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Lots of 'out of sync' people in Singapore...


Few weeks ago, I went to one senior citizen hdb apartment. A visit to a relative.

Anyway, I was sitting at the living room. And there was this tv serial, production of spore and malaysia i think, playing on the tv. The tv serial, one of the lady was in great danger of ganna rape and murder.

The thing is... my old relative, old woman, 50-60 years old, she kept laughing at the dire situation on the tv serial, the lady on the tv serial, she was on the verge of being rape and murder, and the lady was running for her life. But my old lady relative kept on crackling, and laugh at the time while watching the TV.

I was puzzled. Why did she laugh during that time while watching the TV? What is so funny when a lady was on the verge of ganna rape and murder?? I didn't ask. Because this relative very prominent member in the family...

I suspect there are lots of 'out of sync' people in this country just like my old lady relative. I think this country need a national psychitarist...
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Alfrescian (Inf)
No lar. Maybe show got probrem. Maybe girl so ugly she tan diao if rape. Maybe plot so cuckoo that can laugh. U should question out of synch local drama series. Singapore acting has gotten worse while even China has improved past us. Truly unique.


I was there in the living room, watching the tv serial with her ('cause just had makan dinner, so sit in the living room with her). I know Spore and Malaysia TV serial standard. Its pretty screw up. But the storyline, the editing of the video, even though we know the tv serial is shit, no one with a right mind will laugh during the tense 60-180 seconds montage of a lady in distress, on the verge of ganna rape and murder. Its just no normal.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I was there. I know Spore and Malaysia TV serial standard. Its pretty screw up. But the storyline, the editing of the video, even though we know the tv serial is shit, no one with a right mind will laugh during the tense 10-30 seconds montage of lady in distress, on the verge of ganna rape and murder. Its just no normal.

I oso find it funny. Not sexy enuff to get me up and not violent or shivering like the 1998 Indo riot rape murder scenes. Just mediocre. Anyway, oso no no how to scream properly.


Super Moderator
I suspect there are lots of 'out of sync' people in this country just like my old lady relative. I think this country need a national psychitarist...

on the contrary, laughing is one way of dispersing the stress that is building up in that old lady's mind.

go to the theatre and watch violent/horror movie with the crowds, when the mind can't handle the stress, easiest way to shut out those violent/horror imagery would be to faint, alternatively, laughing it away. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:


Super Moderator
I oso find it funny. Not sexy enuff to get me up and not violent or shivering like the 1998 Indo riot rape murder scenes. Just mediocre. Anyway, oso no no how to scream properly.

have you been watching too much Faces of Death? :p:p:p


on the contrary, laughing is one way of dispersing the stress that is building up in that old lady's mind.

go to the theatre and watch violent/horror movie with the crowds, when the mind can't handle the stress, easiest way to shut out those violent/horror imagery would be to faint, alternatively, laughing it away. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

okay. suppose u go watch a slasher movie. a lady on the verge of ganna slash her throat, and rusty metal rod going to push up her vagina. it is a tense, stressful scene. besides sadist, serial killer etc, who have the right mind would 'LOL' during that scene??


Alfrescian (Inf)
okay. suppose u go watch a slasher movie. a lady on the verge of ganna slash her throat, and rusty metal rod going to push up her vagina. it is a tense, stressful scene. besides sadist, serial killer etc, who have the right mind would 'LOL' during that scene??

Yes can LOL if music is simpson music, killer is pinky the clown, woman is homer simpson face.


Alfrescian (Inf)
it must hv been a damn lousy production den ...

lousy actress, lousy director ... lousy watever ...

mayb, ze director can try his hand @ comedies ...


what if the knife looks real? and she didn't splurt blood before the slash?

okay. how about this. heard that some sporeans 'LOL' while watching schindler's list the scene when the jew been executed in the movie. is that normal?


Few weeks ago, I went to one senior citizen hdb apartment. A visit to a relative.

Anyway, I was sitting at the living room. And there was this tv serial, production of spore and malaysia i think, playing on the tv. The tv serial, one of the lady was in great danger of ganna rape and murder.

The thing is... my old relative, old woman, 50-60 years old, she kept laughing at the dire situation on the tv serial, the lady on the tv serial, she was on the verge of being rape and murder, and the lady was running for her life. But my old lady relative kept on crackling, and laugh at the time while watching the TV.

I was puzzled. Why did she laugh during that time while watching the TV? What is so funny when a lady was on the verge of ganna rape and murder?? I didn't ask. Because this relative very prominent member in the family...

I suspect there are lots of 'out of sync' people in this country just like my old lady relative. I think this country need a national psychitarist...
Did you suggest that she go for a checkup?


Super Moderator
okay. suppose u go watch a slasher movie. a lady on the verge of ganna slash her throat, and rusty metal rod going to push up her vagina. it is a tense, stressful scene. besides sadist, serial killer etc, who have the right mind would 'LOL' during that scene??

anyone whom is too fearful or under too much stress due that scene; and being unable to cover his/her eyes or to shut out those imagery would have to find alternative ways to dissipate the amount of stress built up inside the mind.

it's perfectly normal for people to laugh it off or cry or faint, either that or they risk going bonkers. there are many different ways of expression of intense fear, yes, laughing is one of them :p:p:p


Alfrescian (Inf)
anyone whom is too fearful or under too much stress due that scene; and being unable to cover his/her eyes or to shut out those imagery would have to find alternative ways to dissipate the amount of stress built up inside the mind.

it's perfectly normal for people to laugh it off or cry or faint, either that or they risk going bonkers. there are many different ways of expression of intense fear, yes, laughing is one of them :p:p:p

Maybe she see the same she tink si lang gui. Cheat me right? Your mistress kenna good like this girl. hahahahahhahahaha. Not crazy anymore right? Or si lang charbo. See me Leeman Bond right. Kenna rape till cheebye pitcha and slit throat for money! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:


Here's my take on this.

Yeah, I agree with u people need outlet when comes to stressful situation. But when the place, the environment is repressive, suffocating, the people's reaction would turn out fucking weird. And Singaporean turn out like that, they 'LOL' while watching schindler's list execution scene, or 'LOL' while watching some morbid scene on tv serial, thats because this country is bloody repressive and suffocating. Thats why the out of sync behavior.

Singapore's repressive, suffocating environment had cause many of the Singaporeans go 'out of sync' in their behavior.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Here's my take on this.

Yeah, I agree with u people need outlet when comes to stressful situation. But when the place, the environment is repressive, suffocating, the people's reaction would turn out fucking weird. And Singaporean turn out like that, they 'LOL' while watching schindler's list execution scene, or 'LOL' while watching some morbid scene on tv serial, thats because this country is bloody repressive and suffocating. Thats why the out of sync behavior.

Singapore's repressive, suffocating environment had cause many of the Singaporeans go 'out of sync' in their behavior.

Ya loh. But no one go stabbing the right people


Super Moderator
Maybe she see the same she tink si lang gui. Cheat me right? Your mistress kenna good like this girl. hahahahahhahahaha. Not crazy anymore right? Or si lang charbo. See me Leeman Bond right. Kenna rape till cheebye pitcha and slit throat for money! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

not that... some folks just don't know how to react :biggrin::eek::biggrin::eek::eek:


Super Moderator
Singapore's repressive, suffocating environment had cause many of the Singaporeans go 'out of sync' in their behavior.

not exactly out of sync, but socially inept would be a better choice of word.

last i recalled, laughing out loud during extreme conditions is not localized in Singapore.