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Lor Mee stall FT dunno what Lor Mee is! (Must explain Ru Mian)


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Totally agree-I have stopped patronizing any stalls manned by PRC workers .
If locals were to unite and give support to business staffed by locals-I'm sure there will be an impact.

That is very logical. IF locals are united.

Based on my understand of sinkie behavior, that is surely a big IF.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Totally agree-I have stopped patronizing any stalls manned by PRC workers .
If locals were to unite and give support to business staffed by locals-I'm sure there will be an impact.

l;ike this die man. Almost every stall have. Near my house also have prc worker. LOL


now, every thing is money talk. i had been a reservist b4. how much time, sweat i had devoted. how much scoldings, insults from my superior are endured as a part of ns/reservist life. how much disadvantages/sacrifices i have in my actual life.

just dream,wonder, if one day there was a war, and i was killed. whether my family would be chased out of the hdb becos they could not pay? and perhaps the $360 mercy for my wife and children? and the unit would be replaced by FT who do not need to serve ns/reservist? nightmare!!!!!!!!!:mad:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
no PRC = high cost for business....dont later come here and complain again that your lor mee is $5.00 , ok ? :smile:


Alfrescian (Inf)
The high cost of doing business in this place is due mainly to high property cost/rentals, transport cost (mainly COE) , and government levies/taxes.

Labor cost is only one of the factors-and the higher labor cost itself is a direct
result of our high property and transportation cost amongst others.Who is the biggest landlord and transport operator that caused all this?

The influx of PRC is not mainly due to cost factors but a misguided plan to gain glory for the ruling dynasty-so that they can lord over a bigger population.


Hi takcheksian, I must admit that I had a very similar encounter to what you experienced, and that prompted me to register here and post my encounter as well (I've been a long time reader, first time poster now):

Once I went to a provision shop in my neighbourhood looking to purchase some drinks. I went up to the counter to pay for my purchase (no surprises, the cashier was a PRC) with an old $2 purple note.

This was the ship series note (the one with the Tongkang in front).

The PRC stared at the purple note in my hand, and told me "Zhe shi shen me? Zhe bu shi qian. Bu neng yong!" (Translated: What is this? This is not money, you cannot use this!)

I was so damned f**king pissed I stared at him and told him what the hell he was saying, telling me that my own money cannot be used in my own country.

And then the boss returned right at this moment. The PRC asked his boss whether the paper I was holding was money. The boss said "Yes la! That one can use!" And the f**ker proceeded to accept my money and return me my change.


no PRC = high cost for business....dont later come here and complain again that your lor mee is $5.00 , ok ? :smile:

What logic you tok?
You never read my original post is it? The farking PRCs don't even know what lor mee is, boss need to teach them. Jobs all over Singapore kenna taken by cheapo FT who have no talent = don't benefit the business.

Some fella earlier made the comment that no FT means no rubbish removal. If u hire FT who don't know what rubbish is, oso no rubbish removal what!

FT's pay must match their actual productivity! Basic economics! If hang around chobohlan, give you fark face when u want to buy something frm them, they contribute to Spore economy?

In any case most of the percentage of costs in Singapore food courts are NOT labour. They are rent. Why you don't want to fark HDB/ Capitaland for making lor mee expensive by raising rents to world-class standards?

I eat before $6 fishball noodles in the city, also cooked by PRC. I not complain that time, coz at least PRC know what they doing. Lan lan Capitaland control the food courts rent, what to do?


Hi takcheksian, I must admit that I had a very similar encounter to what you experienced, and that prompted me to register here and post my encounter as well (I've been a long time reader, first time poster now):.

Tx for support, fren!

My main point is not that we don't hire FT. But that we only hire FT who know what they are doing/ who can provide value for the money we pay them. That way we don't anyhow take job from Sinkie and still get lower quality food/ productivity as a result.

Many Sinkies are just damn stingy and not quality conscious. They want to save labour cost, but the people they hire dunno what the hell they are doing. One bruder earlier give example of PRC cutting hair cockup. Well, I also 贪便宜, tried out PRC haircut. Wah piang eh, their scissors never sharpen, damn painful haircut. One side not even.

I don't want to pay $6.90 for cockup PRC haircut anymore; $10 for experienced Malay barber at least no risk of lopside. Those stingy sinkies who want to save $3.10 and kenna malu can go ahead.

Those Bangla construction worker all don't speak Hokkien/ Mandarin. Their English just as cockup as our local contractor English. Both sides cannot communicate. Like that how to have quality n productivity in construction? In the end u see Wing Tai's newly built windows dropping on other sinkies' balconies. Luckily nobody kenna killed!

If killed, who responsible? You sue $300/month Bangla worker for compensation?

You save money, productivity drop, in the end profit margin also drop. What's the point?

I farking tulan Greedy Sinkies who pay ultra low wage and sell me garbage product/ service.


Hi takcheksian, I must admit that I had a very similar encounter to what you experienced, and that prompted me to register here and post my encounter as well (I've been a long time reader, first time poster now):


Thanks for sharing this experience. Its important that Singaporeans share concerns and issues on all matters. The Singapore Press has failed us. Imagine 3 broadsheets and all owned by the same entity.

angie II

Alfrescian (Inf)
And then the boss returned right at this moment. The PRC asked his boss whether the paper I was holding was money. The boss said "Yes la! That one can use!" And the f**ker proceeded to accept my money and return me my change.

Employers are also to be blamed for not teaching their FT employees. Same goes to parents of kids with misconduct.



Hello Frens!
I follow this forum for many years alreadi. Now I cannot tahan, post for all bruder to see. We serve NS and must suffer this BS?

Today my work took me to Chai Chee. I ate at the Chai Chee 29 Food House, next to the NUTC at Chai Chee Avenue 29B. I don’t live at CC and have never been to this Food House, but based on the flower garlands outside, it just opened. It’s quite bright and new looking.

Chai Chee 29 Food House is probably trying to act ang-moh and ‘upscale’ (and up-price despite being in the middle of a lower-income factory HDB area). Their outside sign got no Chinese characters! I walked in and all the stalls have big English signs and smaller Chinese signs underneath. I went to the Teochew Noodle stall, the one with small characters chaozhou yuyuan mian underneath. There were two teenagers at the counter, both very young looking. Secondary school age actually, DEFINITELY NOT 21+. If either of these two FT have a PhD in bio-tech, I must be a monkey’s father, son and mother all at the same time.

This particular stall displayed several pictures in Chinese and English at the top. Bak chor mee, lor mee, etc.

I told the kids, ji-ay lor mee. They stare at me. So I ask them, ni men you meiyou lor mee. And they ask me in PRC Mandarin: she mo shi lor mee.

My lp and lc seriously drop. I could almost hear them fall on the floor and kenna eaten up by some running dog looking for boots to lick.

Even when I serve in army, when we exercise at LCK, ask Malay/ Indian kaki to buy lor mee, they don’t need me to teach. Kaki call me buy Mee Rebus, I don’t ask him simi si mi ler boos. WTF we let Foreign Talents come here and don’t even know what they are selling? These two FT standing right under a sign that says Lor Mee $3/4. They illiterate is it?

Luckily the boss is local (at least, speak with local accent. Malaysian possible also.) He instructed the kids how to make the lor mee. Needless to say, they DID NOT know how to make lor mee and had to be taught on the spot.

Because running dog ate my lp and lc, I feel like a helpless eunuch. At a time when two of my friends have lost their jobs, when I myself damn worried about future, when I cannot afford to get married and produce the batteries (sorry, I mean babies) to maintain Singapore’s population, I have to go to lor mee stall and order Ru Mian because sixteen year old world-class FTs have qian1 li3 zhao1 zhao1 (come from far) to kapok locals’ jobs!!!

Not to say this is a Chinese Singaporean problem. I think our Malay kakis also kenna. Maybe kenna worse, becoz as minorities they have fewer food choices. I have seen 2 Nasi Padang stalls lose their big green Halal certifications in major food court/ outlets. When I order, I find myself talking to PRCs, so I’m guessing we got some more Malay kaki forced to relac one corner because their jobs kenna taken by PRC who dunno how to meet Halal requirement. (I also tulan, because the PRC dunno how to cook Nasi Padang!)

I was so tulan that I sign up after work and post this.

Thank you, Lee Family! You bought the greatest minds on this planet to take the job of lower-qualified Singaporeans! Our elderly are selling tissue paper and cleaning toilets because they are too stupid to make lor mee!

wan lan eh... why so long winded??

the problem is not really with the PRC staff. the problem is with the sinkie boss. the sinkie boss didn't train the staff.

the end.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I am a restaurant owner. I have attracted a lot of criticism but I must tell the truth for Singaporean's sake.

Singaporean workers not willing to work hard and have attitude even if I pay more. Little bit MC, then say waiter cannot do kitchen work and kitchen help cannot collect cash. 10 hours means after 9 hour 45 mins go wash face, pang jio, put on makeup.

PRC and Burmese listen to instructions, take initiative and are grateful for the job.

Of course these are low end jobs between $900 and $1,300. I provide food and lodging so they can save almost the full amount. They spend very little, such as during rest day when they take bus to Botanic Gardens or beach to picnic, and on phone cards to call home

U pay peanuts, u'll get monkey. If even paying PAPee ministers millions and they can still CHOR BOH LAN and JIAT LIAO BEE, what right do u have to expect your fellow Sporns to die for u for the few peanuts?


Great observation. Noticed this in US, UK, OZ & NZ. The chinese restaurants are all known to underpay their workers. Ask your kids or friends staying or studying overseas.

In Canada, the new migrants know their rights and will not be paid under the minimum wage. It is usually the people without papers (illegals) or malingerers (collecting unemployment benefits while working off the books) who are paid under the minimum wage.

I believe this to be the same in US, UK, OZ and NZ.


This national problem has to be put in proper context and cannot be taken lightly !!

That is why you do not need EINSTEIN'S BRAIN or ROCKET SCIENCE to deduce the reason as to why so many qualified and educated foreigners are "encouraged" to study, work and settle here as citizens and PRs.

The paramount reason is the extremely low birth rate and the increase in the number of aged Singaporeans.

The problems are exerbated by the increase in the rising number of old Singaporean singles and wretched divorcees here.

If the problem is left alone, this TINY red dot will become a GIANT old age home !!


l;ike this die man. Almost every stall have. Near my house also have prc worker. LOL

I tried to order Mee Pok Tar at this Republic foodcourt stall, this young PRC
looked at me blur blur, quickly grabed mee pok and mee kia with both hands and ask me which one. Soon we will be ordering food in sign language !


But that we only hire FT who know what they are doing/ who can provide value for the money we pay them. That way we don't anyhow take job from Sinkie and still get lower quality food/ productivity as a result.

A few has already suggested that lack of training is one of the causes. Frankly, the onus is really on the employer to provide that training. Manning a stall in food court, you would expect the owner to at least teach them the proper names of the few dishes they sell.

I view FTs quite differently from you. Importing FTs for such jobs are a definite no-no for me. I would rather the operators pay their staff the going rate and charge the consumers accordingly. Importing of FTs should be reserved for skills that we are short of.

I returned to Singapore earlier this week after being away for 4 years. The number of FTs is not as high as I expected from reading in this forum. One annoyance though, was eating 马灯木打马 at a roti prata stall.

Malaysians have been serving in local restaurants for as long as I can remember. So, I assume there is a real challenge in recruiting local staff for them. But a roti prata stall?

On the bright side, I was dining at The Prime Society and was served by 3 different Singaporeans. Not a FT was in sight amongst the service staff. All 3 looked pretty young (A levels or University students) and were not experienced servers, but I left an additional 10% tip on top of the service charge.

Perhaps, if the economy tanked further, we'll have more of these people available to the F&B operators.