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OH YES! Israelis killed each other in Gaza!



IDF paratrooper killed, possibly by friendly fire
Earlier, three IDF soldiers were killed when a tank shell hit a building where they were operating against Hamas.
Globes' correspondent6 Jan 09 09:36
An IDF paratrooper was killed last night in Gaza. The army is investigating whether he was killed by friendly fire.

Separately, friendly fire killed three IDF troops in the northern Gaza Strip last night, killing three of them and wounding 23 others, including the Brigade commander.

http://www.nasdaq.com/aspxcontent/N...E000521.htm&&mypage=newsheadlines&title=Three Israeli Soldiers Killed By 'Friendly' Fire

Three Israeli Soldiers Killed By 'Friendly' Fire

JERUSALEM (AFP)--Three soldiers from the Israeli army's elite Golani Brigade were killed and 24 wounded in northern Gaza Monday night when they were accidentally hit by Israeli tank fire, an army spokesman said.

"Three IDF (Israel Defense Forces) soldiers were killed and one critically wounded and an additional three were severely wounded as the result of a tank shell explosion that was fired in error from an IDF tank during an operation" in northern Gaza, the spokesman said.

"The tank shell hit a structure where the soldiers were located. Twenty additional soldiers were lightly to moderately wounded in the same incident." Among those lightly wounded during what was said to be heavy fighting was brigade commander Col. Avi Peled, who directed evacuation efforts before being pulled out of the area.

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Copyright (c) 2009 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

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Last update - 11:34 06/01/2009
Fifth Israeli soldier killed in Gaza ground operation against Hamas
By Amos Harel, Fadi Eyadat, Yanir Yagna, and Avi Issacharoff, Haaretz Correspondents
Tags: israel news, gaza, israel

Four Israel Defense Forces soldiers were killed in two separate incidents on Monday while battling Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip, taking the army's death toll to five in the ground operation launched Saturday against Hamas.

All four apparently died when errant IDF tank shells hit areas in which they were operating.

News of the death of the fourth Israel Defense Forces soldier, an officer from the paratroopers brigade, emerged late Tuesday morning. According to an initial probe, he was killed by friendly fire in the northern Gaza Strip, near Beit Hanun.

The three soldiers who died in separate friendly fire incident Monday were from the Golani infantry brigade. 20 other troops were also wounded by the tank shell, three seriously and one critically.

One of the soldiers killed was identified as Cpl. Yosef Muadi, 19, from Haifa. He will be buried in the in the Galilee village of Yarka, a Druze community, at 3 P.M.

Muadi belonged to Golani's Battalion 13. Golani battalion commander Lieutenant Colonel Oren Cohen was among the seriously wounded.

The incident was the most grave so far for IDF troops in 10 days of Operation Cast Lead.

IDF brigade commander Colonel Avi Peled was lightly hurt by the tank shell, but refused to be evacuated for treatment. Instead, Peled directed the evacuation of all the wounded troops and called in artillery fire and IAF air strikes on enemy targets before evacuating himself from the scene.

The number of Palestinian dead Monday was estimated at about 100, although no official figure has been given.

The IDF tightened its hold Monday over the outskirts of the built-up area of Gaza City as it traded fire with Hamas militants.

The major firefight started at around 6:30 P.M. Monday in the Sajaiyeh neighborhood in east Gaza City. According to preliminary information gathered by the IDF, Hamas attacked with mortar shells that exploded near the troops.

Troops then apparently took shelter behind the wall of a building, after which a large explosion took place.

Hamas responded with additional mortar fire. In one of the strikes, near the border, two Israelis were wounded, one of them moderately.

Sajaiyeh, together with its adjacent neighborhoods, has been considered a Hamas stronghold for several years.

Sources in the IDF said the advance of the forces into the Strip forced the rocket-launching teams to retreat somewhat, with Sajaiyeh identified as main launch location. Practically no launches were seen from areas in which the IDF had taken control.

Still, over 40 Qassam and Grad rockets were fired Monday from Gaza at southern Israel striking Ashkelon, Ashdod, Sderot, Kiryat Malakhi, near Ofakim, Netivot and Be'er Sheva. Hamas also fired rockets at the area between Ashdod and Gedera. A number of people in Sderot were treated for shock, and in Ashdod a rocket nearly destroyed a kindergarten. Inside Gaza, eight soldiers were slightly injured in other incidents in the Strip yesterday.

Over the past two days there have been at least two cases in which soldiers have been injured in 'friendly fire,' one by machine gun fire and one during the detonation of an explosive device.

Monday was the third day of the ground phase of Cast Lead. Sources in the General Staff said the day was spent 'expanding and deepening' control by forces on the ground. The IDF is now surrounding Gaza on the three land sides and maintaining a sea blockade. The Gaza Strip has also been sliced in two in the area where the Israeli settlement of Netzarim once stood.

IDF troops are going out on ambushes and attacks known as 'response-stimulating' operations.

The General Staff estimated 100 Palestinians were killed Monday in five battles at various locations around the Strip. However, it appears that a large number of the dead were civilians.

The IDF arrested at least 80 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip Monday.

The infantry forces advanced yesterday under cover of heavy artillery and helicopter fire.

The Israel Air Force continued Monday to bomb tunnels on the border at Rafah, to prevent their renewed use by Hamas as supply tunnels along the Philadelphi Route.

A few of the approximately 80 Palestinians arrested by afternoon yesterday admitted in their initial interrogation to membership in Hamas. They were transferred to temporary detention facilities inside Israel.

According to reports from the Strip, extended firefights took place Monday in the Zeitun area as well as the northern strip, not far from the former Palestinian Authority liaison offices. The IDF bombarded the area heavily.

Over the past 24 hours, two Palestinian families were killed. In the Shati refugee camp the parents and five children of the Abu Aisha family were killed. In the Zeitun neighborhood, the seven members of the Salmuni family were killed. In another incident, a pregnant Palestinian woman and her four children were killed.

Related articles:
# ANALYSIS / The price of stubbornness over Gaza exit is dead soldiers
# ANALYSIS / Israel is on its way to reoccupying all of Gaza
# ANALYSIS / The unspoken goal of bringing down Hamas in Gaza
# IDF recommends major, but brief Gaza ground offensive
# Livni: Gaza truce would give Hamas legitimacy
# WATCH: Israeli ground assault in the Gaza Strip underway
# Gaza invasion won't be short, and it won't be easy
# Hamas: Gaza will become graveyard for Israeli troops
# Israel okays call-up tens of thousands of IDF reservists
# Hezbollah urges Hamas to 'kill as many Israeli soldiers as they can' during Gaza op
# EU presidency: Israel ground op in Gaza 'defensive not offensive'
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Haute advice
Sarkozy tells Peres IDF Gaza op does not strengthen Abbas.


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Alfrescian (Inf)
This stupid WAR have drag for more than half century from WW2. In modern day war have never drag for so long.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The problem is that most Israelis say what Meagan said before. They say, “Israel left the Gaza Strip three years ago, and Hamas is still shooting rockets at us.” They forget the details. The details is that Israel maintains sovereignty. The details is that the Palestinians live in a cage. The details is that they don’t get basic foodstuff, that they don’t get electricity, that they don’t get water, and so forth. And when you forget those kinds of details, and all you say is, “Here, we left them. Why are they still shooting at us?” and that’s what the media here has been pumping them with, then you think this war is rational. If you look at what’s been going on in the Gaza Strip in the past three years and you see what Israel has been doing to the Palestinians, you would think that the Palestinian resistance is rational. And that’s what’s missing in the mainstream media here. And so, although there are voices of resistance in Israel and although there was a quite big protest on—actually, two big protests on Saturday, one in Sakhnin and one in Tel Aviv, it is still a really small minority.

PJ Boy

Sorry pal, no sympathies for these people for what their brethren did to Chinese in Indonesia. Too bad, they screwed it up themselves.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
They should just nuke Gaza or the whole of Palestine back to stone age.

This will prevent further friendly fire death!