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Ng Kok Song’s son-in-law’s role at GIC sparks questions amid presidential bid



Ng Kok Song’s son-in-law’s role at GIC sparks questions amid presidential bid​


30 August 2023



SINGAPORE: Since Ng Kok Song, the former Chief Investment Officer of Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund GIC, announced his candidacy for the 2023 Singapore Presidential Election in July, he has consistently emphasized his “political independence.”

However, questions have arisen among Singaporeans about his ability to serve as President impartially, given his extensive 27-year association with PAP politicians during his tenure at GIC.

Interestingly, a vigilant netizen highlighted that Ng Kok Song’s son-in-law, Mark Lee, currently holds the position of Managing Director at GIC.

A cross-reference with a previous report by CNA on 19 July confirms this observation, with Mark Lee positioned at the far right in the group photos:

In a video featured on TODAY, Mr Ng introduced his family members to the media, including his first daughter, Deborah Ng, and her husband, Mark Lee.



Ng Kok Song’s son-in-law’s role at GIC sparks questions amid presidential​


SINGAPORE: Since Ng Kok Song, the former Chief Investment Officer of Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund GIC, announced his candidacy for the 2023 Singapore Presidential Election in July, he has consistently emphasized his “political independence.”
However, questions have arisen among Singaporeans about his ability to serve as President impartially, given his extensive 27-year association with PAP politicians during his tenure at GIC.
Interestingly, a vigilant netizen highlighted that Ng Kok Song’s son-in-law, Mark Lee, currently holds the position of Managing Director at GIC.
A cross-reference with a previous report by CNA on 19 July confirms this observation, with Mark Lee positioned at the far right in the group photos:
In a video featured on TODAY, Mr Ng introduced his family members to the media, including his first daughter, Deborah Ng, and her husband, Mark Lee.

22-year tenure in GIC

After closely examining Mr Lee’s publicly accessible LinkedIn profile, it is apparent that his tenure at GIC spans an impressive 22-year duration.
His profile unambiguously states that his journey with GIC began in September 2001. Over the course of his extensive career within the organization, he has achieved notable milestones.
Notably, he ascended the ranks to become Deputy Head of Asia Pacific Equities, followed by his appointment as Deputy Head of Developed Market Equities in 2018.
Further enhancing his professional trajectory, Mr. Lee assumed the esteemed role of Chief of Global Active Equities (GAEQ) within the Public Equities Department in June 2019.
This strategic department, as outlined in Mr Lee’s profile on GIC’s official site, is entrusted with global investments in developed markets. The GAEQ team operates across key financial hubs, including New York, London, and Singapore.

Prior to joining GIC, Mark was a technical consultant at Hewlett Packard.
Mark holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) from the National University of Singapore and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.
He is also a CFA charterholder.


Nothing wrong, you jealous of our elites and their high SeS high intelligence genes right?
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Amazing, is it not? This maze of family business among the two establishment candidates? One has a son-in-law
as Managing Director in GIC and one has a son in a senior position in MOF which the candidate oversees. Talent
runs strong among the elites!


Amazing, is it not? This maze of family business among the two establishment candidates? One has a son-in-law
as Managing Director in GIC and one has a son in a senior position in MOF which the candidate oversees. Talent
runs strong among the elites!
all.learning from kuanyew and his son super career in saf to bgeneral. if lee family can, why can't we?
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Important is does the people there knows about it .
Otherwise is simply a Leegalised corruption lead by pirates of the carLeebean. Nothing surprising.


Amazing, is it not? This maze of family business among the two establishment candidates? One has a son-in-law
as Managing Director in GIC and one has a son in a senior position in MOF which the candidate oversees. Talent
runs strong among the elites!



Ng Kok Song’s son-in-law’s role at GIC sparks questions amid presidential​


SINGAPORE: Since Ng Kok Song, the former Chief Investment Officer of Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund GIC, announced his candidacy for the 2023 Singapore Presidential Election in July, he has consistently emphasized his “political independence.”
However, questions have arisen among Singaporeans about his ability to serve as President impartially, given his extensive 27-year association with PAP politicians during his tenure at GIC.
Interestingly, a vigilant netizen highlighted that Ng Kok Song’s son-in-law, Mark Lee, currently holds the position of Managing Director at GIC.
A cross-reference with a previous report by CNA on 19 July confirms this observation, with Mark Lee positioned at the far right in the group photos:
In a video featured on TODAY, Mr Ng introduced his family members to the media, including his first daughter, Deborah Ng, and her husband, Mark Lee.

22-year tenure in GIC

After closely examining Mr Lee’s publicly accessible LinkedIn profile, it is apparent that his tenure at GIC spans an impressive 22-year duration.
His profile unambiguously states that his journey with GIC began in September 2001. Over the course of his extensive career within the organization, he has achieved notable milestones.
Notably, he ascended the ranks to become Deputy Head of Asia Pacific Equities, followed by his appointment as Deputy Head of Developed Market Equities in 2018.
Further enhancing his professional trajectory, Mr. Lee assumed the esteemed role of Chief of Global Active Equities (GAEQ) within the Public Equities Department in June 2019.
This strategic department, as outlined in Mr Lee’s profile on GIC’s official site, is entrusted with global investments in developed markets. The GAEQ team operates across key financial hubs, including New York, London, and Singapore.

Prior to joining GIC, Mark was a technical consultant at Hewlett Packard.
Mark holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) from the National University of Singapore and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.
He is also a CFA charterholder.
Aiyah, Mark Lee is just one of many 'Managing Directors' for Global Leadership Group (GLG) at GIC. His actual title is actually Head, Global Active Equities, just a small fry. The ones in real power belong to the Group Executive Committee comprising the CEO, DCEO, GCIO etc.





Comparing these Candidate, the most Independent President turn out to be Halimah :biggrin:
I wonder whether Tan Kin Lian also have their family members in GLC/Govt position or not ?