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LKY - Is He National Hero?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Y A W N !!

Fuck off.

Bring back that theblackhole entity.
His England a lot more entertaining then what you hope to be.

You just a smear of shit on the sole of my shoe

why are you so worked up
can't accept the fact that
mr lee kuan yew is the best leader in the world
the best politician and the master of political strategies
come on you are made of better fibre than a piece of shit on the sole of your own shoe...cheer up!!!
singapore will be the best city in the world - coming soon:smile:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
1. Say it as it is

One of Lee’s most obvious qualities is that he is a no nonsense person and he says things as it is. He is not afraid to be blunt about certain truths and he often gets on people’s nerves for doing so.

However, because of his approach, he manages to get things done.

As a leader, the best thing you can do for your team is probably to say it as it is. It might hurt a few people, ruffle a few feathers, but to frame things as they are and allowing your team to face the truth is probably the best favour you can do for them.

Although some might be offended or feel uncomfortable, you will gain a lot of respect for doing so.



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
2. Plan your leadership succession

Lee planned for the people that will take over him years before he actually stepped down as Prime Minister. He saw the importance of raising up the next generation of leaders to lead the nation.

The saying goes, there is no success without a successor. As a leader, your organization must transcend you and you must be humble enough to acknowledge that.

If your organization is indispensible without you, then you have failed as a leader. You must strive to create an organization that can survive without you, and that is a sign of your success as a leader.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
3. The power of tenacity

Lee had gone through his toughest period when Malaysia chose to separate itself from Singapore.

However, he never gave up and he strengthened his resolve and still believed that he could change Singapore and make it into what it is today.

A leader must have this resolve to just press on no matter how difficult the circumstances. In fact, it is this quality that separates the good from the excellent. Everyone can lead well when circumstances are favourable, but it is the times of adversity that really distinct you as a leader.

And when you choose to press on, you can really grow as a person, and make a real difference in whatever you’re doing.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Lanjiao to all that.
Whatever fuck name that toad want to be called as, that toad can cum.

Not that I think it is just one person, more like a whole fucking team of researchers and garbement skholars.
See the England that they wrote with.
What the fuck having brains and no fucking heart to accept $$$$ robbed from us.
Yes! They followed the footsteps of their fucking master LKY - to eat better and to live better.

Selling their souls for 40 pieces of silver, or gold, or even CEOs positions.
All paid by the $$$$$ screwed and fucked from all of us.

That toady under whatever fuck name can continue to entertain and amuse us all here.
The way he did so in a fucking deluge of verbal diarrhea glorifying his fucking LKY paymaster to kingdom come.

Come back!
Tell us what LKY did translate for Jap Kempeitai, when LKY knew only one fucking language, in WW2 to eat better and to live better.

It seems the pap IBs are out in full force after the recent turn of events.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Mr Lee Kuan Yew towers over other Asian leaders on the international stage, yet he comes from one of Asia's smallest countries. A champion of Asian values, he is most un-Asian in his frank and confrontational style. Lee loves Singapore but has relatively few close Singaporean friends or confidants. He is a man of great intelligence, with no patience for mediocrity; a man of integrity, with an relentless urge to smite opponents; a man who devours foreign news but has little tolerance for a disrespectful press at home. What really sets this complex man apart from Asia's other nation-builders is what he didn't do: he did not become corrupt, and he did not stay in power too long. Mao, Suharto, Marcos and Ne Win left their countries on the verge of ruin with no obvious successor. Lee left Singapore with a per capita GDP of $14,000 (it's now $22,000), his reputation gilt-edged and an entire tier of second-generation leaders to take over when he stepped down in 1990.

Lee now basks in the wisdom of seniority, a latter-day Doge whose views continue to be sought by statesmen and commentators who travel from all over the world to pay court to him in Singapore. It is difficult to view Lee on his own, distinct from Singapore. James Minchin, who wrote one of the most balanced biographies of Lee, titled the book No Man Is an Island: A Study of Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew. But in many ways Lee is the island, embodying in his character all the insecurity, vulnerability, emotional detachment, arrogance and restless energy that also characterize Singapore.

His life has shaped and been shaped by the small territory at the tip of the Malaysian peninsula that he made first into a country, and then a rich country. He had few interests outside his work. He did not even keep a diary--To do so would have inhibited my work, he comments drily in the preface to his autobiography. His legacy is Singapore, no more and no less. He cried at its inception, in a televised press conference the day the enforced separation from Malaysia was announced in 1965. His emotions were more under control the day in 1990 when he stepped down as Prime Minister, but still he could not pry himself loose entirely, and the job of Senior Minister was created for him.

For Lee lives by the conflict theory of management: you either dominate or are dominated. He knows all about being dominated, both under British colonial rule and, more brutally, during the Japanese occupation. In his memoirs he relates how he was slapped and forced to kneel in front of a Japanese soldier for having failed to bow to the man while crossing a bridge. When it became Lee's turn to dominate, he used the full force of his personality, and the law, to fight his opponents. Some ended up in jail or bankrupt.

Contradicting Lee became synonymous with being disloyal to Singapore, so hermetic was the identification between man and principality. His ancestors were Hakka, the Chinese tribesmen who migrated from northern China to Fujian and have a reputation for pugnacity and clannishness. Lee was a third generation Straits Chinese, however, and grew up speaking Malay, English and the Cantonese dialect of his family's maid. Ever the pragmatist, he was later to teach himself Japanese, Mandarin and Hokkien as the political situation in Singapore required. .......

His education was English, first at Singapore's Raffles College, where he studied English with mathematics and economics. Then it was on to Cambridge, where he learned English law and English self-assurance, deftly taking a double first in the former and a double helping of the latter. He disliked the English while admiring their way of doing things--he had similar if more extreme feelings about the Japanese--and after Cambridge he ditched the Anglicized Harry Lee for his original Chinese name, though many of his English friends continue to use it to this day. This complicated amalgam of Chinese instincts and English training came back to Singapore in 1950 to start practicing law, but he quickly found his true vocation in the tumultuous politics of the time. Fists flying, he immersed himself in a world of communists, labor organizers, gangsters and intelligence operatives, emerging in 1959 as Prime Minister--with his enemies all knocked out of the ring. That was the way he would keep things throughout his political life. While flooring any political challenger who dared to climb through the ropes, he set about building one of Asia's economic Tigers with relentless energy.

He courted multinational investors to upgrade the economy from mass manufacturing to high-tech industry. He built the region's finest infrastructure of airport, port, roads and communications networks. He established a public housing system and the Central Provident Fund savings pool that gave every citizen a stake in the system. He virtually abolished crime--and jukeboxes--and developed Asia's best health and education systems. Lee's penchant for control extends to his own physical environment. He admits to being very sensitive to heat and humidity, has hailed the air-conditioner as one of mankind's great inventions, and likes to live his entire waking life at 22 degrees C (reduced to 19 degrees C at night while sleeping).

On the rare occasions when his grand plans have failed to come off, the circumstances were usually beyond his control. He was one of the first to recognize China's potential under Deng Xiaoping's reforms. But he also learned how treacherous it is to deal with the mainland--his dream project to combine Singaporean know-how with Chinese labor in an industrial park in Suzhou foundered on the very rocks of corruption, nepotism and avarice that he had warned about all his life in other contexts. But even as he obsessively pruned, trimmed and weeded the Garden City, Lee would never shed his lifelong sense of insecurity, his feeling that it could all be taken away with one uncontrollable spasm of social upheaval or regional chaos.

Because of Singapore's size, its paucity of natural resources and the nature of its neighbors, Lee knew he could never fully be master of the island's destiny. Perhaps this in the end is what helped to prevent Lee from becoming too autocratic, providing him with a small taste of humility every time he looked at a map and saw that the creation of one of Asia's most brilliant statesmen was, in the words of a much lesser man, just a small red dot in Southeast Asia. Terry McCarthy is East Asia correspondent for TIME

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2054444,00.html#ixzz2Ni6rjgME


Alfrescian (Inf)
OK Folks,

See your hard earned $$$$ at work.
Fucked and screwed by LKY and his cancerous organs and given to those pack of toads and cockroaches
to write nicest things under the sun of LKY

Make you feel good to see those $$$ at work.
Even if those $$$ robbed and taken from you to pay those maggots and cockroaches in white.
In full force for the greater glory of LKY

Not to worry. LKY is on the verge of death.
The true answers will come soon enough.

LKY cockroaches and maggots will be a thing of the past


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
OK Folks,

See your hard earned $$$$ at work.
Fucked and screwed by LKY and his cancerous organs and given to those pack of toads and cockroaches
to write nicest things under the sun of LKY

Make you feel good to see those $$$ at work.
Even if those $$$ robbed and taken from you to pay those maggots and cockroaches in white.
In full force for the greater glory of LKY

Not to worry. LKY is on the verge of death.
The true answers will come soon enough.

LKY cockroaches and maggots will be a thing of the past

why are you cursing people
do something about your own life
everyone is successful here
you must be an utter failure
to feel so piqued, so angry and so full of fury and angst....cheer up man!
life is a joy....don't live a life of a cockroach or maggot...cheer up man!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Lanjiao to all that.
Whatever fuck name that toad want to be called as, that toad can cum.

Not that I think it is just one person, more like a whole fucking team of researchers and garbement skholars.
See the England that they wrote with.
What the fuck having brains and no fucking heart to accept $$$$ robbed from us.
Yes! They followed the footsteps of their fucking master LKY - to eat better and to live better.

Selling their souls for 40 pieces of silver, or gold, or even CEOs positions.
All paid by the $$$$$ screwed and fucked from all of us.

That toady under whatever fuck name can continue to entertain and amuse us all here.
The way he did so in a fucking deluge of verbal diarrhea glorifying his fucking LKY paymaster to kingdom come.

Come back!
Tell us what LKY did translate for Jap Kempeitai, when LKY knew only one fucking language, in WW2 to eat better and to live better.

None of those maggots and cockroaches in white chose to answer what was asked of them.

Tell us what LKY did translate for Jap Kempeitai, when LKY knew only one fucking language, in WW2 to eat better and to live better


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's first prime minister (from 1959 to1990), has been an international figure not only for establishing Singapore's political and economic stability but also for fostering economic development throughout Asia. He is particularly renowned as a principle architect of the 'Asian values' campaign of the 1990s, which sought to preserve the undemocratic traits of Asian culture while attending to the demands of a capitalist economy operating globally.

A critical examination of Lee's life, career, and ideas, this is the first book to analyze the origins and substance of Lee's political thought. Augmenting established primary sources with his own interviews and correspondence with Lee's old associates, Barr shows how Lee has been influenced by British and Chinese racism and elitism, western progressivism, and even the cultural evolutionism of Arnold Toynbee. This reassessment of Lee's achievements and worldview sheds new light on a key figure on the world stage.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

Few gave tiny Singapore much chance of survival when it was granted independence in 1965. How is it, then, that today the former British colonial trading post is a thriving Asian metropolis with not only the world's number one airline, best airport, and busiest port of trade, but also the world's fourth–highest per capita real income?

The story of that transformation is told here by Singapore's charismatic, controversial founding father, Lee Kuan Yew. Rising from a legacy of divisive colonialism, the devastation of the Second World War, and general poverty and disorder following the withdrawal of foreign forces, Singapore now is hailed as a city of the future. This miraculous history is dramatically recounted by the man who not only lived through it all but who fearlessly forged ahead and brought about most of these changes.

Delving deep into his own meticulous notes, as well as previously unpublished government papers and official records, Lee details the extraordinary efforts it took for an island city–state in Southeast Asia to survive at that time.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

Visionary? Authoritarian? Model for the West? Lee Kuan Yew, the long-time leader of Singapore, has been called all these things, and more. In these vivid memoirs, Lee takes a profoundly personal look back at the events that led to Singapore's independence and shaped its struggle for success. And, as always, he lets the chips fall where they may.In intimate detail, Lee recounts Singapore's unforgettable history. You'll be with Lee as he leads striking unionists against the colonial government; shares tea and rounds of golf with key players in Britain and Malaya; and drinks warm Anchor beer with leaders of the communist underground at secret midnight meetings. From British colonial rule through Japanese occupation in World War II, Communist insurrection, riots, independence -- and the struggles that followed -- few political memoirs anywhere have been this blunt, or this fascinating.Anyone interested in the political history of Singapore, Asia, and the modern world.
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

Imagine the delight and challenge of entering into a one-on-one political and personal conversation with the founding father of modern Singapore. This is exactly the timely treat that awaits you in Conversations with Lee Kuan Yew. The first in the Giants of Asia series, this succinct, penetrating, richly detailed and candid book on Lee Kuan Yew represents the Asian legend s first extended conversation with a Western journalist. The result is often surprising, sometimes startling, occasionally humorous and never, ever dull. Enter into the mind of this controversial but internationally respected political leader and pioneer, through the eyes and ears of one of America s leading journalists on Asia.
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

Mr Lee Kuan Yew - the undisputed hero of Singapore.The icon of the Singapore Miracle, the Singapore Model,the Singapore Story.

Majulah Mr Lee Kuan Yew!!! Majulah Singapura!!!!


the Japanese had their own English translators and they would want a Malay to translate Malay, not Chinese LKY. the books told us that those traitors and hanjians were usually given job titles of translators so that they can move around with the Japanese troops without attracting much attentions and suspicions from the local population.

Does that imply that he 'survived' the firing squad because .... hmmm


Alfrescian (Inf)
Tell us what LKY did translate for Jap Kempeitai, when LKY knew only one fucking language, in WW2 to eat better and to live better

lky can speak malayu lah.

BUT anyone who posted in this thread consider LKY as a hero at any time of his life must be a papib.