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Josie Minus her Pussycats Tonight 10pm on CNA interview with Balji & Debbie Soon


if the old guard cannot rally enough women to support them, then so be it for the Christians to take over AWARE. just move on loh, they can set up their new AWARE and start all over again



AWARE cannot fall so easily. True, no doubt you can just get up and create another organization - but there is alot of painstaking work, e.g alliances, collateral, branding, etc involved, and it will take awhile before AWARE v2 will reach its current level right now.

More importantly, is that this AWARE episode will set the tone for future Christian takeovers. I have nothing against Christians if they establish or take over a group known to have Christian roots, but I will speak out if they take over a group that is supposed to be secular, and for all, and they took it over in ways that are not proper.

If a secular organization can fall to religion just like that, it does not bode well. It essentially encourages any group with motives to walk into an organization, attempt a putsch, and essentially steal the hard work done by the legacy leaders of an organization. How would you like it if you took the hard work of painting and decorating a house thinking you'll be living in it, and after you finished painting it, someone else just walks in and chase you away?

Porfirio Rubirosa

Alamak my Thread title turned out to be not quite correct...Josie did in fact turn up with one of the Pussycats...however this Pussycat appeared to be a Lioness by the name of Mo:biggrin::p...I mean going by that interview, one may have been left wondering whether Mo was President and Josie the Treasurer:rolleyes::confused:...even Debbie and Balji appeared to look confused at times, as for Loh Chee Kong, did I glimpse a cheeky smirk on his face:p

Best quote had to come from Josie though with her PR speak promo "Women under My Wings" new proposed programme...I almost heard Bette Midler when she uttered those words:biggrin:


My overall impression is that the usurpers bit off more than they can chew. I think their original plan was to take over as many ExCo positions as possible but leave the Presidency intact. This way they can manipulate their Queen ant to push their fundie agenda while they lurk in the shadows.

Like any sensible person, Ms Nazar will have none of it so she quit. This turned a fundie infiltration into a fundie takeover. Now Josie and friends have been caught in the spotlight with their panties down.

Last night's program reflected poorly on Josie. She must be the only leader in recent history who admits she has no idea and needs time to sort things out.

Porfirio Rubirosa

Quite a fair reasonable objective take on this issue...I am also curious to hear from Dr Kanwaljit Soin and Claire Chiang on this matter as both are former AWARE presidents

Aware: Too much shrieking, too little explaining
By Tan Mae Lynn

April 20, 2009

I AM woman, hear my sisters shriek. Apologies to Helen Reddy, who in the '70s, sang the inspirational and empowering line: 'I am woman, hear me roar.'

Sadly, what has been happening at the Association of Women for Action and Research (Aware) has been neither inspirational nor empowering.

It has been loud, yes, and shrill rather than resounding - with all the dignity and decorum of a cat fight.

Ladies, I am embarrassed.

And I say this of the actions of both the incoming team as well as the old guard.

It is doubtful if the events of the past couple of weeks, following the association's elections, reflect its founding goals of achieving social equality.

Both the power-grabbers and the old guard are to blame for how ugly things have become, and the less than glowing coverage Aware has attracted in the media.

First, how could the old guard not have suspected anything when their membership numbers spiked over the last few months?

Indeed, it appeared that they had not found anything amiss until one of their own was badly defeated in the election for vice-president.

It was only then that they checked and realised that an overwhelming majority of those who had turned up to vote were new members.

The old guard should reflect on whether they have been receptive to fresh ideas and open to thoughts of rejuvenating the organisation - and whether they were even (pardon the pun) aware of what was going on around them.

One cannot help but suspect they may have operated like an elitist 'old girls' club.

On the other side is a group that appears like a bunch of bullies in its bid for power.

Did they think they could grab power without having to deal with public scrutiny?

They certainly have some explaining to do, after having made such a move at a well-known, well-established organisation.

But they have said little. They haven't really opened up to queries and their two statements have not exactly cleared the air.

What they stand for

Surely, if they choose to take over such a high-profile organisation in such a dramatic fashion, they must be prepared to talk about who they are, what they stand for and how they plan to implement change.

As educated women, they should know that in any election regardless of scale, the candidates should make their views and commitment known.

In Aware's latest statement, its new president, Ms Josie Lau, asked: 'Why have some people cast aspersions on our good intentions?... Does the old guard harbour an alternative agenda? If so, they should disclose their motives and objectives fully and honestly.'

How ironic.

She and her team have not answered those questions themselves. The public have been kept in the dark about these 'good intentions'.

It would be naive to expect people to grant them full confidence without being fully informed.

I'm not a member of Aware and after this, I doubt I'll ever be one.


Tan Mae Lynn is those people who "this is fucked up lah", "that is screwed up lah" but what is she doing to change the situation? Write a fuckup article and pretend to be above all these.

These Aware women have been around for 24 years! The Christians at least dare to take over another organisation to further their cause. Juvenile journalists like Tan Mae Lynn writes rubbish and do fuck all.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I am wondering if a muslim woman or buddhist woman walked in hoping to get a listening ear but ended up these christian exco members might harbour stereotype against them and offer priority to christian woman instead?

Porfirio Rubirosa

A critic need not necessarily take action...that is not the role of a critic
Tan Mae Lynn is those people who "this is fucked up lah", "that is screwed up lah" but what is she doing to change the situation? Write a fuckup article and pretend to be above all these.

These Aware women have been around for 24 years! The Christians at least dare to take over another organisation to further their cause. Juvenile journalists like Tan Mae Lynn writes rubbish and do fuck all.



Look at my face. Does that answer your question?​

Whose face do u prefer (of u really have to choose)? Josie or......


Porfirio Rubirosa

8) SpeedWeed on TOC April 20th, 2009 12.16 am Based on the Strait TImes article, that means, the following are all attending Anglican Church of Our Saviour.

1. Josie Lau (President) and husband Alan Chin
2. Charlotte Wong (Vice-president)
3. Irene Yee (Committee member)
4. Jenica Chua (Honorary secretary)
5. Maureen Ong (Honorary treasurer)
6. Sally Ang (Assistant honorary secretary)

That is 6 posts out of the 11 posts (1 less from original line-up of 12, as committee member Josie Lau is now the President), where all the 5 decision posts - President, Vice-president, Honorary secretary, Honorary treasurer and Assistant honorary secretary are taken by the same clique.


I wonder if the 80 odd new members who suddenly turned up at the AGM to vote them in, were from the same church.

24) SpeedWeed on TOCApril 20th, 2009 9.42 am http://theonlinecitizen.com/2009/04/aware-new-president-first-interview/

21) Sarek_home.

in the second interview 3minute 40 sec to 3 min 50 second.

Apparently Josie Lau and Maureen Ong claims they did not know each other before working

but Josie Lau cut short her remark and the hosts let it past without digging further.

6 members from the same church, not a planned coup?

I say: “Holy Shit”



KOKO BEWARE : I become a titless woman that looks like any spinster participating in a equally worthless cause !


Singapore's interviews are not exactly famous for being hard-hitting. Debra Soon and Balji was hoping to lead on to more in-depth answering by Josie and Maureen, but the first question they asked had already gave them an idea of what Josie's stance was - "We are not at liberty to comment."

Essentially, this interview was a platform for Josie to say 'everything happened so fast', and that she and her new team had no time to react. It's a totally lame excuse coming from a VP of DBS.

One thing for sure, she offended the entire press corps by saying that the press did not give her and the new exco enough room to breathe.

Points of contention:

1) 'Tit-for-tat' retaliation
Indirectly insinuating that the old guard were cheesed, and sore losers.

2) She mentioned something about agenda not being ready, still needs further discussion.
Let's get this straight - you and your gang took over almost all key positions of the AWARE exco, and you all did not have a plan yet? That's like saying you went to battle without knowing what you are fighting for, or you start a business without knowing what your business model is. Be afraid, AWARE, be very afraid.

3) A total rehash of her 'too diversified, consolidate' talk
She mentioned how AWARE is now too diversified, and stresses the need for consolidation, 'like any corporations'. Well, Ms Lau, AWARE is NOT a corporation, and the reason for it being too diversified is simply because women issues ARE diversified. This is an organization that actually addresses issues for more than half of the Singapore's population! She also never gave a definition of what are the 'basic' issues - it could be the art of nappy-changing, for all you know.

4) 'Chance for civil and open dialogue' referring to the EOGM
You do not just grab power and then give chances for a 'civil and open dialogue'. If that dialogue was to take place, it should have been done prior to the election, or during the AGM. Not AFTER everything.

On a side-related note, that woman is definitely not made for TV interviews. She looked shifty, and at certain points during the interview while Maureen is talking, I'm quite sure she rolled her eyes upwards.

Maureen is like the smiling buddha, but we all know those are the most dangerous.

Great post! I think the 'corporation' approach can also be used as the alibi for cutting certain services that don't meet with their pro-family agenda--for eg, sex education provided to schools that go beyond preaching abstinence to talking about safe sex and contraceptives and which recognize different sexualities.

Maybe AWARE's role in writing the shadow report for the UN CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women) is also under threat, given their eagerness in sacking Braema Mathi as chair of the committee. Braema had been praised by UN for an earlier report for detailed work and had received specialised training for the job.


What will be truly interesting is to know the membership gains in the recent 2 weeks leading up to the EOGM. The old guard have called for old members, as well as started a recruitment drive - with the intention of outvoting (or at least scaring) the current ExCo.

We might see an influx of Christian women membership in AWARE, as they usually rally to a cause better than say, an atheist female, or a Buddhist female.

The old guard can really only hope that the old members, and the intelligentsia, will come to their aid.

Yes, we might see a sudden large influx of Christian women members at the EOGM. Would that constitute evidence that the evangelical Church is involved in supporting the new exco?


Yes, we might see a sudden large influx of Christian women members at the EOGM. Would that constitute evidence that the evangelical Church is involved in supporting the new exco?

majority of them gather at COOS, church of our saviour which is ANGLICAN. that church is also famed for a ozzie gay pastor who has a very chio daughter.

josie's prejudiced husb dr chin ostracises gay which is against what coos' effort of counselling them. as a dr, he seems to be biased without reasons.

AWARE is for women's rights. it would be priceless if one day pussy bitch josie turns her self-righteous principle against her own husband.

by the way, gay can also means LESBIAN which AWARE could be full of them.:rolleyes:

Tuna Singh

Oi, can tell about the chio daughter of gay ozzie pastor ? got picture anot :biggrin: ? Btw, why the hell the gays & lezzies got to use AWARE to champion their cause ? Why can't they form their own fucking organization ? :mad:


What is this AWARE? It is a useless organization! I hope something happens to this Josie life that will wipe her out (like her son got cancer) and she will forget about this silly catfight that she is making.

Then I can see less of her fuckface on the media.


majority of them gather at COOS, church of our saviour which is ANGLICAN. that church is also famed for a ozzie gay pastor who has a very chio daughter.

josie's prejudiced husb dr chin ostracises gay which is against what coos' effort of counselling them. as a dr, he seems to be biased without reasons.

AWARE is for women's rights. it would be priceless if one day pussy bitch josie turns her self-righteous principle against her own husband.

by the way, gay can also means LESBIAN which AWARE could be full of them.:rolleyes:


Pondan hiao cheebye chiobu leetahbar is 101% gay or lesbian because what the fucker has between his legs is still under debate!​