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Leong Sze Hian/Terry Xu


The commoners have spoken and activated.

The commoners hard earned money, after tax, to fund the legal fee for vindictive case of sitting leader of Singapore vs commoners.....

When a man died he leaves behind his name. When a leopard died it leaves behind its skin....

Name stayed forever like it is written in the Bible, Quran and dhamapada scriptures....

Kee Chew



Kee Chew


***Victory on Easter Sunday!***

On this Easter Sunday, when Christians all over the world celebrate the risen Christ, we give thanks that Leong Sze Hian campaign has reached a milestone and the $133k which Lee Hsien Loong was awarded for damages has been FULLY PAID for by the PEOPLE of SINGAPORE!

Lee Hsien Loong can go and celebrate his pyrrhic legal victory, but for Sze Hian and all those who supported him, we can proudly celebrate a new beginning and a new awareness by the Singapore people of their inalienable rights as citizens of this land, which includes the right not to be silenced!

I can think of no better way to celebrate our Victory than with one of the most famous songs ever written.I have chosen this version of Hallelijah, sung by the writer of the song, the Legendary Canadian songwriter/poet Leonard Cohen himself.

This performance by Leonard Cohen has become part of folklore. He sung it at the famous Glastonbury Music Festival in England in 2008.

The Telegraph Newspaper in the UK ranked it as the number One Glastonbury Performance of all time!

The 73 year old star started the song as the sun was setting. The slowly setting sun bathed the giant pyramid stage in a magical orange glow. One commentator compared the experience to a biblical phenomenon.

For me the song has a significant meaning. It is about the capriciousness of power.
The story of David & Bathsheba is about the abuse of power in the name of lust, which leads to murder, intrigue and brokenness.
David allowed his ego to overwhelm him and began to believe his own propoganda and to take what he wanted.

Kee Chew


Good Exchange :


Singapore Blogger Crowdfunds $100,000 to Pay PM Defamation Award
Philip Heijmans
April 5, 2021, 10:33 AM GMT+8
Lee Hsien Loong

Lee Hsien Loong
Photographer: Roslan Rahman/AFP/Getty Images

A lawyer for Singapore blogger Leong Sze Hian said he raised enough cash from fellow citizens to fully cover damages awarded to Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in a defamation trial.

Singapore’s High Court on March 24 ordered Leong to pay S$133,000 ($98,800) to Lee for posting a link to a Malaysian news site that alleged the city-state’s leader had helped launder 1Malaysia Development Berhad funds.

Since then more than 2,000 people donated to a crowdfunding campaign on social media to raise the full amount, Lim Tean, Leong’s attorney, posted to Facebook on Monday.

“A new Singaporean has emerged,” Lim said. “Every citizen can now have the confidence that their fellow men will be their shield and bulwark against those who attempt to suppress their speech.”

Singapore Blogger Ordered to Pay Damages in PM Defamation Suit

The Prime Minister’s Office declined to comment.

The Singaporean leader, who has sued other people for defamation while in office, was personally cross-examined in court during the trial in October, and his lawyers have said the accusations are false and baseless. During the trial, Lee maintained it was his right to defend himself amid what he called a “grave attack” on his personal integrity and reputation.

Leong, in his defense, had denied he was being malicious. He removed the Facebook post, though court documents showed he didn’t comply with a letter of demand sent by Lee’s lawyers to make a public apology.


Teo Soh Lung, on Leong Sze Hian's crowdfunding success: The people have risen - The Online Citizen Asia
by Teo Soh Lung
It is not without satisfaction that we have managed to donate $133,000 to Leong See Hian on Easter Sunday, after just 11 days of crowdfunding. It is, I believe, the first time that a Singaporean is saved from having to sell his home to pay a judgement debt.
People from all walks of life have donated. They include retirees who do not know how to use Paylah or bank transfers. They have taken the trouble to visit the bank in order to transfer money to Leong. They have given cash to others to send it to Leong using their mobile phones.
Leong is one of three people I know who has a photographic memory for numbers and enjoys analysing them. The other two are Roy Ngerng and Han Hui Hui. The three were a formidable team at Hong Lim Park until the authorities realised that their abilities to analyse our CPF savings exposed the weaknesses of the scheme. The trio had to be stopped.
The first to get into serious trouble was Roy Ngerng. Suddenly he was sued by PM Lee Hsien Loong for defamation in May 2014. He had reproduced and edited some charts from Channel News Asia. The prime minister claimed those had defamed him.
Roy’s defence that he had no such intention failed to persuade the judge and he was ordered to pay $100,000 as general damages and another $50,000 as aggravated damages.
Poor Roy attempted to crowd fund but he did not reach the target. In the end, he had to plead for payment by instalments. He is, I believe still paying the debt by instalments.
Roy’s life was completely ruined by the prime minister. He was dismissed by Tan Tock Seng Hospital even though he had not so long ago won the “best employee” award. He could not find a job in Singapore and had to work in Taiwan. Such is the fate of Roy and so many other Singaporeans who our government take them as “enemies of the state”. It is a sad reality.
The lives of many Singaporeans have been shattered by the authorities using the full force of laws. As ordinary citizens, we do not pay any attention to the laws that are enacted in our parliament. We leave them to the people who we elect to do the job. We trust them to make laws that will protect us. Sadly, we see so many of us being caught by laws that control our lives in the most absurd ways and remove our rights to live as human beings. These laws serve only to protect those in power.
I think we have reached the bottom of the pit when even one person holding a cardboard or paper Smiley has been charged for unlawful assembly.
Easter Sunday’s victory of the people of Singapore is to be celebrated. We have finally realised that we cannot be bullied any more and that one person’s trouble concerns all of us. We are no longer afraid to donate money for a cause. The authorities can check the list of people who donated but we no longer care.
We know that if the prime minister keeps suing people instead of doing his work for which he is paid millions, we have a serious problem in our country. Government agencies and security forces will be kept busy. Our law courts too will be burdened.
The people have risen. Let us unite and help one another. We don’t know who will next be in trouble. But we know that Terry Xu, the editor in chief of one of our independent online media, The Online Citizen is now in trouble with an ongoing $400,000 defamation claim from the prime minister and criminal charges under some obnoxious laws.
Remember: United we stand. Divided we fall. We are many. They are few.
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This commander in chief has failed to lead his civilian army of NSFed soldiers.

Can imagine he goes round charging soldiers for defaming him with for smallest comments of his incompetent to lead. Scary...

SAF chief needs to intervene...


Alfrescian (Inf)
There lies the security of having the CDF for a term of 3 to 5 years, usually about 3 years. To give up and coming younger scholar officers an opportunity to be the CDF, and possibly to prevent any CDF from building a very loyal following of officers and troops.
They also have the Gurkha Contingent to defend them and suppress any disobedient members of the SAF or any individual who is considering any step to over throw the elected government.


No picture, no sound from Singapore mainstream media about Leong Sze Hian reaching fundraising goal - The Online Citizen Asia
Singapore mainstream media remains silent over Leong Sze Hian’s crowdfunding success to raise the full damages awarded by the Singapore High Court to the Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong over the span of just 11 days.
Mr Leong, a financial advisor and blogger, initiated his crowdfunding effort on 25 March after the High Court ordered a sum of $133,000 to be pay to PM Lee for the defamation suit brought against Mr Leong by PM Lee.
Posting on his Facebook page, Mr Leong wrote, “Miracle on Easter Sunday” and noted that 2,065 had contributed to the crowdfunding efforts, raising $133,082 with the highest donation at $5,000 and the smallest at $2.91.
While Mr Leong has managed to raise the damages for the defamation suit, he still have to pay for the various cost stemming from legal cost and court fees.
The crowdfunding success by Mr Leong has sparked a lot of interest and comments by netizens and the international press. So far, media such as Bloomberg, Reuters and South China Morning Post have reported on the story.
According to Bloomberg, the Prime Minister Office (PMO) has declined to comment on the matter.
Seemingly taking the same stance as the PMO, local mainstream media such as Straits Times, Channel News Asia and the Chinese papers have not reported on Mr Leong reaching his fundraising goal.
Singapore ranks at an all-time low of 158 in the 2020 World Press Freedom Index by Reporters Without Borders (RSF).
Background of the Lee Hsien Loong vs Leong Sze Hian case
The defamation suit concerns an article by shared by Mr Leong on his personal Facebook Timeline titled “Breaking News: Singapore Lee Hsien Loong Becomes 1MDB’s Key Investigation Target – Najib Signed Several Unfair Agreements with Hsien Loong In Exchange For Money Laundering”.
The article, published by “Malaysian-based social news network” The Coverage, alleged that PM Lee had entered “several unfair agreements” with Najib Razak, who was the Malaysian Prime Minister at the time the deals purportedly took place, “including the agreement to build the Singapore-Malaysia High-Speed Rail”, according to court documents.
It is noted in Mr Leong’s submissions that he did not include any accompanying text alongside the article at the time he shared the article on 7 November 2018.
Mr Leong took down the article at 7.30am on 10 November 2018 after being instructed by the Info-communications Media Development Authority (IMDA) to do so a day prior.
Prior to his removal of the post on 10 November, the court noted that Mr Leong’s article had garnered “22 ‘reactions’, five ‘comments’, and 18 ‘shares’”.
A writ of summons was subsequently filed by PM Lee against Mr Leong on 20 November that year for defamation, on the grounds that the offending article created the “false and baseless” impression that PM Lee had misused his position as Prime Minister to assist Najib’s money laundering activities in relation to 1MDB’s funds, and subsequently insinuated that PM Lee was “complicit in criminal activity” relating to the Malaysian state fund.
On 24 March, Justice Aedit Abdullah found that the defamatory statement in the article shared by Mr Leong was worse compared to allegations made in blogger Roy Ngerng’s case.
The judge, therefore, decided to award S$100,000 in general damages to PM Lee despite the lower reach and S$33,000 for aggravated damages.
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