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Legend of the Fist is a comedy


Alfrescian (Inf)

Whilst looking at the link you gave, i came across this clip of Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan. Did not know he was an extra then. If I remember correctly I also saw a clip where Sammo Hung was an extra, but could not find the link.


For your viewing pleasure if you had not seen it before.

Sammo Hung was an extra in the opening of Game Of Death boxing ring scene. However, he was more than that behind the scenes. He was martial arts director too. Not to direct Bruce Lee of course, but to direct the others. Sammo Hung is a real pugilist. Jackie Chan is an acrobat. Most of his movies, he got Sammo Hung or one of the Yuan Piao, Yuan Hua, Yuan Kuai brothers as martial arts director too.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The Joker doesn't know his priorities. When the Japanese invaded he was busy fighting the Communist instead of the Japanese. It was only after Zhang Xueliang kidnapped him and demanded he unite with the communist to fight the Japanese that he agreed to stop. Even then he started whacking the Commies not long after while still fighting the Japanese.

Xi-an incident was a Chinese communists/Russians/Zhang Xueliang conspiracy. Zhang wanted to fight Japan to reclaim his fieldom Manchuria, CCP wanted KMT to fight Japan instead of them, Russians wanted a China-Japan war to prevent a Soviet-Japan war. Zhang was a rejected communist whose membership was personally rejected by Stalin. Xi-an incident forced KMT down the route of inevitable doomed full scale war with Japan, a war that China cannot win alone.

Chiang priorities was correct - destroying the communists first then unifying the country to prepare for eventual full war with Japan, if not CCP will just 扯后腿 throughout the war.

New Fourth Army incident 1941 (Wannan incident), the first big battle between KMT-CCP since 1937 was started by the Communists who disobeyed central govt orders and wanting to relocate their armies from Shanxi to north of Yangtze river.

don't believe any official communists history from 1930s-50s, all lies and untruths to cover up their shameful deeds back then.


Alfrescian (Inf)
i didn't know that

Unlike ancient China where anyone could wear sword or sabre in public as long as one could afford to buy it, ancient Japan had strict laws against commoners carrying weapons. Only samurai and above could. Ninja could too but they're masked assasins, when unmasked and not on mission they're not supposed to carry any sharpened metallic weapon in public. So karate (空手道)bare hands combat and kendo(剑道)swordsmanship with wooden sword developed. Nunchaku (二节棍) was one of them too.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
don't believe any official communists history from 1930s-50s, all lies and untruths to cover up their shameful deeds back then.

I've also heard alternate versions of the Xian incident from a few shanghainese (who are generally more critical of their communist rulers). Zhang xueliang was not the patriot as so many thought him to be. In the maneuver, he was a warlord prince and therefore held some chips to broker a deal with Chiang. The real mastermind was actually his friend Yang huchen. That poor guy was imprisoned by Chiang kaishek right after the Xian incident and executed before they fled to taiwan.

The same shanghainese friends also criticised Mao's strategy during the Sino-japan war. They said that it was the communists that preserved their resources against the japs, not the KMT. The reason everyone has the wrong impression was because of the poorer red army's victory over the foreign-backed KMT in '49.

See, even some PRC themselves are critical of their own rulers' war time exploits.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Unlike ancient China where anyone could wear sword or sabre in public as long as one could afford to buy it, ancient Japan had strict laws against commoners carrying weapons. Only samurai and above could. Ninja could too but they're masked assasins, when unmasked and not on mission they're not supposed to carry any sharpened metallic weapon in public. So karate (空手道)bare hands combat and kendo(剑道)swordsmanship with wooden sword developed. Nunchaku (二节棍) was one of them too.

your explaination of nunchaku not exactly correct. It orginated from okinawa, brought into japan after japan occupation of okinawa in the late 17 century. Even the name of the weapon is influence by the chinese name of the weapon. As for nunchaku as a ninja weapon, i have my doubts. Thinking of ninja, one tot of shealth, take down oppenent quickly and silently. Dont u think nunchaku a bit loud and take too much time.
nunchaku more for a peasant to use, like you said, only samurai can hold weapons, so this a weapon that wont catch the eyes of the authorities.
having said that, dont u find it very similar to the shaolin's san jie koon. which is a pole broke into three pieces and attached by a metal ring.and by the way, Ryukyu kingdom is a seperate nation and had paid tribute to the Ming Court before it was annexed by satsuma daimyo.


Chen Zhen is a real historic person lol...ur googling fails...u kenna deceive by internet lies like Bruce lee cannot fight even though one kick from him can send any person untrained to ko.

Try reading the Jinwu website for Chen Zhen.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I just watched Donnie yen's new action show yesterday. I had thought Chen zhen was shot and killed by the Japanese at the end of Bruce Lee's 1976 movie so I Googled for more info.

Turns out the character Chen zhen was created by Ni kuang, the same novelist who wrote Weisili/Wisely science fiction series. More interesting was the fact that Chen zhen has been reincarnated in several remakes, sequels and TV serials:

It really makes me wonder why we chinese are still so desperate for "face" when everyone knows what really happened during the Sino-japanese war - We got our asses kicked bad. Do we really enjoy fooling ourselves that we were not 东亚病夫 less than 100 years ago?

When the whole civilisation was besotted by corruption, betrayal and cowardice, fictional character Chen zhen walked into a dojo and single handedly defeated scores of karate exponents?

Isn't this Ah Q 精神?

How about just simply viewing it as fiction. Look the americans created captain america and hulk, superman etc etc and the japs created godzilla. All of these characters were metaphors for past US wars like the vietnam war and so on.

What does captain america signify for eg?

I am sure the americans created characters that defeated the viets instead. Don't you think so?


Alfrescian (Inf)
your explaination of nunchaku not exactly correct. It orginated from okinawa, brought into japan after japan occupation of okinawa in the late 17 century. Even the name of the weapon is influence by the chinese name of the weapon. As for nunchaku as a ninja weapon, i have my doubts. Thinking of ninja, one tot of shealth, take down oppenent quickly and silently. Dont u think nunchaku a bit loud and take too much time.
nunchaku more for a peasant to use, like you said, only samurai can hold weapons, so this a weapon that wont catch the eyes of the authorities.
having said that, dont u find it very similar to the shaolin's san jie koon. which is a pole broke into three pieces and attached by a metal ring.and by the way, Ryukyu kingdom is a seperate nation and had paid tribute to the Ming Court before it was annexed by satsuma daimyo.

my oh my how you put ramseth to shame. He has also mentioned in the past that his knowledge is not entirely accurate but he still goes ahead and posts them anyway. :rolleyes:


Unlike ancient China where anyone could wear sword or sabre in public as long as one could afford to buy it, ancient Japan had strict laws against commoners carrying weapons. Only samurai and above could. Ninja could too but they're masked assasins, when unmasked and not on mission they're not supposed to carry any sharpened metallic weapon in public. So karate (空手道)bare hands combat and kendo(剑道)swordsmanship with wooden sword developed. Nunchaku (二节棍) was one of them too.

Please don't sprout your BS here.

Kendo is a MODERN art based on Kenjutsu. The use of wooden swords has NOTHING to do with samurai and peasants.

Karate already existed in Okinawa before the Japanese annexation. Unlike the Koreans who created a "2000 year history" myth, the Okinawans openly acknowledged the Chinese roots in their fighting systems.

All those ignorant Chinese kungfu movie makers probably never realize that they are depicting Chinese Kungfu defeating Chinese kungfu since traditional karate is actually from China. The movie crowd are cheering for the wrong thing. The modern full contact Japanese styles did not exist during WWII.

And I bet you don't know one other thing... the nanchaku is from Okinawa NOT Japan.


How about just simply viewing it as fiction. Look the americans created captain america and hulk, superman etc etc and the japs created godzilla. All of these characters were metaphors for past US wars like the vietnam war and so on.

What does captain america signify for eg?

I am sure the americans created characters that defeated the viets instead. Don't you think so?

However, everyone should know that Hulk, Godzilla, etc are not real.

And the Americans did not remake Rambo killing VCs again and again and again and again. The American audience will probably get tired of watching Rambo killing VCs so many times. Strangely, the Chinese continue to enjoying watching remakes.


Alfrescian (Inf)
your explaination of nunchaku not exactly correct. It orginated from okinawa, brought into japan after japan occupation of okinawa in the late 17 century. Even the name of the weapon is influence by the chinese name of the weapon. As for nunchaku as a ninja weapon, i have my doubts. Thinking of ninja, one tot of shealth, take down oppenent quickly and silently. Dont u think nunchaku a bit loud and take too much time.
nunchaku more for a peasant to use, like you said, only samurai can hold weapons, so this a weapon that wont catch the eyes of the authorities.
having said that, dont u find it very similar to the shaolin's san jie koon. which is a pole broke into three pieces and attached by a metal ring.and by the way, Ryukyu kingdom is a seperate nation and had paid tribute to the Ming Court before it was annexed by satsuma daimyo.

Your account of first origin from Okinawa is correct. Since it's called Okinawa now and not Ryukyu anymore, it's part of Japan.

Your observation of Shaolin martial arts is also correct, but missing the reason. Shaolin Buddhist monks by religious doctrine self-imposed to practise no martial arts with sharpened metal weapons that are by definition and design meant to kill, not just self defence or healthy exercise. So Shaolin monks concentrated on unarmed combat and wooden weapons designed to defend and ward off aggressors only.

Maximilian Chua-Heng

That's a stunt double lah. Donnie Yen is notorious for using stunt doubles, like in Ip Man. Search the web and you'll know.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Bruce Lee would always be the best with five movies only:

The Big Boss
Fist Of Fury
Way Of The Dragon
Enter The Dragon
Game Of Death (lamentably he died halfway and required a double for half the movie)


Alfrescian (Inf)
However, everyone should know that Hulk, Godzilla, etc are not real.

And the Americans did not remake Rambo killing VCs again and again and again and again. The American audience will probably get tired of watching Rambo killing VCs so many times. Strangely, the Chinese continue to enjoying watching remakes.

Oh yes rambo. See the americans did create their own movie about them winning the viets despite losing the war in real life. Btw i heard there's rambo 5 recently?

Was it part 5? Other than viets who else did rambo fight? Nazis?


Ironically or perhaps an intentional jibe, the nunchaku that Bruce Lee wielded so proficiently and effectively was a Japanese weapon by origin.

And I bet you don't know one other thing... the nanchaku is from Okinawa NOT Japan.

Nunchaku was invented by the Chinese lah! Bruce Lee would not be so stupid as to use a weapon invented by the Japanese in a anti-japanese movie. If he did I don't think it will go down too well with the Chinese all over the world. And do you think he would be as popular then and now?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Ironically or perhaps an intentional jibe, the nunchaku that Bruce Lee wielded so proficiently and effectively was a Japanese weapon by origin.

eh you don't talk cock okay. Basket don't know your history and general knowledge and still dare to post.



Alfrescian (Inf)
If I'm wrong, I stand to be corrected. There's no need to get so personally obsessed with. Address the issue at hand, and in this case, I stand my ground. Nunchaku was invented in Okinawa, part of Japan, not China.


Address the issue at hand, and in this case, I stand my ground. Nunchaku was invented in Okinawa, part of Japan, not China.

I think you are standing on quicksand. I wonder where the heck you get your knowledge from. Let me explain.

Nunchaku, originally called "da pan long kun"大盘龙棍, meaning great coiled dragon stick was invented by the first Song emperor Tai Zhu, Zhao Kuang Yin (宋太祖赵匡胤).

The weapon composed of one long stick and a short stick connected by horse hair. It was commonly used in wars against cavalry to trap horse legs. The weapon eventually evolved into a short range weapon as seen in our present day nunchaku.

The nunchaks were then introduced to Japan through Okinawa by immigrants from China. The Japanese word nun-cha-ku itself comes from the Hokkien (Min Nan) word nng-chiat-kun (two-section-baton).

Another proof that the nunchaks originate from China is that it's other name in Japanese called 'Shoshikon' came from the Chinese name '哨子棍', another name used for the weapon in ancient China.

That nunchaku was copied from a Chinese weapon brought to Okinawa by Chinese immigrants was even supported by experts such as Miyagi and Ikeda.


Alfrescian (Inf)
If I'm wrong, I stand to be corrected. There's no need to get so personally obsessed with. Address the issue at hand, and in this case, I stand my ground. Nunchaku was invented in Okinawa, part of Japan, not China.

Bugger in the wrong still dare act defiant.



Alfrescian (Inf)
I think you are standing on quicksand. I wonder where the heck you get your knowledge from. Let me explain.

Nunchaku, originally called "da pan long kun"大盘龙棍, meaning great coiled dragon stick was invented by the first Song emperor Tai Zhu, Zhao Kuang Yin (宋太祖赵匡胤).

The weapon composed of one long stick and a short stick connected by horse hair. It was commonly used in wars against cavalry to trap horse legs. The weapon eventually evolved into a short range weapon as seen in our present day nunchaku.

The nunchaks were then introduced to Japan through Okinawa by immigrants from China. The Japanese word nun-cha-ku itself comes from the Hokkien (Min Nan) word nng-chiat-kun (two-section-baton).

Another proof that the nunchaks originate from China is that it's other name in Japanese called 'Shoshikon' came from the Chinese name '哨子棍', another name used for the weapon in ancient China.

That nunchaku was copied from a Chinese weapon brought to Okinawa by Chinese immigrants was even supported by experts such as Miyagi and Ikeda.

Fair enough if I've missed the part that it was introduced to Okinawa from China. No problem. Like I've said, address the issue, I stand to be corrected.