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Living in JB 4


After my jb condo management played dirty tricks to remove me from chat group, they have been giving me problems on monthly billing of maintenance fees and water bills. Don’t receive the billing through email and always have to ask them multiple times for the bills which they claimed sent but I don’t receive them each time. Now you know how dirty people are. They said sent means sent but I didn’t receive!


After my jb condo management played dirty tricks to remove me from chat group, they have been giving me problems on monthly billing of maintenance fees and water bills. Don’t receive the billing through email and always have to ask them multiple times for the bills which they claimed sent but I don’t receive them each time. Now you know how dirty people are. They said sent means sent but I didn’t receive!
Oh ya the jb condo management office staff are all Malaysians. Malaysia government very good and successful to get foreign developer to give good executive and manager jobs to all Malaysians. Not like Spore.


Oh ya the jb condo management office staff are all Malaysians. Malaysia government very good and successful to get foreign developer to give good executive and manager jobs to all Malaysians. Not like Spore.
The current jb condo manager was also promoted from executive there within a few years. Looks like easy to be condo manager in jb, no need qualifications no need much experience.


After my jb condo management played dirty tricks to remove me from chat group, they have been giving me problems on monthly billing of maintenance fees and water bills. Don’t receive the billing through email and always have to ask them multiple times for the bills which they claimed sent but I don’t receive them each time. Now you know how dirty people are. They said sent means sent but I didn’t receive!
No response to all my private chat requests this month on the missing bills. That’s how arrogant they are!


After my jb condo management played dirty tricks to remove me from chat group, they have been giving me problems on monthly billing of maintenance fees and water bills. Don’t receive the billing through email and always have to ask them multiple times for the bills which they claimed sent but I don’t receive them each time. Now you know how dirty people are. They said sent means sent but I didn’t receive!
Yesterday I complained the corridor light bulb spoiled etc in private chat and get zero response until now!


Yesterday I complained the corridor light bulb spoiled etc in private chat and get zero response until now!
Thursday to now still zero response! Reminders get zero response too. That’s how lazy idle the Malaysian management office staff are. I used to complain on that in the neighbourhood chat group said the staff always on leave and one self claimed sinkie resident that wrote Chinese like Malaysian buay song jumped out to protect themselves idling and that’s how they gang up to bully me and kicked me out of the chat group. And now they ignored me in private chat. Shame on them!


Yesterday I complained the corridor light bulb spoiled etc in private chat and get zero response until now!
And my corridor light is still spoiled, still no tv signal etc. Life is peaceful back to listen to my favorite radio with YouTube sometimes can work sometimes can’t work depending on my phone network.


Thursday to now still zero response! Reminders get zero response too. That’s how lazy idle the Malaysian management office staff are. I used to complain on that in the neighbourhood chat group said the staff always on leave and one self claimed sinkie resident that wrote Chinese like Malaysian buay song jumped out to protect themselves idling and that’s how they gang up to bully me and kicked me out of the chat group. And now they ignored me in private chat. Shame on them!
Now you know how good life Malaysians are can choose what they always complain stressful life working in spore or choose lazy idle plenty of leave super relax life working in jb.


Now you know how good life Malaysians are can choose what they always complain stressful life working in spore or choose lazy idle plenty of leave super relax life working in jb.
It’s been more than a week with zero response and phone call not answered. How nice to work in jb. Can idle with zero consequences and if Singaporean complained your poor service will be protected by your fellow countrymen (or ex countrymen) and all ganged up to kick you out and silenced you.


It’s been more than a week with zero response and phone call not answered. How nice to work in jb. Can idle with zero consequences and if Singaporean complained your poor service will be protected by your fellow countrymen (or ex countrymen) and all ganged up to kick you out and silenced you.
Meanwhile continue to collect your maintenance fees while don’t give service.


It’s been more than a week with zero response and phone call not answered. How nice to work in jb. Can idle with zero consequences and if Singaporean complained your poor service will be protected by your fellow countrymen (or ex countrymen) and all ganged up to kick you out and silenced you.
I still have not received any response. They are good at ganging up to bully people by stonewalling, defamation and harassment indeed.


And act poor thing.
So disgusting when they act poor thing cry got to go work in spore but they don’t say they only need to work 10 years can retire and live in jb like a king liao and do extensive needless renovations illegal extension to your house.


So disgusting when they act poor thing cry got to go work in spore but they don’t say they only need to work 10 years can retire and live in jb like a king liao and do extensive needless renovations illegal extension to your house.
Or just be mistress like my Malaysian Cantonese MISTRESS neighbour with Spore car plate Mercedes dao tao don’t work also rich enough to have a maid and two daughters sent overseas to study and a few barking non stop dogs and a gigolo son in law that does her daughter bidding all gang up to bully me ONE woman. So proud Malaysian bullies and thieves robbees that damaged my house to steal rob buy it cheap. Pui!