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Kovan Double Murder thread


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Kovan double murder: Fighting could be heard from home

Kovan double murder: Statement by Ng Joo Hee, Commissioner of Police

July 13, 2013 - 2:10pm

By: The New Paper

Statement by Ng Joo Hee, Commissioner of Police, in connection to the Kovan murders

Today is a sad day for the Police. Today, we have arrested a murder suspect who is also a policeman.

The Police have brought into custody Iskandar Bin Rahmat (Singaporean male, 34 years), a police officer attached to Bedok Police Division. He will be charged for the brutal murders of Tan Boon Sin and his son Tan Chee Heong that happened three days ago at Hillside Drive.

I cannot remember the last time a murder suspect was also a police officer. You may have seen this kind of thing depicted in the movies and on TV, but when it happens for real, it hits you like a freight train.

After the shocking events of Wednesday afternoon, police investigators worked tirelessly around the clock to, first, identity the perpetrator, and then, to hunt him down.

When I was first told that the murder suspect could be one of our own, my initial reaction was disbelief, swiftly followed by anger and anguish.

This was the same gamut of emotions police investigators had to deal with in the last few days as they pursued the suspect. The fact that the suspect is a police officer gave my investigators even greater resolve and determination to solve this case. I commend them for going about their duties in a thoroughly professional manner, and for being ultimately successful in capturing their target.

We have now captured Officer Iskandar and we will prosecute him to the maximum extent. He is a murder suspect and will eventually receive just desserts for the heinous crime that he is accused of committing.

Officer Iskandar’s fall from grace has also brought dishonour to the 10,000 other police officers who dedicate themselves every day to protecting others, and who routinely risk their own safety to preserve those of others.

Tragically, Tan Boon Sin and Tan Chee Heong are dead. And untold grief has been brought upon their families and loved ones. Their loss can never ever be made good.

I wish that there is something the Police can do to lessen their anger and sorrow. I wish that I can turn back the clock and undo this great misfortune that has befallen upon the Tan family. But I know that no amount of commiseration or regret will lessen the hurt. All we can do is to bring the culpable to justice, and to mourn with the rest of Singapore the senseless loss of two innocent lives.

I expect that after this press conference, newspapers, TV and radio, the blogosphere, and coffee shops and sitting rooms up and down the country will reverberate with talk, comment and opinion about this tragic incident. Most of it will be an outcry critical of the police, questioning the quality and integrity of police officers. Some of it will be unthinking and plainly unfair. And still some will be deliberately malicious.

Even as we investigate the murders, the Police also look to find out what has led an individual who has sworn to uphold the law to now stand accused of breaking it in the most grievous way.

Our police force and every policeman and policewoman is tarred by the actions of this single officer. This is unfortunate, but my officers and I will take every criticism in our stride.

The public’s trust in the Police is the only reason why we are able to keep Singapore as safe as it is. This trust is hard-earned and must never be broken. And we will not allow this tragedy to adversely affect the strong bonds that we share with the communities that we protect.

Tomorrow, every police officer will still go to work fully cognizant of his and her sacrosanct mission. And every police officer will still say the police pledge before he goes on duty, and then work as hard as he can to keep Singapore safe and secure.

We are a force for the nation. And we will not be distracted, by the current unfortunate event, from continuing with our work of safeguarding Singapore.

13 JULY 2013 @ 11AM



Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Kovan double murder: Fighting could be heard from home

Kovan double murder: Statement by Deputy Prime Minister & Minister for Home Affairs Teo Chee Hean

July 13, 2013 - 2:07pm

By: The New Paper

Statement by Deputy Prime Minister & Minister for Home Affairs Teo Chee Hean, in connection to the Kovan murders

Let me first express my condolences to the family of the victims on their loss.

This case is especially troubling as the suspect is a police officer. The police informed me of this when they established his identity on Thursday morning.

The suspect in this case is a 34 year old Police officer of Senior Staff Sgt rank. He is currently in custody in Malaysia where he was arrested at 11.30pm last night after very close coordination between our two police forces over the past day and half.

We first established his identity on Thursday morning after piecing together several pieces of evidence. He had crossed the Causeway into Johor on Wednesday night.

We had not earlier released any details for operational reasons as Police assessed that there was no threat to public safety, and revealing his identity was likely to have made his arrest more difficult to achieve.

The actions that the suspect has been accused of have tarnished the reputation of the Police. His actions, if proven, have abused the trust placed in him, and betrayed his colleagues in the Police Force who serve faithfully and dutifully.

No one is above the law. Anyone who breaks the law, in particular officers placed in positions of trust or authority will have to face the full weight of the law. We have zero tolerance for officers who break the law. I am confident that the investigations will be thorough and that justice will be served.

I have asked the Commissioner of Police to tell every officer to continue to perform his duty faithfully and diligently so as to maintain the trust that the public has in the Police Force and our officers.

The Criminal Investigation Department has worked hard to crack this case, resulting in the speedy arrest of the suspect. I also thank the Royal Malaysian Police for their assistance rendered in helping us arrest the suspect. This is an excellent example of the close and deeply valued partnership the law enforcement agencies of both countries have built over many decades.

13 JULY 2013 @ 11AM



Re: Kovan 34-yr old suspected Kovan murderer arrested

His salary is easily 50k per annum, and with some discipline, paying off the debt is possible. He doesn't have a car, lives in modest hdb flat, and does not gamble and drink. The police says his debt is due domestic issue, so likely medical bills or borrowed money for a poor investment.

I think he has been introducing business to the victim, which is why he knows workshop location. Quite likely he went to see victim as last resort to borrow some money, and was rudely refused. The son likely to be bystander.

I am also very curious about the 'introducing business to the victim' part. But one thing do stand out on the type of business the victim is or rather was operating. A car workshop. Honesty is usually the least used word used to describe this business.

Unless the m&d was in a way part of those 'business dealings' and felt that the elder Tan was 'obligated' to help resolve his finanacial woes if not 'something will give way'.

If reckon that there were real threat made which the victim felt guilty and the demands from the m&d that came to the point that the m&d would go all the way to the house to extract money.

And when these were not met, the last straw broke as the m&d was on the verge of bankrupcty and could lose his job.

One thing ppl here must note about these silver serpents be they in the uniform group or not.

Losing the silver service job is almost something these serpents cannot take it.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Kovan 34-yr old suspected Kovan murderer arrested

Not could lose his job but confirm lose.
Bankrupt civil servants are all sacked or to resign beforehand.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Brother Golden Dragon, any updates on Kovan murder?

Reclassification game. Go to the Geylang and Little India. Sth almost always happens regularly but some never make it into the news nor reports. As for the non-murder stuff, it happens every day.

Suicides also not reported.
Yearly over 400 cases and rising....that's more than one a day and how many are reported in MSN?


Re: Brother Golden Dragon, any updates on Kovan murder?

Suicides also not reported.
Yearly over 400 cases and rising....that's more than one a day and how many are reported in MSN?

The fucker is even skewing data on how many ppl are really on debt and cannot repay and $8 Cow don't even want to come up front to honestly admit how many daft Sinkie have difficulty servicing their over priced pigeon hole loan.

The white scums know the average Sinkie got more loan on leverage than they can actually repay.Taking into account the death or incapacity of a bread winner or losing that sinkified job would leave these borrowing Sinkie 'dead duck on the water' to even think of repaying all those loans!

As a matter of fact , even loans to be serviced completely by one gen earlier has been passed onto later generation.

You are in for a HARD ride, Sinkies!
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Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)


Re: Brother Golden Dragon, any updates on Kovan murder?

Well i believe some cases pushed to open verdict, accidental etc
Fact is not reporting every suicide that happens and instead only the final figure 'sanitized' the issue.
Probably scare to report the reasons behind these suicides.

All these suicides work according to their GRAND plan. They look as it as undesirables getting rid of themselves.

You don't reproduce enough they replace with FT.

FT becomes new citizens and find out later that paradise was not what it was can eithier get rid of themselves the same way or kaput back home to retake their former citizenship.

You don't fall into the 'desirable category' it' s your own fault.

Too old and not enough money can eithier be exported out to JB, take your own life or be a burden to your own kids( if you have any). They recently made known to the fact that the burden of oldies must be borne by the younger gen.

How wonderful!


Re: Brother Golden Dragon, any updates on Kovan murder?

Well i believe some cases pushed to open verdict, accidental etc
Fact is not reporting every suicide that happens and instead only the final figure 'sanitized' the issue.
Probably scare to report the reasons behind these suicides.

Haha, wiggling like a worm. First conspiracy on the number, now on the reasons :smile:. Just because something is not reported doesn't mean somebody is hiding something. There is such thing called privacy, even in death.


Re: Kovan 34-yr old suspected Kovan murderer arrested

I am also very curious about the 'introducing business to the victim' part.

You are curious about a speculation that watchman8 made in his previous post? Or is there another, more credible source for that?
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Merl Haggard

Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Brother Golden Dragon, any updates on Kovan murder?


Holy shit!

The younger Tan looks 100% like Quek Leng Chan!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: Brother Golden Dragon, any updates on Kovan murder?

Just what we need....more young people killing themselves and cops doing the killing.....

This is the cornered 走头无路 syndrome.......instead of doing an arab spring they go and kill themselves by doing the hdb/mbs/mrt "spring"........

Btwwhynobody go and tell him that driving ataxi can make 7k aminth and hes tchnically a sinkapore hdb millionaire???


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: Kovan 34-yr old suspected Kovan murderer arrested

A commended policeman committing murder is just a manifest sign of a decaying society crying for help.....

He was not. Bad person but something happened along the way that caused him to degenerate to having to resor to murder in order to resolve thngs..... Its pretty grim but his side of the story will never get told....

It will be one of those typical one silly stunt led to another and he just got deeper and deerper shit ntil he cannot turn back and went all in way over his head......

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Brother Golden Dragon, any updates on Kovan murder?

Haha, wiggling like a worm. First conspiracy on the number, now on the reasons :smile:. Just because something is not reported doesn't mean somebody is hiding something. There is such thing called privacy, even in death.

Sure whiter than white transparent so clear and emperor's new clothes that's nothing to hide.
whore jinx's spectacular losses also seldom reported by our MSN or down played though they make the foreign news.....mmmm I wonder why.
Report on killer cop....his debts must specifically highlight not due to gambling...lol I wonder why.
PSI figures on haze die die cannot report hourly updates....I wonder why.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Brother Golden Dragon, any updates on Kovan murder?

Iskandar is gay? From Yahoo! News Singapore:


The full extent of the relationship between the two remains unknown, but Malaysia's New Straits Times claimed, via "an SPF source", that Iskandar and Tan Chee Heong were “romantically involved”.

"The SPF is not ruling out the possibility that this may be a crime of passion”, and with a revenge motive, the source had reportedly told the Malaysian daily.

Dark Knight

Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Brother Golden Dragon, any updates on Kovan murder?

Have been wondering why an old guy and his son just running a vehicle workshop business can be so rich?
They can have so much $$$$ to bid for all the unique number for his house unit, cars etc?
That Tan family members may be doing some sort of illegal business under the disguise of his vehicle workshop.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Brother Golden Dragon, any updates on Kovan murder?

Have been wondering why an old guy and his son just running a vehicle workshop business can be so rich?
They can have so much $$$$ to bid for all the unique number for his house unit, cars etc?
That Tan family members may be doing some sort of illegal business under the disguise of his vehicle workshop.

Oh no, someone here will say you are jealous of a hardworking man who made it big under the good pro-business PAP govt. :wink:


Brother Golden Dragon, any updates on Kovan murder?

Have been wondering why an old guy and his son just running a vehicle workshop business can be so rich?
They can have so much $$$$ to bid for all the unique number for his house unit, cars etc?
That Tan family members may be doing some sort of illegal business under the disguise of his vehicle workshop.

1) two lives are gone n you still want to rub salt on others' misfortune ....KNN

2) illegal biz??...you got proof...people got registered proper and legal workshop, workers you know..
next time want to throw stones....must AIM properly..

3) you no read papers or watch tv??...two weeks ago 1 ah neh oredi taught you how important it is to be honest and truthful when you AIM....


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Brother Golden Dragon, any updates on Kovan murder?

Have been wondering why an old guy and his son just running a vehicle workshop business can be so rich?
They can have so much $$$$ to bid for all the unique number for his house unit, cars etc?
That Tan family members may be doing some sort of illegal business under the disguise of his vehicle workshop.