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My uncle asked me to not spend money to eat dim sum at the restaurants


He told me that almost 95% of the dim sum restaurants buy dim sum from factories in JB and woodlands and after that steam them in the restaurants before serving to you.


He told me that we should not waste our money to eat dim sum in the restaurants.

Instead, we can just steam our own dim sum. Buy them from cold storage and shengshiong


He told me that almost 95% of the dim sum restaurants buy dim sum from factories in JB and woodlands and after that steam them in the restaurants before serving to you.
The only dim sum I eat is crystal jade. Not at their restaurant. I buy their frozen dimsum that sells in NTUC.


Very good quality and at reasonable prices


Yes but much cheaper to buy from supermarket. No service charge, towel charge, etc just put in the dim sum basket at home and dump into steam oven.
Recently I bought an egg cooker, very cheap and useful. I have been using it to make shoyu eggs or hot spring eggs. I will share with you a few photos tonight


Recently I bought an egg cooker, very cheap and useful. I have been using it to make shoyu eggs or hot spring eggs. I will share with you a few photos tonight
I still left 5 boxes of Crystal Jade siewmai in my freezer...Just check my stock level :laugh: everytime got sale I buy 10 boxes to keep. Because my housemate also likes it very much. So we share for a box of 10 pieces after steaming in the steam oven...


Many Singaporeans gong-gong go to Hong Kong to eat dim sum but they do not know that the dim sum which they eat are mostly from 深圳