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LATEST from Hong Lim Park: Tension in the air as dark clouds gather above


This coming election, PAP may lose another 10% voters. But, hey, from 66% to 56%, they are still in POWER. What gives ??

Yes, these voters may be EYES WIDE OPEN during the election but their brains are screwed !!

My full message to the investors this evening is that now they have exhausted whatever means provided by MAS, what's next?

Two possible routes left, political pressure and class action lawsuit.

I seriously think that class action lawsuit should be the last last resort as it is time consuming, very expensive and uncertain. Most importantly, it may put us as a nation in bad light under international scrutiny.

Thus, political pressure should be next viable step, pressure them by knocking at their doors during MPS. Continue with the gatherings at Hong Lim. And most importantly, must VOTE WITH THEIR EYES OPEN for the next GE.

Goh Meng Seng


What's the point in denying that one is an opportunist when the facts at hand clearly proves that one is capitalising on it for one's own political aspirations.

And what is truly lame here, is the usage of the word "lame", once again showing inept knowledge of the English language.

Let's see if the test for opportunism works on TKL.

TKL on the one hand has nothing to gain, he is no "politician" and he is seen as truly fighting for those affected by this investment fiasco. Afterall didn't he take on his former employers, NTUC Income, when they cut bonuses of policyholders?

Where was the opportunist then? The answer - No where. Why? The answer - that bandwagon wouldn't reap as much political mileage.

Clearly we have this opportunist, going into defensive mode when called out for his true nature and then finagling his way around being called an opportunist with mere words that mean nothing.

On more than one occasion he has displayed this opportunism, for instance talking about standing for elections in Bishan-Toa Payoh right after the Mas Selamat incident (BTP is the seat for Short Ass Wong Can't Sing) and being adamant that no one else forays into this territory that he deemed sweet at that time.

Now he may claim that he may not stand for elections in the next GE, but this is all a lie and we know it.

When a toad yearns for gooseflesh, he will always try to say that he is not, but let the goose close enough and he will devour it.

Finally, this thread was started in the "friendly" part of the forum, so I will try to keep this as civil as possible.


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What's the point in denying that one is an opportunist when the facts at hand clearly proves that one is capitalising on it for one's own political aspirations.

And what is truly lame here, is the usage of the word "lame", once again showing inept knowledge of the English language.

Let's see if the test for oppotunism works on TKL.

TKL on the one hand has nothing to gain, he is no "politician" and he is seen as truly fighting for those affected by this investment fiasco. Afterall didn't he take on his former employers, NTUC Income, when they cut bonuses of policyholders?

Where was the opportunist then? The answer - No where. Why? The answer - that bandwagon wouldn't reap as much political mileage.

Clearly we have this opportunist, going into defensive mode when called out for his true nature and then finagling his way around being called an opportunist with mere words that mean nothing.

On more than one occasion he has displayed this opportunism, for instance talking about standing for elections in Bishan-Toa Payoh right after the Mas Selamat incident (BTP is the seat for Short Ass Wong Can't Sing) and being adamant that no one else forays into this territory that he deemed sweet at that time.

Now he may claim that he may not stand for elections in the next GE, but this is all a lie and we know it.

When a toad yearns for gooseflesh, he will always try to say that he is not, but let the goose close enough and he will devour it.

Finally, this thread was started in the "friendly" part of the forum, so I will try to keep this as civil as possible.



bro... in chinese history... there are no permanent enemies or friends... so if the toad can help topple pap as the single ruling party... so be it.. rather be friend with toads than devils...

PJ Boy

Clearly we have this opportunist, going into defensive mode when called out for his true nature and then finagling his way around being called an opportunist with mere words that mean nothing.

wat's wrong about being opportunistic? better a opportunist than a gong gia.


Citizens: hey why u let so many FT take away our jobs?

Pappies: people, u vote with your eye wide open.

66.6%: hey! where is our CPF money?

Pappies:U vote me in with your eye wide open. too bad my in-law made same
mistake as lehman. its official the value of CPF is zero. let move on.

Citizens: let go to HL park to demostrate.

Pappies: with 4 million people involve, i allow u to demostrate anywhere in singapore, but..... the official value of CPF is zero. so what the points?

HERO: citizens! wake up. don't wait till is too late to vote.

FT: let move on to china or india, singapore got no more mony to dig.

female Table tennis player: i now in beijing enjoying my hubby wealth n Singapore money. hahaha singapore is really a fool.


bro... in chinese history... there are no permanent enemies or friends... so if the toad can help topple pap as the single ruling party... so be it.. rather be friend with toads than devils...

Hi Beng,

I tend to agree, albeit not totally, with what you are saying. However, sometimes character counts for a lot too. One needs to be of good moral standing and of sound political beliefs, not just adept at double speak with "lalang" like tendencies and displaying know-it-all attitudes.

It is not whether one can topple the PAP but what if the ones toppling are no different from the PAP? From the frying pan to the table back on the stove again?

Anyway, the PAP will not be toppled as long as the GRC system is in place, let's not be naive. It's the people that need to say that a one-on-one, mano-e-mano contest is the only way to go.

If the PAP wins seats they can then do their economies of scale bovine excrement among the adjacent wards.

We've seen this from the toad many times, like I said in the old forum, the toad is merely yearning for gooseflesh, I'd be wary of such people bearing gifts.




I don't symphathise with these people at Speakers Corner. They are people with rich man's problems. They are rich enough to buy all these shit bonds and notes means that they have disposable income. There are many of these banks assholes who always call me to sell me some shit financial products, i always reject because i am not rich.

Instead of fighting for a better society, they are fighting for thier money back. You deserve it. Your disposable income is disposed. If they didn't lose their money, u think they will come?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
not all of them are really that rich.yes some are hard core gamblers just taking this opportunity to get the money they lost on the roulette table! some want to get their money back after losing on the poker table!

but there're certainly some genuine hardship cases who had lost their hard earned savings purely through ignorance or just to please their friends, their children or their relatives who are the hard core sellers for the banks.

i know of one pek who lost $200K .he was persuaded to part with his fixed deposit by his own daughter!!! now he had resigned to his fate. he did not go to the speaker's corner.waste of time! can't blame anybody. blame himself. you put your money on the poker table and when kena makan, you blame the dealer? or u blame the casino operator? con job or no con job, you went in with eyes wide wide open and your greed wide wide wide...


female Table tennis player: i now in beijing enjoying my hubby wealth n Singapore money. hahaha singapore is really a fool.

make that "the singapore pap are fools"... the foreigners are laughing at them and sinkees... the country is like a big brothel.. foreigners can go in freely and fuck sinkees up then leave freely... the singapore identity is dead with the present pap... and sinkees are still ignorant of this...
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Hi bro,

Glad to see you again ! Really miss your wit and humor in the old SBF.

To be fair to GMS, he did not sprout any rubbish during his speech. In fact, he was quite daring to han tam the PAP.

You can watch the videos of his speech here:


I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt for the time-being. After all, he did put his head on the chopping block.

Of course if he talk cock again, I wont hesitate to tekan him.


Yeah, I have to agree with you on this.

Politics is all about visibility and opportunism.

This is a wonderful opportunity for the opposition to raise their profile and garner support.

May I ask you as a well-known WP member, where are the WP leaders ????

Where is Low Thia Kiang, Sylvia Lim, Eric Tan, Yaw Shing Leong, Glenda Han, Petty Tong ????

Gone sleeping, missing or screw-bar diving ????

I mean if you always go MIA like this, then you can't blame the PAP for mocking you as making a cameo appearance only once in five years, right ?

I agree. Take the opportunity and let it be known that the opportunity is being taken instead of wasted. After all, 乱世出英雄. Nothing wrong or to be apologetic about. If an opportunity arise and nobody takes it, then we should worry.


Hi bro,

Glad to see you again ! Really miss your wit and humor in the old SBF.

To be fair to GMS, he did not sprout any rubbish during his speech. In fact, he was quite daring to han tam the PAP.

You can watch the videos of his speech here:


I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt for the time-being. After all, he did put his head on the chopping block.

Of course if he talk cock again, I wont hesitate to tekan him.

Hi Avantas,

Thanks for the compliment. It's nice to see you updating all of us on the continuing saga, it is surely appreciated.

It's just a matter of time before Mr. Know-it-all starts to talk cock.



God Meng Seng

Hopefully that moron, a supposedly "well-known" fat-arse whose opportunistic motives are clearly apparent, who jumped on TKL's bandwagon makes no stupid speeches again.


God Meng Seng


Alfrescian (Inf)
Hi Meng Seng,
In spite of our personal differences, I feel we can put that aside and work together for the common good at least for now.

Finally, after all the long history and postings in SBF forum, this is the right spirit and a good step towards unity. Foster it and don't let go for election is not too far away. I am looking forward to more oppositions co-operation. With combined strength, authority can than be truly displayed and peasant will fear not the current pap which is about to topple.

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
Dear Avantas,

As you know, I actually have no issue with you personally, although I do not like what you did in the past to Workers' Party. Well I will just leave the past as the past.

In fact, I think your wayang party website, apart from the insinuation of the website name put on Workers' Party, the content wise is pretty up to standard so far, as long as you keep yourself out from mudslinging WP and TOC. No one could possibly win alone in this game simply because the common opponent is more than a 100 times bigger than us added up together.

Focus and concentrate fire on the common target. We are not big enough to split and fight among ourselves. Especially so when everyone is expecting GE to be really round the corners; as early as March, I predict.

Initially I thought the Presidential Elections may come first but by the look of it now, they are likely to pull a fast one for whatever reasons.

Thanks for the video link. It is of high quality.

Goh Meng Seng

Hi Meng Seng,

The Wayangparty Club has published a video recording of your speech at Hong Lim Park yesterday and have aggregated your blog.

You can watch your video here:


In spite of our personal differences, I feel we can put that aside and work together for the common good at least for now.