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Let's see who can solve this question


NON- Xtians = Dumb Fucks

this is a really stupid question.

also used by Xtians in their proselytising by making you think that you have sinned in the first place when you haven't sinned at all. and then try stupid guilt trips and offer pseudo salvation when you don't need it in the first place. I screwed up a Xtians when he told me such cr@p and I insists he is the sinful one and I am pure and don't need his cr@p logic. He should instead pay me monthly tithe for enlightening him :biggrin:

Hmmm ... very curious about your level of 'intelligence'. There is NO such thing as a question that is stupid. Only stupid people who cannot answer it. :wink::rolleyes:

This means Xtian 1 and non-Xtain zero AGAIN ! OMG ! I'm laughing now. :biggrin:

Another dumb fuck tried and collapsed. :eek::biggrin::rolleyes:

Shouldn't this be in the Religion section ? :cool:

Don't hide in your clone. :wink:

numero uno

Re: NON- Xtians = Dumb Fucks

sure there are stupid questions(like what my professors all used to say) and people that include you cr@p fuck. the very fact that ALL Xtians(from primary schools to uni to workplace , all numbering a few hundred ) failed to convert me(I sure all this proselytysing is very common in singapore like City Harvest saga showed )proved that they are stupid and have failed in their proselytysing. If you cannot stand the heat of discussion , there is no need to resort to vulgarity and personal attacks like dumb fuck (only stupid fucks do so)which I or anybody can also use back on you. Hah. Religion is ALL bull sh!t. they are the cause of all the shit and trouble in the world.
Listen to george Calin and you just might get enlightened(which I doubt so given your level of "intelligence" and maturity . )

PS I'm sure you are one of those Xtian I encounter who cannot understand or withstand logical thinking and I just hit your sweet spot
BTW what has religion got to do with it? I am talking about logic and maths here. That's the trouble with people like you. always "pontificating' to others when they themselves are dumbfucks!!! simpe logic also does not undertsand. alot of dumbfucks Xtians tried to convert me and they all failed miserably. evidence? the very fact that I writing such a piece to you.
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Re: NON- Xtians = Dumb Fucks

sure there are stupid questions(like what my professors all used to say) and people that include you cr@p fuck.

the very fact that ALL Xtians(from primary schools to uni to workplace , all numbering a few hundred ) failed to convert me(I sure all this proselytysing is very common in singapore like City Harvest saga showed )proved that they are stupid and have failed in their proselytysing.

I'm sorry to say this, but you are attacking ALL X-tains in the first place. :rolleyes: Whether they are good or bad, even I do not have the authority to judge them since I'm not God. It is none of my business. Of course, I can criticise these people for their bad practices that may paint many other X-tians in a bad light.

Failing to be converted is not a good news. :rolleyes: Don't be a fool. Can a person not eat anything and say that he is lucky enough not to get a potential stomach upset or poor personal health problem due to eating junk food ? Eating nothing means death.

Fools just love to be atheists. :wink: Atheism is no better than any other fake religion. :rolleyes:

If you cannot stand the heat of discussion , there is no need to resort to vulgarity and personal attacks like dumb fuck (only stupid fucks do so)which I or anybody can also use back on you. Hah. Religion is ALL bull sh!t. they are the cause of all the shit and trouble in the world.

See ? Dumb fuck can't take the heat. :rolleyes: If you can't take the heat, fuck off. You are not the first and the last. What an asshole ! :rolleyes:

Atheists have this weak spot for "peace". Do you wear bikini and say "world peace" ? :rolleyes: Sissy. Atheism is by far the worst BULLSHIT religion I have ever encountered. You guys have nothing ! You guys lost everything ! This is really amazing. :eek::biggrin:

Potentially, atheism is designed for the losers. Well, atheists = dumb fucks. :biggrin:

PS I'm sure you are one of those Xtian I encounter who cannot understand or withstand logical thinking and I just hit your sweet spot

Pleez ... I have been hearing strings, aliens and 'multiverse' craps besides those useless evolution and big bang conspiracy theories. Trash ! Craps ! You people are stupid enough to be fooled by fake 'science'. Don't talk to me about logic, losers ! You folks lost the argument completely, and failed badly, remember ? :biggrin::rolleyes:

Fools love crappy stuff without fail, over and over again. OMG ! :rolleyes::cool:

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
TS trying to salvage some lost pride by starting this thread?
... incurred after giving wrong answer in the 5+5 BODMAS thread...


Alfrescian (Inf)
You saw a shirt for $97.

You didn't have the cash, so you borrowed $50 from your mom and $50 from your dad = $100.

You bought the shirt and had $3 change.

You gave your dad $1 and your mom $1 and kept the other $1 for yourself.

Now you owe your mom $49 and your dad $49.

$49 + $49 = $98

+ your $1 = $99.

Where is the missing $1?

Bro, you shouldn't add your $1 to the $98 you owe your parents. that is credit.
you should add to the shirt amount of $97, because this $1 is still in you pocket. this is debit.
this is basic accounting, credit and debit.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
If you're stumped by this, then you shouldn't become an accountant, lend/borrow money or do your own bookkeeping.


Alfrescian (Inf)
this is a really stupid question. what does the $1 you gave yourself in terms of credit have to do with it? you owe your parents $98 and since you took $1, You owe $98-1=$97 still outstanding ie you still spend $97 is what the shirt costs and you still owe your parent $98($97 and $1 you took). it just stupid mind trick use by certain people to try and change credit to debit.

bro, that is why there is such thing call creative accounting.


Alfrescian (Inf)
bro, that is why there is such thing call creative accounting.

If it were creative accounting, then the shirt would be declared as being worth $1000, and it would have been a 'love gift' from one of your friends. You then borrow $500 from each of your parents.


Alfrescian (Inf)
If it were creative accounting, then the shirt would be declared as being worth $1000, and it would have been a 'love gift' from one of your friends. You then borrow $500 from each of your parents.

best example for creative accounting is CHC used 50 million for making music to reach out for those non christian. Wall street can't fight man this one!!!

numero uno

Re: NON- Xtians = Dumb Fucks

I'm sorry to say this, but you are attacking ALL X-tains in the first place. :rolleyes: Whether they are good or bad, even I do not have the authority to judge them since I'm not God. It is none of my business. Of course, I can criticise these people for their bad practices that may paint many other X-tians in a bad light.

Failing to be converted is not a good news. :rolleyes: Don't be a fool. Can a person not eat anything and say that he is lucky enough not to get a potential stomach upset or poor personal health problem due to eating junk food ? Eating nothing means death.

Fools just love to be atheists. :wink: Atheism is no better than any other fake religion. :rolleyes:

See ? Dumb fuck can't take the heat. :rolleyes: If you can't take the heat, fuck off. You are not the first and the last. What an asshole ! :rolleyes:

Atheists have this weak spot for "peace". Do you wear bikini and say "world peace" ? :rolleyes: Sissy. Atheism is by far the worst BULLSHIT religion I have ever encountered. You guys have nothing ! You guys lost everything ! This is really amazing. :eek::biggrin:

Potentially, atheism is designed for the losers. Well, atheists = dumb fucks. :biggrin:

Pleez ... I have been hearing strings, aliens and 'multiverse' craps besides those useless evolution and big bang conspiracy theories. Trash ! Craps ! You people are stupid enough to be fooled by fake 'science'. Don't talk to me about logic, losers ! You folks lost the argument completely, and failed badly, remember ? :biggrin::rolleyes:

Fools love crappy stuff without fail, over and over again. OMG ! :rolleyes::cool:
Heh stupid fucker asshole if your god is so powerful how come I am still not converted? I did not attack all Xtians, only those who go around openly proselytising and thinking so self righteous like shit heads as exemplified by you.
trouble with @ssholes like you is that you are ALL stupid fuckers with NO balls. I challenged you to go to Malaysia or Iran and try to covert the Muslims there. they would chop off your useless heads . Talk big for what. Prove it asshole. Talk is cheap and any dumb fuckers like you can't talk or reason for shit. Religion like your is mean for pussies and weaklings who need a crutch or saviour. Keep it to yuourself. at least I reespect the muslims and buddhists more than shit heads like you. at least they do not go around proselytising. Dumb fuckers like you have NO BALLS . period. talk is cheap and free. Just cross the causeway and Go to Malaysia and try talking to a muslim or mosque like that. I dare you, blardy coward.
Like I said no point talking to stupid immoral balless fuckers like you with no guts , even in singapore people like yours city harvest church gets screwed by garmen . you are nothing but a coward, balless, stupid fucker pussy . its people like you who like to think you are "right" when you are so wrong and full of sins(no wonder you have sinned in the eyes of your own saviour and would be tainted and sinful forever)!!!! I'm am pure and sinless. If you cannot accept it, go fuck youself. I feel real good:oIo::oIo::oIo:
this is my last post as you are a waste of my time. Like I said I can also hurl vulgarities at you, so what . Fools lovve saviour and forgiveness for sins. Gimme a break. if you sin so be it. face it and take the punishment like a man and don't ask for forgiveness from your saviour or to wash away your sins. only weak minded people like you do. please go to malaysia or Iran and do it, don't just hide under your avatar and talk like a retarded kid or balless coward sinner. conqueror my foot!!!! more like pussy coward. OMD(oh my devil)!!!
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Xtians = No ball Dumb Fucks

I did not attack all Xtians, only those who go around openly proselytising and thinking so self righteous like shit heads as exemplified by you.

I said I can also hurl vulgarities at you, so what . Fools lovve saviour and forgiveness for s is my last post as you are a waste of my time.

numero uno,
Ignore this chap, he self-proclaimed to be a Saint and has been going around 'f***' people in other threads, he is a gay Xtian.

Forgive him, he was on one of his usual relapses of Hallucination triggered by extreme high fever.

Read this thread, he has made extraordinary claims and profaned 'dumb fuck' but cannot backup himself: http://www.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?124635-Breaking-News!Science-had-proven-it-beyond-doubt-that-an-intelligent-designer-exists!

I challenged you to go to Malaysia or Iran and try to covert the Muslims there.
please go to malaysia or Iran and do it, don't just hide under your avatar and talk like a retarded kid or balless coward sinner. conqueror my foot!!!!

Well said! He is just a paper crusader, when the real challenge comes to take affirmative action on RESURRECTION of his faith, he turns COLD FEETS,
see this http://www.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?121176-Breaking-News!Pastor-Kong-Hee-And-Pastors-Arrested-And-Charge!/page70&p=1172405#post1172405
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greedy and cunning

why keep repeating this same old thing.
do you know how many times this kind of question has been asked ?

only sinkies fall for the same old tricks again and again.


Alfrescian (Inf)
You've to balance the equation (or the balance book).


Left side of equation: Borrowed $100 from parents minus $2 returned to them = $98
Right side of equation: Bought shirt costing $97 using the $98 borrowed from parents plus $1 borrowed, but not spent = $98

Left side of equation = Right side of equation
$98 = $98

You problem is not one of creative accounting, but one of poor maths.


Wat belongs to Ceasar must go back to Ceasar, this is the same
when Sinkies are charged in Sinkie Court, pay and shud up.


Re: NON- Xtians = Dumb Fucks

if your god is so powerful how come I am still not converted?

Religion like your is mean for pussies and weaklings who need a crutch or saviour. Keep it to yuourself. at least I reespect the muslims and buddhists more than shit heads like you.

Like I said I can also hurl vulgarities at you, so what.

Wow ! So much vulgarities. You are deeply hurt. :biggrin::rolleyes:

Stupid people like you tend to utter foolish things like "I respect the muslims and buddhists" ... another DUMB FARK dat shows himself as useless as some fools who keep hugging onto falsehood like atheism as their psycho dildo for comfort. :eek::biggrin::rolleyes:


Re: Xtians = No ball Dumb Fucks

numero uno,
Ignore this chap, he self-proclaimed to be a Saint and has been going around 'f***' people in other threads, he is a gay Xtian.

Toronto loses battle somewhere else, not happy, now gettin' more firepower from another DUMB FARK to fight a vain and useless war against X-tiandom. :rolleyes:

Stupid people will go to an extent to ... Hilarious ! :biggrin:


Re: Xtians = No ball Dumb Fucks

Look, let me try. Let's put me in charge and see it this way.
97 by 2= 48.5 contributed each by mom/pa. Given 3 back in my hand;, plus 1 each to each one,
means 48.5 + 1= 49.5 owes to each.,,,,,, and Im still holding one.
This is a crackler, really.