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Malay musician sow discord to disaffect Malay/Muslims


Another mat trying to create problem by creating discord?

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Alfrescian (Inf)
typical isn't it.

Now suppose a buddhist person complained about buddhists inside a mosque which has religious items of worship related to islam and complains of how it offends buddhists how do you think ppl would react?

Sick of these bloody double standards.


That letter mentioned that Art Fazil is pro-WP and pro-NSP.

Seems like letter writer is using this issue to shoot opposition more than talking about racist malay.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Aiyah, pro-opposition does not mean member of opposition. My parents are pro-PAP does that mean they member of PAP?

That letter mentioned that Art Fazil is pro-WP and pro-NSP.

Seems like letter writer is using this issue to shoot opposition more than talking about racist malay.

syed putra

sigh. its not enough that the gahmen has confiscated malay land. Now they want to convert them to other religion as well. What is the use of voting for WP.
If malaysia can have DAP, an offshoot of PAP, then malays want UMNO in singapore.


Art Fazil never complained about Muslims killing religious minorities in Islamic countries all over teh world. He wanst to complain about Muslims receiving money from Buddhists. He needs to send his head for a check up.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
What fuck nonsense are you talking about? Islam is the one that is forcing people to convert. Every motherfucking thing got to do with Islam, all must give in. The whole office got 100 staff but only one Malay, then every damn fuck office event food must be Halal. If not, all are considered racist.

Do you understand how fucked up Halal food taste? What the fuck is Halal Tim Sum, Halal Fried KuehTeow, Halal Hokkien Mee, etc. Looking at my size, you should know I enjoy good tasty food. When it comes to food, I get angry!

sigh. its not enough that the gahmen has confiscated malay land. Now they want to convert them to other religion as well. What is the use of voting for WP.
If malaysia can have DAP, an offshoot of PAP, then malays want UMNO in singapore.
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What fuck nonsense are you talking about? Islam is the one that is forcing people to convert. Every motherfucking thing got to do with Islam, all must give in. The whole office got 100 staff but only one Malay, then every damn fuck office event food must be Halal. If not, all are considered racist.

Do you understand how fucked up Halal food taste? What the fuck is Halal Tim Sum, Halal Fried KuehTeow, Halal Hokkien Mee, etc. Looking at my size, you should know I enjoy good tasty food. When it comes to food, I get angry!

Must also give them muslim prayer room, separate microwave oven and time-off for Fridays.


Alfrescian (Inf)
sigh. its not enough that the gahmen has confiscated malay land. Now they want to convert them to other religion as well. What is the use of voting for WP.
If malaysia can have DAP, an offshoot of PAP, then malays want UMNO in singapore.

Oei what cock are you talking? Since when did the buddhists try to convert muslims? Seriously when have they done that? You're another bugger trying to spread misinformation.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
If not, you're racist or anti-islam. And they say we are trying to be difficult.

Must also give them muslim prayer room, separate microwave oven and time-off for Fridays.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
What fuck nonsense are you talking about? Islam is the one that is forcing people to convert. Every motherfucking thing got to do with Islam, all must give in. The whole office got 100 staff but only one Malay, then every damn fuck office event food must be Halal. If not, all are considered racist.

Do you understand how fucked up Halal food taste? What the fuck is Halal Tim Sum, Halal Fried KuehTeow, Halal Hokkien Mee, etc. Looking at my size, you should know I enjoy good tasty food. When it comes to food, I get angry!

Anyway back to the issue this syed putra bugger is spreading misinformation and making things up. He claims they are trying to convert the muslims. FYI buddhists and christians are the most generous and give out free food and dontaions with no other intentions. You can go to a temple to get free meals and you don't need to be a taoist or buddhists.

Here's also another thing. Did anyone force those muslims to accept the donations? Did anyone? Or did they come of their own free will? If they were so religious they would have thought" hey i'm a good muslim i won't accept donations from another religion or chose not to even enter the temple yet they still went ahead to do it.

It's assholes like this syed putra that also the ones contributing to the dissent in sg society by somehow refusing to condemn his own for being in the wrong. Want to talk about being pious to the religion but still accept donations. Accepts donations from another religion but dares to complain of other religion being disrespectful cos they show their own items or religious worship on their own premises. It's totally unreasonable but what makes it worse is that somehow you see assholes like syed putra here who feels that this art fazil isn't in the wrong.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Like what my father always say, it is better to use the money to feed a dog that will wriggle its tail when it sees you then to provide for an ingrate.


typical isn't it.

Now suppose a buddhist person complained about buddhists inside a mosque which has religious items of worship related to islam and complains of how it offends buddhists how do you think ppl would react?

Sick of these bloody double standards.

I am very worried about such wide spread double standard afflicted on the silent majority who are always picked as a guinea pig.They might loose faith to fight for this country!


Alfrescian (Inf)
I am very worried about such wide spread double standard afflicted on the silent majority who are always picked as a guinea pig.They might loose faith to fight for this country!

The fucking silent majority ought to open their bloody mouths and speak out about this BS.


Good on Art-Fazil and Gang, We need more vocal Minorities like him.

The fucking silent Minority ought to open their bloody mouths and speak out about the B.S.

1sickpuppy II

Anyway back to the issue this syed putra bugger is spreading misinformation and making things up. He claims they are trying to convert the muslims. FYI buddhists and christians are the most generous and give out free food and dontaions with no other intentions. You can go to a temple to get free meals and you don't need to be a taoist or buddhists.

Here's also another thing. Did anyone force those muslims to accept the donations? Did anyone? Or did they come of their own free will? If they were so religious they would have thought" hey i'm a good muslim i won't accept donations from another religion or chose not to even enter the temple yet they still went ahead to do it.

It's assholes like this syed putra that also the ones contributing to the dissent in sg society by somehow refusing to condemn his own for being in the wrong. Want to talk about being pious to the religion but still accept donations. Accepts donations from another religion but dares to complain of other religion being disrespectful cos they show their own items or religious worship on their own premises. It's totally unreasonable but what makes it worse is that somehow you see assholes like syed putra here who feels that this art fazil isn't in the wrong.

Thats why there is a saying " Biting thefeeder's hand " Bloody ungrateful dog