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Mahathir, Anwar or Muhyiddin?


Alfrescian (Inf)
fat charbor stil haven sing ...

madhatter wun admit losing ... shud b not over yet ... mor drama has yet 2 unfold ...

syed putra

It’s Huat all way round for the crooks.
Mahathir self pwn himself this time round or maybe that was his agenda all along.
Anwar got fucked again as usual.
Let’s see how the electorate reacts. Bersih?
No more bersih. The people are fatigued. Worse, oil n gas down, palm oil down.
dr m antagonised several world leaders including modi, which made india boycott malaysian palm oil, china, causing less investment, asked trump to resign, PAP as always....


How Did PM8 Make His Numbers?
  • 29 February 2020
Bafflement greeted the announcement today that the renegade from Bersatu, Muhyiddin Yassin, had been appointed by the Astana as the next PM.

Put simply, now that Mahathir (the legitimate leader of that party, according to its rules and as confirmed by its General Secretary today) had announced he was indeed still working with the PH parties how had Muhyiddin got his number of MPs to form a majority?

Number breakdown

Number breakdown
Using a recent table the balance is surely clear? Everyone had long since calculated that PH2.0 had the numbers and Mahathir had booked his audience at the palace this very afternoon to state that fact. Do the math:

Muhyiddin Bersatu Faction (very best estimate) 20
UMNO (very best estimate as party is divided) 38
PAS 18
Azmin’s PKR rebels (shaky) 11

Even were one to add ALL the East Malaysian parties (for good measure as it is highly unlikely PM8 has got many of them on board apart from Kanga Kattingan) the numbers are still lacking – let’s throw in the kitchen sink: GPS 18 (people have in fact already defected) and Warisan 9 and the rest 10.

To Sarawak Report this makes 124….. except.

Right now Dr Mahathir is reported to be meeting with several* of his party members at his house to discuss the party’s strategy. Warisan is by no means on board with the coup conspiracy and neither is GPS (which has wavered saying it will ‘follow the King’)a committed member of the coup coalition. Defectors are now abandoning GPS. UMNO is divided.

That leaves Muhyiddin’s best case numbers game flailing around in the low 90s.. at best.

So, has this been yet another extraordinary and audacious throw of the dice by a group of people who have money and power and friends in high places – simply a bogus attempt to claim the numbers?

Was there a decision by people who simply have nowhere else to go except to fight on till the end to claim to the palace they had the support – in the hope that Muhyiddin’s mere anointment as PM8 would be sufficient to do the rest and bring others running?

Money and positions count for so much in Malaysia’s money politics after all and these people may not have popular support, but they have a deep belief in money and power – Cash is King.

There must be a test of these numbers immediately. Parliament should be recalled. However, is the next planned move of these wealth-mongers, who have proved so willing to deceive and cheat the electorate, to postpone or even abandon Parliament?

Or do they still calculate 14 days is enough time to buy more defectors and to cheat the people once more of the only right they have, which is to choose their representatives?

Sarawak Report stands to be corrected, like the rest of Malaysia, who are only now starting to catch up with a long-standing and deep laid plot by the rich and powerful to avoid the course of justice by any means they can.

*updated as reported numbers still not secure beyond 6 for Dr Mahathir

  • Patriot • 2 hours ago
    Warisan had better not abandoned the Rakyat.
    Any PH MPs who turned traitors will be punished by the Rakyat come next GE, unless Moooooheedick got his way and turned Malaysia into an authoritarian state yet again.
    Having UMNO crooks back in the government is totally against the Rakyat's choice in GE14. Mooheedick is dirty and despicable.
    Rakyat Malaysia, the fight continues. The crooks will not go down without fighting either. But we shall bury them all.


    Bei Kurau • an hour ago
    Do we have to smell the urine of Pas and umno again? We cannot share the same bed with them anymore. AG is resigning, and maybe others will follow so what is left is the old corrupted system that we have got rid off but due to deceit ,these corrupted people are fearing jail so they created havoc.
    Government by deceit is not blessed but cursed by the rakyat and is illegal.
    If dare, hold election now even if it is expensive according to Bersih leaders but that is democracy and not deomocrazy and Corruptorcrazy.
    Sarawak and Sabah have to think deep now that the corrupted no and fanatical Pas are sleeping together. Wake-up Sabah and Sarawak,cannot afford to be bullied by Malaya anymore. Group together and think of a positive strategy now. Don't betray the rakyat anymore and wealth is for sharing.



Sarawak CM: GPS only backing Muhyiddin as PM, not part of his Perikatan Nasional coalition
Saturday, 29 Feb 2020 08:46 PM MYT
Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin celebrates after being appointed as Malaysia’s 8th Prime Minister in front of his house in Bukit Damansara February 29, 2020. — Picture by Firdaus Latif
Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin celebrates after being appointed as Malaysia’s 8th Prime Minister in front of his house in Bukit Damansara February 29, 2020. — Picture by Firdaus Latif
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 29 — The Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) coalition which governs the state of Sarawak today clarified that it has not joined PM-to-be Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s new coalition Perikatan Nasional, but had merely backed him for the prime minister post.
The Sarawak chief minister’s office released a statement today to clear the air regarding the GPS-led Sarawak government’s political position, explaining that its GPS will only be a Perikatan Nasional-friendly party.

“The GPS government wishes to congratulate YB Tan Sri Muhyiddin bin Md Yasin, the Member of Parliament for Pagoh (P143) for being appointed as the eighth Prime Minister of Malaysia today by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
“However, in reference to a press conference by Tan Sri Muhyiddin, it must be clarified that Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) is not a member of the Perikatan Nasional but only as a political entity in Sarawak that gives support to Tan Sri Muhyiddin in the interest of the nation and to save Malaysia from political instability without sacrificing the interest of Sarawak,” the statement said.

“At this juncture, GPS will only be a political party that is friendly to the Perikatan Nasional,” the statement added.

The Istana Negara this afternoon announced that Muhyiddin will be sworn in as the eighth prime minister tomorrow morning, as the Yang di-Pertuan Agong had determined that he was likely to command the confidence of a majority of MPs following nominations received from independent MPs and the leaders of political parties with MPs.
Political parties that had endorsed Muhyiddin as prime minister include Muhyiddin’s own party Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM), PAS and Barisan Nasional component party members Umno, MCA, MIC.
The new Perikatan Nasional coalition which emerged during the recent political crisis is believed to include PPBM, Umno, PAS, MCA, MIC and PAS.
GPS is a sizeable bloc in the Dewan Rakyat with 18 MPs, with only one known earlier this afternoon to have backed Dr Mahathir while the PM candidate of choice for the remaining 17 were not announced to the public earlier today.
GPS, which was set up by parties who were formerly part of BN, has an overwhelming majority in the Sarawak state legislative assembly.


m&ds first,,all other races F off from mudland

‘Malay first’: Malaysia’s Muhyiddin allies with nationalists to become PM (VIDEO)
Saturday, 29 Feb 2020 06:20 PM MYT
Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin celebrates after being appointed as Malaysia’s 8th Prime Minister in front of his house in Bukit Damansara February 29, 2020. — Picture by Firdaus Latif
Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin celebrates after being appointed as Malaysia’s 8th Prime Minister in front of his house in Bukit Damansara February 29, 2020. — Picture by Firdaus Latif
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 29 — Former Malaysian interior minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin will be sworn in as the country’s next prime minister tomorrow, after he secured support from a Malay nationalist party that sacked him in 2015.

Here are some facts about Muhyiddin, 72, who is from the majority Malay Muslim community and once courted controversy in the multi-racial country by saying that he was Malay first.
  • Muhyiddin is from the southern state of Johor, neighbouring Singapore, where he was chief minister for almost nine years.
  • His father was an influential religious teacher in his hometown. Graduated from the University of Malaya in 1970 in Economics and Malay Studies.
  • He is the president of Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu), which he started in 2016 and is now chaired by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
  • Formerly he was with the United Malays National Organisation (Umno), the long-ruling establishment party that was defeated in the last general election. He joined it in 1971. Muhyiddin will be Malaysia’s 8th prime minister with support from Umno.
  • He was deputy prime minister between April 2009 and July 2015 before being sacked and thrown out of Umno for questioning former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s handling of a multi-billion-dollar scandal at state fund 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).
  • In 2010, he said: “I am a Malay first, I want to say that. But being Malay does not mean you are not a Malaysian”.
  • In 2018, Muhyiddin was diagnosed with early-stage pancreatic cancer. Dr Mahathir had taken charge of the home affairs ministry as he sought treatment.
  • He tends to keep a low profile and a person who knows him well says he is very close to his family. — Reuters


Economist: Muhyiddin expected to put macroeconomic stability top of agenda
Saturday, 29 Feb 2020 08:52 PM MYT
Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin celebrates with his family after being appointed as Malaysia’s 8th Prime Minister in front of his house in Bukit Damansara February 29, 2020. — Picture by Firdaus Latif
Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin celebrates with his family after being appointed as Malaysia’s 8th Prime Minister in front of his house in Bukit Damansara February 29, 2020. — Picture by Firdaus Latif
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 29 — Maintaining the country’s macroeconomic stability will be the top of the agenda for Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, who has been announced as Malaysia’s eighth prime minister, IQI Global chief economist Shan Saeed said.
He said this is to put Malaysia on the global investors’ radar and keep the growth momentum intact.

“In my view, under the new prime minister’s administration, the government will remain committed to deliver solid economic outcomes based on uplifting the masses, keep price inflation down and above all maintaining economic confidence to attract more foreign direct investment into the country.
“The administration will pursue expansionary fiscal policy in the short run and then move to follow the monetary policy. Local businesses and investors can expect support from the government in order to provide incentives to compete on a global scale.

“Markets should recover sharply since the new PM is announced and uncertainty is over. The markets will be closely monitoring who would be the finance and economic minister to gauge the impact of policy levers being delivered by these gentlemen,” he told Bernama TV when contacted today.

In a stunning turn of event, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah today appointed Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin as the eighth prime minister.
High Highness made his decision in line with article 40(2)(a) and article 43(2)(a) of the Federal Constitution on the basis that Muhyiddin possibly had the support of a majority in parliament, an Istana Negara’s statement said.
The statement was issued by the Comptroller of the Royal Household Ahmad Fadil Shamsuddin.
Muhyiddin will be sworn in as the eighth prime minister at Istana Negara at 10.30 am tomorrow.
Meanwhile, Dr Oh Ei Sun, a senior fellow with the Singapore Institute of International Affairs, said: “Now that he (Tan Sri Muhyiddin) is offered to be the prime minister he must keep in mind that the people voted for a clean government.
“Therefore, he must keep the reform agenda, and those who have kleptocratic background should not be included in his Cabinet line-up.
“He must make sure that the new government would continue to be a moderate government as the previous Pakatan Harapan government,” he said.
Dr Oh said Muhyiddin also should not include in his Cabinet members of Parliament who were known for their extremism and racist mentality.
“Only then he can restore confidence in his government and the whole political system,” he said.
Dr Oh said in general, Muhyiddin needs to earn the legitimacy of his government by going the extra mile to be clean, moderate, inclusive and reform-minded, as those were the core values for which the people voted for.
“For example, his government must not propose policies that would prejudice the rights of the minorities,” he added.
Congratulating Muhyiddin on his appointment, Saiful Abdullah, a former political secretary of (former) Johor Menteri Besar, said he hoped the appointment of the new prime minister would end the country’s political turmoil.
“And the best and amicable solution for the country has been reached, especially for the people of Malaysia,” he added. — Bernama


If PKR has concentrate to work hard for the country and not for Party leader. They have a few more years to go. All this will not happen. But those self serving party leader trying to grab power from PM. They miscalculated the power of PM to dissolve parliament or snap election. There after power go back to Agong who is good term with Unmo Najib time. So now Agong appoint a guy with cooperation umno pas. Najib will be laughing to his bank again soon.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
The Agong sided with Umno crooks to fuck Mahathir la. The Malaysian Rakyat better wake up their fucking idea to see what they are up against.


This sudden turn of events is not good for malaysia. If Muhyiddin does become PM8, I suspect it wont last. Will there be a snap election soon?


This sudden turn of events is not good for malaysia. If Muhyiddin does become PM8, I suspect it wont last. Will there be a snap election soon?
The big question is how Ah Din got the numbers? Bcos madhatter will have support from defectors of Bersatu.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
The current sultan is Pahang who benefited a lot from Najib. They had monopoly of rare earth export to China. Of cse he wants Umno. The Malays also want umno because of the payouts.
It’s even Mahathir bersatu is Malay driven and oriented.
DAP which is the mutation of what lky created is fucked and fucked big time.
Muhyddin is proxy of Najib. If Anwar can reconcile w Mahathir so can muhyddin and Najib. Najib go scot free.


The big question is how Ah Din got the numbers? Bcos madhatter will have support from defectors of Bersatu.
Suspicious..Is the King favouring Muhyiddin, UMNO,PAS?.

The race is not over. Dark horse is leading now but may be tripped by satutory declaration


The current sultan is Pahang who benefited a lot from Najib. They had monopoly of rare earth export to China. Of cse he wants Umno. The Malays also want umno because of the payouts.
It’s even Mahathir bersatu is Malay driven and oriented.
DAP which is the mutation of what lky created is fucked and fucked big time.
Muhyddin is proxy of Najib. If Anwar can reconcile w Mahathir so can muhyddin and Najib. Najib go scot free.
This is very bad for the rakyat. The repercussions will vibrate across Malaysian society for many decades


The big question is how Ah Din got the numbers? Bcos madhatter will have support from defectors of Bersatu.
No one knows how and why Agong says muhyiddin have more numbers. Agong says he talk to mp one by one. Shouldn't there be an in house parliament vote to get the numbers? No transparency. Off course if there is a voting Numbers then Agong lost the chance to pick the guy he wants. Malaysia royal and politicians is a joke.


No one knows how and why Agong says muhyiddin have more numbers. Agong says he talk to mp one by one. Shouldn't there be an in house parliament vote to get the numbers? No transparency. Off course if there is a voting Numbers then Agong lost the chance to pick the guy he wants. Malaysia royal and politicians is a joke.
Well said..m&ds r m&ds


This sudden turn of events is not good for malaysia. If Muhyiddin does become PM8, I suspect it wont last. Will there be a snap election soon?
There cannot be a snap election unless the PM or advise the Agong to do it. Its too late now. Unless the parliament action no confidence vote against the new PM. But then unlikely cos majority is pas umno bersatu others MP.


Dr M says has majority with 114 MPs’ backing to be PM, will inform Agong | Malay Mail
Interim Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad leaves Yayasan Al-Bukhary February 29, 2020. — Picture by Miera Zulyana
Interim Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad leaves Yayasan Al-Bukhary February 29, 2020. — Picture by Miera Zulyana
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 29 — Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad tonight announced that he has the support of 114 MPs — which exceeds the simple majority of 112 MPs — to be prime minister, and said he will notify the Yang di-Pertuan Agong of this.


Malaysia's Mahathir loses bid to return to leadership as Muhyiddin Yassin is appointed Prime Minister - ABC News
Posted Yesterday
Mahathir Mohamad speaks at a press conference alongside Muhyiddin Yassin.
Malaysia's Muhyiddin, left, has been named PM in shock that sidelined old rival Mahathir Mohamad, right.(AP: Vincent Thian)
Malaysia's king has appointed seasoned politician Muhyiddin Yassin as the new Prime Minister, trumping Mahathir Mohamad's bid to return to power after a week of political turmoil that followed his resignation from the role.
Key points:
  • Mr Muhyiddin will be sworn in on Sunday
  • Mr Mahathir's alliance was to hold an emergency meeting late Saturday
  • If they fail, they can seek a vote of confidence against Mr Muhyiddin when Parliament resumes
Mr Mahathir quit to object to Bersatu's plan to work with Opposition party UMNO. Several UMNO leaders, including disgraced ex-prime minister Najib Razak, are on trial on corruption charges.
Mr Mahathir, 94, had struck a deal early on Saturday to work with his former party, Alliance of Hope, led by rival Anwar Ibrahim to thwart Mr Muhyiddin's plan and appeared to be on the verge of a victory as more politicians rejoined his camp.
But the palace announced later in the day that King Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah believed that Mr Muhyiddin had the support of a majority of MPs.
Mr Muhyiddin will be sworn in on Sunday.
Politician Muhyiddin Yassin waves to media wearing a white shirt.
The king believed Mr Muhyiddin had the support of a majority of politicians.(AP: John Shen Lee)'The death of democracy'
The king decreed that "it was the best decision for all" and called for an end to the political turmoil.
Mr Mahathir's camp has not given up hope. The alliance was to hold an emergency meeting late Saturday, with officials saying they are gathering evidence to prove to the king that Mr Mahathir has majority support to be prime minister.
If they fail, they can seek a vote of confidence against Mr Muhyiddin when Parliament resumes March 9.
"This decision doesn't necessarily signal the end of the conflict," said Bridget Welsh, an honorary research associate at Malaysia's University of Nottingham.
Calls for a street rally late Saturday emerged on social media to protest "the death of democracy".
Mr Muhyiddin, 72, thanked his supporters and appealed to all sides to accept the king's decision.
'Bad news for the country'
Mr Muhyiddin is a long-time politician who served in various ministries before being appointed as deputy prime minister when Mr Najib took power in 2009.
But Mr Muhyiddin was sacked in 2015 after he criticised Mr Najib's handling of a massive corruption scandal at the 1MDB state investment fund.
He helped Mr Mahathir in 2016 form Bersatu, which later teamed up with the Alliance of Hope with a pact that Mr Mahathir would eventually hand over power to Mr Anwar.
Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad shakes hand with Anwar Ibrahim in Putrajaya, Malaysia.
Mr Mahathir's party teamed up with the Alliance of Hope with a pact that Mr Mahathir would eventually hand over power to Mr Anwar.(AP: Vincent Thian)
Mr Muhyiddin was the former home minister under the short-lived alliance but only took up the post months later after treatment for pancreatic cancer.
"I am very surprised that Muhyiddin got the job … it is very bad news for the country," said James Chin, the head of the Asia Institute at Australia's University of Tasmania.
"One of the parties in this Government is the fundamentalist Islamic party that wants to establish an Islamic state."
The stunning turn of events capped a week of tumult and marked the end of the Alliance of Hope, less than two years after it ousted the UMNO-led coalition that had governed Malaysia since independence in 1957 but had become entangled in a widespread corruption scandal.
After Mr Mahathir's resignation this week, the king dissolved the Cabinet and reappointed Mr Mahathir as interim leader.