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Local Trainee Pilots Got Screwed After Paying $140K For Course


Re: Local Trainee Pilots (Dummies) Got Screwed After Paying $140K For Course

As NTUC,The MIW and Employers always said:He should not give up,he should go for more training,re-training,re-skilling,life-long learning ,attend more courses to get himself ready for employment. Yes,in Sinkeeland,u train and train until u die also u cannot get a proper relevant job .LOL.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Re: Local Trainee Pilots (Dummies) Got Screwed After Paying $140K For Course

My suggestion to him would be to apply for the RSAF. With his multi-engine rating, he can fly KC-135, C-130s, Fokker 50.The RSAF will save money as they do not have to train him. He can build up his flight hours with the RSAF, and go to commercial if he wants to later on.


Alfrescian (Inf)
He is probably looking for a 9 to 5 pilot job where he punches his card at 9 and again at 5. So he can spend time with his gf at cafe wearing his uniform and amplet with his pilot cap placed on the table. I think he should visit time zone often to get his flyingt hours credited.

Maybe he should visit Twilight Zone, to get his brain calibrated...:biggrin:


Re: Local Trainee Pilots (Dummies) Got Screwed After Paying $140K For Course

My suggestion to him would be to apply for the RSAF. With his multi-engine rating, he can fly KC-135, C-130s, Fokker 50.The RSAF will save money as they do not have to train him. He can build up his flight hours with the RSAF, and go to commercial if he wants to later on.

SAF must not hire this cheebye cunt.
The first thing that he thinks of is to go overseas to find jobs. I don't think he's loyal to this country at all. He also criticize our government policies policy.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Local Trainee Pilots (Dummies) Got Screwed After Paying $140K For Course

tell pilot to fly kite at marina bay grass patch or pasir ris park lah.
maybe he can find some jobs there e.g. picking up litter.


Re: Local Trainee Pilots (Dummies) Got Screwed After Paying $140K For Course


But the carrier seems to prefer to take in foreign nationals (including some from Malaysia, India and Hong Kong) over the current crop of local Singaporeans, who have coughed up a large amount of cash and have graduated with a Commercial Pilot Licence - only to be bypassed by this group of foreign nationals SIA has hired with zero hours of flying experience, and provided with training from scratch.

Remind me of the saying, "We, the untrained, doing the unnecessary for the ungrateful"


This fool who wrote in had distorted the facts

First of all he calls himself a cadet pilot. He is not actually a cadet but a private candidate. Cadet pilots are selected by SIA before enrolling in the flying college, then commence training under contract with SIA with an employment guarantee (provided performance is up to par), and there is no need to pay any fees. There are, however, some rejects that either fail the interview or dont even get considered, who DIE DIE still want to be SIA pilots, so what do they do? They get their parents to cough up SUBSTANTIAL training fees like 140,000 which he mentions in his letter, to enrol in the same college as the cadet pilots, only as a full-fee paying private candidate with absolutely no guarantee of any kind that you will get a job with SIA. Kind of a backdoor "buy your way in" method. Obviously SIA will happily take these suckers in since they are willing to pay. But do you think SIA will take these rejects as pilots in the long run? Dream on

This fool james needs to wake up and smell the roses. Tried to buy his way in and now that kena left high and dry, cry mother, cry father. I have no sympathy for him

All this told to me by a pilot friend who went though the flying college process, as an SIA cadet pilot, not a half fuck private candidate. He went thru the flying program and never needed to cough out any money. Like the rest of his 20 or so cadet classmates, they all became first officers for either SIA, Silkair, or SIA Cargo. There were one or 2 private candidiates in his course also. One of them joined silkair, the other was given nothing, just like this loser James

Hi blackreplica. I believe what you said is correct. I remember going to a career fair where SIA was recruiting. They had this graduate trainee (not sure what the exact name is called) training programme drawn out for interested candidates to see.

I took a look, and it was like you said, an all-expense paid training course with allowance given. Chosen candidates need not pay for anything.

The catch was that the allowance they give was like $2?00 (forgot the exact amount, was something in the lower-end of $2k), and you were to draw this allowance for all the time you are undergoing cadet pilot training. Think the duration was 3? 6? years or so (forgot the exact number of years).

It was only after you graduated from the training will you get all the bells and whistles a SIA pilot would get.

Needless to say, after seeing the catch in their training programme (think: draw a low salary for the first few years of your career before you get paid a decent salary, vs. get another job with a decent salary and work upwards), I wasn't really interested.

Who knows, getting another job and working upwards may just get you a salary equivalent to the cadet-pilot-turned-full-fledged pilot's pay, since you would already have that many years of work experience.


Kum lan stupid sinkie.. LOL

SIA didn't promise you a job when you sign up for $140k course
I really want to know if he even do well in his class of 20 paying students

If he really did well and graduate the top few, I doubt SIA will deny him an interview
In his letter, he didn't talk about other graduates so I think his course mates have gotten jobs.

Another fucking lose that deserve to stick to driving taxis

Aiyoh, so stupid for spending so much with no promise. SIA don't hire sinkies because its run by Malaysians. My SIA pilot fren told me.

see lah, vote pap some more ah.


Re: Local Trainee Pilots (Dummies) Got Screwed After Paying $140K For Course


$140,000 spent on pilot's licence but I can't land a job with local carriers

Letter from James Tan

05:55 AM May 13, 2010

I AM a cadet pilot who has graduated from the flying college which trains all of Singapore Airline's pilots, be it for the main fleet, cargo division, or SilkAir. I belong to a group of about 20 Singaporeans who were willing to pay for the training course at the Singapore Flying College (a subsidiary of SIA).

This training course cost me about $140,000 to complete.

Even though no promise of a job was made, I was still willing to go through the course hoping for at least an interview for consideration for an SIA job.

But the carrier seems to prefer to take in foreign nationals (including some from Malaysia, India and Hong Kong) over the current crop of local Singaporeans, who have coughed up a large amount of cash and have graduated with a Commercial Pilot Licence - only to be bypassed by this group of foreign nationals SIA has hired with zero hours of flying experience, and provided with training from scratch.

We Singaporeans are being overlooked by SIA without so much as an interview. Most of us have to look to the low-cost carriers like Jetstar and Tiger for jobs, as these are the only airlines based out of Singapore that can take in pilots like us with few hours of flying time.

However, Jetstar has a policy of taking in retired air force pilots, which means Tiger remains our only hope of employment.

Setting our sights on jobs with overseas airlines is proving to be a major hurdle. I have sent in more than 200 applications to airlines all over the world but I'm usually rejected because I am a low-hour pilot or because the aviation authority in that country has a job protection clause in place for their pilots from their own nations. For example, Malaysian and Indonesian carriers only allow low-hours pilots provided they are citizens of those countries.

This means the majority of the Singaporean pilots who have paid for their own training are hung out to dry, since we have to vie for limited places with the foreigners for cadet pilot positions, and we are not very attractive to airlines outside Singapore due to our low hours or the jobs policies put in place by other countries' aviation authorities.

So, why does our national carrier prefer to take in foreign cadet pilots with zero hours of flying time over their own local pilots, who have paid their dues in the local pilot training school?

Aspiring pilots in Singapore who want to pay their own way through their training should think twice. Career opportunities are very limited and the cost of training is extremely high. Could SIA comment on why local pilots who were trained at their subsidiary training school aren't given so much as a job interview?

Cannot fly an aeroplane after spending $140,000.

So how? Go and fly 'Kite'? Cheaper and faster..


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Re: Local Trainee Pilots (Dummies) Got Screwed After Paying $140K For Course

i wished he read your great suggestions!!

life as pilots in RSAF beri Sinang.. :biggrin:

Yah loh, pay is not as good as SIA, but at least u are flying and building up your experience. No need to do reservist. Get treated well as a pilot. Only need to go conversion course, and the job more stable. Even in bad economy, the RSAF will still fly whereas the airlines will lay off pilots. The RSAF should like to hire someone like him as they usually lose pilots to the commercial sector, not the other way round.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Aiyoh, so stupid for spending so much with no promise. SIA don't hire sinkies because its run by Malaysians. My SIA pilot fren told me.

see lah, vote pap some more ah.

That makes sense to me now. The pilot that crashed the SQ flight in Taipei is a Malaysian.


SIA used sinkie 140K to subsidise the foreigner training. Sinkies are fucked by foreigners hired into high level sinkie positions who in turn prefer their own and screw sinkies for being stupid suckers!

Long live FT policy!


for recruit intake, it helps if you have some engineering background or was active in sports or was in commandos or was in flying club ...

saw a few direct intake like him with private license, but that was few years back when SIA Cargo was in need of pilots ... his suay luck to apply at wrong period ...

training can be pretty siong ... need to quit the job in a huff and go for outward bound in malaysia as a group ... 2 yrs of training and low allowance ... some cadets are even married with children ... even if you reach second officer and start flying you have to pass medical check-up every year for license otherwise suspended... end up teaching trainees on simulators... get high blood pressure and your career is gone...

this 140k guy prolly has some passion for flying, but he has no choice now but to keep clocking the hours and hope that demand for pilots will increase soon...


I think this 140k guy has some attitude problem with his condescension towards Tiger Air, prolly still living in the clouds.


I think this 140k guy has some attitude problem with his condescension towards Tiger Air, prolly still living in the clouds.

this guy is a farking loser..

Writing to newspaper to talk about his job chances is the dumbest thing someone can do...


If he changes his attitude he has hope. With this kind of attitude, he is doomed

I hope SIA hires more PRC pilots to upgrade its standard, but that is unlikely because the Chinese aviation market is expanding rapidly and they have a big shortage of pilots and have to import foreigners.

I think I will set up an immigration consultancy for PRC talent. Singapore really needs more PRC to improve our standard of living.


Alfrescian (Inf)
SIA: Choice of pilots based on merit, corporate fit

Letter from Raymond Tan Vice-President, Divisional Services Flight Operations, Singapore Airlines
05:55 AM May 14, 2010
<script type="text/javascript"> var fontIndex = 2; var fontSize = new Array('0.63em', '0.69em', '0.75em', '0.88em', '1em', '1.13em'); </script> WE REFER to the letter "My career can't take off" (May 13) written by Mr James Tan.

Singapore Airlines selects its pilots on merit and according to its operational requirements. Part of the process includes reviewing the potential candidate's academic qualifications, assessing the candidate to see if he has the aptitude to be a good commercial pilot and if he would fit into the company culture. While having flying experience provides candidates with an advantage, it does not automatically qualify them to be shortlisted.

It has been made clear to all privately-funded candidates enrolling in the Singapore Flying College that after graduation, they are free to apply to any airline and that SIA is under no obligation to offer them a job.

We thank Mr James Tan for the opportunity to clarify.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
SIA: Choice of pilots based on merit, corporate fit

Letter from Raymond Tan Vice-President, Divisional Services Flight Operations, Singapore Airlines
05:55 AM May 14, 2010
<script type="text/javascript"> var fontIndex = 2; var fontSize = new Array('0.63em', '0.69em', '0.75em', '0.88em', '1em', '1.13em'); </script> WE REFER to the letter "My career can't take off" (May 13) written by Mr James Tan.

Singapore Airlines selects its pilots on merit and according to its operational requirements. Part of the process includes reviewing the potential candidate's academic qualifications, assessing the candidate to see if he has the aptitude to be a good commercial pilot and if he would fit into the company culture. While having flying experience provides candidates with an advantage, it does not automatically qualify them to be shortlisted.

It has been made clear to all privately-funded candidates enrolling in the Singapore Flying College that after graduation, they are free to apply to any airline and that SIA is under no obligation to offer them a job.

We thank Mr James Tan for the opportunity to clarify.

any reply from James "You owe me" Tan? :biggrin:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
If he changes his attitude he has hope. With this kind of attitude, he is doomed

I hope SIA hires more PRC pilots to upgrade its standard, but that is unlikely because the Chinese aviation market is expanding rapidly and they have a big shortage of pilots and have to import foreigners.

I think I will set up an immigration consultancy for PRC talent. Singapore really needs more PRC to improve our standard of living.

就凭你这种垃圾????HAHAHAHAHAHHAAAHAH this really cracks me up, up you for entertaining me this morning :biggrin: