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MHA Power Struggle, Conspiracy and Collateral Damage


Alfrescian (Inf)
Who is PO?
If PO is 8 years younger than BL, I would not know him from school.
Hi, I guess many have provided the info. I remembered him because of his boyish look but was treated with much respect by many that were higher rank and older. There was another Peter from the same school but much older. He was PO's boss's boss (technically) then and was very polite and close to him, calling him "Peter" which sometimes can be confusing during meeting.

By the way, do you happened to like running in your younger days?
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Hi, I guess many have provided the info. I remembered him because of his boyish look but was treated with much respect by many that were higher rank and older. There was another Peter from the same school but much older. He was PO's boss's boss (technically) then and was very polite and close to him, calling him "Peter" which sometimes can be confusing during meeting.

By the way, do you happened to like running in your younger days?

If there was a guy called Peter Tan, then this Peter is one year younger than BL.

I do like running during my younger days. But I failed as a hurdler.


Alfrescian (Inf)
thank you scroo for your insights.

since yr post, notice?

people are always absorbed by gossip & details.... less reflection on intentions, angle & things sublime & non-sensory.

everyone has hidden agenda, some more insidious then others. even if no agenda, then their prejudices and outlook dictate their posts...


Interesting article as Justice MHA has exposed the hidden hands and players behind this sordid power struggle. However, it has missed the mark. The issue here is simply self-preservation and revenge...

There are many who have worked and dealt personally, on a professional level, inform me that Ng Boon Gay is a straight arrow and has been known to constantly remind his men that they must always do the right things right, meaning if SOP dictates that one needs to scratch one left ear with his/her right hand then that is the correct way. However he is not your typical authoritative Senior Police Officer type. If any he is always willing to seek feedback from the men on the ground and looking for ways to improve the way things are done.

Ng Boon Gay was investigated by CPIB but no evidence of his alleged crime/crimes were uncovered but it was merely a case of "guilty by association ". At end of 2010, he took over the helm at CNB from Ng Say Liang. The then DD CNB, Ng Ser Song also left CNB to be Director CID. My sources also tell me that whilst Ng Ser Song was DD CNB, it was he who was running the whole show at CNB (including collating drug statistics) and not Ng Say Liang as the latter was already on retirement mode.

Some CNB officers I spoke to, say that Ng Ser Song did not have a healthy relationship with the men in CNB due to his authoritative nature. In fact Ng Ser Song was himself a target of several petitions made by CNB Officers one of which was that he would make the CNB DO drive to his home on Saturday mornings so that he (Ng Ser Song) can sign DRC Committal Orders in the comfort of home instead of doing it in his office. As a result, Ng Ser Song stood down as DD CNB and took over as Director Police Intelligence Department (PID), these seems rather odd as he himself was once DD PID. IMHO, it was a lateral move.

When he was Director CNB, Ng Boon Gay discovered that statistics were wrong and that drug arrests had increased instead of decreased. Being a straight arrow, he ordered a recount and found out the drug situation had made a turn for the worse, not only for 2011 but for 2010 and 2009, just about the time Ng Ser Song was DD CNB. Ng Boon Gay forwarded this information to then new MHA Minister, DPM Teo Chee Hean. Sources also inform me that, Ng Boon Gay had gone over then outgoing PS MHA Benny Lim's head to report this straight to DPM Teo Chee Hean. With DPM Teo’s blessings, Ng Boon Gay released the correct figures and informed of the “error” to the people. Needless to say, DPM Teo was also very peeved with the former Dir and DD CNB and most importantly outgoing PS Benny Lim regarding this fiasco.

Informed sources, say that DPM Teo then realized that there was clearly an endemic lack of supervision not only in the CNB but in MHA itself, such that the PS, Dir and DD CNB failed to notice such a GRAVE and SERIOUS ERROR. DPM Teo was also upset at the lackadaisical manner at which these 2 men handled their duties and responsibilities.

Alarm bells went off and immediately these 2 men and other interested parties went into self-preservation mode.

From what I gather, Benny Lim is NOW not exactly a favourite among the current Cabinet, this is due the fact that his brother Raymond Lim and his former boss and in many ways, benefactor former DPM and MHA Minister Wong Kan Seng had stood down from their Cabinet positions, partly in due to their dismal performance and growing public sentiment against them. DPM Teo was appointed Minister of Home Affairs and took over Wong Kan Seng's portfolio as Minister in charge of National Security & Intel Co-ordination (NSIC) Secretariat.

In short DPM Teo was tasked to bring about sweeping changes to MHA, which in the past years, has performed poorly. There is some talk that DPM Teo was advised by certain parties in MHA & Mindef to remove PS Benny Lim and those who were in his camp, if DPM Teo was indeed keen to revamp the culture and mindset in MHA and restore public confidence in MHA. Truth is, Benny Lim had already formed a cult of personality among several top MHA HODs. In fact, prior to DPM Teo’s appointment as Minister Home Affairs, MHA was virtually being run by Benny Lim, as even the then Minister Home Affairs K Shanmugam was “wise enough” to leave Benny Lim to run MHA the way Benny Lim saw fit.

Some say that Benny Lim was due for posting to NSIC Secretariat as early as 2010 as he had hoped to work under Wong Kan Seng. However, this is not founded as many are aware that Benny Lim intended to remain in MHA till he officially retired. However, DPM Teo was a man on a mission, and with Ng Boon Gay’s revelation it sealed Benny Lim’s fate. Thus DPM Teo swiftly removed Benny Lim sending him to a redundant post as a PS PMO/MND in charge of NSIC Secretariat. It is in effect, merely a posting to placate Benny Lim, as he was after all Dir ISD and PS MHA and knows where and in whose closets were and are the skeletons still hidden in.

Fortunately for Benny Lim, his protégé, Eric Tan is Dir CPIB which also comes under purview of the PMO. Eric Tan is a very close and loyal friend of Benny Lim. In fact, Eric Tan has been overheard as saying that he will gladly lay his life down for Benny Lim.

Like an Intel Black Ops, together Benny Lim and Ng Ser Song roped in Eric Tan, Dir CPIB, to be the hatchet man that will strike Ng Boon Gay.

All of a sudden, the closed CPIB case on Ng Boon Gay is reopened as fresh “evidence” emerges which reveal as the official line goes; “serious personal misconduct” by Ng Boon Gay.

In December 2011, Ng Boon Gay was picked up by CPIB and the rest as they say is history.

Subsequently, in January 2012, Commissioner SCDF along with 6 other SCDF officers were, also picked up by CPIB for alleged corruption.

Please bear in mind that recent media reports have confirmed that the CPIB probes on both men are separate investigations.

However, acting on a mysterious tip-off, on 24th January 2012, 2nd day of Chinese New Year, MSM reported that both SCDF Commissioner and Dir CNB being investigated by CPIB.

This seems very odd that our MSM, known for their “responsible and factual” journalism had decided to run this story to print. In fact, the spin then that the CPIB probe had something with sex and money – a lethal if not bestselling combination.

Immediately, alternative media and even TR Emeritus, the self claimed online Voice of Singaporeans lapped it up and ran similar reports regarding the CPIB probe.

One thing did catch my eye though, during the interview of DPM Teo by MSM media, his body language indicated that he had been caught unawares akin to the proverbial deer caught in the headlights. All DPM Teo could provide was the standard well scripted Govt Minister response, which in my observation, was ill prepared.

The next day, MSM tabloid ran story that both men linked to mysterious philandering adulterous woman IT executive. Again the public lapped it up.

Also revealed both Mr Ng Boon Gay and Peter Lim were to be removed from their appointments. I was not surprised for the latter. Subsequently, the greatest shocker came, Mr Ng Ser Song, who was then Dir Police Intelligence Dept and former DD CNB will be taking over as Dir CNB on 1st Feb 2012.

Wait a minute, I wondered was it not during Ng Ser Song’s tenure as DD CNB that CNB got their figures wrong and that the drug abuse situation had actually took a turn for the worse?? But sad to say, not many of us noticed this, instead we were more interested in sex and scandal.

This my dear friends was the classic Intel Black Ops, the mysterious lady is akin to the hidden hands acting as the cameraman to make us watch the fictional birdie as they tell us to “Say Cheese” and feed the hungry open minds of the masses.

The moment Ng Ser Song takes over, CNB seemed came clean by revealing on 2nd Feb 2012 that drug arrests were up. Nevertheless, Ng Ser Song has assured us that CNB will work closely with the Task Force on Drugs led by MOS MHA Masagos to fight the drug scourge.

In this final act, the players are keen to potray Ng Ser Song as the white knight in shining armour to rescue CNB from the “evil and corrupt” Ng Boon Gay who ironically during his tenure as Dir CNB stepped up anti-drug enforcement action leading to more arrests.

However IMHO, Ng Ser Song, is coming back to CNB to erase and whitewash all traces of his monumental cock-up. Who better to clean up the mess than the person who created it in the first place??

As for Benny Lim, I now liken him to a Cheshire cat, who is now grinning widely at the thought that he has just showed his former master, in this case DPM Teo, how one can kill the pet canary and get away with it.

My fellow Singaporeans, IMHO, Mr Ng Boon Gay’s alleged “crime” came about the moment he decided to do the right thing and expose the truth. In doing so, he had stepped on the toes of those who for the sake of self-preservation are willing to protect their personal interests at all costs even if it means destroying, IMO, an honest man.


What about Peter Lim, I don't read anything much on him?

Is he at the wrong hole at the wrong time?


Interesting article as Justice MHA has exposed the hidden hands and players behind this sordid power struggle. However, it has missed the mark. The issue here is simply self-preservation and revenge...

Good contribution JohnnyQuid. Thanks! The whole episode is getting juicier. Also reminds me of a useless chief (WKS) who over the years allowed subordinates to grow into monsters exerting their powerful spheres of influence. :smile:
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Interesting we now have two conspiracy theories circulating claiming to offer the inside story of what is happening. My problem with both versions is that they paint senior MHA officers as a power unto themselves. If we believe the stories, the PAP elders appear to be stooges who are easily manipulated and made use of. Scroobal recently mentioned that there were some attempts to discredit online discussions by circulating plausible but false stories. This would fit into such an exercise.

On who is doing, the SG Intel services would naturally be a prime suspect. They are however not the only group with such capability. After GE2011, WP has gained a lot of talent. They certainly have the capability to do this. Ditto with certain shadowy groups who have emerged. Evidence of their existence can be seen from the ability of an opposition politican who won no seats but somehow has the funding to set up a think tank just outside the Istana.

Intersting times indeed ...
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Although BL is very capable and impressive (and decisive), as a non scholar (whether is ISD, SPF or SAF), very very few ever gets promoted beyond Superintendent or Colonel. Could you please enlighten me as to why and how BL is so good? Thank you.

I would be delighted to meet with [Golden Dragon], [scroobal] and a few others. If you and those gentlemen ever visit Toronto, I would gladly meet you folks for a meal and/or drinks.


Quite common for non-grads to make it to Supt and beyond nowadays. DAC Philip Ang rose from mata mata. I can think of at least 4 non-grads who are Supts now - Khalid, Deep Singh, Teo Cheow Beng, Ng Bah Tee. For non-scholar grads to make it to Supt is just a matter of time. They should retire with at least DAC rank quite easily.

BL is indeed impressive. He speaks and writes very well. Also, very decisive, steady and value-adds all the time. Gets along well with almost everyone. Extremely protective of his officers. Unfortunately, his closest pal once disclosed that BL has 'light ears'. In a nutshell, he impressed me more than Peter Ong, Chiang Chie Foo, KBH and GLK COMBINED together.

Sure, let me know when you are in town. Cordon Bleu on me.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Quite common for non-grads to make it to Supt and beyond nowadays. DAC Philip Ang rose from mata mata. I can think of at least 4 non-grads who are Supts now - Khalid, Deep Singh, Teo Cheow Beng, Ng Bah Tee. For non-scholar grads to make it to Supt is just a matter of time. They should retire with at least DAC rank quite easily.

BL is indeed impressive. He speaks and writes very well. Also, very decisive, steady and value-adds all the time. Gets along well with almost everyone. Extremely protective of his officers. Unfortunately, his closest pal once disclosed that BL has 'light ears'. In a nutshell, he impressed me more than Peter Ong, Chiang Chie Foo, KBH and GLK COMBINED together.

Sure, let me know when you are in town. Cordon Bleu on me.

Thank you [GoldenDragon].
I will send a private message to you.


Alfrescian (Inf)
@ JohnnyQuid

Very good interesting info from you Bro..
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I have to agree GD.

BL is very impressive. He is able to communicate effectively with people from all levels and had excellent memory. He was said to be considered a legend as he is able to raise up to PS from the rank of police constable. Those who were with him in 'C' Division would know. He was well liked by all and good looking when he was younger. Now he had put on a lot of weight. Even though he is PS, he remained respectful to those who were previously his superiors and now his subordinates. Compared to the rest that you mentioned (Peter Ong, Chiang Chie Foo, KBH and GLK), BL is the only "born and bred" intelligence officer. Not the usual scholars who precieve the world based on paper or books.

As for the NBG and PL saga, they were both nerdy scholars who had not tasted enough from the 'sweetest' side of women. Our selection system of choosing 'civil service leaders' is based solely on their studying ablilty. Many of these nerds actually gave up almost all their time for studies and had little time to explore the world. They are not streetwise and not tested by temptations previously. Many of their family are rich and therefore not tempted by money but there is something that money cannot buy (sex and feeling like a true man), especially when they have a reputation/image to uphold. They also tend to marry studious women as wives and therefore had little excitement in their sexual life.

If there is no corruption as mentioned by some here, then why are all of us looking at them from a high moral ground? Do you really expect saints to be running the civil service?

Quite common for non-grads to make it to Supt and beyond nowadays. DAC Philip Ang rose from mata mata. I can think of at least 4 non-grads who are Supts now - Khalid, Deep Singh, Teo Cheow Beng, Ng Bah Tee. For non-scholar grads to make it to Supt is just a matter of time. They should retire with at least DAC rank quite easily.

BL is indeed impressive. He speaks and writes very well. Also, very decisive, steady and value-adds all the time. Gets along well with almost everyone. Extremely protective of his officers. Unfortunately, his closest pal once disclosed that BL has 'light ears'. In a nutshell, he impressed me more than Peter Ong, Chiang Chie Foo, KBH and GLK COMBINED together.

Sure, let me know when you are in town. Cordon Bleu on me.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
...Ng Boon Gay forwarded this information to then new MHA Minister, DPM Teo Chee Hean. Sources also inform me that, Ng Boon Gay had gone over then outgoing PS MHA Benny Lim's head to report this straight to DPM Teo Chee Hean. With DPM Teo’s blessings, ......Needless to say, DPM Teo was also very peeved with the former Dir and DD CNB and most importantly outgoing PS Benny Lim regarding this fiasco.

...One thing did catch my eye though, during the interview of DPM Teo by MSM media, his body language indicated that he had been caught unawares .....

....Subsequently, the greatest shocker came, Mr Ng Ser Song, who was then Dir Police Intelligence Dept and former DD CNB will be taking over as Dir CNB on 1st Feb 2012.

Just 2 points that doesn't seem logical.

1. If TCH was peeved with the former DD CNB, it is interesting that he did not object to his subsequent appointment as D CNB.

2. If TCH is not aware that MSM is going to leak, then somebody in MSM is either sleeping or is out to sabo, which is unlikely as many more would have raced to inform him.


Interesting article as Justice MHA has exposed the hidden hands and players behind this sordid power struggle. However, it has missed the mark. The issue here is simply self-preservation and revenge...

There are many who have worked and dealt personally, on a professional level, inform me that Ng Boon Gay is a straight arrow and has been known to constantly remind his men that they must always do the right things right, meaning if SOP dictates that one needs to scratch one left ear with his/her right hand then that is the correct way. However he is not your typical authoritative Senior Police Officer type. If any he is always willing to seek feedback from the men on the ground and looking for ways to improve the way things are done.

Ng Boon Gay was investigated by CPIB but no evidence of his alleged crime/crimes were uncovered but it was merely a case of "guilty by association ". At end of 2010, he took over the helm at CNB from Ng Say Liang. The then DD CNB, Ng Ser Song also left CNB to be Director CID. My sources also tell me that whilst Ng Ser Song was DD CNB, it was he who was running the whole show at CNB (including collating drug statistics) and not Ng Say Liang as the latter was already on retirement mode.


wah another one come out. i'm sitting back enjoy, like watching rashomon.
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I have to agree GD.

BL is very impressive. He is able to communicate effectively with people from all levels and had excellent memory. He was said to be considered a legend as he is able to raise up to PS from the rank of police constable. Those who were with him in 'C' Division would know. He was well liked by all and good looking when he was younger. Now he had put on a lot of weight. Even though he is PS, he remained respectful to those who were previously his superiors and now his subordinates. Compared to the rest that you mentioned (Peter Ong, Chiang Chie Foo, KBH and GLK), BL is the only "born and bred" intelligence officer. Not the usual scholars who precieve the world based on paper or books.

As for the NBG and PL saga, they were both nerdy scholars who had not tasted enough from the 'sweetest' side of women. Our selection system of choosing 'civil service leaders' is based solely on their studying ablilty. Many of these nerds actually gave up almost all their time for studies and had little time to explore the world. They are not streetwise and not tested by temptations previously. Many of their family are rich and therefore not tempted by money but there is something that money cannot buy (sex and feeling like a true man), especially when they have a reputation/image to uphold. They also tend to marry studious women as wives and therefore had little excitement in their sexual life.

If there is no corruption as mentioned by some here, then why are all of us looking at them from a high moral ground? Do you really expect saints to be running the civil service?

if know more gossip must share. must know more abt these top civil servants and how they think and whether spore is screwed or not in their hands.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Sawasdee krup, can converge in the Land of Smiles too. Here you gossip and plot no body cares and also sahbai sahbai, not just Cordon Bleu (my fav) also everything I pow-ga-liao. Welcome.

Thank you very kindly, Sir.

Before we had any children, my wife and I were in Thailand. Unsure when we will travel there, but will gladly accept your offer, if my green-eye golden blonde (now turning partly silver) 5 ft 7 inch spouse can tag along, although she will not have any knowledge of whatever gossip we chose to discuss. However, she got along well, and participated in the discussions with my old friends from Raffles Hall (formerly at Nassim Road, Bukit Timah campus, now demolished) years ago.
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This is the second post in support of Ng Boon Gay. I am well aware that he is a nice guy but all this conspiracy theories are just that. They were not after NBG . The complaint lodged was against Cecilia Sue's husband. She cracked and named him and the other clown. I called them clowns because most people carry out their extra curricular in a much smarter way. Imagine 2 superscale clowns screwing the same women for an extended period of time and not knowing that it was the same women. To make matters worse, it was a woman who was after govt contracts. Thats plain dumb.

GYH and ST affair ran for years and he even brought her to Insead when he was attending post grad course. The whole world knew. He is not the only one. We have MPs and a few cabinet ministers doing the same. One even was doing his sub in NTUC. We even had a cabinet minister that was openly parading his toyboy. The toyboy was not dealing with govt contracts and was running his own private practice.

Its pointless pointing fingers here and there. Some consideration should have entered their minds when these clowns were bedding down the woman. Did they not even consider that there is clear conflict of interest with this woman.

NBG and PL have only themselves to blame. There is already unease over high salaries and the good civil servants who are hardworking have to bear the brunt of abuse because of a few like NBG and PL. I am sure if it the lady was banker, a beer aunty, teacher, or even a GRO, nobody would have bothered. Common sense will tell you the Cecilia Sue had ulterior motives. Its hard to pin down corruption if instructions are not given in writing. One can influence a assessment panel verbally etc.

Frankly nobody gives a fuck what a nobody like Ng Ser Song does. The guy does not even register on the radar.

People are more interested in who else have been implicated by this sorry affair and what other acts of compromise have occurred. The bigger question is will the other Ministers and the cabinet agree to act on other agencies and their staff. Will Mindef give up its ghost.

My fellow Singaporeans, IMHO, Mr Ng Boon Gay’s alleged “crime” came about the moment he decided to do the right thing and expose the truth. In doing so, he had stepped on the toes of those who for the sake of self-preservation are willing to protect their personal interests at all costs even if it means destroying, IMO, an honest man.


Bro, Charlie is a vet in this forum and has been inspirational in sharing his life journey on many occasions in the past. He left these shores as a young graduate decades ago when it was not fashonable. He made it in all things meaningful - family, career, lifestyle etc.

He would be more than a worthy acquaintence. Look after him.

Sawasdee krup, can converge in the Land of Smiles too. Here you gossip and plot no body cares and also sahbai sahbai, not just Cordon Bleu (my fav) also everything I pow-ga-liao. Welcome.