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Old Fart is islamophobic, do you agree?


According to Wikileaks, Old Fart regards Islam as an evil and vile religion.

This explains why up till now there are no ethnic Malays who hold the appointment of deputy prime minister.

Do you agree?


Alfrescian (Inf)
According to Wikileaks, Old Fart regards Islam as an evil and vile religion.

This explains why up till now there are no ethnic Malays who hold the appointment of deputy prime minister.

Do you agree?

There is nothing more evil and rotten then that smear of shit on sole of shoe LKY.
Even at early age, volunteering and working for kempeitai to betray chinese and others to the japanese in WW2
Becoming a translator translating screams of resistance fighters under torture.
LKY bastardised and transmogrified all democratic institutions left by the British to be his filthy organs of oppression on singaporeans

Look at the Stinkapore supreme court and the AG chambers. Nothing but fucking corrupt kangaroos there making a fucking mockery of what justice and law is all about.

LKY is filth and evil personified.
What kind of judgment can that smear of shit on sole of shoe LKY can ever give?

Anything LKY said is evil and bad is likely to be different from whatever the fuck that LKY said, and more likely than not, be the opposite of what LKY said

syed putra

actually, most sinkies if chinese descend do not like malays. look down on them. same thing in malaysia and indonesia. They don't even keep their money in those countries preferring to store it in sinkie or australia.
I witness in KL pub a chinaman throwing tantrums on indonesian waitress just because opposition lost the election. Verbal abuse more like it. calling her all sorts of names.


no. you give him too much credit. He just doesnt like malays. religion has nothing to do with it. he considers them to be second rate. hell even amongst the chinese he has an inflated opinion of himself. worshipping fascism, privileged education in the west, I'm sure all these helped


Alfrescian (Inf)
Let's just put it this way:

He sides with George Soros, not Mahathir.

He also still has a grudge against Tunku for kicking his ass out of Malaysia.
The annual NDP is like a divorced woman reminding her ex-husband how much better she is now.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I do not think he is Islamophobic but certainly the rise of radical Islam post 9/11 changed some of his personal views on the matter.
I'm pretty sure the infamous quotation of "Islam is a venomous religion" was said.

I will believe a WikiLeaks cable from the U.S embassy over MFA file notes everytime.


he is first and foremost a racist. how convenient it was after 9/11! He can say its islamist extremists all he wants. Does not wipe his records cleans. I'm sure he meant Malays are a venomous people. to be honest the malay lackeys pisses me off the most. How can they support such a racist monster?


Alfrescian (Inf)
I have not issues with tat. Most of the local chinese r n the muslims r not making it easier on themsleves by them looking backwards n hiding behind their religion for everything under the sun.

According to Wikileaks, Old Fart regards Islam as an evil and vile religion.

This explains why up till now there are no ethnic Malays who hold the appointment of deputy prime minister.

Do you agree?

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
According to Wikileaks, Old Fart regards Islam as an evil and vile religion.

He is right on this. Islam is an evil cult.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/6MjUcIQjb1U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/peppSQC0XTA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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Let's just put it this way:

He sides with George Soros, not Mahathir.

He also still has a grudge against Tunku for kicking his ass out of Malaysia.
The annual NDP is like a divorced woman reminding her ex-husband how much better she is now.

And how she has bigger guns at her disposal now.


I do not think he is Islamophobic but certainly the rise of radical Islam post 9/11 changed some of his personal views on the matter.
I'm pretty sure the infamous quotation of "Islam is a venomous religion" was said.

I will believe a WikiLeaks cable from the U.S embassy over MFA file notes everytime.

The dude calls it like he sees it. He has seen the transition from the easy going Malays of his day to the pious ones of today who cannot eat with you, cannot drink with you, must cover their women head to toe . They are just cutting themselves from the mainstream. This is what he cautions against. Other than that I don't think he cares two hoots what they believe or anyone else for that matter.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
According to Wikileaks, Old Fart regards Islam as an evil and vile religion.

This explains why up till now there are no ethnic Malays who hold the appointment of deputy prime minister.

Do you agree?

He's calling a spade a spade. There's nothing wrong with that.


My first question: If a finatical, fundametalistic muslim or christain were to be PM one day, What will happen?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Which malay would be suitable to be Deputy PM or PM? If Singapore till now has not moved beyond race,,no wonder the country is going downhill,,,,why bother if the PM or DPM or President is black, white, green, martian or Cheena? If he/she is competent and have the people's interest at heart..I dont see a problem.

Pinky is some half breed hakka and pernarakan cheena, but he is fucking incompetent,,,if Tan Cheng Bock became PM and did what was good for the people....i bet no one will vote for opposition.

My second question is: do you think Pinky will ever appoint an ethnic Malay to be a deputy prime minister?


Alfrescian (Inf)
According to Wikileaks, Old Fart regards Islam as an evil and vile religion.

This explains why up till now there are no ethnic Malays who hold the appointment of deputy prime minister.

Do you agree?

Nothing wrong with that. Religions like ideas and also people prove themselves by their actions. It's not their words but more importantly their actions. For some odd reason you always see ppl from one particular religion bombing others. You don't see the folk religion ppl do that, nor the christians, nor the hindus and if they do it it's on a much much smaller scale.

This is similar to people. Like how one nation of ppl keep on bragging and boasting on superficial unimportant nonsense like take india and yet they cannot even run their country so that at least the streets are clean. That's it. Clean streets. Forget first world standard of living, wages just have clean streets and they cannot even accomplish that.

Back to the subject matter the fact of the matter is one can see why he has such a view point but try to get out of the typical mindset and see it from another view point, forget who he is. This is the problem with sg. The minute anyone is say anti islam he's just called a racist and supposed to suffer the worst consequences but there isn't any attempt to try to rehabilitate him or to somehow show that his thinking is wrong and that is cos islam is just as it presents itself. That is why the only way to stop islamaphobes is to try to shame them rather than to prove them wrong like showing them hey you see we m&d slimes are actually decent honest ppl and don't like violence you never ever see that it's them forcing you to accept them or you somehow die.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Which malay would be suitable to be Deputy PM or PM? If Singapore till now has not moved beyond race,,no wonder the country is going downhill,,,,why bother if the PM or DPM or President is black, white, green, martian or Cheena? If he/she is competent and have the people's interest at heart..I dont see a problem.

Pinky is some half breed hakka and pernarakan cheena, but he is fucking incompetent,,,if Tan Cheng Bock became PM and did what was good for the people....i bet no one will vote for opposition.

In theory what you say is correct but in reality minorities wouldn't make good leaders cos they only put their own race's interests first, easily offended, hypersensitive and just incompetent vs chinese ones.


In theory what you say is correct but in reality minorities wouldn't make good leaders cos they only put their own race's interests first, easily offended, hypersensitive and just incompetent vs chinese ones.

and I suppose our chinese mps and cronies are not racist with their inbreeding and entire families in GRCs and civil service? We have never moved beyond race. Its just that peaceful peasants will literally keep quiet until the ground opens up and swallows them. No point in infrastructure if society stays the same


Alfrescian (Inf)

and I suppose our chinese mps and cronies are not racist with their inbreeding and entire families in GRCs and civil service? We have never moved beyond race. Its just that peaceful peasants will literally keep quiet until the ground opens up and swallows them. No point in infrastructure if society stays the same

That isn't racist at all. Inbreeding? You mean they only marry within their own families or they choose not to marry other races?

On the issue called inbreeding in which i am sure you just simply mean not marrying other races everyone has a right to choose who they want to marry. I am sure you only apply this BS to the chinese mps so if the malay or indian ones want to marry their own race that's fine. Not for the chinese ones.

Entire families in GRC and CS isn't racist at all cos what do you have to say about malay or indian mps doing that? Pls compare apples to apples.