree with you on your subtle character assassination of TKL.

Come on, bro....do more than just character assassination by association please. A=B=C does not mean A=C or C=B or C=A or B=A or C=B=A.



Alfrescian (Inf)
I think TKL is a good candidate to contest Nathan.

Set up also online donation for TKL to face off the next presidential election as some one has suggested.

At least we have something to look forward to.

Thank you Meng Seng.


I not afraid! I eat prata more than u eat rice! My master will help me smear my competitor one! *hee*hee*


Listen, TKL is just a CEO of NTUC Income Insurance, not NTUC Corp.


Thats the PAP for you. Now you know why they are calling for one party rule. Tan Kin Lian, KT Samuel , Devan and PAP party stalwarts began NTUC income.

I am sure we can find someone who has no baggage or links to the PAP. Tan Kin Lian rice bowl was built on a captive marke created by the PAP. He knows that and the PAP will never let him forget that.

Like I said Tan Kin Lian and most PAP MPs are not evil but they are in the same orbit controlled by the one man and one family.


Thats the PAP for you. Now you know why they are calling for one party rule. Tan Kin Lian, KT Samuel , Devan and PAP party stalwarts began NTUC income.

I am sure we can find someone who has no baggage or links to the PAP. Tan Kin Lian rice bowl was built on a captive marke created by the PAP. He knows that and the PAP will never let him forget that.

Like I said Tan Kin Lian and most PAP MPs are not evil but they are in the same orbit controlled by the one man and one family.

I have to disagree with you on this. Look at it this way. Devan Nair, by your logic, would be on the side of PAP but what happened? He got expelled to USA.

Ong Teng Cheong, by your logic, should be very cosy with PAP, but what happened? He went the same way as Devan Nair.

So, each case is unique and I really have to disagree with your broad brush-stroke approach to pigeon-hole potential candidates by such simplistic assumptions as wearing the same white shirt means PAP cronies. There are shades of white too and we have to decide based on their motive and action taken, not by their association. If based on your association theory, then many qualified persons cannot be accepted to be a viable voice, isn't it?

Furthermore, TKL is already cut-off and left out in the cold. He has an axe to grind even before he enters politics, should he ever enter politics.