There are a much wider variety of bodily fluids that get spewed onto the ground where vegetables grow.This could be one reason why Indians are vegetarians,
At least animals have a chance of evasion.
There are a much wider variety of bodily fluids that get spewed onto the ground where vegetables grow.This could be one reason why Indians are vegetarians,
maybe ,i am not too sure if its indeed Tagalog spoken here fact the variation of Tagalog spoken varies from one region to another...even bahasa spoken between johor and kelantan is quite ,dua in johor as in number two is duooh in kelantanese..
but what caught my attention in the video was this " eeiiyah " this terminology is regularly used by indonesian as we say ' yah lor :
My title says muslim? Pinoyland no muslim? your IQ is not very high.
Here you are minority, put you in south thailand you will stir shits.
There are zero reports of orca attacks on humans in the wild.thats news to me that there were a lot of reports of orca attaking human...was not aware of such
so,tell us for all here for education sake , who are the javanese and who are the sundanese ? most importantly why are sundanese are not javanese and therefore do not speak javanese !The natives of Java speak sundanese and javanese.
another ignorant lot who is quick on the draw?There are zero reports of orca attacks on humans in the wild.
There are a fuck-load of videos of orcas killing humans in captivity!
saw this thread and did not want to comment first initially ...but here it goes
yes,bahasa is spoken but can anyone tell for certain that he is a malay muslim ?....i figure not.why ?
listen and look ...its a pig farm judging by the enclosures ..there are no pig farms near malay muslim habitats, never allowed by the government in malaysia ...but the indonesian govt and the people are more tolerant to swine than malaysian fact most of indonesian non muslims consume pork...the most famous being Bali ..where pork is the most prefered meat whose religion is Hinduism
now,to the lingo ...couldn't figure out whethet malaysian or indonesian bahasa ...but i would err more towards indonesian since certain words are exclusive to indonesian ...every ethnic chinese in indonesia only speaks bahasa both outdoor and indoor are the dayaks ,muruts ,kadazans, ibans and etc who are indegenious to the borneo island ...most are christians
now ,my take...i think they are farm hands ..since 1 in action and another gigling...both having rowdy fun and not really fucking that pig
but zoophilla is more prevalent in the west than east...and the most prefered animal is k9 aka dogs ...there are ancient evidences ...ancient hindu temples are full of such acts were in ancient greek mythology where both gods and goddess do it with animals ...even ancient Romans had left evidences
if it was me swimming, I think you can see brown streaks trailing behind me... scary as offence pal ..
its just that i too agree with the stupidity of can eat don't waste thingy this video.
Watch "Orcas approaching swimmer FULL VERSION (unedited)" on YouTube
here the mother Ocra is showing its young what to eat and what not to eat...the killer whale can easily eat that woman ...since human are not that different from a seal...this is where even an animal dont follow the idiotic can eat don't waste idiom
killer whale attacks are rare or unheard of it is true. but it is speculation to say that they choose not to attack us because they're being nice. We don't know their reasons. It could be as simple as we smell bad and strange or as complex as "those humans have boats and submarines. better not play play otherwise we'll end up as Jap sashimi."thats news to me that there were a lot of reports of orca attaking human...was not aware of suc
that's just it. the don't have anything better to do.This is so dangerous. We do not want another virus from animal to infect human. Don't these people have other better thing to do?
how do we know boy is Malay? Clip is not clear and we don't really understand what he's saying. So far nobody knows what language he is speaking.
how do we know boy is Malay? Clip is not clear and we don't really understand what he's saying. So far nobody knows what language he is speaking.
so,tell us for all here for education sake , who are the javanese and who are the sundanese ? most importantly why are sundanese are not javanese and therefore do not speak javanese !
you appear to be an ignorant lot
The boy is Chinese. Son of someone in this forum. Do you know who?
how do we know boy is Malay? Clip is not clear and we don't really understand what he's saying. So far nobody knows what language he is speaking.
boyan eh ? got do black magic kar ? joking lahTS know know shits. I have maids. They speak their own dialects. I am a boyan or bawean. I dont speak javanese or sudanese.
boyan eh ? got do black magic kar ? joking lah
were your pa or grand pa or ma from kampong haig ? in katong.
almost more than 30% of our pioneer were boyans ..the hard working lot...even today almost all construction workers are boyans....never been to bawean island but been to madura island off surbaya ....perhaps ,boyans and Madurese are close cousins ...both darker than most javanese and i speculate origin towards ancient indian migrants not because of complexion but the addat or culture
Yes you are right. It cannot be a Malay boy ... A Malay boy will only know how to fxxx his sister or mother.
Race and IQ
[T]he studies report childhood memories of contact sexual molestation at rates ranging from 6 to 45 percent for women and from 3 to 30 percent for men.
The lower incidence figures in these studies turn out to be due to the method used in compiling them, As one moves from the lower to the higher figures, one discovers that the interview techniques begin to acknowledge the resistances of the respondents to such emotional questions. The lower figures are in response to written questionnaires or brief telephone calls, contacts that were considered intrusive by the respondent, while the higher figures, such as those of Wyatt and Russell (48) were the result of carefully structured face-to-face interviews lasting from one to eight hours.(49) [...]
Yet even these astonishingly high figures are only a portion of the hidden true incidence rates. Four additional factors raise the actual rates even higher:
So, Mr. Koster is talking out of his anal orifice. Incest, based on my personal experience with the women who have shared their stories of incest, and based on the best available statistics we have on the matter, is not rare in the United States. Tragically, it is a all too common experience.
- The groups interviewed do not include many people in the American population who have far higher than average sexual molestation experiences, including institutionalized criminals, prostitutes, juveniles in shelters and psychotics (52),
- the studies only count admissions to the interviewer of abuse, and it is unlikely that no conscious memories were ever suppressed during the interviews,
- a large percent of each study refused to be interviewed, and these may have been the most victimized of all,(53) and
- most importantly, these studies include only clear conscious memories of events-unconscious memories, which are usually only uncovered during psychotherapy, would increase these rates.
ok ,talking about madura ,heard of goyang madura kah ?No. I was from ulu east coast road. But one of my relatives stayed in Haig road.
Black magic....hmmm....island of Bawean, yes. Dont play play with those guys. They called it keturunan...brought down from their ancestors. Lots of adats and superstitious. Till came Islam. Some still practise the old habits. Some are good Muslims. Yes, Madurese also speak boyanese.