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LKY - Is He National Hero?


I have as much affinity for harry as a smelly urine has for hygiene.

but the pros abt the chap:
- he no nonsense, just do it type.
you need to break a few eggs to make an omelette kind.
- he take care of his familee and never get caught, now thats smart. All this family in high post, and we can do nothing about this open cronyism.
- he use the law to silence people, very elegant way, no need to talk much, you not happy, ok I sue you and bankrupt you, I kill you for what, I sue you and make you run away, easy what.
- he know, if let people have full stomach and let them relax, they will start to question, so he work us to death so we got no time to talk about politics or the direction the cuntry is going. So he has carte blanche to do whatever he wants, we too busy to bother.
- he is smart, he work with sushi, he cry mother cry father and blame the m&ds for separation even though he was a troublemaker in mudland and some say he give them so much trouble like a troublemaker so tunku no choice, kick him out. Of course he will say bullshit to that, cos he is the only one alive now, dead man tell no tales.

so is he a national hero?
not in my book, he is just an opportunist who made use of the cuntry,
there should be a full investigation of he and his familee's rule to find out whatever mistakes were made and people shoul be held accountable.


Your contempt for CSJ is probably shaped by the mainstream media's demonization, rather than from an independent opinion of your own.

Because of him, quite lots of Sinkies waken up to realise...
His famous phrase was "Where is our money!"
We love it.


Re: Low Is Far Worse Than CSJ

LKY ranks among the likes of Marcos, Mugabe, Pol Pot, Kim Jong Il, Adi Amin.....though he was not as 'successful' in the bodycount....he was no less vile.

IMO, I don't put him under those brutalest murderest (adjective copyright by our famous LSS) dictators.
Though he made many people suffered, he did not kill his opponents.
I would say he was a good dictator...


Re: Low Is Far Worse Than CSJ

LKY has his fair share of distracters, especially in his frailest days.

Like it or not, LKY will go down in history as the founding father of our great nation!

The good more than offset his shortness.

In life, you always win some and prepares to loose some!

What is most important is that you come out a better being after each trial and tribulation.

I love history … Thanks you!

One balance view...


Re: Low Is Far Worse Than CSJ

As a journalist, I wonder if Simon Elegant did interview CSJ, JBJ, etc...

Mr Lee Kuan Yew is a great man, a great leader, a great politician, a great strategist and a great hero of the people of Singapore...

Lee Kuan Yew
By Simon Elegant Monday, Nov. 13, 2006

The first time I met Lee Kuan Yew I was under strict orders not to open my mouth. It was 1987, I was a wire-service reporter, and Singapore's patriarch was in the middle of one of his periodic campaigns to show the Western press who was the boss in his city. When my father, also a journalist, secured an interview with Lee for a book he was writing and asked if I could tag along, Lee's people eventually agreed — but only on condition that I not utter a single word. At one point during the interview, Lee launched into a withering criticism of arrogant Western journalists who imposed their values on others. I opened my mouth to say something, but one stern look of warning from Lee was enough to make me snap my jaws shut.

Lee is famous for his formidable personality and unshakeable faith in his own convictions. Combine those qualities with a burning intelligence, a cold-eyed pragmatism and an unrelenting focus on his goals and you have some sense of the man who almost single-handedly transformed a sleepy tropical port into one of the world's most economically vibrant city-states. Yet that achievement, extraordinary as it is, is not what makes Lee unique. Today, at 83, after some 50 years of public life, Lee can securely count himself as the one and only Asian who has played witness, sculptor and adviser to all the great historical shifts Asia has undergone over the decades: the rise of nationalism; the end of the cold war; the growth of prosperity; and the emergence of China as a new global power. It is all this that makes Lee not just an elder statesman and a voice for Asia, but an enduring symbol of the region's pragmatism and resilience.

Like most people, Lee was profoundly shaped by his early experiences — and the Cambridge-educated lawyer cut his teeth as a politician in a very rough school indeed. Amid the turmoil of independence from Britain in the 1950s, Lee faced down and ultimately defeated a deeply entrenched communist movement at a time when the red banners of Marxism seemed to be advancing inexorably throughout Asia. When he found himself Prime Minister in 1965, Lee applied the same tough approach to governing the tiny new nation. Although he called himself a socialist until the early 1970s, his actions were purely capitalist, forging Singapore's export-led economy by courting foreign investment and never wavering in his focus on three things: long-term planning, meritocracy and zero tolerance for corruption. The results have been dazzling: Singapore's GDP per capita exploded from a few hundred dollars in 1965 to around $29,500 today, just a few notches below its former colonial master Britain.

Last year, I had the opportunity to meet Lee again — this time for an extensive interview during which I was allowed to speak. I found him mellower than at our first meeting nearly two decades ago. He even choked up at one point as he talked about the death of a close friend. But the steely, uncompromising core that will always be bedrock Lee still rose to the surface. Asked about what his critics call a low tolerance for dissent in the city he virtually created, Lee wouldn't give an inch: "I'm not guided by what Human Rights Watch says. I am not interested in ratings by Freedom House or whatever. At the end of the day, is Singapore society better or worse off? That's the test." That test, even Lee's fiercest detractors would concede, Lee has passed spectacularly.


B]Lee Kuan Yew has achieved what many world leaders dream of and accomplished this without violence. He is an example of an exemplary leader. [/B][/SIZE]

Singapore city was never hard to control and govern...
It had just <2 millions population.

His style of government might not suit or be successful at other countries.


He is a leader, a good leader.
He organised, gathered lots of good men.
Lead this nation to unthinkable success.

1. Say it as it is

One of Lee’s most obvious qualities is that he is a no nonsense person and he says things as it is. He is not afraid to be blunt about certain truths and he often gets on people’s nerves for doing so.

However, because of his approach, he manages to get things done.

As a leader, the best thing you can do for your team is probably to say it as it is. It might hurt a few people, ruffle a few feathers, but to frame things as they are and allowing your team to face the truth is probably the best favour you can do for them.

Although some might be offended or feel uncomfortable, you will gain a lot of respect for doing so.



Alfrescian (Inf)
put it that way. he's one of the world's best double, no.. triple, no... quadruple, yes.... agents. the japs thought they had him in their pockets several decades after ww2. brits thought he switched sides. americans thought he was on their side. chinese nationalists thought he was sympathetic to their cause. chinese commies thought he was a commie at heart. all wrong. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
In case anyone dun already know....
Theblackhole = kopiuncle = geylang uncle = iluvsingapore

You all have seen the release of verbal diarrhea from the team above for LKY.

Which is why I am advocating the promotion of LHL to Field Marshallissimo , and with award of Victoria Cross, Congressional medal of honour and Iron Cross first class with the swords, oak leaves and diamonds thrown in.

LHL is far better qualified to be FMssimo with awards than LKY to be written up as fucking hero and all the rubbish you have seen from his toads and maggots

At least we all will puke a lot less than at the rubbish seen for that cockroach LKY

LHL for Field Marshallissimo and awards of VC & other stuff


Alfrescian (Inf)
So where is the nation now? he install his son as the so called PM surrounded by weaklings and sychophants,,,is the country better now?? he is still an MP,,is he doing his job as an MP?? u call this a good leader?? u are a nutjob

He is a leader, a good leader.
He organised, gathered lots of good men.
Lead this nation to unthinkable success.


How much PAP brainwashing have you undergone

Not brainwashed, it is fair statement I believe.
He is not hero, but he is well recognized as leader... Good side.

He did more good things...
He did not make his opponents died...
He allowed his opponents to leave if they want...
Can I say those are favorable reasons to be a good leader?


So where is the nation now? he install his son as the so called PM surrounded by weaklings and sychophants,,,is the country better now?? he is still an MP,,is he doing his job as an MP?? u call this a good leader?? u are a nutjob

He made mistakes, big and small...
That decision was a big one.
Because of it, people respect toward him dropped, even a few senior ranks in then-Cabinet.

We all see the result in the past 8 years.... Happening in this nation now!


greenies are you a FT or worse a urine tiong?

you say things that sporeans would find vomit inducing. so I am just wondering :biggrin:

He made mistakes, big and small...
That decision was a big one.
Because of it, people respect toward him dropped, even a few senior ranks in then-Cabinet.

We all see the result in the past 8 years.... Happening in this nation now!


Alfrescian (Inf)

How in the world will the Japanese KempaiTai be interested in English translated into Malay from our dwarf LKY translating skills?

All those nauseating fairy tales that can be whipped up on the scum cockroach LKY lead me to rethink
the greatness of him. LKY is so great that no less then greatness of the 4th kind be awarded to him.

Picture speaks louder than words, and in words of the great Bard.



Alfrescian (Inf)
put it that way. he's one of the world's best double, no.. triple, no... quadruple, yes.... agents. the japs thought they had him in their pockets several decades after ww2. brits thought he switched sides. americans thought he was on their side. chinese nationalists thought he was sympathetic to their cause. chinese commies thought he was a commie at heart. all wrong. :biggrin:

lky's value and principle in life is to have no value and principle at all. this kind of people are very dangerous and despicable.