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Josephy Schooling to join PAP to gloss up its image tarnished by S Iswaran, Vivian Balakrishnan, Tan Chuan Jin



Joseph Schooling the politician? ‘Never say never’​


Swimmer Joseph Schooling announcing his retirement at a press conference held at the Chinese Swimming Club on April 2, 2024. ST PHOTO: KUA CHEE SIONG

APR 02, 2024

SINGAPORE - Olympic champion Joseph Schooling has not ruled out a post-swimming career in politics, saying “never say never” when asked the question during his press conference at the Chinese Swimming Club on April 2.
The 28-year-old, who won the 100m butterfly gold at the 2016 Rio Olympics, announced his retirement from competitive swimming on April 2, and plans to work in the “venture capital space” with two partners and focus on his swim school.
When asked by The Straits Times whether politics figures in his future plans, Schooling laughed and said: “I mean, never say never.
“But for right now, I am focused on the business ventures; on the personal side. If I am lucky enough one day to be in that spot, then so be it. You can’t put a limit on anything.
“But... I am very happy playing golf, my swim school, and helping my mum out at the office. It’s my turn to be a normal kid... or a normal guy.”
The former national swimmer ends his career with an Olympic gold, two bronzes at the world championships, seven Asian Games medals (three golds, a silver, three bronzes), a silver at the Commonwealth Games and 29 golds at the SEA Games.
His new school is call SINGAPur Schooling School SSS?


Alfrescian (Inf)

‘Thank you for flying our flag high’: President Tharman, PM Lee pay tribute to Joseph Schooling​


Joseph Schooling snapping a photo with PM Lee Hsien Loong and other MPs at Parliament House in 2016. PHOTO: LIANHE ZAOBAO FILE
Lin Tianbao

APR 02, 2024

SINGAPORE – Following Olympic gold medalist Joseph Schooling’s retirement announcement on April 2, tributes have poured in from President Tharman Shanmugaratnam and Singapore’s political leaders, who congratulated him on a successful career and thanked him for his contributions.
President Tharman said in a social media post: “Few dream of making it to the Olympics. Even fewer can dream of winning a gold and breaking the Olympics record, like Joseph Schooling did. But what Joseph did was show us what it means to have the hunger to excel. To go beyond what others think we are capable of. And to make our own dreams, big or small, come true.
“Thank you, Jo. Thanks to your parents, May and the late Colin Schooling. And thanks to those who coached Jo from his earliest days. Including Vincent Poon, who first taught him to swim... and to be fearless against the bigger boys.You raised us all.”

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong commented on Schooling’s Facebook post announcing his retirement, saying: “Thank you for flying our flag high. All the best for your next chapter!”
Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong wrote on social media: “Joseph has shown us that it is possible to pursue a different pathway, one based on our own purpose and interests, take pride in it, and excel at the highest levels. Joseph gave it his all, and went all the way. He made the impossible possible and became our first Olympic champion.”

Minister for Culture, Community and Youth Edwin Tong, also added on social media: “He has given us an experience we have never had – pride, honour and glory on the world sporting stage with the pinnacle of an Olympic gold, inspiring generations who follow him to aim for the same heady heights and believing in themselves.”
Noting that Tokyo 2020 “did not go as well” for Schooling after he finished last in his heat, Tong said he sat with the swimmer after the race, adding: “What struck me about him was how he took it all on, no excuses, and faced up to his failure. That is also a mark of a true champion.”

Singaporeans have also taken to social media to share their gratitude for the swimmer’s contributions to the country.
As at 2.30pm, Schooling’s post on Facebook garnered more than 400 comments and about 280 shares, while his Instagram post had more than 23,000 likes.

On Facebook, A. Thiyaga Raju thanked Schooling for putting Singapore on the world map, and said: “Enjoy a well-earned break from competitive swimming... your winning of Singapore’s one and only Olympic gold medal has left us eternally thankful and indebted.”
Another Facebook user, Antony Lou, said: “Thank you for giving the nation that one magical moment where almost all Singaporean(s)... witnessed history.
“Thank you for uniting the nation and allowing me to witness a Singaporean winning an Olympic gold medal in my lifetime, in fulfilling my dream, too, besides yours.
“All the best to your next chapter in life and endeavour.”
Earlier, Schooling told The Straits Times in an interview that taking the next step in his career is “both scary and exciting”.
The 28-year-old will now focus on his work in the venture capital space in “health and wellness, tech, and sustainability” with two partners, and his swim school, while enjoying other pursuits such as golf.


SG becomes a third world authoritarian state where well known athletes become lawmakers even when they're not equipped in any way to be a politician.
What would make it a perfect banana republic is when it's politicians start taking bribes.
Oops...it already is. Just a rich banana republic.


SG becomes a third world authoritarian state where well known athletes become lawmakers even when they're not equipped in any way to be a politician.
What would make it a perfect banana republic is when it's politicians start taking bribes.
Oops...it already is. Just a rich banana republic.
Even worse they openly bribe themselves with multi million salaries and it is actually the epitome and highest world standard of corruption.
Without shame. Nowhere in the world does this go happen.
Anyway, I wouldn't vote for Schooling if he ran for office. Clearly it would be a money grab
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