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need advice on Masters


Moderator - JB Section
Krafty, Unrepented made some pretty good points about doing auditing and so did some of the others (non-negative) ones.
The point is to make yourself marketable and in a way, promote yourself so to speak.

Bros here can only help you so far, you got to stand up for yourself and what you believe in.
Before you go into any endeavours, write down what you want and also the pros and cons of the options listed by the bros here (non-negative ones of course) and decide for yourself which makes the most sense and is the best(not necessarily the easiest)

Start by setting small goals for yourself and accomplish them for the family and yourself. Its not just for them to see but to restore any lost confidence in yourself. Lots of our fellow bros are stuck in your situation or even if they are luckier, they may be only slightly better.

A good qualification can only get you through the first filtering of resumes, in short, it can only get you this far. Why not pursue something non academic or something that will enhance the skillsets (relevant ones) in the industry that you are keen to go in.

Remember one thing, the show ain't over till the fat lady sings or in this case, when your coffin lid closes on you. Until that time in life, you are still free to chart your own destiny, forgive those who are cruel to you, they may be under even more pressure than you and know not how much their unintentioned words may have hurt you. Give them the benefit of the doubt, non of us(unless born in an ivory tower) are born with any manuals or clear instructions in which to live our life.

Words from one of my ex boss:
If i had succumbed to all the naysayers i have met through my life, i would still be stuck in the same shit as them now and never be better. Naysayers win when they see you fail and they WANT to see you fail so that this proves you are a loser too, JUST LIKE THEM.

Thank those who help you but also those who throw stones at you, who knows, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.

To put in a cliched term: Never give up, never give up your dreams and never say never.

Being a taxi driver is definitely not a sin and should not be a blemish on your records. You should try not to put it into your resume though when applying for jobs in SG, rather explaining any gaps with reasons that you were upgrading yourself or to further your education (useful for SG companies)

That said, honesty is still the best policy and an employer(easier in the states) that can accept you for what you are, deserves you.

Age is also not a big issue in the states or actually alot of places for that matter.

Only in efficiency-centric Singapore is one automatically deemed slow and useless the minute they hit 50. They still can't get past their manufacturing mentality of replacing older parts even though its working well and forgot about the old adage, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. They probably failed to realise that using older workers and treasuring their experience is one simple solution versus importing foreigners wholesale as we have an aging population. (Rather than seeing them as a liability, why not make more use of them as an untapped resource?)

Thats why places like China town, after having their "magic" touch, fails and why even now we likely don't have anything to hold tourists attention for long despite their best efforts. Everything is too artificial and "manufactured" if you will.

Singapore is an island on this earth but the earth is not Singapore. The world is much more and bigger than that, do whatever you need/whatever it takes to get in the direction you need and set sail. At least even if you fail, you have at least tried.

Don't be washing plates, cleaning tables or being a security guard at 80 and cursing yourself for not having tried while you still can.

The coffin lid has not closed yet, live your life the way its meant to be lived, be what you are meant to be.

The only people in this world who cannot do a bit to change their lot in life(forgive the pun) or have all the peace they want are in their coffins where their lids are already closed and nailed shut.(unless you believe in vampires/zombies)

I wish you all the best.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
thks, bro wuqi, i gather all points here and balance them out to see if it's feasible to do masters at my age. My aim is to get out of sinkieland,best option is to get posted to work elsewhere and come back once in a while. But I know it's quite difficult as I have left job market for too long.

I am really not keen in financial stuff as I find it more easy to do engineering,my original trade. As for other problems I am facing, I dun want to touch on it any further. Another reason for wanting to get into Engr. is I want to bank on perseverance. I have a lot to prove to pple that I am worthy of what I am. once again, thanks for your advice.:smile: upz yr points.

Krafty, Unrepented made some pretty good points about doing auditing and so did some of the others (non-negative) ones.
The point is to make yourself marketable and in a way, promote yourself so to speak.

Bros here can only help you so far, you got to stand up for yourself and what you believe in.
Before you go into any endeavours, write down what you want and also the pros and cons of the options listed by the bros here (non-negative ones of course) and decide for yourself which makes the most sense and is the best(not necessarily the easiest)

Start by setting small goals for yourself and accomplish them for the family and yourself. Its not just for them to see but to restore any lost confidence in yourself. Lots of our fellow bros are stuck in your situation or even if they are luckier, they may be only slightly better.

A good qualification can only get you through the first filtering of resumes, in short, it can only get you this far. Why not pursue something non academic or something that will enhance the skillsets (relevant ones) in the industry that you are keen to go in.

Remember one thing, the show ain't over till the fat lady sings or in this case, when your coffin lid closes on you. Until that time in life, you are still free to chart your own destiny, forgive those who are cruel to you, they may be under even more pressure than you and know not how much their unintentioned words may have hurt you. Give them the benefit of the doubt, non of us(unless born in an ivory tower) are born with any manuals or clear instructions in which to live our life.

Words from one of my ex boss:
If i had succumbed to all the naysayers i have met through my life, i would still be stuck in the same shit as them now and never be better. Naysayers win when they see you fail and they WANT to see you fail so that this proves you are a loser too, JUST LIKE THEM.

Thank those who help you but also those who throw stones at you, who knows, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.

To put in a cliched term: Never give up, never give up your dreams and never say never.

Being a taxi driver is definitely not a sin and should not be a blemish on your records. You should try not to put it into your resume though when applying for jobs in SG, rather explaining any gaps with reasons that you were upgrading yourself or to further your education (useful for SG companies)

That said, honesty is still the best policy and an employer(easier in the states) that can accept you for what you are, deserves you.

Age is also not a big issue in the states or actually alot of places for that matter.

Only in efficiency-centric Singapore is one automatically deemed slow and useless the minute they hit 50. They still can't get past their manufacturing mentality of replacing older parts even though its working well and forgot about the old adage, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. They probably failed to realise that using older workers and treasuring their experience is one simple solution versus importing foreigners wholesale as we have an aging population. (Rather than seeing them as a liability, why not make more use of them as an untapped resource?)

Thats why places like China town, after having their "magic" touch, fails and why even now we likely don't have anything to hold tourists attention for long despite their best efforts. Everything is too artificial and "manufactured" if you will.

Singapore is an island on this earth but the earth is not Singapore. The world is much more and bigger than that, do whatever you need/whatever it takes to get in the direction you need and set sail. At least even if you fail, you have at least tried.

Don't be washing plates, cleaning tables or being a security guard at 80 and cursing yourself for not having tried while you still can.

The coffin lid has not closed yet, live your life the way its meant to be lived, be what you are meant to be.

The only people in this world who cannot do a bit to change their lot in life(forgive the pun) or have all the peace they want are in their coffins where their lids are already closed and nailed shut.(unless you believe in vampires/zombies)

I wish you all the best.


Moderator - JB Section
Hi Krafty,

Great! Set your targets and set it at a point you are comfortable with, once you get it right, aim higher and go on from there. Dreams costs the same no matter how big or small it is, since it costs nothing, might as well aim high!

Actually you already got it, the simple secret to success is to keep doing it as long as you know its the right thing for you.

Most babies within a marriage do not come into being without repeated attempts, if all of mankind failed on the first attempt and think they are failures, likely we will be extinct within a few generations. Yet...most fail to realise that persistence is what sets aside one from being a success from the failures.

Just imagine this quick scenario, you try to fix something, in the end you give up. Before you gave up, the person you are helping still thinks you can fix it, even you still think you can do it. The minute you give up and stop trying, thats the only time, that only second onwards can you considered to have failed in this instance. Still its only failing in that instance, it doesn't brand one a complete failure.

Whats so bad about failures anyway? Everyone knows Edison failed so many times in his attempts on his inventions but no one remembered his failures the moment he got the lightbulb working.

Though he was certainly not the first to conceive this idea, part of his success was he never gave up. Everyone lauded him for his bright ideas (forgive the pun) as well as his other inventions(maybe not the electric chair though)

The minute one of your target is achieved and successful, it will be brighter than any of your failures, (even a single bulb lights up the overwhelming darkness) the persistence you put in has paid off.

One way to achieve success is through repeated failures for if you failed again, its just another statistic that people will quickly forget the minute you achieve success. You can fail many many times but you only need to succeed once.

You can only truly fail if you give up. If you resign yourself to your current status and keep plodding on until the costs of living drives you crazy or you die from overwork. Then you have not only failed yourself but your family.
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u talked as if you are a primary school child writing a composition titled 'My Ambition'. your ambition and goals in life change like every few weeks.

decide on something and hang on there. if you carry on like this, you can never achieve anything.


thks, bro wuqi, i gather all points here and balance them out to see if it's feasible to do masters at my age. My aim is to get out of sinkieland,best option is to get posted to work elsewhere and come back once in a while. But I know it's quite difficult as I have left job market for too long.

I am really not keen in financial stuff as I find it more easy to do engineering,my original trade. As for other problems I am facing, I dun want to touch on it any further. Another reason for wanting to get into Engr. is I want to bank on perseverance. I have a lot to prove to pple that I am worthy of what I am. once again, thanks for your advice.:smile: upz yr points.

i tink it's a bit late. After all these years, yr engr knowledge is already passe. Why dun u just try to get an entry level sales enginerr's job and work yr way up from there. U cld always claim u had been doing property sales but it din really work out.


Alfrescian (Inf)
i do understand the logic behind "failures and success" but I find it rather impossible in our unforgiving society. Moreover, to get a decent engineering job is rather tough cos' of stiff competition.

I have tried sales and all other kind of jobs, I asked myself one day what really is that I like to do? And the answer is engineering or research work. It's not that I dun have a glib of tongue, it's just that I dun like to beg pple to buy a product in a sales job. You can say I am a proud person.:o

Hi Krafty,

Great! Set your targets and set it at a point you are comfortable with, once you get it right, aim higher and go on from there. Dreams costs the same no matter how big or small it is, since it costs nothing, might as well aim high!

Actually you already got it, the simple secret to success is to keep doing it as long as you know its the right thing for you.

Most babies within a marriage do not come into being without repeated attempts, if all of mankind failed on the first attempt and think they are failures, likely we will be extinct within a few generations. Yet...most fail to realise that persistence is what sets aside one from being a success from the failures.

Just imagine this quick scenario, you try to fix something, in the end you give up. Before you gave up, the person you are helping still thinks you can fix it, even you still think you can do it. The minute you give up and stop trying, thats the only time, that only second onwards can you considered to have failed in this instance. Still its only failing in that instance, it doesn't brand one a complete failure.

Whats so bad about failures anyway? Everyone knows Edison failed so many times in his attempts on his inventions but no one remembered his failures the moment he got the lightbulb working.

Though he was certainly not the first to conceive this idea, part of his success was he never gave up. Everyone lauded him for his bright ideas (forgive the pun) as well as his other inventions(maybe not the electric chair though)

The minute one of your target is achieved and successful, it will be brighter than any of your failures, (even a single bulb lights up the overwhelming darkness) the persistence you put in has paid off.

One way to achieve success is through repeated failures for if you failed again, its just another statistic that people will quickly forget the minute you achieve success. You can fail many many times but you only need to succeed once.

You can only truly fail if you give up. If you resign yourself to your current status and keep plodding on until the costs of living drives you crazy or you die from overwork. Then you have not only failed yourself but your family.


Alfrescian (Inf)
the reason for being indecisive is cos' I tried to match myself to the demand of the market. If property hot, I will go into property.
I think that was my problem...:o


u talked as if you are a primary school child writing a composition titled 'My Ambition'. your ambition and goals in life change like every few weeks.

decide on something and hang on there. if you carry on like this, you can never achieve anything.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I was saboed by someone related to ISD. It 's a long story. If you dig up my thread, you may know. This incident affected my well being somehow.:mad:

i am also an IT engineer
why u quit ur job for so many years?


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
the reason for being indecisive is cos' I tried to match myself to the demand of the market. If property hot, I will go into property.
I think that was my problem...:o

If you want to succeed in life, you need to put all your effort into something you're actually passionate about. If you're dedicated to your cause, earning a good living will be the natural outcome.


Alfrescian (Inf)
If you want to succeed in life, you need to put all your effort into something you're actually passionate about. If you're dedicated to your cause, earning a good living will be the natural outcome.

yeah, like a raving lunatic driving a fictitious taxicab while spending all his time online using his sister's dsl account.


Alfrescian (Inf)
nowadays, I drive when I feel like. Luckily, my hirer, also my neighbour, is an old timer who is retired with grown up kids. He is rather flexible. I'd text him in the morning to tell him I want to drive today. He will then pass the cab to me in the afternoon. Talking abt him, he is quite a "Lao hero", he has a second wife in Batam and a young daughter. So he'd be happier that I drive and he goes to Batam to visit his 2nd family.:biggrin::biggrin:

yeah, like a raving lunatic driving a fictitious taxicab while spending all his time online using his sister's dsl account.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
nowadays, I drive when I feel like. Luckily, my hirer, also my neighbour, is an old timer who is retired with grown up kids. He is rather flexible. I'd text him in the morning to tell him I want to drive today. He will then pass the cab to me in the afternoon. Talking abt him, he is quite a "Lao hero", he has a second wife in Batam and a young daughter. So he'd be happier that I drive and he goes to Batam to visit his 2nd family.:biggrin::biggrin:

So wherever you go, you will 'work' as and when you feel like it. Doesn't take a certified genius with an IQ of 164 and above to figure out the root of your problem for your entire life. Go fish :rolleyes:


Alfrescian (Inf)
It's not like that, I used to drive full time for the past 2 years until I got burnt out, i think. The curiosity and the jest has died down. I spent the rest of the time to do my own little research,making phone calls,emailing. As long as I can make enough for my beer money, I am fine. And at the same time, thinking what is my next step.:wink:

So wherever you go, you will 'work' as and when you feel like it. Doesn't take a certified genius with an IQ of 164 and above to figure out the root of your problem for your entire life. Go fish :rolleyes:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
It's not like that, I used to drive full time for the past 2 years until I got burnt out, i think. The curiosity and the jest has died down. I spent the rest of the time to do my own little research,making phone calls,emailing. As long as I can make enough for my beer money, I am fine. And at the same time, thinking what is my next step.:wink:

Your next constructive set is to think of how to earn more beer money and find a woman only to be rejected, show and tell in the forum and let us ridicule you again


Alfrescian (Inf)
hey, but at least i am telling my experience,up to you to think if i am telling the truth. I am not those who keep on bragging or telling pple how good they are and so on. Sounds familiar hor, Ram???*bro,just kidding.*

Your next constructive set is to think of how to earn more beer money and find a woman only to be rejected, show and tell in the forum and let us ridicule you again

Heart Break Kid


ya, i know it's me again! this time i have a question on doing my masters in States for a year and find work there,eventually get a green card. What you guys think? is 36 years of age too old to do masters?

I know situation in states is not rosy but I dun like the life here in sinkiepore. I want well balance and quality life.

genuine advice please. trouble makers and jealous pple please buzz off.:smile:

Hi bro krafty,

I just come back from California USA two months ago. Now the US Custom there do not welcome foreigners seeking jobs there or want to entrol in their universities there. In Silicon Valley, hugh laying-off in many MNCs there and there are only temp jobs available for the locals in the West Coast.

Better paid salaries jobs in US now is shifted to PRC, India & even Singapore.

Sorry to say.. not advisable to study in USA now.