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Lots of 'out of sync' people in Singapore...


Super Moderator
but they needn't react by laughing at the wrong/insensitive time right? :eek:

it's not that they purposely want it, and they are not sadistic when they are laughing. if you understand what i meant, they are finding the quickest way to release that strain, either that or they can start crying, but it's just an unusual way they relieve the stress. it's like almost like a reflex.


Idiots like her want her own dose of cheap fantasy at home !

Watching such Malaysian and Singapore production is bad for intelligience .

Plus such theme should be banned !
What is MDA banning all Smart Hollywood films while sanctioning own local production !

Banning nudity but not the Act ! Which is worst ?


it's not that they purposely want it, and they are not sadistic when they are laughing. if you understand what i meant, they are finding the quickest way to release that strain, either that or they can start crying, but it's just an unusual way they relieve the stress. it's like almost like a reflex.

Have you been stressed out? This is just a guess from some of your posts. If you are stressed out in any way and need someone to talk to, pm me ok? Don't bottle everything inside. Take care! :smile:


Few weeks ago, I went to one senior citizen hdb apartment. A visit to a relative.

Anyway, I was sitting at the living room. And there was this tv serial, production of spore and malaysia i think, playing on the tv. The tv serial, one of the lady was in great danger of ganna rape and murder.

The thing is... my old relative, old woman, 50-60 years old, she kept laughing at the dire situation on the tv serial, the lady on the tv serial, she was on the verge of being rape and murder, and the lady was running for her life. But my old lady relative kept on crackling, and laugh at the time while watching the TV.

I was puzzled. Why did she laugh during that time while watching the TV? What is so funny when a lady was on the verge of ganna rape and murder?? I didn't ask. Because this relative very prominent member in the family...

I suspect there are lots of 'out of sync' people in this country just like my old lady relative. I think this country need a national psychitarist...

Your old relative of yours a psychopath killer ??

You got your relative's genes ??


not exactly out of sync, but socially inept would be a better choice of word.

last i recalled, laughing out loud during extreme conditions is not localized in Singapore.

social indept... out of sync... any difference?















'LOL!!!! LOL!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!'

Like that its social indept or out of sync???
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Alfrescian (Inf)
you seem clearly disturbed. go ask the old lady why is she laughing.

Leave him alone. After bullshit you show you he is true bs not able to save Singapore, there will be more made people around. Some might take knife to office and stab themselves. Hallelujah.