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Pentagon & Dotard Citizens now realized the fact that they are all NAKED DEADMEAT TARGETS for Rocket Army! All dead by a single finger!



美媒:中国弹道导弹对美有优势 可压制美国反导系统

2019年04月30日 10:25 环球时报


近日,在央视军事栏目播出的《全军部队:聚力强军梦,扬帆启新航》节目中,中国解放军空军、陆军、火箭军均携先进武器装备高调亮相。其中,中国火箭军导弹部队的画面中出现了约13枚东风-26导弹,其中6枚高高竖起剑指苍穹,威武霸气。(来源:鼎盛 007兄弟)

[环球时报报道 特约记者 章节]在人们传统印象里,“指哪儿打哪儿”的导弹是美国到处挥舞的武力大棒核心之一。而路透社28日一篇被多家西方媒体转载的分析文章认为,如今中国导弹相比美国及其盟国的同类武器,表现得更优异,“中国导弹的优势主要体现在弹道导弹、反舰导弹和高超音速导弹上”。美军官员甚至宣称,“中国导弹有能力压制我们的防御系统”。



US media: Chinese ballistic missiles have an advantage over the United States, which can suppress the US anti-missile system.

April 30, 2019 10:25 Global Times


Completely cover the second island chain! Rocket Army 6 Dongfeng 26 missiles pointed to the sky 1/13

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Recently, in the CCTV military column broadcast "The whole army: gather strong military dreams, sail the new sail" program, the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force, Army, Rocket Army have advanced high-profile appearance with advanced weapons and equipment. Among them, about 13 Dongfeng-26 missiles appeared in the pictures of the Chinese Rocket Army's missile units, and 6 of them were high-pitched swords pointing to the sky, and they were mighty and domineering. (Source: Dingsheng 007 Brothers)

China Dongfeng-31 missile displayed on the parade

[Global Times Report Special Reporter] In the traditional impression of people, the missile "where to fight" is one of the cores of the powerful force that the United States is waving everywhere. On the 28th, Reuters published an analysis article reprinted by many Western media that Chinese missiles now perform better than similar weapons of the United States and its allies. "The advantages of Chinese missiles are mainly reflected in ballistic missiles and anti-ship missiles. And the hypersonic missile." US military officials even claimed that "Chinese missiles have the ability to suppress our defense system."

Land-based missile "substantial monopoly"

According to the report, "As the Pentagon spent nearly 20 years in the war on terrorism," China has built and deployed advanced missile arsenals using its growing budget and rapidly improving technology during this period. According to US military officials, in almost all categories, including land-based, loaded on aircraft or deployed on warships and submarines, Chinese products can compete with the corresponding models in the US and its allies' arsenals, and even perform. Better.

In particular, the Pentagon’s “eyes” is that China has obtained a “substantial monopoly” on land-based medium-range ballistic missiles and cruise missiles. According to the report, due to the restrictions of the "Medium Guide Treaty", the United States and Russia are banned from deploying land-based missiles with a range of 500 to 5,500 kilometers, while Beijing has unrestrictedly deployed such missiles on a large scale, including the so-called "aircraft carrier." The "Dongfeng-21D" of the killer. "Although US President Trump announced in February that he will withdraw from the China-Treaty Treaty, China's advantage in such missiles will continue for the foreseeable future." The report said that the US government believes that such missiles in China are becoming Cold War. One of the biggest threats to US military hegemony in Asia.

Retired US Navy Colonel and former Pacific Fleet senior intelligence officer James Farnell said, "We know that China has the most advanced ballistic missile units in the world... they have the ability to suppress the defense system we pursue." Another US retired military officer Robert Hadick, a senior researcher at the Mitchell Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, said that the PLA is winning the "range of battle". When the United States experienced a "long holiday" of missile development after the end of the Cold War, China’s development of new missiles was better than that of the United States and its The missiles in the Asian allies’ arsenal fly farther. Harry Harris, the then commander of the US Pacific Command, also warned in March last year: "In the face of China, we are at a disadvantage because China's land-based ballistic missiles threaten our ships and bases in the Western Pacific."

Anti-ship missiles "full lead"

In addition to the weapons covered by the "Medium Guide Treaty", the report believes that the performance of other PLA multi-type missiles exceeds that of similar missiles in the United States. These include two supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles: the "Eagle Strike-12" with a range of 400 kilometers and the "Eagle Strike-18" with a range of 540 kilometers. The report said that the US military is worried that "a large number of cheap Chinese missiles may offset the most expensive American warships in history." Although China has not announced the cost of its missiles, it can be compared that the US "Harpoon" anti-ship missiles are priced at $1.2 million, while the latest "Ford" aircraft carrier in the United States costs about $13 billion, which is about "harpoons." "The price is 10,000 times.

In order to counter China's advanced anti-ship missiles, the United States upgraded the "Harpoon" missile to a maximum range of 240 kilometers, but "the gap with Chinese missiles is still very large." Robert Hadick said, "China's anti-ship missiles outperform the United States in terms of range, speed and sensor performance."

The hypersonic missile is "another area in which China leads the United States." According to the report, since 2014, Beijing has been testing weapons with a speed of up to 5 times the speed of sound, using a ramjet engine or a scramjet engine designed for extreme speed flight. US Deputy Defense Secretary Michael Griffin acknowledged that "we cannot defend these systems (referring to Chinese missiles)."


China Dongfeng-31 missile displayed on the parade

What is the truth?

However, Chinese experts interviewed by the Global Times said on the 29th that China’s missile strength is too exaggerated. Taking anti-ship missiles as an example, the report only compares the "Harpoon" anti-ship missile developed by the United States decades ago. However, the US military has already equipped a new type of "long-range anti-ship missile". The missile has a range of nearly 1,000 kilometers and is very Strong invisibility. In fact, the United States chose a stealth subsonic route different from China when developing anti-ship missiles. It cannot be said that Chinese missiles fly faster than stealth subsonic missiles.

Experts believe that in terms of ballistic missiles, the United States has indeed stopped the installation of land-based ballistic missiles with a range of 500 to 5,500 kilometers. However, this situation is in line with the requirements of the US military equipment in addition to the restrictions of the "Guide to the Central Treaty." The US military is heavily equipped with shipboard "Tomahawk" cruise missiles. Its cost is lower than that of ballistic missiles, its accuracy is also high, and its penetration capability is not weak. Moreover, US Navy ships can be close to the coast of the world, so the cruise missiles mounted on them do not have to be too far. In addition, the United States has strong air power, and it can penetrate the invisible and electronic warfare to achieve precise strikes at a relatively low cost. This makes the US military's demand for medium and long-range ballistic missiles not urgent.